Hello 1983

Chapter 515: ? Why are you still addicted to eating? (Ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 515 Why are you still addicted to eating (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Liu Qingshan looked at Wilson with a frowning face, and stuffed two pills into his mouth like swallowing medicine. Uh, this is really swallowing medicine.

  Following that, he turned his head to look at the foreigner who came with Wilson, who was not yet thirty years old, and was looking at Wilson with the same shock on his face.

  In his opinion, Wilson is really unbelievable today. Isn't it necessary to take medicine under the guidance of a doctor?

   What's more, what I'm taking is still traditional Chinese medicine, which is the medicine composed of bark, grass roots and strange animal carcasses. It's disgusting to think about it.

  This has a lot to do with propaganda. Chinese herbal medicine is advertised as being similar to the witch doctor and witch medicine of those backward primitive tribes. In the eyes of foreigners, it is very scary.

  Wilson bit the bullet and took two pills, and then caught a glimpse of the expression on his compatriots, and Wilson immediately felt a little uncomfortable.

  In the spirit of being blessed and suffering together, he leaned forward: "Tom, I saw you sneezing just now, so you should also take two slices."

  Tom's complexion changed drastically, and he waved his hands again and again.

  Wilson whispered in his ear and threatened: "Tom, don't you want Mountain's autograph?"

  The waiters basically couldn't understand, but Liu Qingshan was a thief, he didn't stop him, just watched with a smile.

   These foreigners should also be called to experience the effects of Chinese herbal medicine for themselves.

  This is also in line with his idea of ​​promoting Chinese medicine to the world, starting from this bit by bit, sooner or later it will be effective.

   And the other party is a person from the consulate, which in itself is a good way of publicity.

  That handsome Tom finally couldn't bear Wilson's soft and hard foam, and his partner stuffed two pills into his mouth, and then sent them down with water with a sad face.

  The waiters also understood a little bit, and secretly despised it in their hearts: such effective pills, we want to take them yet.

  Liu Qingshan led the two men to his room. After chatting for a while, the brothers took out two tapes and asked for their autographs.

  Seeing that they were taking medicine, Liu Qingshan fulfilled their wishes, and the two even invited Liu Qingshan to the consulate.

  Liu Qingshan said that he would definitely pay a visit in two days, and Wilson and Tom left satisfied.

  They didn’t dare to drive today, they came by taxi.

  After seeing off the guests, Liu Qingshan came to the next room. There are two beds here, and it happens that the fourth and fifth sleep in one.

   "Mother, where are we going today?" Liu Qingshan asked Lin Zhi for advice.

  After a night of sleep, the three mothers are mostly healed, and they can go out for a walk.

  The fourth and fifth children didn't brag like usual, clamoring to go to the store, they all looked up at Lin Zhi.

  Although Lin Zhi’s face was calm, Liu Qingshan, who was familiar with her mother, could still feel the ups and downs in her heart. Maybe it was because of the timidity of being close to the hometown, or maybe she was not mentally prepared yet.

   "Let's go for a stroll in the urban area first. You can go to the shops on Nanjing Road for shopping. You can go to the Yu Garden of Chenghuang Temple to see the scenery. In the evening, you can go for a walk on the Bund. It's worth seeing."

  Liu Qingshan also understood. Mother was still worried, so she went to the urban area first. After all, compared with the barriers of steel and concrete in the later generations, the current city is more interesting.

  So he stretched out his hand and pulled the antenna braid of the fourth brother: "Then tell the fifth brother, where do you want to go?"

  Xiao Lao Si looked at Shan Xing with a smile on his face, and then said in unison: "Go to the store!"

   "Let's go!"

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, the two little guys are still thinking about delicious food and fun.

  Going to the shops, of course, you have to go to Nanjing Road, which happens to go from west to east, and finally to the Bund.

   After planning the route, the whole family will set off. The bus is too crowded, so I still take a taxi.

  First Department Store, fashion company, First Food Company...

  Walking around, the three mothers were still reluctant to buy things at first, Liu Qingshan became anxious when he saw that they were just looking at them but not buying.

  So I took the lead and bought a seagull camera and a lot of film. If you don’t take pictures, what kind of travel is it?

  The fourth and fifth children were changed from head to toe, and the two little girls wore little princess dresses and leather sandals, just like the two little angels, attracting people's attention everywhere.

  As for Lin Zhi, after thinking about it, Liu Qingshan bought two cheongsams for his mother, traditional women would wear this best.

   "Isn't this too gorgeous? I wore it when I was young."

  Lin Zhi caressed the tufted flowers on the cheongsam, her eyes were far away, as if she was immersed in good memories.

   "Wow, mother, so beautiful!" The little brother slapped his hands vigorously beside him.

  Shan Xing also praised: "Er Niang is like a big star in popular movies."

  Liu Qingshan also had the feeling that his eyes were bright. On weekdays, his mother was doing housework at home, just like those ordinary housewives at that time:

  With an apron tied around his waist, coarse cloth clothes and cloth shoes under his feet, he endures hardships and stands hard work, and is busy all day for his life and his children.

  Wearing a cheongsam now, it seems that she has transformed into an urban woman exuding intellectual and mature charm.

   Not everyone can wear this cheongsam. Even if your figure is suitable, your temperament may not be suitable.

  Lin Zhi is gentle and quiet, and she can completely control the cheongsam.

  Liu Qingshan also understood: No wonder the eldest and second sisters in the family are so outstanding, most of them are inherited from their mother.

  Even the salesperson of the clothing store kept praising: "Auntie, you look better in this cheongsam."

  Lin Zhi shook her head with a smile, and was about to go to the fitting room to change it, but the fourth and fifth child grabbed one arm and said that she was not allowed to change it.

   I have no choice but to wear it.

  Ling Zhi looked at her family, only her son was still wearing the clothes he had when he arrived, and because he left in a hurry, he didn't have time to tidy up.

  So I carefully selected and bought two suits for Liu Qingshan: one is sportswear, and the other is a more formal shirt and trousers.

   "Look, our Sanfeng is so handsome." Lin Zhi couldn't help but praise.

  The fourth and fifth children next to him were all smiling, trying to follow along.

  The little fourth brother also helped the blind staff: "It's just that the watch of the eldest brother is a bit ordinary. If you wear a gold watch, you will be a rich man."

  Shan Xing also pursed her lips and smiled, and then joined in the fun: "In the language here, it seems to be called Xiaokai."

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help but touch her watermelon head: the little guy is good, he even knows this, Xiao Kai from the old Hujiang River is roughly the same as the later rich second generation.

  Lin Zhi smiled and shook her head: "Of course your brother is not Xiao Kai, Xiao Kai is just a brother who has not managed any business and relies entirely on his family's rich son."

   "What your brother is doing now is big business. Our family is all supported by your brother."

  The fourth child blinked his big eyes twice: "Then the fifth child and I, why do we feel like Xiao Kai?"

   A group of people went out with a smile. It was already noon, and Lin Zhi led the children to taste Shanghai-style snacks. The fourth and fifth loved the shortbread called crab shell yellow.

   After a short lunch break, he went on shopping. Liu Qingshan was still worried that he would tire the three of them, but it turned out that he was the young man who couldn't bear it first.

   When we finally arrived at the Bund in the evening, the architectural style changed immediately, and the western style came blowing along with the wind of the Huangpu River.

  Here is the representative of Hujiang, which records the rise and fall of the city and even the whole country.

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help but picked up the camera and took a lot of photos.

  Looking to Jiangdong again, Pudong has not been developed yet, and it is dilapidated and full of vicissitudes.

  Who would have thought that in a few decades, this place would become extremely prosperous.

   Being in the middle, Liu Qingshan felt the great changes in the country and the rise of an ancient nation, and he couldn't help feeling proud:

   "The waves are running, the waves are flowing, and the river will never stop for thousands of miles."

   "I have exhausted all the things in the world, and mixed them up with the tide..."

  The fourth and fifth children can also sing this song, clap their little hands, and sing along with the elder brother.

  The voices of the two of them are pure. Although they can't sing the vicissitudes of life, they are like two clear streams, which complement Liu Qingshan's singing.

   It attracted many passers-by to stop and listen. After the three brothers finished singing, many people still clapped their hands vigorously.

  Someone whispered: "It must be a merchant from Hong Kong Island."

   It's just a blame, when Liu Qingshan and the others sang just now, they all sang in Cantonese.

  The little old four blinked his big eyes twice, wanting to play a prank, and yelled: We are from Nagada in Northeast China!

   It is estimated that the eyeballs of the whole place will be shocked immediately.

  Lin Zhi also looked at the rolling river, her eyes became very firm, and she said word by word: "Sanfeng, tomorrow I will go to the place where my mother used to live."


  Liu Qingshan's expression brightened immediately, he knew that his mother had also completely opened her heart at this moment, and was finally able to face all this directly.

  Whether it is success or failure, you have to try it before you know it.

  Back to the hotel, it was already dark. As soon as he entered the door, Liu Qingshan saw Lu Xiaolong. This guy was chatting with Xiao Su and several waiters there, bursting into laughter from time to time.

   "Little boss, haha, you don't look like a little boss with your outfit, the big boss of the entire Hong Kong Island!"

   Lu Xiaolong is not a good guy, he looked at Liu Qingshan with a smile.

  The waiters also felt their eyes brighten: Liu Qingshan's family went out for a tour, and it seemed as if they had all changed.

  Like Xiao Su and a few young girls who haven't dated yet, their pretty faces are even slightly flushed.

   "Xiaolong, how are things going?"

   Liu Qingshan punched Lu Xiaolong on the shoulder, and the kid immediately grinned.

   "With me in charge, of course it will be smooth sailing."

  Lu Xiaolong can really boast, this time if it wasn't because of Yang Hongying's special status, would the Hujiang Health Bureau know who you are, Lu Xiaolong?

  Liu Qingshan inquired carefully, and only then did he know that the large bags of cold tablets Lu Xiaolong brought over this time will pass through the Health Bureau and be distributed to various hospitals in the city tomorrow.

   Then there will be two days of medical observation. If the effect is significant, then the purchase will be increased immediately and promoted throughout the city.

   In terms of curative effect, Lu Xiaolong is very confident, while Liu Qingshan is even more confident, because the eager eyes of those waiters are the best proof.

   Fortunately, Lu Xiaolong was more obedient, so he left dozens of boxes of cold tablets and brought them here.

  The waiters immediately rushed forward, each grabbed two boxes and paid one yuan.

  Actually, the price is 48 cents, but those few cents can’t be found.

  The price was really not cheap at the time.

  The price is not set by the pharmaceutical factory, it is based on the raw materials used by the pharmaceutical factory, plus various expenses, and the reserved profit margin, to give you a unified price.

  The tablets produced by Jiapigou Pharmaceutical Factory are all genuine goods at a fair price, so it is normal for the price to be slightly higher.

   If it’s just these two bags of medicines, the pharmaceutical factory will actually lose money. After all, Lu Xiaolong came by plane, and the air tickets are relatively expensive no matter what era they are in.

   "Xiaolong, you can ask your family to deliver the goods quickly. This time, all the cold tablets produced will be shipped over, which will completely establish the name of our Jiapigou Pharmaceutical. In addition, we have to work overtime to produce more!"

  Liu Qingshan had a solid idea in his heart. He didn't want to wait another two days for nothing. It would be too time-consuming. Once the flu passed, the effect would not be obvious.

   Lu Xiaolong was even more energetic: "Little boss, are you so confident?"

   "If we don't even have confidence in ourselves, don't consumers have even less confidence?"

  Liu Qingshan patted Lu Xiaolong's shoulder lightly.

  I immediately went to call Xiaosu for this product. The stock of the pharmaceutical factory is only a few hundred thousand boxes, and it might not be enough to put in this big city with a population of nearly ten million?

  That night, Lu Xiaolong and Liu Qingshan lived in the same room, and there happened to be a spare bed.

  Woke up the next morning and saw his mother and two younger sisters. The cold had been completely cured, and Liu Qingshan felt even more comfortable, so he hurriedly went out to have breakfast.

  Here, of course, he listened to his mother, so Lin Zhi happily led them to have an authentic breakfast: pan-fried steamed buns and cold noodles.

  When the fried steamed buns were served, the youngest and fourth child shook the antenna braid happily: "Mother, these are steamed buns!"

  People here call buns steamed buns.

  After a full breakfast, Lu Xiaolong hurried to the Health Bureau to wait for news. Liu Qingshan stopped him and told him to go again in two days.

  Seeing this guy, he couldn't stay idle, so he told him to go find Yang Hongying, and let the old lady be his servant.

   "Little boss, what are you doing?" Lu Xiaolong was a little reluctant.

   "Of course we have more important things." Liu Qingshan glanced at his mother and replied with a smile.

   Lu Xiaolong muttered in a low voice: "The important thing is not to watch the scenery."

  As soon as he left the breakfast shop opposite the hotel, Liu Qingshan saw two foreigners wandering in front of the hotel, so he beckoned:

   "Hi, Wilson, Tom, good morning, both of you."

  As soon as those two saw Liu Qingshan, their eyes sparkled immediately, and they ran across the road and hugged Liu Qingshan.

  Wilson was still yelling excitedly: "Mountain, do you still have the pills you gave us yesterday? We feel much better now and feel relaxed, so we want to take two more pills!"

  To the side, Tom was also full of anticipation.

  Thinking about the performance of these two guys yesterday, it was like taking poison, Liu Qingshan couldn't help blinking: Why are you still addicted to taking it?

  (end of this chapter)

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