Hello 1983

Chapter 537: The brigade is here (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 537 The brigade is here (ask for a monthly ticket)

  In the Capital Hotel, Liu Qingshan and the others occupied seven or eight tables.

   There were players from both sides of the competition, as well as personnel from the embassy such as McCall, singers like Lao Cui, and Xiao Wu and others. It was very lively.

  In addition, the main force of the student union, including Song Xue, was also busy.

   There are also three brothers who are sleeping with Liu Qingshan, and there are many singers today, all of whom are potential artists of their company.

  As for the school leaders, they were actually invited, but they were a bit embarrassing. The key is that the school's funds are tight, and they can't afford the meal expenses, so they are embarrassed to come for a meal.

   Just right, without school leaders, the students are more relaxed.

   Wait until the food and wine are served, pour all kinds of drinks, and start eating and drinking lively.

  Liu Qingshan had a drink with him at this table, and another at that table. Fortunately, he always drank beer and never drank too much.

  Drinking is indeed the best way to enhance friendship. The students of Peking University and those foreign students soon began to call each other brothers.

  As for McCall and the others, they were accompanied by Xiao Wu and the others, all of whom were old acquaintances. They enjoyed themselves while drinking and chatting.

   "Third son, let's eat the food first, and let's go to the singer's table to chat later."

  Liu Qingshan clipped a large piece of crystal elbow for Xu Changsheng.

   Xu Chang grew up so big, it was really the first time he entered a restaurant, and it was such a high-end hotel, so he seemed a little restrained.

   After eating the soft, glutinous and fragrant elbow, Xu Changsheng glanced at the table next to him:

   "Fourth, if our company can sign one or two, then we don't have to worry about releasing the tapes."

  Liu Qingshan patted him on the shoulder: "Let's enjoy the delicious meal first."

  Xu Changsheng nodded: "It's delicious, but it's a bit expensive. This table is only more than 30 yuan, which is enough for our food expenses for a month."

  More than 30 yuan, a large table of wine and food, in the eyes of later generations, that is very cheap.

  But at the time, he directly ate half a month's salary.

   "That's why you have to work hard to make money, so that you and the people who care about you can live a good life." Liu Qingshan didn't say much, and dropped the sentence very seriously.

   When the meal was almost done, Liu Qingshan held the wine glass and led Zhang Pengfei and others to toast at Lao Cui's big table.

  Song Xue and the others, the cadres of the student union, hurried over together, and it was also very gratifying to be able to chat with their idols.

  Although their college students are the pride of heaven, they are all young people, and they all like listening to music.

  Everyone filled up the wine, Liu Qingshan spoke first: "Thank you for coming to our Peking University today, I must have seen the enthusiasm of our Peking University students and our love for you."

   "I hope that everyone present here will go to Beijing University to hold a concert if they have the opportunity."

   Being able to go to a university like Peking University to hold a concert is not something everyone can do, so these singers also raised their glasses with smiles.

   "Wait a minute, the singers are full, you have to sing a toast song."

   Zhang qingyang is quite good at enlivening the atmosphere.

  The crowd naturally cheered, and even the people at the surrounding tables followed suit.

   "If you want to sing, you have to sing it with the master."

  Jade Rabbit Spirit is rather weird, with a sweet smile on his face, looking at Liu Qingshan.

  This proposal is naturally more popular.

   "I have convinced you, this is not a trick, I want to make a fool of myself."

  Liu Qingshan couldn't think of it either, and in the end he was the first bird.

  Of course everyone refused, there was no other way, so Liu Qingshan had no choice but to hold the wine glass, and then sang a distant song from his mouth:

   "Swan geese line up in pairs in the sky..."

   "Drink up the wine and fill it up again. If you don't get drunk tonight, you won't pay it back..."

  Especially when this line was sung, the atmosphere on the wine table suddenly exploded. Everyone raised the wine glasses in front of them, and drank them all in one gulp. Even the girls showed a bit of pride.

   At this time, a strange sound suddenly sounded, as if it came from the depths of the grassland, echoing Liu Qingshan's singing, it turned out to be very harmonious.

   Everyone looked, but it was a young man with long hair. His appearance was a bit strange, and his voice was even more strange. This kind of voice came from his throat.

  Liu Qingshan was also quite puzzled: There are still people here who can know Humai.

   Taking a closer look, Liu Qingshan couldn't help but want to laugh: Isn't this Uncle Teng, and now he is still a chasing boy with long hair!

   Not to mention, with the addition of Uncle Teng Humai, this song of Swan Goose is even more impressive, and even the foreigners present are completely overwhelmed.

  After the song was over, Liu Qingshan pulled Uncle Teng, put his arms on his chest and bowed.

  The young Uncle Teng blushed even more excitedly: "This song is so good, it makes me feel like I have returned to the grassland. Can you let me sing this song? I will definitely not bury it."

  Liu Qingshan shook his head.

  Uncle Teng immediately drooped his head like a frost-beaten Gesanghua.

   "Because I didn't write this song, so I don't care about it." Liu Qingshan said with a smile.

  But he still patted Uncle Teng on the shoulder: "Only what belongs to the nation belongs to the world."

  Uncle Teng trembled uncontrollably. He felt that he understood. Recently, he was trying to compose a song of his own nation, but he was worried that this road would not work.

   Today Liu Qingshan's song and these words strengthened his confidence all at once.

   Only what belongs to the nation is what belongs to the world.

  Many singers silently comprehend this sentence in their hearts, and they all have a lot of feelings in their hearts.

  Because domestic pop music has just developed, everyone is now generally influenced by Europe, America, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

  Uncle Teng was excited, drank the wine, refilled it, and had another drink with Liu Qingshan: "I heard that you are going to set up an audio-visual company, can I join?"

  He is still unknown, and today he just came to join in the fun. Why doesn't Uncle Teng want to release a tape?

  Right now, it’s not popular to go out and do commercial performances. The life of ordinary singers is also quite difficult, and they all rely on that little salary.

   "Okay, welcome." Liu Qingshan knew Uncle Teng's strength, so naturally he would not refuse.

   "Yes, yes, welcome!"

  Zhang qingyang and the others were also very excited: the company hasn't opened yet, so someone has joined!

  Song Xue next to her was also full of joy. These days, she had been going through formalities with Zhang Pengfei, and she also regarded herself as a part of the company.

  Although she didn't have much impression of the singer just now, and she is not well-known, but she is a professional after all, what if it becomes popular in the future?

   "It's a pity that I signed a contract with a record company and can't join."

   A regretful voice came, it was that sweet girl.

   This guy is very popular right now, a cassette can sell millions of copies, and he is the record holder for a single cassette.

  Song Xue also felt regretful: If this Li singer joins, then why worry?

  At this time, another voice came into her ears: "I am a self-employed household, I will join you under the big tree."

  Song Xue looked at the speaker and couldn't help covering her mouth. She couldn't believe her ears.

  That is the queen of tapes, it is definitely a guarantee of sales.

  The Tape Queen agreed to join their small company that hadn't completed the formalities. How could this be possible?

   "Count me in." Old Cui also expressed his attitude.

   Now, the wine table became silent, only Liu Qingshan stretched out his hand with a smile on his face, shook hands with the two people respectively, and said welcome twice.

  As for zhang qingyang and the others, they were completely dumbfounded.

  Song Xue finally came back to her senses, and her eyes fell on Liu Qingshan. Needless to say, if he is willing to join their company, it must be that this junior has done a lot of work behind the scenes.

   But what is it that attracts these well-known singers to throw themselves into their arms one after another?

   Song Xue probably couldn't understand this question for a while, but her confidence in staying in the company became stronger.

  After the banquet ended happily, Liu Qingshan saw off the people from all walks of life, and then followed Xiao Wu and the others to go to the construction site at the Asian Games Village.

  He has already received the news that just yesterday, the brigade reinforcements had arrived, and the speed was far beyond his expectation.

  At first, I thought it would take at least half a month, but it turned out that it came in less than ten days. This speed is really only possible with the rapid march of the troops.

  When approaching Zhenwumiao Village, I saw a large group of people busy on the construction site from a distance.

   There are also vehicles coming and going, transporting away loads of construction materials.

   When we got closer, we saw a lot of construction machinery, even two large cranes, which were hoisting the beams of the main hall on the truck.

  Looking at those busy figures, they are all green military uniforms, but they have taken off their cap badges and collar badges, and they are all veterans.

  Seeing Uncle Maoer and Wang Xiaobing, who were studying together, Liu Qingshan and the others hurried over.

  I saw that Writer Shu also led several consultants here, one by one, and the excitement on their faces had not completely subsided. .

  Seeing Liu Qingshan, Writer Shu's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly greeted him: "Qingshan, you guys are really generous, generous!"

   Today is a rest day, so these consultants also rushed over early.

   As a result, when I got here, I was frightened. More than 200 veterans were lined up neatly here.

   There are also more than one hundred large trucks and various construction machinery parked here neatly, with a driver standing next to each vehicle. The scene is very spectacular.

   There are a total of more than 300 people and more than 100 vehicles, as if they are an army ready to go, ready to enter the battlefield at any time.

  Seeing that Writer Shu and the others were all overwhelmed, they just wanted to roll up their sleeves and work harder.

  Since I participated in this big project, I have been leading the villagers to make small troubles here these days.

  Writers Shu and the others were also a little worried: Shouldn’t they be moved to the Year of the Monkey?

   Now, they finally saw the large reinforcements, and even more so, the confidence of Liu Qingshan and the others.

  There are so many people and cars, people need to eat, cars need to drink oil, this person eats horse chews, how much investment?

  If they didn't really want to do something, who would be willing to invest in it like this?

  So in their hearts, they are convinced from the bottom of their hearts to Liu Qingshan and his group.

   Now that the master is coming, they all surrounded him enthusiastically, with sincere and enthusiastic smiles on their faces, and greeted Liu Qingshan one after another.

   Except for Writer Shu who called "Qingshan" affectionately, the rest of them all called Mr. Liu. Anyone can feel the respect from the heart.

  This kind of respect is definitely not because of power and money, but for the common belief in their hearts.

  If there was some estrangement between the two parties before, now they have completely become a family.

  Of course, Liu Qingshan could also feel this change, and shook hands with everyone enthusiastically:

   "Now I can shake off my arms and do a big job. I am usually at school, so I can only come over occasionally to see it. I will work hard for all the consultants in the future."

  Everyone laughed, and Writer Shu almost patted his chest: "Don't worry, Qingshan, everyone will take this as their own career in the future."

  With their words, Liu Qingshan was really relieved. He was confident that within three to five years, the film and television base would take shape.

   As for the improvement and supplement in the future, it will be a protracted work.

   After meeting each other, everyone started talking about business. It turned out that Writer Shu and the others were more confident after seeing so many reinforcements. They discussed building an antique dwelling in the film and television base.

  Materials, such as the blue bricks and tiles of the old houses in the village, can be used.

  I thought the project would be too much, so I didn't dare to think about it. Now that I saw so many manpower and vehicles, I brought up this idea again.

   Liu Qingshan didn't get involved in these professional matters, and let writer Shu and his consultants do it.

   As for whether the folk houses were built in Tang and Song style or Ming and Qing style, he doesn't care.

  This kind of trust also warms the hearts of those consultants and experts, and there is an urge to die for their confidants.

  Liu Qingshan dragged Wang Xiaobing and the others to ask about the resettlement of these newcomers.

  There are more than three hundred people, eating, drinking and sacking, that is no small matter.

   If you don't do a good job in logistics support, wouldn't it be a disappointment to others' trust.

  Wang Xiaobing and Cao Xiaofei began to report to Liu Qingshan: Excluding more than 100 drivers, the remaining 200 people were all retired engineers.

   At the new site after the relocation, a temporary simple shed has been built, and more than a dozen local villagers have been hired to help with cooking.

  Cao Xiaofei is now mainly in charge of logistics.

  Although it is already autumn, the weather is still not cold, and we can live in the shed for more than a month.

   During this period of time, with the strength of these engineers, they must have been able to build houses and live in them after winter.

  If it is to build residential buildings, then it is just right.

  Liu Qingshan told Cao Xiaofei to prepare food every day, as well as daily necessities for engineers.

  After he finished speaking, Wang Xiaobing reported again:

   "Boss, there is another situation. I roughly calculated the accounts last night. The monthly expenses of our large engineering team, plus personnel expenses and mechanical wear and tear, are not a small amount."

   "One month, at least 100,000 yuan."

  Cao Xiaofei next to him also nodded his head, obviously agreeing very much.

  The two brothers are also anxious: the construction of a film and television base, it is clear that within three to five years, there will be no output.

  If this is done year after year, even a mountain of gold can’t afford to put money into it.

  Writer Shu and the others also gradually gathered around. They are not unreal, and of course they are very concerned about this.

  It would be a pity if Liu Qingshan couldn't bear this kind of consumption and gave up halfway.

   Sitting and eating nothing is indeed not what Liu Qingshan wants to see. Looking at those construction machinery, more than half of them are parked behind and idle, and he gradually has a calculation in his heart.

  At this time, I saw two engineering off-road vehicles driving towards this side, and the road was full of dust.

   When we got closer, a group of people wearing hard hats came down, and two of them, who had been in frequent contact with each other and had known each other for a long time, were engineers from the construction party of the Asian Games Village.

  Seeing the eyes of this group of people, Liu Qingshan was eagerly looking at those large machines, so the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly cocked: It seems that there is a business coming.

  (end of this chapter)

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