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Chapter 523: The pressure is indeed relatively high (ask for a monthly ticket to decompress)

  Chapter 523 The pressure is really high (ask for a monthly pass to decompress)

  September is approaching, and the school is about to start, Liu Qingshan is preparing to go to Beijing to officially start his university career.

   Watching his mother busy packing his luggage, Liu Qingshan did not stop him.

  Although there is no lack of anything at home in the capital, Liu Qingshan still enjoys the process of the line in the hands of the loving mother and the clothes on the wandering son.

  The treatment of Grandpa and Sister Qingqing has officially begun.

  The hospital set up a kerosene stove and began to boil medicine every day.

  Grandpa took decoction internally, supplemented by acupuncture; Lin Qingqing also took decoction internally, and then externally applied the ointment carefully prepared by the dumb grandpa.

  Liu Qingshan is also very concerned about the situation of her cousin. This is not only about whether she can restore her beautiful appearance. If the ointment is effective, can the pharmaceutical factory also develop some new medicines for external use?

  Just like scars and a touch of spirit, with the improvement of people's living standards, the pursuit of beauty is getting higher and higher. This field is still very promising.

  But he will start school soon, obviously he can't witness the process of the ugly duckling turning into a white swan with his own eyes.

  In the past few days, Liu Qingshan has spent every day with the old branch secretary, Captain Zhang, and Er Biaozi, the head of the young school, to arrange many things in the village.

  After he leaves, he probably won’t be able to return until the winter vacation, so arrangements must be made at home.

  The various industries in Jiapigou are developing steadily, and Liu Qingshan does not need to be responsible for the implementation. As long as he plans the direction and route of development, everyone will naturally implement them step by step.

  In the second half of the year, Liu Qingshan has already planned the main business in the village: one is the trade of artificially raised wild animals after winter.

  This has been contacted with Victor, and he will come over in person when the time comes.

  The other one is the brewing and sales of monkey wine.

  The rest of the regular ones, everyone is familiar with them, such as Songjiang green rice and mountain products, so there is no need to worry about them at all.

   While Liu Qingshan was busy with the affairs of the village, the county found him again. It was Secretary Wang and Zheng Hongqi who came in a jeep together.

   Along with them, there are also Director Zhou of the Commercial Bureau and others. Looking at the situation, it must be a big deal.

  Inviting all the leaders to the village, Secretary Wang was not polite. After taking a sip of tea, he cut straight to the point:

   "Qingshan, this year's Canton Fair is coming soon. Last year, our province did not perform well. This year, the province has issued targets for all cities and counties. You have to go to the fair yourself."

   Last year's Canton Fair, Liu Qingshan did not participate, and the result was affected. No matter whether it was the reason for his absence, the county felt that it was because of the lack of this little lucky star.

   "Secretary Wang, I will definitely be going to school at that time, and I probably won't be able to ask for leave."

  Liu Qingshan is also short of resources, his own property is stretched.

  This is a practical problem, which made Secretary Wang feel very depressed. He wanted to say: What kind of university do you want to go to? Just go to work in the county commercial bureau!

  But this is absolutely impossible to say, it will not delay Qingshan's future.

  He was admitted to Peking University, and the assignment after graduation depends on whether the various ministries and commissions are doing well.

   At that time, people's hometown complex will be more serious, and Bishui County will be able to borrow light from those who go out from their hometowns.

   "Qingshan, then you can help make up your mind, the pressure in the county is indeed relatively high." Zheng Hongqi also spoke.

  The Canton Fair is also very important to him. He has already heard the news that the higher organization department will inspect him and prepare to be transferred to the provincial economic and trade department.

  If Bishui County can deliver another outstanding result in this Canton Fair, his promotion will be just around the corner.

  Now that he has set foot in the officialdom, Zheng Hongqi certainly hopes to reach a higher position and make greater achievements.

  Liu Qingshan nodded, and then fell into thinking. If it is only Bishui County, it will be easy to handle.

   As long as Victor is called to sign a contract for the export of artificially raised game, then the above task can be easily completed.

   This business will be carried out sooner or later, but it will be moved to the Canton Fair.

   Now that it is related to Zheng Hongqi's future, Liu Qingshan is thinking about how to make more outstanding achievements.

   Gradually, a complete idea gradually took shape in his mind.

  Just as he was about to speak, he heard the beeping of a horn coming from outside, and then he heard the yelling of little children outside:

   "Uncle PLA is coming!"

  In this era, soldiers are the most beloved, especially these little kids, who regard the People's Liberation Army as their idols.

   Everyone hurriedly went out to check together, only to see large and small vehicles outside, including a car and two large trucks.

  Liu Qingshan saw his second-generation Pioneer car at a glance, and couldn't help muttering: "It came so fast."

  His car has been thrown on the other side of Heihe, obviously reinforcements from there have arrived.

  When he was in Hujiang, he called Hou San to discuss this matter.

  According to Hou San, they recruited a total of fifty or sixty veterans this year.

  I saw people standing neatly on top of the big truck, all in grass-green military uniforms and caps.

   It's just that the bright red collar badges and hat badges have been taken off. The little boy doesn't understand this, and thinks they are all from the People's Liberation Army.

  Shua Shua Shua Shua, dozens of veterans jumped out of the car body neatly, and then naturally stood in a second column, neatly and silently, just like they were in the barracks.

   A few people got out of Liu Qingshan's car at the front, and the leader was Wang Zhan.

  He and Ding Shan are staying in Heihe on behalf of Xiaowu and the others.

  In addition to Wang Zhan, Liu Qingshan also saw an acquaintance. He met him at the frontier station, so he walked a few steps quickly and greeted him:

   "Brother Zhan, you guys came here so fast."

   "Commander Hao, welcome."

  Hao Jun has thick eyebrows and big eyes, with a righteous face, and warmly shook hands with Liu Qingshan: "Mr. Liu, I have now retired and officially joined Longteng Trading Company. I will lead my comrades to report. Please give instructions to Mr. Liu."

  Although he has retired from the army, this military style cannot be changed for a while.

  Liu Qingshan was also a little surprised, he didn't expect that they, Long Teng, could still get a company commander.

   You should know that company-level cadres are not actually called veterans. They can be regarded as changing jobs. They can also be assigned jobs when they go to the local area, and they are also cadres regardless of size.

  Wang Zhan also saw Liu Qingshan's doubts, and said softly: "It was arranged by Uncle Shen."

  Liu Qingshan finally realized that it was obviously Shen Guodong's favor, and he couldn't help but feel a little moved.

  He looked at the veterans who lined up neatly, couldn't help but walked up, and shook hands with everyone one by one: "Comrades, this is not a military camp, so everyone can be casual."

   Among them, there are a few faces that he has some impressions of. At that time in the border garrison, they had dinner together and sang military songs together.

  These veterans also held sincere smiles, and held hands firmly with Liu Qingshan.

  Of course I remember Liu Qingshan more. Needless to say, those pork sons were sent to the army when they supported the army. Those two military songs are still the most popular among them so far.

  After shaking hands, Liu Qingshan said in a loud voice: "Everyone is willing to join our company, which is the trust in us. On behalf of everyone in the company, I would like to express my gratitude to my comrades."

   "I won't give you any guarantees now, but there is one thing I can absolutely guarantee. As long as you work hard, the treatment in our company will be higher than those who hold iron rice bowls."

  Liu Qingshan knows that most of the veterans who can come here are from the countryside. When they return to their hometown, they can only work in agriculture.

   Unlike those comrades who ate food supplies, they could be assigned jobs after returning, so he emphasized this point to reassure people.

  Wow, boom, everyone started applauding enthusiastically.

  Although they all know that most of the people in Longteng Company are veterans, and they are treated very well.

   But they are more at ease if they can get Mr. Liu's personal guarantee.

   Just in time to see Lin Qingqing and Hu Wei leading the fourth and fifth children over, probably to watch the fun.

   Liu Qingshan beckoned to the two of them. Most of these veterans will be their subordinates in the future, so it is better to let them settle down.

  Hu Wei walked over with a smile, and when he saw the uniform green uniform, this guy immediately put away his smiling face and became serious.

  He straightened his snow-white shirt and trousers, then stepped forward to shake hands with each other, very affectionate.

   Everyone didn't know, so they thought they were the company's executives when they saw Hu Wei's shiny leather shoes, full of style.

   Then I heard Hu Wei’s hearty voice, and began to report his family name: “My lord, Hu Wei, is also a veteran. My dream is to become a commander, so everyone can call me Commander Hu.”

  The new veterans all looked at each other: Doesn't it look like they are from the military?

  I just heard Hu Wei continue to say: "Although we are still soldiers after taking off the military uniform, we have left the military camp after all and entered the broader melting pot of society. Therefore, we must not only maintain the true qualities of soldiers, but also learn to quickly integrate into society."

   Now, Company Commander Hao took the lead in applauding.

   This is actually what he is most worried about. Now that he has a role model like Hu Wei, he is completely relieved.

   "Sister Qingqing, you also say a few words, most of these will be your employees in the future." Liu Qingshan said softly to Lin Qingqing, he also intends to train his cousin.

  In front of a group of veterans full of masculinity, Lin Qingqing must have been a little nervous, but she still pressed her lips tightly and took a few steps forward:

   "Hi everyone, my name is Lin Qingqing. We will work together in the future. I hope that everyone can unite as one and continue to win in the new position!"

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help smiling: It's okay, at least the performance is passing. This cousin is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, and she is a big deal.

  She has an outstanding appearance, a bright smile, and a bit of determination in her eyes, which made the soldiers a little short of breath.

  In the military camp, there was very little contact with the opposite sex, so seeing the slim Lin Qingqing in front of her, she couldn't help feeling a sense of intimacy in her heart.

Hu Wei then took up the conversation: "Comrades, we are going to the big city of Hujiang soon. Our company has several factories there, and construction is about to start. It is the time for employing people, and everyone is the first batch. .”

  Going to Hujiang!

  The eyes of these veterans are also brightened: it is one of the best big cities in China, and I didn't even dare to think about it before.

   It seems that joining Longteng Company is definitely a correct choice.

  However, amidst the excitement, they felt a little timid in their hearts. After all, they were still on duty at the border of the Northern Kingdom last month, and now they were about to go to such a big city, so it was unavoidable to be nervous.

  Liu Qingshan certainly saw this, so he said with a smile: "Comrades, don't worry, study while working, I believe that in the future, there will be a place for everyone in big cities."

  “We don’t rely on the sky or the earth, but rely on our own efforts to create a new world.”

   Company Commander Hao was also encouraging: "Comrades, there are still eight companies on the Nanjing Road in Hujiang. Those of us who have been baptized in the barracks are all good men, and there is nothing to be afraid of!"

Seeing the confidence and excitement on each of the resolute faces, Liu Qingshan asked Hu Wei and Lin Qingqing to lead everyone away, settle down first, and get acquainted with each other, and then Hu Wei led them to the new place first. battlefield.

  Wang Zhan, Company Commander Hao and a veteran named Wang Xiaobing remained.

  Liu Qingshan also has a little impression of this Wang Xiaobing. He is also a small squad leader in the border guards. He often meets at checkpoints, and he is usually quite clever.

   "Mr. Liu, this time we also bring the products produced by the water plant."

  Hao Jun then pointed to the truck.

  Liu Qingshan also understood what he meant: Now that bottled water has been produced, it must face sales problems.

  Shen Guodong was willing to send a company commander to their company, obviously for this matter.

  So he also walked over with great interest. Wang Xiaobing had already jumped into the car and brought a box of water down.

  Opening the outer packing carton, Liu Qingshan took out a bottle. Compared with later generations, the bottle was a bit bulky.

   Look at the logo above, it says "Natural Sparkling Water".

   "Let's try it, everyone."

  Liu Qingshan distributed the water bottles to everyone present.

   "Is there soda in it?" Secretary Wang of Bishui County was a little puzzled.

  Liu Qingshan shook his head: "It's water."

   "Selling water?"

  Secretary Wang felt a little unbelievable: Who would pay for water?

  Liu Qingshan unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip: Not bad, the taste is soft, with a slight soda taste.

  Secretary Wang also took a few mouthfuls in confusion. He was really thirsty after being out in the sun for a while on a hot day.

  Hiccup, he hiccupped, then smacked his lips, and said embarrassingly: Isn’t this just adding some dough starter to cold water, it’s not sweet at all, I guess a fool would pay for it?

  Dough starter is the common name of baking soda, because it is often used to make dough, so it is called so.

  Wang Zhan also said: "Qingshan, the output of the water plant is not small, this is the market..."

  Liu Qingshan nodded with a smile: "Come on, let's go into the house and discuss it together."

  Everyone re-entered the team headquarters. Captain Zhang took out a sugar jar, which contained snow-white sugar, and said, "Come on, add some sugar to this water bottle, it will be delicious."

  The old party secretary played with the plastic bottle after drinking: "This bottle is not bad. It must be more convenient to use at home with oil, salt, sauce and vinegar."

   Secretary Wang and Zheng Hongqi both looked at each other in dismay, trying not to laugh out loud.

  Liu Qingshan also blinked vigorously: Grandpa Secretary, Uncle Captain, what we sell is water, not bottles!

  So he coughed: "Just now we talked about the Canton Fair. When the time comes, let's take this natural soda water to the Canton Fair to test the water."

   "Our pure natural soda water has to be sold for one dollar a bottle anyway."

  As soon as these words came out, the room became quiet in an instant.

   After a long time, Secretary Wang asked: "Qingshan, you mean to sell this water to foreigners? Pay a dollar for a bottle?"

  He felt: If those foreigners are willing to buy water, they must be out of their minds!

  (end of this chapter)

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