Hello 1983

Chapter 506: nomination certificate

  Chapter 506 Voting Certificate

  At noon, the wedding banquet began, and the middle-aged and young men in the village got busy, carrying large square plates on their shoulders, and serving food next to the table.

  The wine and dishes are really rich, including chicken, duck, fish, mountain delicacies and game.

  The leaders from the county also secretly praised: It is indeed a 100,000-yuan village, what a big deal.

  Liu Qingshan held a wine bottle, accompanied the bride and groom, and toasted table by table.

   This first wave is mainly foreign guests, and most of them have to rush back after dinner.

   "County Zheng is young and promising. Our Bishui County, under the leadership of Secretary Wang and County Mayor Zheng, will definitely get better and better, and become famous all over the country like Jiapigou."

  Deputy County Mayor Li has a good eloquence, and he has a set of toasts.

  This table is full of county leaders, and Secretary Wang is also present.

   Zheng Hongqi said politely with a smile on his face: "The main thing is that everyone will work together. Come, let me offer you a toast, and wish our Bishui County a better and better tomorrow."

  The next table is mainly the heads of those factories and enterprises. This table is more casual, talking about blessings.

  Looking at this couple, they really look like a couple.

   Actually, it can’t be said that, Yang Hongying is now the most outstanding female entrepreneur in Bishui County, her business has gone out of the province, and she has even gained some fame in the whole country.

  At the next table, Victor and his group were sitting. Besides, Gao Wenxue also accompanied Writer Lu, sitting at this table.

  In addition, Song Yizhen and several of his disciples were also sitting at this table. Of course, the dumb grandpa was also pulled to this table.

   They are literati, and they are still not used to getting together with those officials.

   "Brother Wang, why don't you have a wedding wine?"

   Zheng Hongqi also knew the identity of Writer Lu, and he still admired it, so he followed Gao Wenxue and called Brother Wang.

  Writer Lu waved his hand: "The doctor said my liver is not doing well, so I'm not allowed to drink alcohol."

  Beside Yang Hongying, smilingly handed over a cigarette and helped to light it. Writer Lu still had a great addiction to cigarettes.

   "That's right, you can ask my master to see your doctor. He is a great doctor on Hong Kong Island, known as Song Yizhen."

  Jerry is blunt and proud.

  Song Yizhen waved his hands again and again. With the dumb grandfather in front of him, he dare not say that he is a great doctor.

  Liu Qingshan just smiled: "It happens that my master is here, after dinner, ask him to help Brother Wang take the pulse."

  Beside Gao Xuexue, he introduced to Writer Lu in a low voice. After learning that he was the heir of the King of Medicine, Writer Lu nodded repeatedly.

  The 50,000 yuan bonus, he still felt unreliable, but if he could see a doctor here, it would be a worthwhile trip.

  The dumb grandfather also agreed a little bit. He also respects people like writers.

  In a sense, they are actually the same people, and they have far more attachments to the beliefs in their hearts than ordinary people.

   At the next table, Liu Qingshan saw Cui Minhao and several leaders of their food factory.

  I have seen it when I was writing the gift account just now. Cui Minhao is also a big spender, and also represents the company, with a thousand dollars.

  Zheng Hongqi said a few polite words, and then suddenly realized that Chen Dongfang was also present, looking at him and Yang Hongying calmly.

   Seeing Zheng Hongqi's gaze, Chen Dongfang nodded, with a faint smile on his face, and said sincerely:


   One sentence, Yang Hongying and Zheng Hongqi's hearts suddenly became clear.

  Liu Qingshan, who was pouring wine next to him, hurried up and filled Chen Dongfang's glass: "Brother Dongfang, welcome to this wedding."

  Yang Hongying's heart knot was also completely untied at this moment, and the smile on her face was equally bright: "My childhood brother Dongfang is back again!"

   Not only her, but why not Chen Dongfang? His knots also disappeared when he sat on the wine table.

  Yang Hongying’s eldest brother, Yang Hongjun, was accompanying the guests at this table. He finally showed a relieved smile on his face, and kept saying:

   "This is the best, come on, have a good drink today!"

   "Brother, you are accompanying the guests, so don't drink yourself too much first." Yang Hongying cast a reproachful glance at her brother.

  Yang Hongjun laughed: "It's okay, I'm happy today!"

   After respecting the table, Liu Qingshan smiled at Chen Dongfang: "Brother Dongfang, you are not allowed to leave after drinking the wedding wine."

  Chen Dongfang understood, and nodded with a smile: "If every meal is filled with such good wine and food, I'm really reluctant to leave."

  Continue to walk around from table to table, and when Liu Qingshan and the others finish toasting, some guests have already finished eating, and they began to leave one after another.

   Wait until the first round is finished and the dishes are cleaned up before starting the second round.

  The second round was more casual, all the folks from Jiapigou, there was no need to talk about the rules, and the wine table became more lively.

  Liu Qingshan found a table at random, ate a few bites, and then went to the village, where several people were waiting for him.

   Chen Dongfang, Cui Minhao, and Victor were all present.

   "I'll talk to Big Brother Dongfang first, and you guys drink tea first." Liu Qingshan said hello, and followed Chen Dongfang to the grandfather's room next door.

  Poured a cup of tea for Chen Dongfang, and Liu Qingshan said cheerfully: "Now that the past has been cleared up, Brother Dongfang, we can cooperate in depth in the future."

  Chen Dongfang was also very happy: "So, Qingshan, are you really ready to take over the investment from the islanders?"

  Liu Qingshan nodded, then shook his head:

   "That's just a small part of our cooperation, Brother Chen, my plan is to fully merge your company and industry with our Longteng Company and Jiapigou Cooperative."

  Chen Dongfang was also taken aback by what he said, and looked at Liu Qingshan seriously:

  This young man's situation is so big, it seems that he always took the lead in the past, and it is not wronged at all.

  So he took a sip of tea lightly: "I would like to hear more about it."

   Liu Qingshan followed up and said: "Our two companies overlap in many industries, and this is the opportunity for the merger."

   "Of course, this is not the most important thing. What I value most is you, Big Brother Dongfang."

   "It's easy to get a thousand soldiers, but hard to find a general. Longteng Company lacks a leading figure like Big Brother Dongfang right now."

   "You also know that although Little Fifth Brother and the others are loyal, they are still lacking in ability and cannot stand on their own."

  Chen Dongfang smiled and waved his hands: "With Brother Qingshan at the helm, how can I be brave when I am defeated?"

   This is definitely not a compliment, but Chen Dongfang's feeling.

   Otherwise, how could someone so proud of him take the initiative to seek reconciliation?

   Here, Liu Qingshan had a huge influence on his decision-making.

   "Brother Dongfang, my business is not limited to Longteng's family. Even Longteng's current focus has shifted from Heihe to the entire Eastern Europe. Xiaowu and the others are currently investigating there."

  Liu Qingshan knows that it is not an easy task to recruit Chen Dongfang, but Chen Dongfang is definitely a leader who can stand on his own, so he must convince the other party.

  Chen Dongfang was also lost in thought. To be honest, he was really shocked in his heart.

   Originally thought that Longteng's border trade on the Heihe side was flourishing, and after a few years like this, it was conservatively estimated that he could accumulate a wealth of over 100 million.

  But he never imagined that they have already quietly moved to seek greater development.

  International trade, going abroad, on a bigger stage, to meet greater challenges and have greater opportunities, isn’t this exactly his wish?

  The reason why Chen Dongfang chose to cooperate with the islanders at the beginning was also in his heart.

   Now he understands that this path is obviously unworkable: people can choose to cooperate with you, and they can also abandon you at any time.

   On the other hand, Liu Qingshan obviously has more courage than him.

  Looking at the young and handsome face in front of him, Chen Dongfang felt very complicated, and began to struggle in his heart.

  He regarded him as retiring from the army because he was indeed stimulated by Yang Hongying, but since he entered the business world from a melting pot, he certainly hoped to make a difference.

   After two years of tossing, although he has made some achievements, he is demanding. He always compares himself with Liu Qingshan, and feels that he is far inferior and lags behind in everything.

   This was a big blow to Chen Dongfang, who was extremely proud in his heart.

  Of course he refused to admit defeat, but he also knew in his heart that it would be quite difficult to catch up with the young man in front of him.

  Because the opponent was at a strategic height, he was completely crushed.

  This kind of disbelief and admiration are intertwined, forming a very complicated feeling. Even he himself feels a little confused, not knowing where the road is.

   Now that he listened to Liu Qingshan's suggestion, he suddenly had a feeling that he could see the light of day: since someone can guide the direction, why not cooperate?

   After pondering for a while, the tea in front of him was cold, so Chen Dongfang picked up the tea bowl and drank it down:

   "Qingshan, if it's convenient, can you tell me about your layout in Eastern Europe."

  Is this tempting?

  Liu Qingshan was also moved in his heart, and then said calmly: "There is nothing to hide about this. Big Brother is too busy to take care of himself. The countries in Eastern Europe are naturally full of chaos. This is a good opportunity for us to enter."

   "My initial idea is to ship the daily necessities and other commodities produced in our country to Eastern European countries for sale by sea."

  Chen Dongfang immediately raised his hand: "Excuse me, where is Longteng's profit point? I can't exchange those Eastern European currencies back, right? It's useless?"

   "There are two ways to earn benefits."

  Liu Qingshan raised two fingers, "One is to exchange for commodities and resources that are lacking in the country, such as steel, machinery, or cars."

   "The other is to use the wealth accumulated by the company to directly acquire local industrial and mining enterprises."

  Chen Dongfang frowned: "It's all public ownership over there, how can it be possible to sell state-owned assets?"

  Liu Qingshan smiled: "I guess, the Eastern European countries will soon change the sky."

  Hearing what he said, Chen Dongfang suddenly remembered something, and said with a smile: "Qingshan, is it really possible for the drastic changes in Eastern Europe mentioned in your three prophecies to happen?"

  If that's the case, the benefits here are simply too great. From ancient times to the present, taking advantage of the fire and looting will make a fortune.

  Liu Qingshan smiled without saying a word, just looking at Chen Dongfang quietly.

  Chen Dongfang was a little excited. He stood up and walked slowly in the room.

  For him, this is an extremely important choice in his life, so Liu Qingshan is not in a hurry, he is already very confident.

  Because Chen Dongfang is also a very ambitious person, the bigger the stage, the more suitable he is.

   "Okay, Aoyama, I promise you!"

  Chen Dongfang finally stopped in front of Liu Qingshan, with a determined and excited expression on his face. This kind of challenge was the biggest attraction for him.

  Good boy, if you can’t walk in the battlefield, then gallop in the mall!

  Liu Qingshan stood up, stretched out his right hand, and hit Chen Dongfang's palm hard in the air:

   "I can assure you, you won't regret it in the future!"

   With a crisp sound, in this ordinary room in Jiapigou, two men used their determination and trust to open a new chapter for Longteng International.

   "Well, Brother Chen, you don't even ask about the salary and conditions, just agree to me like this, aren't you afraid of losing money?"

  Liu Qingshan was joking. He really admired Chen Dongfang's determination. After all, the other party's property, combined, was several million.

  Chen Dongfang waved his hand: "Since we trust each other, do we still need to care about these details?"

  He knows that Long Teng can make a profit of tens of millions in half a year in Heihe, which is really not short of his several million.

  Of course, Liu Qingshan is not a person who is greedy for petty gains: "Brother Chen, my idea is this, it is better for you to enter Longteng in the form of holding shares."

   "Otherwise, I really don't know how much I should pay you a month."

  If you want to cooperate for a long time, the best way is to own shares, so that you can treat the company as your own business.

   Of course Chen Dongfang is satisfied with this, he is not short of money, of course he also hopes to become a shareholder.

  Liu Qingshan told him about the current equity distribution of Longteng Company. Xiaowu, Hou San, Zhang Long and other parties all hold 7% of the shares, and the remaining 51% belong to Liu Qingshan.

  At the beginning, Xiao Wu and the others all invested 200,000 yuan in shares, accounting for 7% of the shares.

  However, from time to time, Longteng is no longer comparable to what it used to be, and has already reached tens of millions, so the stock value has also risen accordingly.

  With the current 200,000 yuan, it would be nice to be able to account for 1% of the shares.

  After discussion: Chen Dongfang decided to transfer Hualong Instant Noodle Factory to Uni-President Instant Noodle Factory;

  Transfer the contracted Laoye Ridge to Jiapigou Cooperative.

  In exchange for 10% of Longteng's shares, obtained from Liu Qingshan's shares.

  However, there is still a problem here, that is, part of the funds for the Hualong instant noodle factory and the contracted mountain forest are foreign capital, which needs to be filled by Liu Qingshan.

  Based on the ledger, Chen Dongfang paid nearly 3 million yuan in exchange for 10% of Longteng's shares.

  What Liu Qingshan got was a complete instant noodle factory and a forest of more than 4,000 mu in Grandfather Ridge. Both parties were happy.

  But Liu Qingshan has to pay an additional part of the investment of the islanders, which is 3 million.

  However, Liu Qingshan can still get the money. It’s just that Mitsuigi put him together with Bishui County in the wild vegetable purchase project. Liu Qingshan also thinks that he should respond.

  So he smiled and said to Chen Dongfang: "Brother Chen, then go talk to the islanders, and cut them in half, 1.5 million, and see if we can negotiate."

   "Brother, you are ruthless, haha, this is your usual style, you dare to ask someone for 10 million pounds with a broken flag!"

  Chen Dongfang was also very happy, smiling happily.

  Liu Qingshan also blinked: "I can't help it. If I come forward, I'm afraid that those islanders will be jealous. If they see me angry, they won't do anything for any money. That's no fun."

  Chen Dongfang didn't have any psychological burden to squeeze the little devil's wool:

   "Okay, brother Qingshan, don't worry, I will definitely discuss this matter, even if I join the gang, what about the certificate of registration?"

  Haha, the two looked at each other and laughed.

  (end of this chapter)

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