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Chapter 538: Everything is possible

  Chapter 538 Everything is possible

  "Liu Gong, Yan Gong, welcome." Writer Shu warmly greeted the engineers wearing hard hats, and then introduced Liu Qingshan to them.

  The stocky Liugong immediately held Liu Qingshan's palm affectionately: "Mr. Liu, your construction site is more lively than ours."

   "Hey, it's all the same, it's all for construction."

  Liu Qingshan said haha, he basically guessed the purpose of the other party's visit, and it happened to be able to solve his urgent needs.

   But for this kind of thing, it is better to wait for the other party to speak.

   Sure enough, after chatting for a few words, the gentle Yan Gong explained the purpose of coming:

   "Mr. Liu, there are still a lot of idle machines on your side. Can you borrow them from us? The Asian Games Village project has a tight schedule and heavy tasks."

  Wang Zhan is sincere, he patted his chest: "Of course..."

  Liu Qingshan quickly stopped him: "Yan Gong, we also have ten natural villages that need to be relocated. Just now I was wondering if I could go to your side and borrow some people."

   "These ten villages don't need to be demolished at the same time. They can be demolished one by one."

  Yan Gong looked at the village chief Wang Daniu next to him.

   Some time ago, they had contact with them, and Village Chief Wang also respected them very much, and he probably could speak for them.

  Wang Daniu tapped the pipe pot in his mouth: "It's almost winter, it's better to hurry up, otherwise everyone will be in trouble in the winter."

  Yan Gong was also a little dissatisfied, how did he know that Wang Daniu had already turned his back.

   This is also normal. Liu Qingshan's side can bring greater benefits to the village, and of course the relationship will be stronger.

  No need for anything else, just the money to buy land in these villages is enough to make these village cadres happy.

   It was Liugong who saw what Liu Qingshan meant, so he said:

   "Mr. Liu, how about this, you have so many machines, just give us half of them evenly, even if we rent them, we will pay monthly."

   "You also know that in order to host this Asian Games, the country has invested a lot, so the wages should not be too high. I hope President Liu understands."

  So the two sides bargained and finally settled on an acceptable price: 100 construction workers, plus half of the construction machinery and drivers, 80,000 per month.

   In fact, there is no shortage of manpower. The whole country holds the Asian Games, and construction workers cannot be transferred.

  The main reason is that the machinery is relatively tight. Most of the money is spent on renting the machinery.

  Liu Qingshan is also quite satisfied. In this way, the manpower here can basically be self-sufficient, at least there is no need to pay for it.

   To use the words circulated in the army to describe it, it is to support war with war.

  After the discussion, Wang Zhan followed Liugong and the others to sign a formal contract.

   Liu Qingshan wandered around, and finally wandered around with everyone to the new location of the film and television base.

  A stretch of canvas sheds has been set up here, and because it is almost dinner time, more than a dozen women are busy cooking.

  In front of the work shed, several big pots were set up, Liu Qingshan went over to look at the food, and it was still good, big steamed buns, egg drop soup.

  In addition, there are two dishes, one meat and one vegetarian. The vegetarian dish is fried cabbage slices, and the meat dish is pork stewed potatoes.

   In a short while, several large trucks brought all the workers back, washed up and then had dinner.

  More than three hundred people ate together, and the scene was also very spectacular.

   Several rows of long tables and stools, sitting tall veterans, they still maintain the habit of the army, before eating, they sing as usual.

  In addition to military songs, they also sang a song called We Workers Have Strength, which can be described as majestic and heroic.

   Singing made Liu Qingshan's throat a little itchy, but among these veterans, several of them were veterans from the frontier defense in Heihe, and they knew Liu Qingshan's background.

  So after everyone finished singing, these people took the lead in clapping their hands and began to sing: "Mr. Liu, come one."

  Those who didn't know the real situation also booed: "Mr. Liu, come one!"

   After all, after leaving the army, there are no strict military discipline requirements, so everyone is more relaxed.

  Of course Liu Qingshan could not be timid. He stood up and bowed first: "First of all, welcome everyone to join our big family of Longteng."

   "Our Longteng company has a pure friendship with the army and a deep relationship with the officers and soldiers. I sincerely hope that everyone can regard this place as their own home."

   "Although everyone is taking off their military uniforms now, they will always be soldiers. Today, I will give you a song, we soldiers!"

  Everyone responded with warm applause. As soldiers, we are excited when we hear this name, and a sense of pride arises spontaneously.

   "What's the difference between us soldiers?"

   "Just because we all wear plain military uniforms."

   "It's different, but it's the same,"

   "They are all youthful years, they are all passionate children..."

  The majestic singing made everyone present feel the blood surging, and then they sang along unknowingly.

  In the end, of course, it followed Liu Qingshan’s practice of singing military songs and evolved into a chorus.

   After the chorus was over, Liu Qingshan waved his arms: "Dinner is ready!"

  Today's dinner felt extraordinarily sweet, and Liu Qingshan and his group, including writer Shu and his consultants, also ate here together.

  The black fungus in the cabbage slices is brought from Jiapigou, and it is very delicious.

   There is also pork belly cut into small cubes, eating a piece is really satisfying.

  In addition to this, there is also spiritual collision and enjoyment, which makes the people present feel even sweeter.

  That night, Liu Qingshan was not in a hurry to go back to school, but went home with Uncle Lu and Uncle Lao Maoer.

  These days, the two brothers have reaped a lot. From the ten relocated villages, they have collected two to three hundred old objects. Liu Qingshan's temporary treasure room seems to be unable to hold it.

   "Qingshan, you're on the right track this time, otherwise, you wouldn't be able to collect so many things."

  In the treasure room, Master Lu happily looked at the dazzling array of antiques, and the more he looked at them, the more he fell in love with them.

  Old Maoer sat on a grand chair and nodded his head: "Xiao Shanzi, it seems that another batch should be brought back, otherwise this room will be full."

  Liu Qingshan didn't expect such a big harvest in half a month, so he nodded:

   "Uncle, then you have to make a trip, and send a big truck back to Jiapigou tomorrow, and you will **** it."

  Old Mao stood up suddenly, but knocked down the wax skewer on the table next to him.

   Fortunately, he reacted quickly and took the wax stick in his hand in mid-air, otherwise, he would have smashed the pieces of porcelain on the ground.

   "It just so happens that I miss senior brother too. I went to see him. I heard that senior brother has adopted a little granddaughter. Haha, this can be regarded as a successor."

  Old Hat laughed out loud, and seemed quite satisfied with this errand.

  Master Lu took the wax skewer in his hand, put it away again, and muttered: "I think you are frizzy, it doesn't suit you well, let me go for a while."

   "You are not allowed to rob me of this, I have even chosen a gift for my granddaughter." Lao Maoer immediately became anxious, in fact, Master Lu was joking with him.

  Liu Qingshan also smiled: "Uncle Shi, if you like children, you can find a partner by yourself and have one."

  Old Mao'er waved his hand: "Don't talk about this, I'm still comfortable alone. With you juniors, even if I lose my hair, can you still drag me into the gutter?"

  For this uncle, Liu Qingshan had no choice but to shake his head helplessly: Everyone has their own way of life, and no one else can control it.

  So the three of them worked together to pick out the things that need to be taken away tomorrow, and register them.

  What Liu Qingshan valued the most was that strange snake coiled turtle. Although the origin was unknown, he could feel that it was definitely a unique treasure.

  So I specially told my uncle to make no mistakes.

  In the end, he was still worried, and decided to ask Wang Xiaobing to go back to Jiapigou with his uncle tomorrow to **** the babies.

  He returned to school the next day, because it was Monday, so in the morning meeting, the young counselor Teacher He Wanqing also appeared in the class.

  After arranging some things, He Wanqing called Liu Qingshan to his office alone, and asked kindly:

   "Student Qingshan, I heard that you and your classmates are going to start a company. How far is it now?"

  She has a gentle temperament, just like a big sister, and her name is Liu Qingshan, and she is also kind: "Mr. He, these few days, Zhang Pengfei and Song Xue from the student union are going through the formalities."

  He Wan counted her fair chin: "It is commendable for you to have such courage. If you study economics, you should apply what you have learned. If you have theory, you must practice it."

   "However, you must arrange your time reasonably, so as not to affect your studies."

  Her voice is very gentle, without that kind of preaching, which makes people listen to it very comfortably, and has the potential of a caring sister.

  Of course Liu Qingshan assured again and again, he can still tell which is more important.

   After chatting for a few words, He Wanqing smiled and said: "Actually, you should discuss it with me. After all, I am your counselor, and I have the responsibility and obligation to help the students."

   After finishing speaking, she handed Liu Qingshan a note with a phone number and a name on it:

   "When going through the formalities, you can call this person to try. He is not an outsider. He is my husband and works in the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce."

  Liu Qingshan knew that with Song Xue's help, the formalities were almost completed.

   But of course he would not refuse Mr. He's kindness, so he carefully put away the note, and secretly remembered this favor in his heart.

  While waiting to go out, Liu Qingshan turned around and said: "Mr. He, I really can't see it, so you are married, and I wanted to introduce someone to you."

  Ms. Xiao He's face turned red, and she coughed lightly: "Student Qingshan, some classmates reported that you don't come home at night, this question..."

   "Teacher, class is about to start, bye." Liu Qingshan waved his hand and left the office calmly.

  He really didn't mean to tease this little teacher He, those friends of Liu Qingshan, like Xiao Wu and the others, are still bachelors.

  This teacher Xiao He is gentle and intellectual, he is indeed a good candidate, but it is a pity that he has already married.

   When he returned to the classroom, Liu Qingshan handed the note to Zhang Pengfei, and it really worked. After a few days, the company's procedures were completed.

  The days passed like this day by day, and the entertainment company under the big tree gradually took shape: the office building was also rented, the office supplies were purchased, the imported equipment was in place one after another, and five or six singers were signed under the banner.

   All of these are useless to Liu Qingshan, he is only responsible for paying the money and guiding the general direction.

  Unknowingly, the National Day is approaching, and the school is on holiday for three days, but for most students, there is still no way to go home during the three-day holiday.

  The road is far away, and there is not enough time to take the train.

  Liu Qingshan thought about it for a while, and decided to take Zhang Pengfei and Xu Changsheng, who were sleeping together, to his home, since they couldn't go back anyway.

   As a result, Wei Bing, the second child, also followed him with a shameless face.

   There are four people in total, so they can only take the bus. Liu Qingshan seldom takes the bus. This time, he really experienced the feeling of packing bean bags.

  Finally arrived at the door of the house, and saw a big Jiefang parked. The old Maoer Shishu, Wang Xiaobing, and a driver were dumping things in the yard.

   "Uncle Shi, Xiao Bing, you are all back."

  Liu Qingshan said hello, and then looked inside the carriage, it was full of rice noodles, and there were many big sacks, all bulging.

  Aunt Lu in the courtyard wore an apron and said, "This is too much, and I can't finish it in ten or eight years."

   "It's mainly brought back from the construction site. Besides food, it's mountain products."

  Old Maoer threw down two sacks of rice and several bags of white flour from the car, and did not plan to move the rest.

  He patted the big sack with his hands: "This time, we have brought all the Songjiang green rice from the village back. Anyway, new rice will come down soon."

   "Master, unload two sacks, I just need it."

   Liu Qingshan yelled, and the old hat threw down two more sacks.

   Then, Wang Xiaobing greeted Liu Qingshan, and happily transported the rest of the things to the construction site.

  The rest of the people began to carry them to the courtyard, and the old hat was still yelling: "Don't stretch out your hands, don't get your clothes dirty.

   Then, zhang qingyang and the others saw old hat walking lightly into the yard with a big sack in one hand.

   Several people couldn't help being speechless. They also got started just now. The sacks containing rice weigh at least two hundred catties.

   "Hey, that's amazing!"

  Zhang qingyang almost bowed his head and bowed. He also practiced martial arts since he was a child, so of course he could see that he was a real kung fu.

  He asked Liu Qingshan anxiously: "Fourth brother, does your master accept apprentices?"

   "Of course I accept, but the kung fu practiced by my uncle is quite special, it must be boy kung fu."

   "Boss, you have to think about it. If you practice with my uncle, you will not be allowed to talk about partners in the future, let alone get married."

   "Didn't you see that my uncle is in his forties, and he is still single now?"

  Zhang qingyang really believed it. He was stunned for a while, and his mind was full of war between heaven and man, making a difficult choice between practicing martial arts and marrying a wife.

   Wei Bing next to him looked at the rice bag, his eyes were shining brightly: "Fourth brother, this is Songjiang green rice, no matter what, you have to get me a bag!"

  In the past two years, Songjiang Qingdao has completely established its reputation in the capital, and it is impossible to buy it with money.

  Liu Qingshan smiled: "This is for our counselor, if you have the courage, you can go to Teacher He."

   As a result, the second brother Wei Bing also stepped into the footsteps of the boss, clenched his fists, and the expression on his face kept changing.

  Only Xu Changsheng smiled at Liu Qingshan, and then pushed his glasses down: "Fourth brother, you don't have to tease me, I won't be fooled anyway."

Liu Qingshan has an inscrutable look on his face: "That's not necessarily the case. Everyone has their own desires, people and things they care about, just like you, the third child, the grandparents you care about the most, maybe you are in the house right now Waiting for you."

  Xu Changsheng was stunned for a moment, then shook his head vigorously: "How is that possible?"

   "Everything is possible." Liu Qingshan replied very seriously.

   Then, as soon as the door of the wing room opened, a trembling voice came: "Changsheng, I want to die!"

  (end of this chapter)

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