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Chapter 514: Why did you switch to selling medicine?

  Chapter 514 Why did you switch to selling medicine?

  Liu Qingshan also felt the power of the flu, because after they ate lunch and took a nap, the mother and the fourth and fifth children also had a stuffy nose and kept sneezing, and it seemed that they all had a cold.

  Liu Qingshan's physique is relatively good, and he doesn't feel much. He practiced three-nine-nine in winter and three-day summer in summer, so his resistance is naturally strong.

  But the fourth and fifth children are miserable. The children are not resistant to diseases, and they are all listless. Their little faces are still flushed, and they feel hot when they are pasted.

  Sitting on the bed, the fourth child was still weak and said: "That Coca-Cola, you must not drink it in the future, you will catch a cold after drinking it."

  Lin Zhi is also very sick, and has to take care of the two younger ones.

   "Mom, you just rest on the bed, I'll go get some boiled water, I'm bringing cold tablets, just take it and you'll be fine."

  Liu Qingshan carried the thermos bottle and went to the water room on the first floor to turn on the water.

   I saw two hotel attendants, one was holding a washbasin, and the other was holding a small brush, dusting water all over the corridor.

   There was a smell of Lysol in the air, as if I had entered the hospital.

  There are no good disinfection measures these days, that is, some Lysol or something.

  While working, the two waiters were still speaking Wu Nong's soft language, and Liu Qingshan couldn't quite understand it.

  Going down to the first floor, Liu Qingshan realized the seriousness of the problem after chatting with the registration attendant on the first floor.

I heard from the waiter that the whole city is now engaged in sanitation and epidemic prevention. He said that the hospital is already overcrowded, and there is no queue for a drop bottle. It takes hours to get penicillin on the buttocks. Even cold medicine is hard to buy. .

   While chatting, the little waiter sneezed several times, and he seemed to be a victim too.

   "I have cold medicine here, Xiao Su, would you like to take two?"

  Liu Qingshan felt that the little waiter was very enthusiastic, so he asked a question.

  The waiter’s surname is Su, who is about eighteen or nine years old. She is petite and dainty, and she gets excited when she hears it: “You have cold medicine, that’s great, medicine is hard to buy now!”

   After finishing speaking, he stretched out his white and tender little hand.

   Look, that's the country difference, when you give that Wilson a pill, this guy avoids snakes.

  Now, the waitress little sister is like a baby.

  After Liu Qingshan finished taking the medicine for his mother and two younger sisters and told them to lie in bed to rest, he took a box of cold tablets and gave them to the waiter.

   Xiao Su was so happy that he ate two pills before reading the introduction on the pill box.

  People at this time are more down-to-earth, not very vigilant, and not afraid of taking the wrong medicine.

   "Specially treats headache and fever, sneezing and runny nose, and is used for influenza, haha, your medicine is just right for the symptoms." Xiao Su quickly thanked Liu Qingshan.

   The little mouth is still muttering, after get off work, take it back to the family to eat.

  The flu this time was basically carried by the whole family.

   As a result, before she could put away the pill box, a few waiters who caught a cold surrounded her and rushed to take the pills.

   "Don't eat so much, take two tablets at a time!" The waiter was also anxious.

  A chubby aunt replied: "Xiao Su, God is as heavy as Nong, so of course you have to eat four slices."

  Liu Qingshan made a phone call there, and the call was to Jiapigou Pharmaceutical Factory. He found Lu Xiaolong and told him about the situation here.

  Lu Xiaolong immediately became anxious like a monkey, saying that he was about to gather a batch of quick-acting cold tablets, and he was struggling to sell them there.

   "Don't be in a hurry, wait until tomorrow to contact me, and see if there is any effect."

  Liu Qingshan is much more stable than him. If the curative effect is not obvious, then Liu Qingshan is much more reliable than him. Compared with the petty profits in front of him, Liu Qingshan cares more about long-term development.

  After making an appointment on the phone, Liu Qingshan put down the phone, thought for a while, and then called Yang Hongying.

  Through the front desk of Jinjiang Hotel, he quickly got through to the phone in Yang Hongying's room. Sure enough, as soon as he heard the old lady's words, Liu Qingshan knew that she was not spared either.

  So he made another trip, and sent a box of medicine to Yang Hongying, bringing a total of four boxes of cold tablets, and used them all this time. It seems that there is no shortage of clinical trial subjects.

  When Liu Qingshan came back, he found that his mother and two younger sisters had all woken up, and they were much more energetic, especially the youngest fourth, who thought the room was stuffy, so he went out for a stroll.

  The child does not harbor illnesses. Looking at this posture, the medicine is not bad. It is estimated that after taking two or three days, it will be completely cured.

  Liu Qingshan knew it right now, and he didn't have to wait until tomorrow, he immediately called Lu Xiaolong and asked him to find a way to deliver a batch of cold tablets.

   There are also some preparations to be made here, mainly to contact the Health Bureau of Hujiang. If they don't buy it by then, you still have no place to sell it.

  In this era, there are no pharmacies everywhere.

  If you are unfamiliar with the place where you live, even if Liu Qingshan comes to your door, they probably won't talk to you.

  After thinking about it, I still have to ask my elder sister to help. After all, the city leaders still attach great importance to the status of an investor.

   Section Chief Wu, who was in charge of receiving Yang Hongying, was also very anxious. The main reason was that Mr. Yang fell ill as soon as he arrived, and the investigation must be postponed.

  The key is that this reception work will definitely be criticized by the superiors, and the leaders will not listen to your explanation.

  So he hurriedly found a married female employee from his department to take care of her in the hotel.

  Because the number of people in a reception group is limited, Comrade Xiao Lin, who performed poorly, was immediately kicked back.

  The new big sister Zhang went to Yang Hongying's room, and after asking about her health for a while, she was about to lead Yang Hongying to the hospital.

  Yang Hongying waved her hand. She had just finished taking cold tablets and was about to lie down on the bed and take a nap.

   "Mr. Yang, your cold medicine may not be effective. You should go to the hospital and ask the doctor to check it out. If necessary, you can get a distillate."

  Sister Zhang is quite conscientious. She was instructed by Section Chief Wu to make Mr. Yang feel at home.

  Yang Hongying smiled, she still has confidence in the medicines produced by Jiapigou.

  After taking a nap, it was already past six in the afternoon, and she was indeed much more energetic. After a brief wash, Yang Hongying felt that she was alive again.

  Sister Zhang who accompanied her was even more amazed. She looked at the medicine box on the table and wrote down the name on it.

   Liu Qingshan's phone call came in at this time, and Yang Hongying quickly understood her brother's intentions, and of course it was her duty to work for Jiapigou.

  After she finished answering the phone, Sister Zhang hurried down to have dinner, saying that Section Chief Wu and others were already waiting in the restaurant.

   Seeing Yang Hongying's spirits rejuvenate, Section Chief Wu and the others also secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and the atmosphere on the wine table immediately became relaxed and cheerful.

  The dishes on the table are all distinctive Hujiang local dishes, such as crystal shrimp, pickled Duxian, eight-treasure duck, white-cut chicken and so on.

  Yang Hongying didn't feel bad anymore, and her appetite was good, so those accompanying guests could rest assured that they would have a good meal.

   Seeing that the atmosphere at the banquet was very good, Yang Hongying said:

   "Chief Wu, the health department, are you familiar with them? I want to contact them tomorrow. I have a batch of medicines and I want to sell them."

   Section Chief Wu was stuffing a deep-fried shrimp into his mouth. Hearing this, he couldn't help being stunned, and the chopsticks were also fixed in the air.

  He thought he heard it wrong: Mr. Yang, isn't he from a food factory? Why did he switch to selling medicine?

  Yang Hongying explained with a smile: "After coming to Hujiang, I found out that there was an outbreak of influenza here. In our hometown, there is a Jiapigou pharmaceutical factory that specializes in the production of cold tablets. The curative effect is very good, so I want to help the two parties get in touch."

  Big Sister Zhang hurriedly came to the side to help: "The medicine Mr. Yang said is really good. When I saw Mr. Yang in the afternoon, I was still sneezing and had a fever. It's much better now!"

   Section Chief Wu suddenly realized, and complimented again and again: "Mr. Yang sent charcoal in a timely manner, and he is quite a doctor's benevolence, which is worthy of admiration. Please rest assured, I will definitely invite comrades from the Health Bureau tomorrow!"

  After dinner, Section Chief Wu hurriedly reported to his superiors.

   Matters like attracting investment are the top priority at the moment, so I dare not delay, and report to the deputy mayor in charge soon.

  Although this matter is a bit irrelevant, the wishes of investors should be respected, so the deputy mayor hurriedly contacted the health department.

  The health department is in a hurry to cope with the sudden flu outbreak, and medicines are also in short supply. Since someone has delivered it to the door and lost the upper-level relationship, of course we have to show face.

   Medicines are regular medicines, not fake wild medicines,

  So when Yang Hongying discussed the matter the next day, it went very smoothly. The representative of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of the Municipal Health Bureau agreed on the spot, and waited for the medicines to be delivered and officially handed over.

  Things went so smoothly that even Liu Qingshan felt a little unexpected. After answering the call from his elder sister, he felt that it was necessary to call home again and ask Lu Xiaolong to bring more cold tablets.

  At this time, the population of Hujiang had not exceeded 10 million, about 8 million. Such a severe flu would require a large amount of cold medicine.

   While thinking about it, he felt that the surrounding situation was different. When he looked up, he saw several hotel attendants surrounding him.

  The one named Xiao Su blinked his watery eyes: "Mr. Liu, do you still have that cold medicine?"

  Liu Qingshan also spread his hands: "I only brought a few boxes, and I have almost eaten it."

   There is still some left, but I have to feed my mother and two little sisters for another two days.

  The waiters immediately became disappointed, and the fat aunt said yesterday: "Mr. Liu, God spent money to buy good cuts?"

  Yesterday, all of them had a severe cold. Some of them had had it for two or three days, and they were struggling to go to work.

   As a result, after taking two pills, the symptoms were relieved by half. I still wanted to take it this morning, but unfortunately it was gone.

   When he was disappointed, he heard the young Mr. Liu say again: "I am about to call and ask the pharmaceutical factory in my hometown to deliver this cold tablet."

   Okay, several waiters cheered, and then Xiao Su, who was in charge of registration, thought of something, blinked and said:

   "Mr. Liu, your hometown is in the Northeast. It must take a long time for the goods to arrive here, right?"

  Everyone was very disappointed when they heard this. At first, they thought they could order a few pills and give them to family members who had a cold at home, but now it seems that they may not be able to keep up.

  There is nothing Liu Qingshan can do. In this era, transportation is inconvenient, and it cannot be changed in a short while.

  At this moment, the phone rang, and Xiao Su picked it up and chatted for a few words, and then greeted Liu Qingshan: "Mr. Liu, your phone number."

   Picking up the microphone, it turned out to be Lu Xiaolong calling, with excitement in his voice:

   "Little boss, I'll be at your place in the afternoon, you have to pick me up, otherwise, I won't be able to find it anywhere."

So fast?

  Liu Qingshan was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Did you come by plane?"

   "Well, bring a few boxes of samples first, and try to negotiate this business as soon as possible."

  Of course Lu Xiaolong was happy, it was his first time flying by plane.

   This guy didn't delay the matter, Liu Qingshan nodded, and then told him to contact Yang Hongying directly.

  Looking at the waiters looking at him with concern, Liu Qingshan told him again: "Don't forget to leave me a few boxes when the time comes."

   "Mr. Liu, how many boxes are enough?"

  Xiao Su hurriedly reminded them that they only need more than ten boxes. The key is that this medicine is so effective, maybe relatives and friends have to give some.

  The fat aunt next to him also nodded repeatedly: "Even if you pay a high price, it's worth it."

  When Liu Qingshan put down the phone, these waiters prepared the money, for fear that they would not be able to buy it at that time.

   Liu Qingshan was also very helpless: "I don't know the price either, let's talk about it when the time comes."

   While making noise, I saw two foreigners coming in through the gate.

   These days, foreign guests are taken very seriously. Xiao Su hurried up to meet her and said sweetly in English: "Welcome, what can I do for you?"

  She also knew that when foreign guests came to their small hotel in this alley, they definitely didn't come to stay.

  When the young foreigner in front saw Liu Qingshan, his eyes immediately burst into blue light, and he was about to come up and hug him with his arms raised.

  Rushing halfway, he slammed on the brakes again: "Oh, Mountain, sorry, I have the flu, and I can't express my enthusiasm and respect with hugs."

   This guy is exactly the Wilson we met yesterday.

  Liu Qingshan didn't care much. If he was infected, he would have been infected long ago, so he shook hands with Wilson:

   "The photo was developed so quickly?"

  Wilson froze for a moment before remembering this, he shrugged his shoulders: "Sorry, Mountain, I haven't had time to rinse yet, I'm here, looking for you..."

  He couldn't think of any reason at the moment, mainly because he came to the door after knowing that Liu Qingshan might be the one who composed the song "The Cup of Life" yesterday.

  Suddenly, seeing Xiao Su holding an empty medicine box and fiddling with it, Wilson immediately felt inspired:

   "Oh, Mountain, the pills you gave me yesterday, I decided to take two and give it a try."

  Wilson felt that he was simply too witty. In order to be able to contact and chat with his idol, he decided to fight. Anyway, pills can’t kill people.

  The waiters around were dumbfounded, and they all looked at Liu Qingshan in shock: Even foreign guests came to ask for medicine, this is simply amazing!

  The hotel industry has a lot of information, and they all know that foreigners rarely take traditional Chinese medicine.

  Yesterday they all saw the ingredients of the quick-acting cold tablets, all of which are traditional Chinese medicines.

   Now foreigners have even changed their habits, which shows the magic of this drug.

  Liu Qingshan also looked at Wilson with a smile, and then said:

   "Although I only have a few pieces left here, they will be shipped in the afternoon. Since you trust me so much, I certainly can't disappoint my friend."

   After finishing speaking, he waved to the little brother who was coming down the stairs: "Go back to the room and find two cold medicines for the foreign guests."

  Wilson was a little dumbfounded: Is it really delicious?

  (end of this chapter)

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