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Chapter 511: The united battle in the instant noodle market (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 511 The Unified War in the Instant Noodle Market (seeking a monthly pass)

  To tell the truth, Zheng Hongqi is still very kind and caring about comradeship. For a bracelet worth 15,000 yuan, Comrade Li only asked Comrade Li to pay 10,000 yuan.

  Comrade Li took out the savings of 1,000 yuan at home, borrowed another 1,000 yuan from relatives and friends, and repaid 2,000 yuan first.

  The remaining IOUs are probably enough for him to tighten his belt and pay for it for several years.

  The most important thing is that his reputation is bad, and everyone knows that he is the one who made troubles, and he ended up stealing chickens and losing money.

  Now it's not about the rice eclipse, even the rice bag is put in.

  For a while, Comrade Li's glorious deeds were spread as jokes in Bishui County.

   Zheng Hongqi, on the other hand, seemed to be a blessing in disguise. The matter of the donation was published in the Songjiang Daily, and the leaders of the city also appreciated this talented, capable and well-established young cadre.

  In addition, someone from the upper echelon took the opportunity to spread the word that the city has already begun to investigate Zheng Hongqi, and it is estimated that there is hope for promotion.

  Liu Qingshan is also in a good mood. Chen Dongfang has successfully purchased the shares of the island investor, and the final price has been lowered to 90 million yen.

  Fujita Shoichi and others also left Bishui County in despair. Here, they did not get what they wanted.

  Whether it’s treasures hidden in the mountains, or resources or money, in the end it’s all in vain.

  As for Mitsuki, he didn't show up at all, so he didn't have the face to come.

  This beam is completely settled.

  Liu Qingshan didn't care too much about this either. As the saying goes, shopping malls are like battlefields, and there is never a shortage of swords and swords. He will definitely not be polite when we meet next time.

  The brand of Hualong Instant Noodle Factory was removed immediately, and replaced with the signboard of the branch of Uni-President Instant Noodle Factory.

  Looking at this scene, Chen Dongfang felt a little complicated, but thinking that he was about to go to a foreign shopping mall and step into a bigger stage, he let go of the reluctance in his heart.

  The equipment and employees of the branch factory are all ready-made, and the production process of noodle cakes is similar. With a little adjustment, the production can be smooth. The key is the vegetable package and sauce package.

  After adding several production lines here, the general factory can basically satisfy the markets of the three provinces here.

   In addition to this, a small part can also be exported to the Soviet Union.

   That’s right, Uni-President instant noodles are now an export product anyway.

   After the branch factory was formally incorporated into the Uni-President Instant Noodle Factory, Yang Hongying and Liu Jinfeng also seemed extremely excited.

  The two sisters stood beside Liu Qingshan, one on the left and the other on the right, looking at the newly changed signboard happily: "Sanfeng, we finally drove the little devil away!"

  Liu Qingshan also wanted to laugh: Look at the posture of these two big sisters, as if after eight years of the War of Resistance, the little devils were completely driven out of China.

  So he said with a smile: "Don't be proud, the Anti-Japanese War is over, and there is still a civil war."

  Of course the two sisters knew what he was talking about. The next plan for Uni-President Instant Noodles is to enter Jiangnan and become the real industry leader.

   Just when Uni-President Instant Noodles quickly occupied the northern market, an instant noodle food factory also rose rapidly in the south of the Yangtze River.

  According to the information collected by Yang Hongying, Liu Qingshan learned that this certain master instant noodle food company was founded by the four Wei brothers from Baodao.

   It's just that it was a few years earlier than in the previous life, and the center of gravity was also placed in the south first.

  Speaking of which, it was the Wei brothers who saw Uni-President Braised Beef Noodles in an advertisement, and then keenly seized the business opportunity, quickly built a factory in the south and put it into production, thus successfully occupying the southern market.

   The reason for this is that Uni-President’s production capacity is insufficient, and the second is that the territory is too large, which leads to the market being too large.

  Although it is a matter of the future for a certain master to be injected by the island country Sanyo Pharmaceutical, Liu Qingshan knows this history and has secretly made up his mind to drive out foreign capital.

  If you have money and earn it yourself, why do you ask foreign capital to take away the real money?

  Liu Qingshan called this: the united battle in the instant noodle market.

  When Yang Hongying and Liu Jinfeng heard this, their blood boiled with excitement: "Sanfeng, we will definitely win!"

  Although the two sisters are confident, the specific strategies and tactics depend on Liu Qingshan.

   Several people returned to the main factory from the branch factory and went directly to the new product research and development workshop.

   Entering here, everyone couldn't help sniffing their noses a few times, and there was a sour smell in the air.

   To open up the southern market, it is obviously not enough to rely on only one flavor of braised beef noodles, so some time ago, we have started to develop a new flavor: Laotan pickled cabbage noodles.

  Nowadays, the production and processing of instant noodles is still in its infancy, so Liu Qingshan is only enriching the taste.

  He knew that the Wei brothers were very united and tenacious. This was destined to be a long and arduous battle, so those secret weapons had to be drawn out bit by bit.

   "Uncle handsome, Master Fan, how is the result?"

  Liu Qingshan saw Dashuai Zhang and Director Fan leading a few people to work, so he greeted cheerfully.

  The combination of these two is also very interesting, a combination of soil and foreign.

  Dashuai Zhang is an ability that has been honed in practice, and he is the most down-to-earth.

   And food like instant noodles needs this style.

   Director Fan has a relatively high level and is familiar with the tastes of southerners, so he can increase the upper limit.

   This pair of research combinations can just complement each other.

   "It's almost there. I'm just not used to eating sauerkraut in the south. I always feel that it's not as tasty as the sauerkraut we pickle in winter."

  Dashuai Zhang took a towel and wiped the sweat from his bald head.

  Director Fan waved a folding fan slightly, and shook it slowly: "This is the difference in region. The sauerkraut in the north is also not used to the southerners."

   "So we need to study more varieties according to the different tastes of people from all over the world."

   This makes sense, and everyone in the room nodded.

  Liu Jinfeng was also inspired: "Then here, can we study chicken stewed mushroom instant noodles?"

  Liu Qingshan also nodded with a smile: This is really possible.

   While talking, someone brought over several bowls of instant noodles. After opening the lid, the heat was steaming, and then a hot and sour smell wafted out.

  Yang Hongying took a deep breath, her face refreshed: "Well, it smells good, this sour smell makes people quite appetizing!"

  And Liu Jinfeng frowned: "It tastes weird, Hongying, you like sour things so much, it can't be..."

  It's only been a few days since we got married, how can it be so fast.

  So of course Yang Hongying didn't agree, and started to expose her old background. In this regard, Liu Jinfeng really had something to say, and the two sisters started chattering.

  Liu Qingshan calmly picked up a bowl of noodles, picked some noodles, the noodles were firm, took another sip of soup, hot and sour and refreshing, then nodded:

   "It's really good, as long as it tastes like this, let's finalize it."

   In fact, it is just a matter of adding a sauerkraut bag, which is not that complicated.

  The two elder sisters next to each other had had enough trouble, they all tasted the noodle soup, and they all agreed, so they discussed together about building a factory in the south.

  The first branch factory in the south was decided to be built in Hujiang, after all, this is the largest city with convenient transportation.

   And it is best to build a ham sausage factory together.

  At present, Uni-President Foods has sufficient funds, and it is no problem to build several branch factories.

   "Then I will leave for Hujiang tomorrow, and first determine the location of the factory. Jinfeng, you are in charge of the production line. Are there four enough for the time being?"

  Yang Hongying really has a vigorous temperament. Now that the matter is confirmed, she is in a hurry to go out.

  The branch factory in Jinmen was run by her alone, so she has more experience.

   In the end, Liu Qingshan stopped him: "Old sister, don't worry, your honeymoon is not over yet."

  Liu Jinfeng also said: "How about I go to develop the market over there, Hongying, you will work here at home for two years?"

   After finishing speaking, she glanced at Yang Hongying's belly. The subtext was naturally that Yang Hongying was getting old, so she should have a baby first in the past two years.

   "Time waits for no one. The later we pass, the stronger the foundation of others will be, and the more difficult our competition will be."

  Yang Hongying still has a bigger picture.

  Liu Qingshan thought about it for a while, and then said: "That will have to wait until after the honeymoon, old lady, don't worry, my notice will come down by then, and I will go to Hujiang with you."

   "Sanfeng, it would be great if you could go!"

  Yang Hongying also let out a cry of joy, going to Jiangnan, she is unfamiliar with the place, and her competitors are also very strong, so she also feels a lot of pressure.

  But if Liu Qingshan stepped forward, then she would have a complete confidence in her heart.

  So the matter was settled like this, Liu Qingshan went home and waited for the notice at ease.

   When they were having dinner at home, Liu Qingshan brought up the matter, saying that he would go to Hujiang after a while.

   "Brother, my fifth brother and I are going too!"

The little fourth raised her palm anxiously. She and Shan Xing are on summer vacation, so of course she wants to go for a stroll, although her knowledge of Hujiang is only on toffee, and by the way, she also has a watch .

   "Caifeng, don't make trouble, your brother is going to Hujiang for business."

  Lin Zhi told Xiao Lao Si beside him.

  Liu Qingshan noticed that when his mother mentioned Hujiang, her voice trembled.

  At this time, grandma suddenly said: "Zhi'er, why don't you go for a walk with Sanfeng?"

   "Okay, okay!"

  The little fourth child clapped his hands first, because if the mother went, she and the fifth child would definitely be able to go too.

  In people's cognition at that time, apart from the capital, the big city was Hujiang.

  Liu Qingshan is not as young as the fourth child, he suddenly felt that there must be something going on here.

  Lin Zhi raised her hands to straighten her hair at the temples, then shook her head with a smile: "Mother, I still don't want to go, some things, the past is the past."

  Grandma and grandpa Liu Shikui looked at each other, then continued to eat with their heads down.

   Liu Qingshan found that the smile on his mother's face was actually more of melancholy.

  After dinner, Liu Qingshan strolled around the village, and then went straight back to his grandfather's house.

  Grandpa, grandma, and grandma Qiuju are taking care of Clivia in the garden.

   Large and small, more than a dozen plants have been bred.

  Although the value of Clivia has plummeted now, this does not prevent the elderly from loving Clivia. In their hearts, these flowers are priceless.

   "Sanfeng, I really have to thank these Clivias. The change of our family situation started with them." Grandpa Liu Shikui was also quite emotional.

  Liu Qingshan also nodded: "The more flowers bloom, the better life will be."

   "That's the reason."

  Liu Shikui straightened his back and beat the back twice with his hands, and then saw a red shadow flashing at the gate, and the fire fox strolled in slowly, raising its bright eyes, looking this way.

   Then he stood up, leaned on the window sill, raised his little paw, and slapped the window twice, making a crackling sound.

  The fourth and fifth children who were watching color TV in the room immediately ran out happily and got some food for Firefox.

   Then he brought grandpa Liu Shikui's wine bottle and poured half a bowl of wine for Firefox.

  Liu Shikui just watched quietly, and suddenly sighed: "It's a pity, if your father still..."

  Grandma quickly interrupted Grandpa: "Old man, don't talk about these useless things all day long. It's almost seven o'clock, go inside and watch the news."

  Liu Qingshan was also heartbroken, and then asked: "Master, grandma, there are some things, I can't ask my mother directly, should you tell me about it?"

  Grandma raised her hand and patted Liu Qingshan's head lovingly: "Our Sanfeng is now a young man, and can support our family. You should know about those old things."

  So the two old people sat in the yard, slowly recalling the past time.

   After listening, Liu Qingshan wiped his wet eyes:

   "I said how come I haven't seen any relatives from my grandma's house for so many years, but after all, blood is thicker than water. It's been so many years, and I should let go of what happened back then."

  Liu Shikui patted his grandson on the shoulder: "We are all old, and we can't move around. It's up to you. In fact, your mother is still quite lonely. I can't see any of my relatives over there."

  Liu Qingshan nodded vigorously: "Master, grandma, don't worry, old man, I will definitely bring my mother with me when I go to Hujiang this time."

  Grandpa and grandma looked at each other, their eyes were full of relief, grandma did not forget to tell:

   "What happened back then, there is no need to argue about who is right and who is wrong. It is difficult for an upright official to decide housework."

   "So Sanfeng, if you go there and see your grandma's people, you can't use force, otherwise, your mother will definitely be even more sad."

  Grandpa didn't hear it well, coughed lightly: "Don't worry about it, Sanfenger still wants us to teach him how to do things?"

  Grandma was not happy when she heard it: "You old man, you took advantage of the war and abducted me back then, and lived with you in poverty all your life, you have the nerve to say so."

   "What's wrong with your life now?" The old man was also stubborn and yelled with his neck stuck.

   "That's not borrowing my grandson's light, if I count on you, I would still eat cornbread and pickles..."

  The fourth and fifth children who were watching TV in the house all ran out, the fourth child grabbed Grandpa's arm, and the fifth child put his arms around grandma's waist, as if they were afraid that the two old people would fight.

  Watching the two old people quarreling, Liu Qingshan didn't try to persuade them to fight, instead the corners of his mouth turned up slightly. Perhaps this kind of life is what makes life interesting.

  Back to his own home, Liu Qingshan thought about it: Mother's attitude seems to be quite firm, how can she be persuaded to go to Hujiang with her?

   thump thump, the fourth and fifth ran in, their faces were still flushed, and the fourth was still complaining: "Brother, why don't you fight?"

  Liu Qingshan touched her antenna braid: "Like our mother, I haven't even wanted to find someone like this to quarrel with."

  The little face of the fourth child also twitched immediately: "Brother..."

  Her impression of her father is not too deep, mainly from looking at photos, but this does not hinder her respect, love and remembrance of him.

  Liu Qingshan continued: "I just heard from my grandparents that my mother's natal family is on the side of the Hujiang River. If we recognize our relatives, our mother will not be so lonely in the future."

   "But Erniang has already said that she won't go to Hujiang." Shan Xing also blinked her big eyes.

  Liu Qingshan chuckled a few times: "Then trick our mother over there, fourth child, this is up to you."

  (end of this chapter)

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