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Chapter 512: liberal arts champion

  Chapter 512 Liberal Arts Champion Lang

  The time has entered August, which is the dog days, the hottest time of the year.

  A bicycle, but it is speeding on the road, it is as fast as lightning, and it feels like riding a motorcycle.

  Dingling, the bicycle rode all the way into Jiapigou, and immediately several kids surrounded it, shouting:

   "Uncle postman is here to deliver newspapers!"

  The messenger in green is one of the children's favorite people, because in his green canvas pocket, there are children's favorite children's literature and books of childhood.

   "Hey, isn't the bike green?"

  Er Mangzi quickly saw the problem, so he asked the rider: "Grandpa, whose house are you going to?"

  Grandpa, am I that old?

  Principal Xu reached out and touched his chin. He didn't take care of himself during the holidays recently, and it seemed that his beard had grown a lot.

  So he said cheerfully: "Liu Qingshan's family."

   "Brother Qingshan's house, then I'll take you there." Er Mangzi was very active, wondering if he could get some reward from Brother Qingshan, and it would be best to borrow Xiaocaifeng's storybook.

   "I accept the door."

  Principal Xu was overjoyed, but he still yelled, "I'm here to send a notice to you Brother Qingshan!"

   This kind of good thing, of course, should be known by the whole village.

   "Brother Qingshan is admitted to university!"

   Sure enough, a few kids in crotch pants started running and shouting.

   There were also some older ones who hurriedly asked, "Grandpa, what university did Brother Qingshan go to?"

  The bearded principal looked proud, and spit out two words with great momentum: "Peking University!"

  These children just scattered away: "Brother Qingshan has been admitted to Peking University!"

   There are also some people who are not in tune. They didn’t quite understand it just now, and they also yelled: "Brother Qingshan is going to the Great Bei, he is going to the Great Bei!"

  The adults also came out of their homes upon hearing the news. Captain Zhang bent down and grabbed a man in crotch pants: "Where did you pass the exam, Brother Qingshan!"

  The little boy replied with a smile: "Da Bei, Da Bei!"

  Captain Zhang scratched the back of his head involuntarily: "Dabei? There is a Dabei photo studio in our county. Why did Qingshan go there?"

  Zhang Ganzi also ran out with his shoes on, and said, "That's really possible. Qingshan usually likes to carry a camera and take pictures everywhere."

   "Don't talk nonsense, it must be Peking University. The school that Erfeng relied on the year before last is a top-ranking university in our country!"

  Captain Zhang suddenly remembered, and hurriedly greeted the bearded principal cheerfully. This principal had been here before, and he remembered his bearded.

  Zhang Ganzi murmured: "I'd better go to the pig farm to pick a big fat pig. For the great event in the village, another pig must be slaughtered."

  When Liu Qingshan's family heard the news and ran out, dozens of people had already gathered on the avenue, and when they saw Liu Shikui and Lin Zhi, they all cheered happily.

  At that time, the college entrance examination was not as easy as it was later. Let alone a village, even a town, may not be able to produce a college student in a few years.

  The old Liu’s family is still very powerful, with two graduates, and both of them are good universities.

  Many villagers have begun to use these two role models to educate their children.

  Lin Zhi felt like she was walking lightly, with a smile on her face, but tears in her eyes.

  Complex emotions such as joy, sadness, and relief are all intertwined.

  While walking, she murmured silently in her heart: Zijun, our Sanfeng is also admitted to university!

  Liu Shikui was also happy from ear to ear, with a look of comfort, and his mouth was still open: "Today, there is a wine at noon to celebrate the celebration. Everyone will accompany Xiao Xu to drink two cups."

  Old Principal Xu, when it comes to his mouth, he will naturally become Xiao Xu.

  The bearded principal was also so happy that his beard straightened: "Drink, this wine must be drunk. Qingshan scored 600 points in the exam and is the first place in our province's liberal arts!"

  The old branch secretary also came after hearing the news: "If it were placed in ancient times, wouldn't it be the number one scholar? Kill a pig and kill a pig. Commander, go kill a pig!"

  The bearded principal replied cheerfully: "The number one scholar is the number one in the country. If it was put in the imperial examination, it would also be Jieyuan. Everyone in Tang Bohu knows it. People call him Tang Jieyuan, and he is the number one in the provincial examination."

  The folks don’t care what you are worth, anyway, it’s a good thing, so they all follow suit and have a dinner together at noon.

  This month, all the vegetables in the garden have come down, so I don’t have to worry about getting any vegetables.

  After being lively for a long time, the bearded headmaster discovered a problem: "Hey, where is Qingshan, why didn't I see Yinger?"

  Someone answered: "I'm staying with his master on the mountain, I guess I'll get the letter soon, Er Biaozi went to inform."

  So, let Principal Xu go to Liu Qingshan's house first, the old branch secretary and the others chat with him, and the others go to arrange meals.

   Not long after, Liu Qingshan and the others came back excitedly, followed by a large group of dumb grandpa and Song Yizhen.

  Even Big Bear was mixed in the team, which was particularly eye-catching. On the back, there was a smiling Sun Xiaoya.

   "Ya Ya!"

   "Little Six!"

  The fourth and fifth children hurriedly surrounded Sun Xiaoya, with a bright smile on her face: "Brother is admitted to university!"

  Although Sun Xiaoya doesn't know what university is, she is happy to see other people happy.

  Liu Qingshan asked his mother to open the cabinet, took out a pack of toffee from inside, and distributed them to the children one by one.

   "Qingshan, tell these naughty boys well, tell them to study hard, and they will all be admitted to college in the future." The old branch secretary urged with a smile.

  Liu Qingshan handed out sweets while stroking their little heads one by one: "Study hard and improve every day!""

   After dismissing the children, the fourth and fifth children took them outside to play, and the house was much cleaner.

  Liu Qingshan wiped the sweat off his brow before he came to Principal Xu and bowed: "Principal, thank you!"

  In the past three years, he hasn't gone to school for a few days. Speaking of it, it is really Principal Xu's tolerance and support for him, and Liu Qingshan is grateful from the bottom of his heart.

  The bearded principal also reached out and patted Liu Qingshan on the shoulder: "Xiao Shanzi, it's you who strives for it."

   "But when you get to university, you have to correct your truancy. You can't stay the same. If you are expelled, then we will all lose face."

  Liu Qingshan blinked, and laughed: He really can't guarantee this, let's see the situation when the time comes.

  Principal Xu gave some encouragement, and then he took out a large envelope from his pocket. It was the kind of kraft paper envelope specially used by Peking University, with the name of the school printed on it.

  Liu Qingshan also solemnly took it with both hands, then carefully opened it, and took out the admission notice inside.

  It is similar to the notice from the second sister the year before last.

  Liu Qingshan was also admitted to the Department of Economics.

  The difference is that since last year, the Department of Economics has become the School of Economics, and the scale has expanded even more.

  This is also related to the background of the times. After all, economic development is the current mainstream, so this subject is receiving more and more attention.

   Repacking the admission notice into the envelope, Liu Qingshan felt a sense of relief in his heart.

   This is not only his own wish, but also the expectation of his relatives and friends. He feels that he is okay and has not disappointed those who care about him.

   bowed heavily to Principal Xu again, Liu Qingshan turned around and said to the people in the room:

  "Folks, our country is developing rapidly, and there will be an era of knowledge explosion in the future."

   "So, the dolls in our village must be cultivated well. Only knowledge can change fate!"

  He swung his fist vigorously, and the villagers in the house couldn't help clapping their hands. The role model is right in front of them. If the kids in Jiapigou don't study hard in the future, their **** will definitely suffer.

  The old branch secretary also clicked on the small cigarette pouch: "Qingshan, according to the rules set by our cooperative, the cooperative will take care of your school expenses!"

  Although he didn't care about the money, Liu Qingshan felt that the rules must be followed and set an example for the children, so he nodded cheerfully.

   After handing over the notice to his mother, Liu Qingshan chatted with everyone, and at noon, a banquet was set up in the east and west courtyards.

  Who said that weddings are not intoxicating, the bearded principal finally got drunk, but he was drunk happily.

  In the end, Lu Xiaolong drove Principal Xu back to the county in a jeep.

  The banquet at Liu Qingshan's family didn't end until evening. Basically, the whole village gathered for dinner.

  After Lin Zhi finished her busy work, she found that the fourth child was lying on the kang, yelling that her stomach was uncomfortable.

   "Look at your unpromising energy, you must be full." Lin Zhi didn't pay much attention at first.

   After a while, the fourth child kept yelling: "It hurts to twist my intestines!"

   This time Lin Zhi also panicked, it happened that the dumb grandpa hadn't left yet, drinking tea in Liu Shikui's yard.

   Quickly asked Liu Qingshan to come over, and Lao Wu and Sun Xiaoya, who were playing in the courtyard, also ran in.

  The dumb grandfather reached out his hand to catch the pulse of the fourth child, and then he was slightly taken aback. He keenly felt the gaze cast by Liu Qingshan, and with a glance, he saw that the apprentice was shaking his head slightly at him.

  He understood it, so he gestured with his hands.

   At this time, Sun Xiaoya also stretched out her little hand in a hurry, touched the forehead of the fourth child, and then shook her head to show that she was not hot.

   Stretched out his little finger again, and began to give the little old number four pulse. After the little guy recognized the dumb grandpa, he began to learn how to feel the pulse.

  After probing for a long time, the little girl shook her head and gestured with her little hands, indicating that there was nothing wrong with the pulse.

  As soon as Lao Wu saw it, he quickly pulled Xiao Liu aside, and said, "Little girl, you just studied medicine, so you can't see patients yet."

  Sun Xiaoya was in a hurry, so she kept making gestures with her.

  Liu Qingshan was really afraid of revealing his secrets, mainly because he hadn't had time to communicate with the dumb grandpa, and the fourth child got sick, a little early.

  So he blindly translated what the dumb grandfather said: "Master said that the fourth child has a perforated intestine and needs to be operated on through the abdomen. He can't cure it, and our county's medical level can't do such an operation. He must go to a big city."

  Lin Zhi next to her panicked when she heard this: "Sanfenger, let's pack up and go to the capital, shall we?"

  Of course the capital is a big city with high level of medical care, but it is not Liu Qingshan’s destination, so he continued to translate blindly:

   "Master said that the capital is not guaranteed, only the hospital on the Hujiang side, the equipment newly imported from abroad, is guaranteed."

   "Well, then let's go to Hujiang immediately, go to the provincial capital first, and then go directly by plane!"

  Lin Zhi quickly made a decision.

   After finishing speaking, she immediately took out the money and passbook from the cabinet. Naturally, her grandparents took care of her at home.

  The old man and the old lady seemed to be clear in their hearts, they kept nodding their heads in agreement, and told Lin Zhi not to worry.

  Liu Qingshan went out with Xiao Lao Si in his arms, outside, Lu Xiaolong had already driven the jeep over, several people got into the car, and hurriedly left Jiapigou.

   When it was almost time to reach the county seat, Lin Zhi noticed that Shan Xing followed, and said, "The fifth one doesn't have to go."

  Shan Xing blinked her eyes wide: "Second Mother, if I talk with fourth child, she won't be so hurt."

  Lin Zhi thought about it, and felt that it made sense, it seemed that after getting into the jeep, the little fourth child really didn't cry anymore.

  When the jeep arrived at the county seat and picked up Yang Hongying, the car was full and drove all the way to Chuncheng.

  The jeep ran for most of the night before arriving at Chuncheng.

  In the car, Lin Zhi saw that the fourth child was still safe, and even fell asleep with the fifth child in his arms, so she felt much more at ease.

   At this time, she also came back to her senses, looking at the little brother's sleeping flushed face, she felt that something was wrong.

  The next morning, they took the plane to Hujiang.

  The air ticket was purchased by Wu Song through a phone call. He made a contribution last time, and now he has been successfully promoted to the deputy director of the Municipal Bureau. This ability is still there.

  After the plane slowly lifted into the air and flew smoothly, the fourth child jumped up from the seat: "Haha, fly, fly, the plane is flying so high and fast."

   "Caifeng, your stomach doesn't hurt anymore?"

  Lin Zhi grabbed her daughter and asked with concern.

  The fourth child rubbed his belly, then looked at Liu Qingshan next to him: "Brother, does my stomach still hurt?"

  Liu Qingshan smiled and said, "Do you still have to ask me if your stomach hurts?"

  The little old four tilted his head and thought for a while, then announced with a smile: "Anyway, I've already boarded the plane, and now my stomach doesn't hurt anymore!"

  By this time, Lin Zhi finally understood that she was fooled by these children's partnership.

  She was really angry and funny in her heart, and there was a surge of emotion, but she still raised her hand and poked the fourth child on the forehead: "I'm going to jump off the plane now!"

  Yang Hongying had also been kept in the dark, her eyes widened in shock: "So you guys cheated Lin Niang together, and you even cheated me!"

  The fourth and fifth children all giggled and grabbed Lin Zhi's arm:


   "Second Mother!"

  Two calls made Lin Zhi lose his temper completely, so he could only turn his reproachful eyes on his son.

   Needless to say, the two little girls are still young, so their brother must have come up with the idea.

  Liu Qingshan also stretched out his hand to touch the heads of the two little girls: "Mother, it's been more than 20 years, and some things can't always be avoided. When it's time to face it, you have to face it."

   "Yes, Er Niang, you still told us to be brave children." Shan Xing also chimed in.

  Liu Qingshan stared quietly at the present eyes. In the previous life, because his mother passed away early, he didn't know the situation at his grandma's house at all.

  Now, he doesn't want to continue to regret.

  Lin Zhi smoothed her hair with her hands, and her eyes gradually calmed down: Yes, no matter what the result is, there will be an end.

  (end of this chapter)

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