Hello 1983

Chapter 516: Mountain Village Pharmaceutical Factory Rising to Fame

  Chapter 516 The mountain village pharmaceutical factory that rose to fame

  Pragmatism is the current mainstream thought in the United States, and it has had a profound impact on all aspects of social life.

  Wilson and Tom are undoubtedly pragmatists.

  They initially resisted traditional Chinese medicine, but they were actually misled by propaganda.

  After they forced to eat cold tablets at Liu Qingshan yesterday, they went back to sleep and the flu was mostly cured.

  The two of them also called out "the magical power of the East", so Baba ran over.

  It doesn’t matter what kind of tree bark or grass root you are, or weird bugs, what can cure diseases is good medicine.

   If you use an ancient Chinese saying to describe it, it is: Facts speak louder than words.

  Liu Qingshan shrugged his shoulders: "Unfortunately, the pills are gone."


  The two brothers stared at each other with disappointment on their faces.

  Everything is the same: only when you have tasted the sweetness, you will know the value.

  It's like yesterday, and I don't want to force it on them.

  Just listen to Liu Qingshan continue: "I'm gone, but the Health Bureau has bought a batch of goods from our pharmaceutical factory. If you need it at the consulate, you can apply for it."

   After finishing speaking, he also handed an empty medicine box to Wilson, in case they didn't know what medicine they were taking, what if they took the wrong medicine?

   Originally, he still had a few boxes of cold tablets, which could be given to them, and it was not worth a lot of money.

  But Liu Qingshan pondered, it is better to ask them to buy by themselves, this is the normal way.

  The most important thing is that it is also a good publicity for cold tablets.

   If it really spreads: Even foreign guests buy this cold medicine, so why not loot it?

   These days, commodities that are exported to domestic sales can be looted.

   Soon Wilson and Tom drove away, and when they returned to the consulate, they handed over the pill box to their superiors.

  In the consulate, more than half of the people also had runny noses.

  Because of the difference in physique, white people have worse immunity to flu. If it is not done well, a cold will really kill people.

  The people in the consulate also witnessed the illnesses of Wilson and Tom. They were similar to them yesterday, and they are almost healed today, so they all became very interested in this pill.

  Even the Consul General was alarmed, and went directly to negotiate with relevant departments.

  In addition to the staff of the consulate, they also shoulder the heavy responsibility of taking care of their own nationals.

   In a big city like Hujiang, there are also the most foreign guests.

  This flu has spread widely, and most of the expatriates are also infected. With this kind of good medicine, of course, priority must be given to the expatriates in their own country.

  The commotion was not small, and the deputy mayor in charge of the matter was alarmed.

  After listening to the secretary's report, he was also amazed: "Those foreign guests usually avoid our traditional Chinese medicine like snakes and scorpions. Why did they change their temper this time?"

  The secretary was also puzzled, but the leader asked, so he had to say something.

   After some consideration, he said, "It should be that the curative effect is more significant."

   It seems that there is only one explanation.

  The deputy mayor nodded, and then sneezed twice. When the secretary saw it, he quickly asked for instructions: "When the medicine is distributed to foreign guests, I will also bring you a box."

   After getting the approval, the secretary left the office and started to make phone calls. He first contacted the Health Bureau and explained the reason. The leaders of the Health Bureau were also overjoyed:

   "Secretary Guan, it is unprecedented that foreign guests are willing to use our country's medicines. We have to publicize it well."

  People at this time had a strong sense of national pride, even a little too strong, so there were many things that people later found incomprehensible or even ridiculous.

  Secretary Guan is of course good at dealing with this. Just now that people are panicking, it is also good to use newspapers or TV to publicize it to appease the people.

   Banlangen, the panacea medicine, was born at this time, and it played a very good role in stabilizing people's hearts.

   And just like that, a massive operation revolved around flu and flu busters.

  The leader of the Health Bureau took people to the consulate to deliver doctors and medicines, and wrote the main theme of friendship between China and foreign countries. There were also several reporters from TV stations and daily newspapers accompanying him.

  Quick-acting cold tablets, along with radio and television, quickly became known to the majority of Shanghai residents, so they rushed to buy them.

  That guy is worse than grabbing non-staple food.

  It's a pity that the two bags of goods brought by Lu Xiaolong are nothing but a drop in the bucket.

  After the curative effect was confirmed, the Health Bureau also showed its due strength and directly arranged for the plane to be transported by air. After all, the disease waits for no one.

  Hundreds of thousands of boxes of quick-acting cold tablets were sold out in less than a week.

  The big flu that ravaged Shanghai was easily repelled by such a small pill.

  Suddenly, the quick-acting cold tablets became famous, and the order call rang from morning to night in Jiapigou Pharmaceutical Factory.

  In addition, several other drugs independently developed by pharmaceutical companies have also been ordered.

  The American Consulate, through the Hujiang government, presented the pennant, which was hung in the showroom of the pharmaceutical factory, and became a witness of the friendship between the two countries.

   But in fact, this pennant is of even greater significance, because it forcibly opened a gap in the misunderstanding and barriers of foreigners about traditional Chinese medicine.

   As for the origin of this pennant, of course Liu Qingshan would not say that it was he who encouraged Wilson to give it to him.

  In fact, this is indeed the consulate wanting to express its gratitude. It originally wanted to donate a sum of research and development funds to the pharmaceutical factory, the amount is 20,000 US dollars.

  Foreigners like to do this, but Liu Qingshan really looked down on the money, so he discussed it with them:

  Since you are in China, follow the local rules and send a pennant.

   In the end, the foreigner was really fooled into ordering a pennant, and it wasn’t just one, the consulates of several countries gave it away.

  At the moment, the consulates of many countries are staring at the American consulate. Of course, the younger brother must follow the elder brother.

  Seeing that the US consulate actually ordered medicine, and it was really effective, so they all followed suit.

   Sending the pennant is really not a booing, it is indeed a heartfelt thank you.

  Perhaps in China at that time, a cold or something was just a minor ailment.

   But for Europeans and Americans, influenza is not a minor illness. Taking the United States as an example, in the 1980s, an average of more than 40,000 people died of influenza each year.

   This number is really scary.

   Looking around the world, there are 300,000 to 500,000 people. Who would dare to say that influenza is a minor ailment?

  Since this kind of cold medicine produced in China is so effective, some of the more conscientious foreigners even bought more than ten boxes of quick-acting cold tablets to take back when they are going back to China. There are frequent outbreaks of influenza in foreign countries. This is called being prepared.

   Just like that, Liu Qingshan has quietly sowed the seeds.

  He firmly believes that as long as there are seeds, sooner or later they will take root and sprout.

  The most talked about by the common people is Jiapigou Pharmaceutical Company: I have never heard of such a pharmaceutical factory before?

   Soon there were newspapers to help the public to solve their doubts: it turned out that the Jiapigou pharmaceutical factory was established in Jiapigou, a famous 100,000-yuan village.

  People finally connected the two Jiapigou together: No wonder it can become a 100,000-yuan village, even with a pharmaceutical factory.

  Think about it in reverse: the medicine produced in the 100,000-yuan village is of course a good medicine!

  Things are so miraculous, the advertisement prepared by Liu Qingshan for the pharmaceutical factory has not waited for it to start broadcasting on TV, the pharmaceutical factory has already become famous, and the effect is stronger than the advertisement.

   He Min even called Liu Qingshan and asked: Is the advertisement still airing?

  It doesn’t cost much to make advertisements, mainly because the cost of broadcasting advertisements on TV stations is relatively high, and this year it has increased a lot compared to last year. During the prime time, it has reached nearly a million.

  Now that it’s filmed, let’s broadcast it, but you don’t have to grab a good time slot, it’s just a normal one, and it’s cheaper.

   Just strike while the iron is hot, and with another wave of publicity, Jiapigou Pharmaceutical will be stable.

   All these disturbances did not affect Liu Qingshan too much, at most he was the last to make up his mind.

  That morning, after seeing off Wilson and Tom, Liu Qingshan led his two younger sisters and set off with his mother to search for the alley where his mother used to live.

  The location is also in Xujiahui, so I didn’t take a car. The family of four walked slowly, mainly Lin Zhi, looking for memories and shadows of the past while walking.

  At this time, the housing in Hujiang was too tight, so the alleys were extremely crowded and narrow.

  Going to the Bund yesterday, Liu Qingshan even saw a very magical scene: the wall of lovers.

  In fact, it is a section of river embankment, several miles long, and in the evening, the wall is full of lovers, there are thousands or even tens of thousands of couples.

   There is a gap of a few centimeters between each other.

   I don’t know if people on both sides can hear me when I whisper?

  The reason for this strange scene was that the housing was tight at that time, and the house was only a dozen square meters, with several pairs of eyes staring at it. How could there be room for you to fall in love?

  In the evening, the parks are closed, so we can’t always roll the roads and poles.

   It just so happens that the environment and scenery on the river embankment are not bad. Leaning against the lover's wall, enjoying the river view and falling in love at the same time, is quite romantic.

   Only later, this section of the embankment was rebuilt, and the lover's wall ceased to exist.

  So in order to keep some souvenirs, Liu Qingshan also quietly took a few photos, all of which are distant views, and they look really spectacular.


  Walking in the alley, there is still a strange smell, which makes the fourth and fifth wrinkle their little noses.

   Soon, Liu Qingshan found a urinal. It's summer, no wonder the smell is so strong.

   And not only that, there are big wooden barrels outside the door of each house. When you get up at night, you will defecate here, and then pour it into the public toilet when you get up in the morning. It’s no wonder you think it smells good.

  Looking up, the wires on it are like spider webs, and there are clothes to dry in various houses, fluttering in the wind, just like the national flags of the year.

   Today happens to be Sunday, and at the entrance of the alley you can see children playing together. On a hot day, a little boy is still shirtless, rolling a hoop past his eyes.

  The little girls also danced rubber bands and grids. When they saw Liu Qingshan and the others, they all looked up at their little heads.

  Liu Qingshan also heard them whispering: "They must be from Hong Kong Island, so foreign."

   "Could it be that they came back to look for relatives? If only my family had such relatives!"

  These years are not like the past few years. In the past, if the family had overseas ties, they would be criticized.

  Now if there are overseas relatives, if they come back, the family will shake up.

  Lin Zhi also heard the discussion of the children, so she stopped, leaned over and said in a slow voice in the local dialect:

   "We are not from Hong Kong Island. I used to live here too. This time I came back to visit relatives."

  Liu Qingshan saw that the corners of his mother's eyes were slightly moist.

  Maybe it is from these little girls that I saw the shadow of myself in the past, maybe it is in this place. Decades ago, my mother also danced rubber bands with her little friends...

  Beside a big tree, Lin Zhi stopped. She gently stroked the mottled trunk with her hands, tears finally fell down.

  Liu Qingshan looked up and saw a long alley in front of him, showing a bit of simplicity. On the old wall, there were several dilapidated big characters "Kangleli", all in traditional characters.

   Is this the place?

  Liu Qingshan took the fourth and fifth sons one by one, not asking them to disturb his mother's memories.

  Lin Zhi took out a handkerchief, gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and then smiled.

  She seemed to have made up her mind, and she took a step and walked towards Kangleli.

  When Liu Qingshan saw it, he quickly followed.

  Perhaps because it was a rest day, the alley was extremely crowded, and there was a large row of washing machines, all of which were rumbling and doing laundry.

   After all, it is a metropolis, and there are really not so many washing machines in other places.

  Seeing Liu Qingshan and his group, the girls, daughters-in-law, aunts and aunts who were doing laundry all cast curious glances.

  Of course, there are also a few little men among them, Hujiang men, who are still very family-friendly.

  This Gu family can also be understood from another angle, that is, they are more afraid of their wives.

  Lin Zhi's footsteps became faster and faster, passing through the washing machines, and then, her footsteps stopped suddenly, and her body trembled suddenly.

  Facing you, there is an old wooden cart, creaking and shaking.

  The wooden cart should be self-made, with four simple small wheels on the bottom and a bucket on the top.

  A gray-bearded old man sat in the bucket, shaking the handlebars with both hands, driving the chain and creaking forward.

  The old man was wearing a shabby white vest on his upper body, and a pair of big pants modified with trousers on his lower body, exposing his shriveled legs.

  His face is full of wrinkles, like a carving knife of the years, carving out annual rings.

  The eyes are blank, lifeless, and the hands are shaking mechanically, as if shaking the wheel of the years, slowly driving towards the end of life.

  Lin Zhi finally couldn't bear it anymore, ran a few steps, rushed to the front of the small wooden car, bent down, and was level with the old man in the car.

   Tears rolled down her face, her lips moved for a while, and then she spoke:

   "Abba, I'm nannie, nannie is back to see you!"

  (end of this chapter)

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