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Chapter 507: There is true love in the world (ask for some monthly tickets to keep warm)

  Chapter 507 There is true love in the world (ask for some monthly tickets to keep warm)

   Sending off the high-spirited Chen Dongfang, Liu Qingshan also felt relaxed, and if he could recruit Chen Dongfang into his team, then Longteng would definitely be like a tiger with wings added.

  Next, it is time to talk about the business of exporting mountain products. Liu Qingshan is going to talk with Victor and Cui Minhao.

  Because there are still some differences between Asians and Europeans in terms of eating habits and tastes.

  For example, black fungus, Europeans and Americans generally don’t like to eat it, it must be said that it feels like eating rubber.

   South Koreans and islanders are more influenced by Chinese traditions, and have the custom of eating fungus since ancient times.

   To put it bluntly, it’s just a matter of habit.

  When Liu Qingshan returned to the conference room, he saw Cui Minhao respectfully taking a book from Victor, which was the new book The Da Vinci Code.

  On the title page, there is Victor's signature.

   Seeing Liu Qingshan, Cui Minhao also showed joy, bowed to Liu Qingshan and said: "Liu, my friend, it is really unexpected. It turns out that you are still a writer. Please sign for me."

   "It is so precious to get the signatures of two authors at the same time!"

  Looking at his excited face, he must have been fooled by Victor.

  Although Cui Minhao is also a relatively good businessman, compared with profiteers, there is still a gap.

  Liu Qingshan had no choice but to take the pen, wrote down his name, and said to Cui Minhao:

   "Let's get down to business, Mr. Cui, you must know that the island country has stopped buying wild vegetables, right?"

  As soon as it came to official business, Cui Minhao put the book away, and then nodded: "Liu, the islanders are shameless, they don't even have the spirit of contract, they are extremely shameless."

  The two countries, for some reasons in history, also do not deal with each other.

   Given this opportunity to attack the opponent, Cui Minhao would certainly not be polite.

  Liu Qingshan waved his hand. They were scolding all over the place, which didn't make any sense: "I will naturally ask for an explanation about this matter in the future. In fact, I am also a narrow-minded person."

  Those two thought that Liu Qingshan was joking. After all, the island country is now in full swing, and it is the second largest economy after the United States. How can you shake the other side with your own strength?

   "We have had friendly cooperation on morels before, and the two of you also know that the quality of the mountain products produced in our mountain is absolutely excellent."

   "I invited the two of you here at the same time. I didn't mean to invite the two of you to bid maliciously, and the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit. I want everyone to sit together and discuss the distribution of mountain goods. I hope you can understand."

  Liu Qingshan talked eloquently. What he needs now is a long-term cooperation, not a one-off sale. Therefore, this negotiation must try to ensure that the interests of both parties are reflected, otherwise, it will definitely not last long.

  Cui Minhao and Victor both nodded together, and they both understood.

  Before this, they had thought about this in their hearts, but now that they saw Liu Qingshan being open and honest, they were completely at ease,

   "Liu, we are all true friends, thank you for your trust."

  Victor also said sincerely that he and other business partners can play tricks and tricks, but in front of Liu Qingshan, they never engage in such tricks.

  The reason is very simple, all these things about him were instructed by Liu Qingshan, just like the old Chinese proverb says: Lu Ban is playing with a big axe.

  Although Victor can use this sentence, he still hasn’t figured it out: What does Luban do?

  Cui Minhao thought the same thing. Speaking of which, the cooperation between their company and Bishui County has always been very successful.

  Whether it is cooperative production of carrot juice or export of loach, considerable profits have been obtained.

   It was precisely because of this that he gained the trust of the old president and was promoted quickly in the company.

  So he has a lot of affection for this place in Bishui County, and he is stationed here for most of the year.

   And all these cooperations, in the final analysis, were facilitated by Liu Qingshan with his help.

  Whether it is a relationship of interest or friendship, in short, he is very willing to cooperate with Liu Qingshan.

  Seeing that both parties expressed their views, Liu Qingshan continued: "That's it, the prices of all kinds of mountain products are still according to the original prices set with the islanders."

   "The only point that needs to be emphasized is that the prices of goods are increasing all over the world, so the price of mountain products must be raised by a few percentage points every year. Is this okay?"

  The two of them nodded together. Since it is a long-term cooperation, it will definitely involve this point.

   Moreover, Liu Qingshan did not intend to slaughter them. According to the current price, they also have a lot of room for profit.

  When Victor and Choi Min Ho sat here, they thought it would be a tough and long negotiation.

   But unexpectedly, Liu Qingshan's straightforwardness and sincerity made the negotiation extremely easy. The negotiation was over before a cup of tea was finished.

  The rest is the share of mountain goods, how to divide it.

   This is nothing to do with Liu Qingshan, Victor and Cui Minhao share the cake.

  The three parties are quite satisfied with this cooperation: First of all, the wild vegetable factory will not suffer losses because of the withdrawal of the islanders.

  If the wild vegetable factory can operate normally, it will directly affect the interests of many villagers. Everyone can still rely on mountains to eat mountains, earn some hard money, and it is not a small amount of money.

  This is exactly what Liu Qingshan values. Otherwise, with the current ability of Longteng Company to attract money and the benefits of instant noodle and ham sausage factories, he really doesn't care much about the income of Shanhuo.

  The ancients said: If you are poor, you will take care of yourself alone, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world.

  Liu Qingshan can’t benefit the world at the same time, but he can benefit himself, and at the same time benefit more people, why not do it?

   After drinking another cup of tea, Cui Minhao asked Liu Qingshan for a large pack of herbal tea, and then excitedly returned to the county seat to report the situation to the company.

   Most of the shares he got were black fungus, and a small amount of wild vegetables and mushrooms. The overall situation was quite satisfactory.

  You must know that the brand Jiapigou Wild Vegetable Factory is already well-known in island countries and South Korea.

   At the beginning of the establishment of the factory, Liu Qingshan paid more attention to the brand effect, and the benefits of this have been gradually reflected.

   Otherwise, this cooperation will not be so smooth.

  Victor will stay for a few more days to see if he can get some more dry goods from Liu Qingshan.

  Although the new book has just started to be sold, Victor has absolute confidence in the sales volume: it is safe to exceed the previous big ship.

  In fact, as long as he does not write this password too badly, the sales will definitely be guaranteed. After all, it was the top-ranked work in the US best-seller list that year.

  However, the popularity of a book can last for several years, so Liu Qingshan will definitely not cooperate with Victor to write a book for the time being.

  His interest turned to another aspect: to ask Victor to find a good translation team, and then first sell the two books, Ordinary World and Big Brother-in-Law’s Desire.

  If the effect is good, he can start the follow-up plan: to promote China's ancient history and splendid culture to the world.

   For a country and nation to be recognized, apart from force, it is culture.

  So Liu Qingshan is also preparing to start the cultural invasion plan at the right time.

  Cultures from other countries can invade China, why can’t Chinese culture be exported?

  Liu Qingshan strolled back home, the lively wedding and banquet were over, and everyone was a little tired from all the tossing, so they all rested and chatted at Liu Qingshan's house.

  When he entered the room, the dumb grandpa had just finished taking the pulse of Writer Lu, and was gesturing with his hand.

  The fourth child, the fifth child and the sixth child acted as translators.

  Actually, at the beginning, Writer Lu’s liver disease was not too serious. This kind of chronic disease is most suitable for seasoning with traditional Chinese medicine.

  It’s just the dumb grandfather gesticulating and saying: Writer Lu is exhausted and needs to rest for a while. It’s best to stop writing.

  Writer Lu became anxious when he heard it. Now he has just finished the first part of The Ordinary World, and there are two follow-up parts, so he must work hard.

   In this matter, no one can persuade you. If you don’t ask him to create, Writer Lu dares to fight you with his life.

  Liu Qingshan knows that in his previous life, Writer Lu wrote this book at the cost of burning his life. Is it necessary to repeat such a tragedy?

  As for Gao Wenxue, he didn't persuade him at all. He is also the same kind of person. If this kind of thing happened to him, he must have the same attitude.

  However, he still said to the dumb grandfather: "Then can you think of a compromise method, creating while maintaining your body?"

  Liu Qingshan was also moved in his heart: "Our nursing home will complete the first phase of construction before winter this year, and you can live in it. It happens to be clean and perfect for creation."

  The subsequent second and third volumes are already well known, so there is no need to go to the coal mine to experience life and the like, and you can write books behind closed doors.

   Writer Lu has no objection to this. His current request is very simple, as long as he can be asked to write a book.

  Finally, everyone's eyes focused on the dumb grandfather, as if they were waiting for his verdict.

  The dumb grandfather's face was also rarely dignified. Originally, his face was full of joy and joy, and that incomparably indifferent smile disappeared.

  It was the first time for Sun Xiaoya to see her grandpa so serious. The little guy couldn't help but hugged his grandpa's arm, raised his face, and looked at the dumb grandpa timidly.

  The little face that was originally quite happy was also nervous.

   I have to say that there is still a lot of fate between people.

   Just like Sun Xiaoya, although she is still young, but in nature, she is very similar to the dumb grandpa.

   On this point, whether it is Liu Qingshan, Li Tieniu or Gao Feng, there are natural differences.

  The dumb grandpa raised his hand and gestured slowly. This time, Liu Qingshan came to translate, because the little ones were too young to understand some things.

   "It's not impossible to write while resting. However, the heart is the first of the five internal organs. Once damaged, it will definitely affect the lifespan of a person. This cannot be restored by the power of medicine and stones. The ancients paid attention to cultivating the heart and cultivating the nature."

  The people in the room were suffocating, especially the elderly Liu Shikui and Professor Wang.

  The older you get, the more you can feel the value of life.

  Leverage your youth, cherish your time when you grow old.

   Gao Wenxue asked tremblingly, "How much damage will this cause?"

   His heart was already full of turmoil. Thinking about the past two years, whether it was his wife or mother-in-law, all his family members had paid great attention to his diet and daily life.

  Three meals a day, balanced nutrition, and forced him to go for a walk every day.

  If it wasn't for this, wouldn't his body have collapsed long ago like Brother Wang?

  The dumb grandfather gestured again: "It's hard to say, it varies from person to person, and there are many factors such as living conditions and self-exercise, but ten or eight years, it is certain."

   "Mister, this is enough!"

  Writer Lu's face is indifferent. Since ancient times, no one has died, and he can accept the reduction of ten or eight years of life span with peace of mind.

   Liu Qingshan also felt relieved: Compared with the original, Writer Lu died young at the age of forty-two or three, it is indeed a hundred times stronger.

   Others admired Writer Lu's calmness.

  Liu Shikui stood up, walked to the front, and patted Writer Lu on the shoulder: "This is the real people's writer!"

   Everyone kept nodding along, and then the old man spoke again: "My child, from now on, treat Jiapigou as your own home!"

  There is true love in the world.

  Writer Lu was also very moved. He pushed up the glasses vigorously with his hands, and the eyes inside couldn't help being a little wet.

  Liu Qingshan also felt that it would be better to arrange the award presentation earlier so that Writer Lu could feel at ease.

  With the 50,000 yuan bonus, his wife will no longer file for divorce.

   Poor and lowly couples are always sad, so Liu Qingshan will not naively resent others.

  Some things can be solved with money, that's the best.

   It just so happened that reporter Lu Xiaofeng also rushed over to attend Yang Hongying's wedding. Once everyone researched it, they might as well hold the awards ceremony tomorrow.

  Looking at the grass-roots team of the Jiapigou Literary Award, Writer Lu secretly sighed, reckoning that the 50,000 yuan must be worthless.

  In the evening, a group of young boys and girls in the village strolled towards the new house.

  The bridal chamber still needs to be noisy, that is, to make it lively, otherwise, it will be deserted, just the bride and groom, staring at each other, which is not the case.

   "Brother, let's go, let's go to the bridal chamber."

  The little fourth and fifth brothers each grabbed one of Liu Qingshan's arms and wanted to pull him too.

   "You guys go, I have to prepare for tomorrow's awards ceremony." Liu Qingshan patted the heads of the two little girls, making an excuse.

   Then he warned again: "Don't fool around with me."

  Xiao Lao Si nodded: "Shan Xing and I just monitor those who make trouble in the bridal chamber, and don't allow them to go out of line."

   Liu Qingshan also laughed: With these two little girls, it is estimated that the bridal chamber will definitely not be noisy.

  As soon as the fourth and fifth children left, Lin Zizhou and He Min came together. These two days were busy with their marriage, and they didn't have time to sit and chat together.

   "Qingshan, why don't you pay attention to the matter of the advertising company? Tell me, what should you do about the Olympic advertising?"

  He Min was not polite, and asked straight to the point.

  I have no experience in this kind of thing, and I don’t even know how to operate it. I don’t know anything at all.

  Liu Qingshan smacked his lips: "The fourth and fifth have just left. Auntie, you should consult with their two small shareholders."

   "Let's get down to business."

  He Min smiled tensely, what to discuss with the fourth and fifth children, discuss playing house?

  Liu Qingshan said seriously: "Auntie, I have paved the way for you a long time ago. I have a business partner, that is the Cui Minhao I introduced to you yesterday. He is from South Korea."

   "It just so happens that he is going back to China soon, so you take a team to follow him. He will do his best to assist with the matter over there."

  He Min was overjoyed immediately: "I knew Qingshan, you must have a solution."

  Liu Qingshan waved his hand: "Mr. Cui can only be responsible for matchmaking. As for the follow-up procedures, you have to follow the formal way."

  He Min immediately showed a confident smile on his face: "As long as you take out the magic weapon of three-sided flipping, you will definitely subdue all the demons and ghosts from all walks of life!"

  Liu Qingshan also wanted to laugh: It seems that the influence of the TV series Journey to the West this year is really great.

  (end of this chapter)

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