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Chapter 505: Is it interesting to play a monkey show? (Ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 505 Is the monkey show interesting? (Ask for a monthly ticket)

  July 20th, the 14th day of the sixth lunar month, is suitable for getting married and obtaining a certificate.

  Jiapigou today is full of festive atmosphere. The wedding of Yang Hongying and Zheng Hongqi is today.

  Early in the morning, guests from all over the world came to Jiapigou one after another.

  Mute grandpa led a group of people, and they were the first to come. Among them were Song Yizhen and several of Song Yizhen's apprentices, including the foreign apprentice Jerry.

  Big Bear is also coming, but the dumb grandpa is worried about this guy, so he doesn't take it.

  The secretary of the commune, Sun Hongtao, also led several town cadres, and came early on bicycles to help with the work. After all, many county leaders will come over soon.

   Several villages allied with Jiapigou also sent representatives to drink wedding wine.

  After these people came, they would naturally go to Liu Qingshan's house first, and they would pick up the bride here in a while. This is considered to be her mother's house.

  Liu Qingshan and Liu Jinfeng greeted the guests, as well as the fourth, fifth, and sixth sons, holding boxes of cigarettes and a plate of candies, and joined in the fun.

  The little guys are the most eye-catching, because there is a little white ape behind them, also dressed in new clothes, and holding a plate of candy in his hand.

   It's just that this guy is a bit of a sly-eyed guy. He sees that others are not paying attention, so he throws a piece of candy into his mouth.

  Er Mangzi noticed the situation and was about to shout, "Xiaobai..."

  The little monkey squeaked and ran up to him, and lifted up the plate containing the candy, and the second man happily grabbed two pieces of candy.

  There were too many people to sit in the room, so some long benches were set up in the courtyard, and everyone sat there and chatted.

  Liu Qingshan turned around, and began to yell: "What time is it, why don't you come to pick up the kiss, my old sister is waiting impatiently!"

  Everyone looked at him and laughed, and Xiao Lao Si smiled and gesticulated on his ears.

  Liu Qingshan teased her: "Today we are all family members, and I will press the sedan chair for the old lady later, and I can get a red envelope."

   "It's mine and Shanxing's!" The fourth child quit immediately.

  The wise man opened his mouth and yelled: "Boys must press the sedan chair, there is no girl who presses the sedan chair."

   Then he looked at Liu Qingshan, smacked his lips a few times: "It seems that if Qingshan presses the sedan chair, it is too big, don't collapse the sedan chair."

   It happened that Gao Wenxue wandered out of the house holding Xiao Huo, and Da Zhang Luo's eyes lit up: "Okay, it's just right for Xiao Huo to press the sedan chair."

   Now, even the youngest brother is embarrassed to compete with the eldest nephew for business.

  At eight o'clock in the morning, the sound of suona sounded outside, and the large team of welcoming relatives finally arrived.

  Everyone came here on foot, only Zheng Hongqi pushed a bicycle, responsible for carrying the bride, and went around the village.

  Although there is a jeep, their new house is also in Jiapigou, a village, so it doesn't have to be so troublesome.

   "Brother, close the door quickly!"

  The little old four took a look, and kept yelling, and they little girls blocked the door tightly.

   They didn't open the door cheerfully until the door was called and a few red envelopes were stuffed in.

   "Caifeng, Shanxing, and Yaya, why did you all rebel?"

  Zheng Xiaoxiao also followed her elder brother to pick up the bride, and began to tickle the fourth and fourth children one by one.

  Following the group of young men who were picking up the bride, they shouted: "Look at the bride, look at the bride!"

   After finishing speaking, everyone rushed into the house in a swarm, and Yang Hongying was sitting on the kang wearing a bright red dowry.

  Yang Hongying, who is usually full of heroic spirit, has her hair curled up high, her face is shy and pretty, and she has a special charm.

   Sure enough, the old saying: The bride is the most beautiful.

   "Wow, the bride is so beautiful!"

   There was a sound of praise in the room.

  The youngest fourth also proudly added: "Of course my elder sister is beautiful!"

  The groom, Zheng Hongqi, greeted the elders one by one. He also looked extraordinarily energetic today: he was wearing a neat Chinese tunic suit, and the leather shoes under his feet were black and shiny.

  With a mature and handsome face, filled with infinite joy and happiness, it really matches Yang Hongying.

  Yang Hongying's grandma took her granddaughter's hand and sent it to Zheng Hongqi, then patted the back of Zheng Hongqi's hand:

   "Hongqi, I'm handing over Hongying to you!"

   One sentence, Yang Hongying's eyes turned red, Li Niang's tears finally fell down one by one.

  Lin Zhi raised her hand, took the handkerchief, and gently wiped the corners of her eyes twice: "They are both good children, and we will cherish each other from now on, and join hands for a lifetime."

  These words made everyone's hearts tremble, and a warm feeling surged in their hearts.

  Suddenly, a small brain with antenna braids squeezed between Yang Hongying and Zheng Hongqi, and shook twice:

   "One is called Hongying, the other is called Hongqi, a pair of red!"

it is good!

   There was a burst of applause in the room, and everyone praised that the fourth child can speak. In this era, the word "red" still holds a very heavy weight in people's minds.

  Everything was fine at first, but there was a voice that ruined the atmosphere:

   "Hey, tell us to see, what kind of dowry did your natal family send you?"

  Actually, it’s okay if you’re joking, but the tone of voice is a bit weird, which makes you uncomfortable.

  Liu Qingshan followed the sound and looked, it turned out to be Zheng Hongqi's aunt Wang Suyun, also Zheng Yong's wife.

  This aunt's natal family is also powerful, so Zheng Yong has to give way at home.

  After coming to this small mountain valley, Wang Suyun looked down on it a little bit, showing her identity as a big city person everywhere.

  Anyway, she stayed here for a few days before leaving, and as an elder, no one knew her as well.

  Even Shan Xing felt that these words were a bit harsh, so she squeezed in, then silently stretched out her small hand, and pulled out a jade pendant from under Yang Hongying's neck, which shone brightly.

  Wang Suyun chuckled: "I thought it was some kind of treasure, the texture is too bad, is it carved out of stone?"

   This means she can't be a human anymore.

   When she thought about it, the daughter-in-law married by the Zheng family had to set the rules before entering the house, otherwise it would not be the same in the future?

  The little old four couldn't help being angry: "This is an ancient Hongshan jade. It was worn by our ancestors thousands of years ago. It is so precious. My brother sold it to the islanders, and a piece of jade cost ten thousand dollars!"

   There were exclamations all around, the dowry of 10,000 US dollars, really few people can come up with it.

  Wang Suyun also felt a little hot on his face, as if he had been slapped by two little girls.

  But after all, she has seen some things in the world, so she quickly grabbed her little feet:

   "How can such a treasure be sold to the islanders? If it was put in the past, it would be considered a traitor!"

   These words were a bit cruel, and even Zheng Yong behind him coughed twice, reminding his wife to pay attention to the occasion when speaking.

  Nephew's big day, don't make anyone unhappy.

  But Wang Suyun is usually used to being domineering, so of course she doesn't care about it. Instead, she looks around with a sullen face. Her intention is to suppress her natal family.

  Shan Xing finally spoke: "Auntie, the ones my brother sold to the islanders are all fake. By the way, they are called fakes. The islanders have no eyes, so they sold them at a high price."

  After speaking, she hugged Liu Qingshan's arm, her small face was full of pride.

  Zheng Xiaoxiao finally couldn't help it: "Auntie, this is absolutely true. Look, I also have this kind of Hongshan ancient jade."

  She also brightened the jade on her neck, and then, the four children, the fourth, the fifth, and the sixth, all smiled and followed suit, showing off their own jade.

   Everyone was a little terrified: If they bought all of them, how much would they be worth?

  Wang Suyun was also a little speechless. She wanted to shut up, but couldn't swallow it. She always felt that if she didn't overwhelm these little girls, these natal families would not be able to go to heaven in the future.

   Rolling her eyes, she immediately had another excuse: "What is something that everyone has, what kind of dowry?"

  Yang Hongying couldn't stand it anymore: You are an elder, is it interesting to play a monkey show here?

  So she stretched out her hands to Zheng Hongqi: "Hongqi, I want to go to the ground."

  On her snow-white wrists, she was wearing a pair of jade bracelets, which were crystal clear and emerald green, adorning her whole body even more radiantly.

  Yang Hongying looked at Zheng Hongqi shyly: "It's the jadeite bracelet that Lin Niang gave me, is it pretty?"

  Zheng Hongqi was also suffocating, but Wang Suyun was an elder, so he couldn't contradict him face to face.

  Hearing what Yang Hongying said, she quickly replied with a smile: "Bracelets are beautiful, and people are even more beautiful."


   Immediately there was a burst of laughter in the room, and the girls and boys all followed suit.

  Wang Suyun also knows the goods, and when she saw the pair of bracelets, she knew they were treasures, so she finally closed her mouth tactfully.

  The atmosphere finally became festive and cheerful again. The young people were noisy and there were some small shows. Zheng Yong pulled his wife aside and complained in a low voice:

   "Today is a day of great joy, don't overdo it, why are you so disobedient, Suyun?"

  Wang Suyun snorted coldly: "If you can give me a pair of bracelets like that, of course I will be obedient."

   Well, it’s my own fault, which made Zheng Yong feel so depressed.

  Finally, after making a fuss for a while, Zheng Hongqi left the house with Yang Hongying on his back, slowly put his wife on the rack of the bicycle, then rode on the bicycle energetically, and went for a circle along the Jiapigou avenue.

   Followed by a large group of children, shouting as they ran: "Pick up the bride, pick up the bride!"

  The rest of the people don't have to follow, just walk to the new house, just a few steps away.

  The little fourth and fifth children held Xiao Huo's hand, and asked Liu Qingshan: "Brother, what's wrong with Xiao Huo?"

   "Just go there and get the red envelope, and ask Uncle Zhang Luo to ask for it." Liu Qingshan was in a good mood, so he gave them advice.

   Regarding Wang Suyun's performance just now, he didn't pay much attention to it: why bother to care about irrelevant people?

   Besides, if the fourth and fifth are involved, they can even out the opponent, and it is simply not his turn to be the main player.

  As for the biggest hero, of course he is. Liu Qingshan is not stingy at all to his elder sister, and gave him jade bracelets early on.

   Otherwise, Wang Suyun might really despise her today.

  When everyone strolled to the new house, Zheng Hongqi came back with Yang Hongying in high spirits, and firecrackers were set off at the door, crackling loudly.

   "Your wedding is more lively."

  Victor is also a little envious. Western-style weddings are more of a sacred ritual, but they are not grounded enough.

  As for later, many young people also held Western-style weddings. If you say you don’t have that belief, isn’t that bullshit?

  Maybe both are foreigners, so Jerry followed Victor and the others, and this guy also nodded vigorously: "When I get married, I will do the same."

  Victor waved his hand: "You and Leo are okay, but I can't."

  They communicated in unproficient Chinese, and everyone was very happy to hear it.

  Liu Qingshan came over to greet them: "Don't look at the excitement, hurry up and go with the ceremony, otherwise the seats will not be allowed to eat!"

   These foreigners didn’t know why, so they really followed him to the next door to write the gift account.

  Rural weddings usually have to be occupied by neighbors.

  Actually, it was Liu Qingshan who was in charge of writing the ceremony account, so he came here early.

  My family members don’t need to accompany the gift, so Liu Qingshan first wrote Victor’s name, and then smiled and reached out to him for money.

  Victor didn't understand the rules either: "Liu, how much do you need?"

   "This is different. It mainly depends on the distance of the relationship. If it is better, you can be more casual."

  Is that so, Victor nodded, expressing his understanding.

  He pondered in his heart: Liu Qingshan is the most important partner, and if Liu's sister marries, it should be regarded as a relatively close relationship.

  So he took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket, all in one hundred dollars, counted out ten, and put them on the table.

   Partnering with Liu Qingshan, the person who is responsible for collecting the money is the accountant car owner, and he was immediately fooled: so much money!

  Uncle Boss still knows US dollars, and one piece is worth more than three yuan. Isn’t this more than three thousand all of a sudden?

   "Qingshan, really accept it?"

  Uncle Boss doesn’t dare to call the shots, the money is a bit too scary.

   "Put it away, Victor is the big boss, he doesn't care about this small amount of money."

  Liu Qingshan leaned on the owner's ear and whispered something, and then the owner cheerfully put the money in his pocket.

  When doing business in the village, he is usually responsible for collecting money, but this is the first time he has collected US dollars.

  Liu Qingshan also put pen to paper for Victor.

   Then Leo and the others were not as rich and powerful as Victor, so they only took a hundred dollars.

   This is not a lot. Usually, when holding a wedding in the countryside, the accompanying gift is only three or five yuan.

   There were other people in the room who came to accompany the ceremony, and they were all amazed. It was probably the first time they had seen such a big gift.

  However, the Jiapigou Cooperative has regulations. For weddings and funerals, it is to collect money, basically five yuan per family, and no more than ten yuan at most.

   Not long after, there were guests from outside who also came to accompany the ceremony, including cadres from the commune, some leaders from the county, and some heads from various units and enterprises, many of whom were old acquaintances of Liu Qingshan.

  Seeing the eye-catching 1,000 yuan on the top of the account, everyone who saw it couldn't help being stunned: This is too much!

   "Brother Qingshan, it seems that foreigners are rich." Director Yuan of the brewery couldn't help but sigh with emotion, then took out a card of great unity and handed it to the owner of the car.

  He also saw that the county leaders in front all got ten yuan, so he didn't want to pay more.

  Liu Qingshan said with a smile while writing the account: "Brother, we have started running and moving forward, and we will soon catch up!"

   This makes sense, and everyone nodded.

   However, among this group of people, there was a deputy county magistrate Li who raised his brows a few times and thought to himself: Does this count as making money by holding weddings?

   No, I have to remember these, and then respond to the above, maybe I can replace it.

  Liu Qingshan and the others didn't know that in the joyful atmosphere, someone had already started to have a wrong mind.

  (end of this chapter)

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