"Hmm? Is there a living person...being targeted by a ghost?"

""Go and have a look!"

Zhang Qingyuan and Zhao Jin heard the screams and immediately ran towards the source of the sound.

After running for dozens of meters, when they passed a flower bed, they saw a small yellow paper man suddenly jumped out, gesticulating with his hands and feet, describing something to Zhao Jin.

"Senior, what does this mean? Can't it talk?"

"What the hell would a paper man say? And don't try to use it for peeping or anything like that, you can't see what it sees." Zhao Jin scolded with a dark face, and then said:"Let's go! It found a living person in the room on the second floor."

After that, Zhao Jin rushed towards the wall and went straight through the wall into the room. This is also one of the advantages of the ghost, it has a built-in wall-penetrating function. Zhang Qingyuan said to the live broadcast room:"Don't think about it, my friends, this little paper man can't do anything peeping."

【You are so bold, don't slander others' innocence out of thin air. It was obviously you who wanted to peek.】

【That's right, don't throw dirty water on us】

【Add V in private chat, 500G resources for only 99. 】

This damn temptation is everywhere.

Zhang Qingyuan resisted the urge to open the private chat interface and followed Zhao Jin into the room.

The community was already very dim, and the room was even darker, but Zhang Qingyuan still saw a man in the uniform of the Law Enforcement Bureau huddled in the corner, looking at Zhao Jin in horror.

Zhang Qingyuan came in and scared him again, and his already pale face was now bloodless.

"Ghost...Ghost……"He stared at the two of them, repeating the word"ghost" over and over again, and it was obvious that his mentality had collapsed.

"Don't be afraid, little brother. I'm not a ghost.……"Zhao Jin forced a smile on his grim face, walked forward amiably and was about to comfort the man.

""Senior, if you are not a ghost, what are you?" Zhang Qingyuan's soul-searching question almost broke Zhao Jin's defense.

"Damn boy, today I……"

Seeing that the old man was about to get angry again, Zhang Qingyuan stepped forward quickly and said,"Senior, your trick of covering up the truth won't work. Watch me."

As he said that, regardless of how terrified the man was, he stepped forward, put his big face close to him, and said,"Are you from the Law Enforcement Bureau? Take a closer look, do you recognize my face?"

"Tsk, who knows you, kid? You really think you are a big shot.……"Zhao Jin mocked without hesitation.

But the moment of slapping his face came immediately.

The man was very frightened at first, but Zhang Qingyuan put his face in front of him, so he had to look. After taking a look, he immediately felt a sense of familiarity.

"You...you are Zhang Qingyuan?"

"Well……"Zhao Jin made a sound like a drake getting choked by a neck.

"Yes, I am Zhang Qingyuan. Of course, you can also call me Zhang Dare, but anyone who has used Kuaishou should know me."

Zhang Qingyuan is still confident about this. After all, since his death, he has been on the hot search list many times. Even if you don't want to see it, the Kuaishou algorithm will force it in front of you.

"I... Damn, are you really Zhang Qingyuan? Have you really come back from the underworld and come to Chunjiang Community to catch ghosts?"After confirming his identity, the man seemed to have found an ally, and the fear on his face immediately disappeared.

"It's genuine. Look at this word. Do you recognize it? I am also a civil servant in the underworld, doing the same job as you."As he said this, Zhang Qingyuan pointed to the big"bad" word on his chest and said

【Ding~, the dog successfully scanned the face】

【Am I the only one who noticed the life-doubting expression on the old Taoist priest next to me?】

【Goudadan is also a celebrity. If you encounter a ghost in the future, you don’t need to pray to the gods, just pray to Goudadan. Nickname: Kuaidou Daxian】

【Come on, Daxian!】

【Kuai Dou Da Xian…can you guarantee to make a fortune? Just consider it as expanding the business. 】

The live broadcast room started to make a noise, and for a while the four words"Kuai Dou Da Xian" kept swiping the screen.

After the man recovered, Zhang Qingyuan asked:"What happened? Are you alone? Where are the others? Are they still alive?"

Under a series of question marks, the man seemed to recall some horrible memories, his body trembled slightly, and he spoke hesitantly,"I...I don't know, Captain, not long after the captain brought us in, there was a play in the community, and then our people started to disappear."

"The person is right in front of you, but disappears in the blink of an eye."

"Then the team was in chaos, everyone fled for their lives... I, I fled here."

Although he found friendly forces, the shock tonight was too great, which has left him with a strong psychological shadow. Now his mind is probably in a mess.

Without getting any useful information, Zhang Qingyuan did not ask any more questions. Obviously, if he wanted to find other people, he had to rely on the little yellow paper man.

He turned his head to look at Zhao Jin. The old ghost seemed to have forgotten the experience of being slapped in the face just now. He walked over with an expressionless face and said:"You are lucky to live until we come here. I have to find other people now. You follow this paper man, it will take you out of this building, to the gate of the community, and wait for us there."

"Don't run around, you may not be so lucky to be found by us next time."

The man looked at the yellow paper man on the ground, then looked at Zhang Qingyuan, and asked,"Can I follow you? I'm worried about encountering ghosts on the way."

"It's more dangerous to follow us. After we find someone alive, Senior Zhao Jin and I will go to deal with the female ghost in the community."

At this time, Zhao Jin took out a folded yellow talisman, handed it to the man, and said:"Take this talisman and throw it out when you encounter a ghost. It will naturally help you block it for a while. I can also sense that the talisman is activated and will come back to save you."

After comforting the man, the yellow paper man took the man out of the room.

Zhang Qingyuan and Zhao Jin were also preparing to leave, but as soon as they came to the stairs, a vague cold and gloomy aura quietly floated in, and the dark and narrow stairwell was filled with the whimpering sound of the gloomy wind.

The atmosphere was very mysterious and evil.

Zhao Jin stopped Zhang Qingyuan who wanted to take action:"Don't pay attention to it.

It should be just a ghost that has been corrupted by the female ghost.

This level should hide from us.

If it really doesn't have eyes, I don't mind sending it on its way.


However, the ghost hiding in the dark obviously didn't give him this face. As soon as the two of them turned the corner along the stairs, they saw a ghost with a gray face, a gloomy aura, and wearing coarse clothes standing at the door of the apartment building, staring straight at the two people on the stairs.

Judging from his dress, he didn't seem to be from Chunjiang Community, or even a person who died in this era.

""Okay, kid, I'll give this thing to you. It's too cheap for me to give it to you." Zhao Jin legitimately pushed the matter to Zhang Qingyuan.

The latter curled his lips, but did not refuse. Although he had experienced Youdu and Black Soul Cliff, he had only dealt with ghosts a few times. One was the little ghost of the Wang family, and the other was the little ghost who was kicked by him at the beginning. He had a connection with the little ghost for some reason!

But this time it should be considered a normal evil ghost, and it was a love-brained female ghost.

I just don't know if this female ghost will be like the women who were scumbags in TV dramas, shouting and killing when they meet a man, and being allergic to men...

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