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Chapter 522: turning point of fate

  Chapter 522 Turning point of fate

  After leaving the Shangmei factory, Liu Qingshan was still immersed in excitement and joy.

  From these old people, he really felt what is called sincerity and love.

   Waiting until he got back to the hotel, his mood calmed down, and then he started to worry a little: Who will manage Qingshan Animation to set up a branch here?

  The production team is mainly retired workers from the Shangmei factory, so the company must be set up here.

   He is going to hand over the business matters to Mr. Sheng.

   But management also needs manpower.

  A company, from site selection to construction, to the purchase of various equipment and materials, and even logistics support, etc., involves a lot of things, and he doesn't have time to take care of these trivial matters here.

   The two chief cartoonists of Qingshan Animation will definitely develop in the island country for a period of time.

  The elder sister and elder sister are already very busy running a food company.

  The available talents are still insufficient.

  Was worried, he saw the fourth child bouncing back, followed by Lin Qingqing, pushing a wheelchair in his hand.

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help but his eyes lit up: it's Cousin Qingqing!

  Although there is suspicion of driving ducks to the shelves, the plasticity of the cousin should also be very strong.

   This point, my eldest sister Liu Jinfeng is the best example.

  And Yang Hongying will stay here for a while, so she can take her cousin Qingqing with her.

   When the time comes, some retired border guards will be dispatched from Heihe to help out. They should be able to support the stall.

   If you don’t have talents, then you should cultivate them slowly.

  After making up his mind, Liu Qingshan went up to meet him with a smile, carried his grandfather to the bed first, and then saw that Lin Qingqing had already carried the wheelchair into the house.

   "Qingshan, when will you go back to Jiapigou?" Grandpa asked cheerfully.

   It can be seen that the old man has completely recovered his vitality now. If his legs and feet can be cured again, then the whole person will be completely alive.

   "Yes." Lin Qingqing was also full of anticipation.

   As for the small mountain village that she has never been to, she has completely fallen in love with it.

   "Sister Qingqing, I'm afraid you will have to stay on the Hujiang side in the future."

  Liu Qingshan looked at his cousin with a smile: "I plan to invest in the construction of an animation studio here, and you will be in charge here in the future."

  Lin Qingqing's big eyes widened even wider: "Qingshan, don't be joking, I don't understand this at all!"

   "If you don't understand, you can learn slowly. No one is born knowing it." Liu Qingshan also said seriously.

  He didn't expect the other party to be the leader all at once, there must be a learning process, and he can also see her ability by the way.

  Oh, the fourth and fifth children cheered at the same time, and then they both hung on Liu Qingshan:

   "Brother, that's great, then we can watch a lot of cartoons, right?"

  Liu Qingshan patted the heads of the two of them with a smile: "I have to ask your sister Qingqing."

  The grandfather on the bed also smiled happily: "Qingqing, how will you know if you don't try it, you are so smart, do you still want to work as a temporary worker in a small factory for the rest of your life?"

  Lin Qingqing pursed her lips hard, her heart was at war with heaven and man. This kind of huge test was the first time in her life for her.

  I saw that her pretty face gradually showed determination: "Qingshan, let me try."

  Lin Zhi was also very pleased, caressing her niece's long hair:

   "Qingqing, believe in yourself, you can do it, you Jinfeng sister, you are the same as you at the beginning, and now you are also managing a factory with hundreds of people."

  Lin Qingqing nodded vigorously. She knew that her fate had changed dramatically when she met her little aunt's family.

   After lunch, he called Yang Hongying again and told her about it.

  Yang Hongying was also very happy, and then told Liu Qingshan that grandpa and Qingqing would be invited to dinner tonight, and of course, Qingqing's older brother Lin Qingfeng would also be invited to dinner.

  In the afternoon, Liu Qingshan led Lin Qingqing to the Shangmei factory and met with Sheng Lao.

  For the film studio, it is estimated that Director Yan will have to run for a month or two before the higher-ups can reply.

   Just took advantage of this time to lead Lin Qingqing back to see if he could ask the dumb grandpa to help her heal her illness.

  But Liu Qingshan will definitely not be able to come next time, so I asked Lin Qingqing to get to know Mr. Sheng first, and they will have to cooperate closely in the future.

  When the time comes, Mr. Sheng will be in charge of business matters, and Lin Qingqing will be mainly responsible for daily affairs.

  In the evening, the family finally got together. At first, Lin Qingfeng was a little restrained, but when Yang Hongying saw Lin Qingqing, she felt like old friends at first sight.

   After all, they all have a tough side in their temperament.

  Hearing that his younger sister will take over the management work in the future, Lin Qingfeng is also very envious. He does not have certain connections within the system, so it is difficult to get promoted.

  This time, if it wasn't for Liu Qingshan's help, he would definitely have to continue to stand aside.

   After Yang Hongying called him to be the escort, Lin Qingfeng returned to the reception group, and because of this special relationship, the leader also attached great importance to it.

   "Cousin, if you are unhappy at work, you can do it yourself and work with your cousin."

  Liu Qingshan tried to ask, but Lin Qingfeng didn't agree, he was still reluctant to give up this iron job.

  Liu Qingshan no longer forced himself, told them that he was going home tomorrow, and asked Lin Qingfeng to help him buy the air ticket.

  Lin Qingfeng looked at his grandfather, and then at his sister-in-law, his eyes full of reluctance: This is so far away, I am afraid that he can only go to Jiapigou during the Chinese New Year.

  The next day, Liu Qingshan and the others finally set foot on their way home.

   This trip to Hujiang, the rewards are not bad. In addition to successfully finding relatives, it also gave Qingshan Animation Company a chance to grow and develop.

  As for Yang Hongying's investigation, the dust was basically settled, and she was busy with the rest.

  In order to build a factory, one person definitely can’t do it. After Liu Qingshan returns, he has to send more people to the elder sister. He is going to ask Da Lao Li to lead Hu Wei and others to help.

   Commander Hu participated in the construction of the branch factory in Jinmen, so he has some experience.

   At that time, no matter how many troops are dispatched from Heihe, there will be veterans retired every year. These people are of relatively high quality and trustworthy, and they are an important part of Liu Qingshan's talent pool.

   On the way back, I felt very inconvenient because my grandfather was in a wheelchair.

  Even decades later, more attention will be paid to the travel of the disabled, and there will be all kinds of inconveniences, let alone this time.

  The progress of the times cannot be achieved overnight, everything takes time.

  In late August, Liu Qingshan and his family finally returned to Jiapigou.

  Jiapigou is already busy. The collection team has to enter the mountain every day. Now it has entered the peak season for harvesting mushrooms, fungus and other mountain products.

   "Grandpa, we are home!"

   Seeing the small mountain village in front, the fourth child became excited, and said to the grandfather beside him with a smile.

  Grandpa raised his hand to touch her antenna braid: "Yes, we're home!"

   They came back by the Great Liberation, and now, there is already a medium-sized fleet at the instant noodle factory.

   There are more than 20 GAZ trucks in total, and the scale is not small.

  After the Great Liberation entered the village, many children immediately surrounded them, yelling vigorously.

   "Brother Qingshan and the others are back!"

  Boys know that when Brother Qingshan comes back, there will definitely be something delicious.

   "Caifeng, Shanxing, you are finally back, you all want to kill me!"

  Xiaoman and the girls danced around the fourth and fifth.

  Liu Qingshan carried grandpa out of the car and put him on the wheelchair, and then waved:

   "Fourth and fifth, hurry up and give out candy to your friends, look at the second man, his teeth are falling out!"

   "Brother Qingshan, I'm changing my teeth, okay?"

   Er Mangzi was arguing, while cheerfully helping to unload things from the truck.

   "There are so many children."

  Lin Qingqing looked around, and she could feel that Qing Shan, the fourth child, and the fifth child were very close to these children.

  The children all looked at her, and some whispered: "Here comes another beautiful sister."

   "Could it be brother Qingshan's daughter-in-law?"

  The fourth youngest shouted immediately: "This is our cousin, hurry up and call Sister Qingqing."

  The little boys shrank their necks and stuck out their tongues, screaming in disorder.

   "Also, this is our grandfather, and I will have a grandfather in the future!"

  The youngest and fourth son said happily, and proudly puffed out his small chest.

  Grandpa loved hearing these words the most, and he kept talking about them, giving candy to the children.

   Soon, many old people gathered together, and now only the old and the young are left in the village.

   "Uncle kidnapper, this is my dad."

   "Uncle Branch Secretary, this is my father!"

  Lin Zhi introduced with a smile, and her face was full of happiness.

  The old people in the village, although they don't know the inside story, have not seen Lin Zhi's relatives walking around for so many years, so there must be some reason.

  Seeing this scene now, they are all happy for her, and they all happily gather around Lin Wanxiang, asking this and that.

   After a long time, everyone was released by these enthusiastic villagers and went home.

  Grandpa was also happy from ear to ear: "Everyone is really enthusiastic, niece, your family is really popular in the village."

  Lin Qingqing, who was pushing the wheelchair next to her, also kept nodding her head. She also felt the same way.

  Walking halfway, Liu Shikui and his grandma, who had already received the news, also went to the avenue to greet them.

  Liu Shikui held Lin Wanxiang's hand with a smile: "Brother, it's been decades, and we finally meet."

   Lin Wanxiang sighed a lot when he said this, because his sons, daughters and relatives never had the chance to meet each other.

   "It's all right now, Zhi'er is finally looking forward to this day, Brother Lin, this will be your home from now on."

  Grandma also laughed.

   There is also Grandma Qiu Ju, and Liu Qingshan will also introduce it, and then a large group of people go home.

   thump thump thump, the fourth and fifth children run at the front, and children love home the most.

  Although I am happy to play outside, the closest thing is at home.

  The big dog at home came up first, and then the little white ape jumped out of the window and jumped into Shan Xing's arms, screaming with excitement.

  On the other side of the firewood fence, a group of little guys also raised their paws and looked over here.

  Lin Zhi also looked around, seeing the fire fox walking slowly from behind the house, she felt at ease.

   This scene stunned Lin Qingqing: This house is really lively!

   Entering the house, Liu Qingshan carried his grandfather onto the kang, and sat on the kang, Lin Wanxiang's heart suddenly settled down.

  This strange place gave him a very friendly feeling, and he really regarded this place as his home.

  Liu Jinfeng also came back by car, and hurried to arrange food.

  Lin Qingqing also hurried to help, but she really didn't understand this kind of earthen stove, so she had to be responsible for washing and cutting vegetables.

  There are all kinds of vegetables in the garden now, and there are meat in the refrigerator, as well as eggs and duck eggs. This month, there is no shortage of food.

  Looking at all kinds of vegetables and food, Lin Qingqing was also in a daze: "Sister, is this too much?"

  Although the food in the south is exquisite, the quantity is small, and most of them are small dishes; but here, on the contrary, the dishes are served in large pots, which is the most affordable.

  During the meal, Liu Qingshan invited the party secretary and the kidnapper grandpa.

  Liu Shikui also took out the tiger bone wine: "Brother Lin, from now on, drink two cups of medicinal wine less every day, so as to relax the tendons and activate the blood."

   "Tomorrow, I will ask Sanfeng to invite his master over, so I can show you well."

  Liu Qingshan was also in a hurry. He didn't wait until tomorrow, so he went straight up the mountain in the afternoon, and took Master next. He also came with Song Yizhen, a senior brother.

  Of course, Sun Xiaoya is also indispensable. After entering the house, she hugged the fourth and fifth children together.

   "Little Six, this is a delicious food brought back for you."

   "And here are the new clothes and shoes that Erniang bought for you."

   Soon, a lot of things were placed in front of Sun Xiaoya.

  The dumb grandfather first checked Lin Wanxiang's legs, then frowned, and gestured with his hands for a while.

  Liu Qingshan was translating next to him. According to the dumb grandfather, this leg has injured the meridian, and it needs to be treated with medicine and acupuncture. It will take at least a year for it to be cured.

   Moreover, Lin Wanxiang's leg muscles have atrophied long ago. Even if he can be cured, he still needs long-term rehabilitation training.

  Lin Wanxiang can think about it: "After so many years, I have long been used to it. Now that I can reunite with my daughter, I am satisfied. I don't dare to have so many extravagant hopes."

  The dumb grandfather still nodded with a silly smile, and made a few more gestures: "At least walking on crutches will be fine in the future."

  Lin Wanxiang was overjoyed: It’s okay to be able to use crutches, it’s a hundred times better than being paralyzed.

   Soon the dumb grandfather drew up the prescription, and as for the acupuncture and moxibustion, it was performed by Song Yizheng.

   After watching grandpa, there is Lin Qingqing next.

  This girl's mentality is also good, she took off the scarf around her neck generously, seeing that a big blue birthmark completely affected the image of the whole person, everyone felt very sorry: No one is perfect.

  After inspecting it, the dumb grandpa nodded with a smile, and gestured with his hand, Liu Qingshan couldn't help being surprised:

   "Cousin, the master said that your birthmark can be eliminated in one month!"


  Lin Qingqing couldn't believe her ears. Although she had a strong temper, she was a little shadowed by this ugly thing since she was a child.

   "My master is the heir of the king of medicine, very powerful!"

  Of course Liu Qingshan is happy. If the birthmark is removed, it will be equivalent to helping Cousin Qingqing completely open her heart knot and change her whole life.

   "Qingqing, hurry up and kowtow to the dumb grandpa."

  Lin Wanxiang was happier than before when he heard the news. He loves this granddaughter the most.

  Lin Qingqing also knelt on the ground excitedly, and respectfully kowtowed three times to the dumb grandpa.

   Everyone didn't stop them. In this era, it is still very common to kowtow to the elders.

   "Qingqing, in the future you can also braid your hair or put it into a ponytail."

  Liu Jinfeng also hugged Lin Qingqing's shoulder with a smile.

   Liu Qingshan saw that Lin Qingqing hadn't recovered from the excitement, so he laughed and joked:

   "Cousin, I suggest that in order to avenge the old days, you'd better cut your hair short, the shorter the better."

  Everyone laughed, and Liu Jinfeng began to point out this cousin: "Qingqing, if Sanfeng is naughty again, you can pinch his ears."

  Liu Qingshan immediately protested: "Sister, are you still my real sister?"

  Qingqing looked at Liu Qingshan with a smile: "I can't bear to bully such a good cousin."

  (end of this chapter)

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