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Chapter 508: have a sense of ceremony

  Chapter 508 There must be a sense of ritual

   For the Jiapigou Literary Award, the location of the awards must of course be located in Jiapigou.

  Actually, according to the meaning of the county cultural and sports bureau, it was to be held in the county seat, but Liu Qingshan did not agree.

  If it is not the capital or a big city like Hujiang, then there seems to be no big difference between Bishui County and Jiapigou.

   Whoever gets the money has the final say, and the county can only give up, but the leader of the Cultural and Sports Bureau still took the initiative to apply to participate in the award ceremony.

  Even Secretary Wang was persuaded and excitedly wanted to attend such a grand event.

  Liu Qingshan quickly called Secretary Wang and explained the stakes.

  As soon as he heard that this might be a powder keg, Secretary Wang gave up the idea of ​​presenting the award.

  In fact, even Zheng Hongqi and Liu Qingshan would not ask him to join in, so as not to cause any negative impact.

   What about the 50,000 yuan bonus? In this era where the per capita annual income is about 1,000 yuan, such a huge sum of money may cause some kind of trend?

  As for Jiapigou and Liu Qingshan, they are not afraid: the old party secretary is the most grassroots cadre, where can they be demoted?

  Even if he is not a village cadre, he is still the leader of the Jiapigou Cooperative, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

  So on the day of the awards ceremony, apart from a few leaders from the county culture and sports bureau, there were no more official people.

  Even the commune’s propaganda committee members were blocked by Liu Qingshan, so as not to be implicated.

  As for the leader of the Cultural and Sports Bureau, he was not invited, but forced to come, so Liu Qingshan can't help it.

   But there were quite a few people who participated in this ceremony. Almost all the villagers in Jiapigou were present.

  The site was set up in the courtyard of the village, and cheerful music was played on the loudspeakers.

   A temporary rostrum was set up at the front, and a few tables were moved from the school. At first glance, it was a grass-roots team.

  Media representatives, besides the reporter Lu Xiaofeng sent by SJ City, are the two reporters from the county TV station, who have also been to Jiapigou many times before.

  One of them is responsible for taking pictures, and the other is responsible for video recording, and they are more conscientious.

   Also invited to attend the ceremony were Mr. Song Lao, a representative from Hong Kong Island, and his disciples.

  French best-selling author Victor and his assistant Leo.

   There is also Choi Min-ho, a representative from South Korea. Together, they form an international delegation.

  These few foreign faces made the Jiapigou Literary Award a sudden upgrade, which is a bit international.

   "Liu, it would be great if your Jiapigou Literary Award is an international award, and I will definitely sponsor it."

  Victor feels that Liu Qingshan's narrow nationalism is a manifestation of the spirit of internationalism, and must be criticized.

  Liu Qingshan's eyes lit up: "Okay, if you are willing to pay for sponsorship, then ours will immediately become an international award!"

  Victor combed the corners of his hair with his hands, and said unhurriedly: "If it can be named, I will sponsor all of them."

   "That's not necessary, it's sunny here, you'd better find a cool place to stay."

   Before Liu Qingshan could make a statement, Captain Zhang categorically refused.

  Victor didn’t know the profoundness of Chinese, so he thought it was because he was afraid that he would be exposed to the sun, so he kept thanking Captain Zhang.

  At nine o'clock in the morning, the awards ceremony officially began.

  Although it is a grass-roots team, there are still necessary procedures.

  The first item on the agenda, all stand up, raise the national flag, and play the national anthem.

   Immediately, the majestic national anthem resounded in the audience, and the children especially sang it vigorously.

  They have learned it in school, and the village primary school holds a flag-raising ceremony every Monday.

  The second item on the agenda, the old branch secretary announced the list of winners.

  The list is very simple, just the name of Writer Lu, but it is quite formal.

   Below is the signature of the recommender. If you don’t know how to sign, you can print your fingerprints. There are several long rows of villagers from Jiapigou.

   The list of winners was read in less than three seconds, but the recommenders below took several minutes to read.

  This is also what Liu Qingshan meant. After all, everyone gets the money, so they have to blend in anyway, which is a bit of a ritual.

   "Hey, the money is not in vain, I still read my name just now."

   Zhang Ganzi is grinning. Every day at noon, he also likes to listen to the ordinary world on the radio.

  Beside Da Zhang Luo curled his lips: "What's so happy about this, everyone's name is there."

   Zhang Ganzi broke up with him: "That's not the same, Da Zhang Luo, didn't you realize that I am very similar to Sun Shaoan in it."

   There was a burst of laughter around, and Zhang Dashuai spoke out:

   "If Sun Shaoan is like a bear like you, then this award will not be awarded!"

  Everyone burst into laughter again, and Zhang Ganzi also blushed anxiously: "What's wrong with me, I even appeared in the People's Newspaper!"

   Captain Zhang next to him was quite fair, so he defended Zhang Ganzi: "Our Ganzi has been good for the past two years. We watched movies in the past two days. Our cow is 100 years old. I think it looks like the pole inside..."

   "The cow is a hundred years old!" Zhang Ganzi was also happy from ear to ear.

  Captain Zhang shook his head: "It's not Niu Baisui, but Tian Fu, the lazy man inside."

  Zhang Ganzi blushed immediately, and finally said: "Captain, believe it or not, I am also holding a big rock and smashing your pot."

   "You learn something better!"

  Captain Zhang gave this guy a hard look, and then heard the old branch secretary in front of him read his name.

   "Comrade Zhang Guofu, village head of Jiapigou, please present certificates to the winners!"

  Captain Zhang immediately squeezed cheerfully to the front, rubbing his hands in excitement.

   Then, from the hands of the two little guys, the fourth and the fifth, they took a large frame with both hands, and inside was a certificate of award that had been written long ago.

  On the rostrum in front, the leader of the County Cultural and Sports Bureau was a little unhappy: This Jiapigou doesn't understand the rules, shouldn't someone have a high official position and who will present the award?

  But how did they know that this was Liu Qingshan's intention to protect them, and if there was any disturbance in this matter, they would have nothing to do with it.

  Writer Lu also received the certificate from Captain Zhang in a bit of bewilderment, and shook hands with Captain Zhang.

   As expected, he won a certificate of merit, but this really can't help him change his current situation.

  The villagers in the audience were quite enthusiastic and clapped their hands vigorously.

  Especially those little children, they are all envious. As soon as they are due, they are looking forward to receiving a certificate.

  The awards ceremony continued, and the old branch secretary also read slowly: "Next, I will present commemorative medals to the winners."

  The fourth and fifth children came to the stage again. They held a plate together, and the plate was covered with a red flannel.

  The old branch secretary uncovered the velvet cloth, and saw a golden object in the middle of the plate. It was a round medal, about the size of a child's fist.

  The medal is relatively thick, with an animal carved on it, with its head up and its tail up, majestic and majestic, it looks like a dinosaur.

  The old branch secretary continued: "This is the symbol of our Jiapigou, Qingshanlong, and it is also the one of our Jiapigou Literature Award..."


  The little old four next to him whispered a reminder.

   "Yes, it is a mascot. I hope that the award-winning writers will all become dragons!"

  The old branch secretary picked up Qingshanlong's medal with both hands, and then looked at Writer Lu with a smile.

  This medal was specially designed by Liu Qingshan by Zhang Shuzi.

  Writer Lu stepped onto the rostrum again, feeling helpless and moved.

   After all, if one's work can be recognized by others, no matter who the object is, it is something to be proud of.

   "Writer Lu, congratulations, this mascot is very heavy, you must keep it well." The old branch secretary also shook hands affectionately.

  Writer Lu was busy shaking hands with his right hand, while holding the medal in his left hand, he felt his hand sink and almost fell to the ground.

  He also sensed something was wrong, weighed this heavy medal, and then froze: This thing is actually gold!

  Of course it is made of gold, and it weighs nearly 300 grams. Even at the current price of gold, it is worth more than 20,000 yuan.

  The old party secretary continued to present awards: "Comrade Liu Qingshan from Jiapigou is invited to present bonuses to the winners!"

   The applause below broke out again, this time it was also exceptionally warm.

  The old branch secretary knocked on the microphone again: "Because the bonus is a bit too much, no cash will be distributed, and it will be distributed in the form of a passbook."

  Those people on the rostrum were completely disappointed: there was nothing wrong with them at all.

  Liu Qingshan also walked to the stage, picked up a passbook from the tray carried by the fourth and fifth children, and showed it to everyone:

   "The bonus is RMB 50,000."

"it is good!"

  The villagers below applauded in unison, and then they all began to applaud enthusiastically. After all, each of them had a share of the money, so they all felt honored.

  The leaders on the stage were also taken aback: What, so much money, is it real or fake?

  Writer Lu was also there in a daze. The gold medal just now had already surprised him enough. He never expected that there was really a bonus, and it was really 50,000 yuan.

  Is this real? It’s not a dream, is it?

   "Brother Wang, accept the award, this is your honor, and no one else can take it away."

   Liu Qingshan looked at Writer Lu in a daze, and could not help calling him.

  Writer Lu came back to his senses, walked up to Liu Qingshan, stretched out slightly trembling hands, and took the passbook.

  Look at the number above, yes, it is really 50,000 yuan.

  In an instant, all the hard work, all the suffering, and all the injustices disappeared in this moment.

  Money rewards are not what he wants, but what he needs most!

   With this money, he can create with peace of mind and finish the trilogy.

   With this money, he can maintain the stability of the family and fulfill the responsibility of a husband.

  With this money, he can create more works...

  Amidst the warm applause, the voice of the old branch secretary sounded again: "Now, the award-winning Lu writers are invited to deliver their acceptance speeches. Welcome!"

  The applause was like a wave, and Writer Lu finally woke up. He raised his arm, waved it around, and said loudly:

   "Thank you folks in Jiapigou, thank you everyone."

  "Before I got this passbook, I was always skeptical, because this bonus is indeed a bit too much, so much that people can't believe it."

   "But I believe it now. Thank you folks for your encouragement. I will continue to work hard and write more and better works to repay everyone."

  Speaking of it, Writer Lu is not very good at words, but his mood is very agitated now, and there are some words that he can't vomit quickly:

   "I especially want to say that writers are human beings, and they also need to live, eat and drink, so I am especially grateful to the Jiapigou Cooperative for giving me such great material support."

   "Please rest assured, I will definitely turn these into spiritual motivation and produce more and better spiritual food!"

   "I'm so emotional right now, I don't know what to say, I just want to send this sentence to everyone."

   "Work like a cow, dedicate like the land!"

  Lu writer bowed his thanks.

  The extremely simple words echoed in everyone's heart. The farmers present all nodded vigorously, and they most recognized this sentence.

  Zhang Ganzi's heart was also touched. Didn't he rely on labor to change from a lazy man to a model of hard work?

  I saw him waving his arms vigorously and shouting excitedly:

   "It's still a writer's level. I used this sentence, and it's my inscription, that's right, the epitaph!"

  Beside Zhang Xiaoman quickly reminded: "Father, it's a motto, and the epitaph is engraved after death."

  The scene was silent, and then a burst of laughter broke out.

  Zhang Ganzi snapped his eyes hard a few times: "It's okay, it's used anyway. When you're alive, use this as your motto, and when you're dead, use it as your epitaph!"

   This time, everyone didn't laugh any more, but looked at Zhang Ganzi with some respect.

  Liu Qingshan was also very uneasy: Isn’t this the power of literature?

   "It's really a worthwhile trip, it's so touching!"

   Lu Xiaofeng was also deeply infected, her eyes were all red.

  After she decided to go back, she must write a report to promote such a meaningful event.

  Among the crowd, a childish voice suddenly sounded:

   “I want to be a writer when I grow up!”

  I saw Er Mangzi waving his little arms and shouting excitedly.

  The other children were also infected, and they all yelled: "Yes, we all want to be writers!"

  The old branch secretary was also very pleased, and gently stroked Er Mangzi's little head with his hand:

   "Good boy, I've really grown up, study hard, and in the future, like Writer Lu, I will write good books that are loved by ordinary people!"


  Er Mangzi nodded vigorously: "I still have to make a lot of money!"

  Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed in good faith together. They all understand now: writers are also human beings, and they also need money.

   In less than half an hour, the simple award ceremony ended.

  However, the impact on the folks in Jiapigou is extremely profound. They have witnessed the power of literature together.

   It is the children who have the greatest impact. A precious seed is planted in their hearts.

   Sooner or later, it will take root and sprout and grow into a towering tree.

   Everyone gathered in the compound of the team headquarters, unwilling to leave for a long time. Taking this opportunity, Yang Hongying also had something to announce, so she stood in front of the microphone and tapped lightly a few times.

   "Haha, the bride has something to say, everyone listen." Someone yelled.

  Yang Hongying blushed slightly, and bowed first: "Thank you for attending our wedding yesterday, and there are so many people who have given away money, Hongqi and I are deeply grateful."

   "However, there are a few foreign friends who have a relatively large amount of gift, and we deserve it."

   "So I discussed with Hongqi and decided to donate the money to the nursing home in our town to improve the lives of the elderly. Thank you everyone, I'm done."

   After bowing again, Yang Hongying hurriedly stepped down from the stage.

  Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they didn't know who took the lead in applauding. Soon, the applause rang out.

   Zhang Ganzi looked enviously, and yelled: "After two days, my wife will have a baby. If you take eggs or something to breastfeed, I will donate them all to the nursing home..."

   Just as he was talking, he saw the captain’s aunt running over in a hurry:

   "Gaozi, you are still talking nonsense, your wife is about to give birth!"

  As soon as Zhang Ganzi heard it, he turned around and ran away, shouting while running, "I'm going to be a father again, don't forget to get your milk."

  (end of this chapter)

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