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Chapter 595: dig lotus root

  Chapter 595 Digging the lotus root

   Oh, win, we win!

  Everyone in Longteng clenched their fists and began to celebrate.

  But Liu Qingshan held up his palms to stop their cheers.

  The auction is not over, because there is still an opponent who has not withdrawn yet.

  It was the people from China World Trade Center, the middle-aged and young people, who always looked like outsiders, at this time, they finally made their voices heard.

  The young man raised his hand: "We add one million."

  In the originally noisy living room, there was a sudden silence. Only then did people realize that a new round of competition had begun again.

  The happiest thing is the leaders on the stage. The current price is beyond their imagination.

  I originally thought that it would be unprecedented if it could be sold for 200 million yuan.

   Today's auction is a good start, because with the opening of the policy, more and more land will be sold in this way.

  The price of 500 million is a benchmark here, and it will only be much more in the future.

   "Qingshan, should we continue?"

   Ma Laosan asked Liu Qingshan in a low voice.

  Liu Qingshan shook the water bottle in his hand: "I said indisputably from the beginning, what we need are those ancient buildings in that garden."

  His voice was relatively loud, and people on both sides could hear him clearly.

   This is indeed true, Liu Qingshan really does not want to get involved in the real estate industry, the water in this industry is too deep.

  The reason why he joined Li Dashao this time was entirely to suppress the other party. Now that the goal has been achieved, of course Liu Qingshan has no intention of competing.

  If we really get this piece of land, with the current manpower and material resources of Longteng Company, it really won't work.

  The middle-aged man at the China World Trade Center suddenly nodded towards Liu Qingshan: "We also support Mr. Liu's practice of protecting historical sites. If we succeed in the end, we will donate those buildings to Mr. Liu for free."

  Since the other party expressed goodwill, Liu Qingshan nodded with a smile, and then said loudly: "Then Long Teng chooses to quit."

   On the other side, Li Dashao was almost dizzy with anger: You don’t want to play like this, you just fought with me just now, and now you just withdraw your troops, making it clear that you are targeting me, right?

  He couldn't bear it anymore, got up angrily, and walked away. It was the two old men who greeted the leaders on the stage before catching up.

   "I can't afford to lose."

   Ma Laosan gave an appropriate evaluation.

  Leader Feng on the stage also took advantage of the opportunity to announce the result loudly, and then, those reporters who had been impatient for a long time rushed forward, and all began to interview the representatives of China World Trade Center.

  Only Lin Zizhou came to Liu Qingshan and patted him on the shoulder: "You guys are good."

   "The foundation is still a little weak." Liu Qingshan smiled and shook hands with Uncle Lin.

   "Everyone's ability is different, you have tried your best."

  Lin Zizhou’s words are definitely not consolation, but sincere admiration: How many people can do it if you dare to do 500 million with 100 million capital?

   Seeing that there seemed to be a reporter coming again, Liu Qingshan greeted the leaders in front of him and left first. Chen Dongfang and the others took care of the rest of the finishing work.

  Although he successfully blocked the Li family today, Liu Qingshan didn't have a great sense of accomplishment in his heart. He also felt that both Long Teng and himself were still weak, and now he also longed to be strong.

  International Trade Center was really particular about it. At noon that day, Longteng Company was notified that they could go to demolition.

  When Liu Qingshan arrived at the garden, there were already hundreds of people busy there, as well as large and small vehicles, coming in and out.

  Writer Shu led more than a dozen consultants, all of whom were on-site to guide. The old men like Mr. Liang and the second master were all full of energy, as if they were rejuvenated.

   "Haha, Qingshan, you're doing well!" Mr. Liang greeted him with a big smile, his goatee raised.

  The old man patted Liu Qingshan's arm, and then began to wink: "The old man brought all his granddaughters here, hehe."

  Looking at the urchin-like old man in front of him, Liu Qingshan could feel the joy in the old man's heart.

  Looking at it, they care more about these old objects than Liu Qingshan himself.

   While these things are not all of them.

  However, what does the old man mean by bringing his granddaughter here?

  Liu Qingshan followed the old urchin's finger and saw that the second master was gesticulating, directing several workers to dig an old pear tree, the white flowers on the tree had not yet fallen.

  Actually, it is a little late for transplanting at this time, so we can only bring more roots and original soil, hoping that they will survive this test relying on their tenacious vitality.

  The first ones to be removed are the plants on the ground, some are old trees, some are old shrubs, and some perennial flowers, like peonies and the like.

   Just over the film and television base, a garden also needs to be built, even trees, rockeries, small bridges, etc., are all moved there.

  Liu Qingshan also saw that there were two girls standing beside the second master, one was wearing a white skirt and the other was in black.

  The distance is a bit far, and the appearance is not very clear.

  The construction site was busy, Liu Qingshan and Liang Lao walked forward slowly.

   Not to mention, it was really clean, even the bluestone slabs for paving the road were not spared.

  When I came to the ancient well, I saw a few workers dismantling the carved stone railings around the well.

  Old Liang nodded frequently: "Move away, move away, everything!"

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help laughing: "Old Liang, you are more thorough than ransacking your home."

  Everyone laughed together, and Writer Shu added: "Every brick and tile is useful when transported back to our side. If they stay here, they will be directly destroyed by bulldozers."

   This makes sense, like paving stone slabs, it may be useless in the eyes of others, but in the film and television city, it can be used whether it is paving streets or yards, and it saves money to buy it.

   Seeing that there are quite a lot of things, a hundred workers plus modern machinery, all of them are skilled workers, it is estimated that it will take ten and a half days to completely clean up.

  While walking and talking and laughing, they arrived at the second master's side. The old man was mainly responsible for transplanting those old trees.

  Seeing Liu Qingshan, the second master immediately waved to him: "Qingshan, come here."

  Everyone laughed lightly, watching the fun happily.

  Liu Qingshan was fine, he walked over normally, still joking: "Second Master, what do you want?"

   "Let me introduce to you, this is my granddaughter Xiaorong, you young people should communicate more."

  The second master looked lovingly at the girl in white, then looked at Liu Qingshan, and blinked his eyes.

   "Hello, my name is Liu Qingshan."

  Liu Qingshan walked over generously and stretched out his right hand.

  The girl was a little bit shy, her face was reddish, she glanced at Liu Qingshan lightly, seeing that his expression was as usual, his eyes were clear, like a spring breeze, so she stretched out her small hand and shook it lightly:

   "My name is Na Rong, thank you for helping my grandfather fulfill his long-cherished wish."

   This girl is very attractive, and her temperament is very elegant and pure. Standing under the tree, she looks like a pear blossom on the tree.

  Liu Qingshan smiled: "Actually, it should be the second master who helped me."

  At this moment, the girl in black next to her suddenly jumped in front of Liu Qingshan.

  She was dressed like a little concubine, with a pair of eyes, looking at him unscrupulously, and muttering in her mouth:

   "It looks quite handsome, but I don't know if it's a silver gun with a pewter tip."

  The second master hurried forward: "This is my grandniece, Xiao Yingzi, who came here from the northeast to learn singing. She doesn't use her brain when she speaks."

  Xiao Yingzi? Liu Qingshan blinked his eyes twice, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly: Isn't this Yehenaraying, Second Master, you really have a good niece!

   "What are you laughing at? Believe it or not, I'll tell you, I have a lot of buddies here." A fierce question came from the front.

  Liu Qingshan waved his hand: "It's nothing, I just remembered the little Yingzi in the old story in the south of the city, and I feel that the gap is a bit big."

   Puchi, even the person next to him couldn't help it, and turned around covering his mouth.

   "Are you praising me or hurting me?"

   This little Yingzi is a little confused about the situation.

  Liu Qingshan followed up and said: "You guys go ahead, I'll go over there and have a look. When the stone arch bridge is demolished, it's best to mark the stones with numbers. It's easier to restore."

   After finishing speaking, he walked towards a stone arch bridge not far away, where there was a small pond with freshly sprouted lotus in the water.

  Liu Qingshan was overjoyed when he saw it, and immediately greeted him: "Don't forget to dig out the lotus roots below."

   "Why are you picking up trash, do you want the mud below?"

  A voice came from behind, and when Liu Qingshan turned his head, it turned out that it was this little Yingzi who followed.

  He didn't bother to talk to him, so he found a pair of big boots and went straight down to touch the lotus root.

  The mud in the water was quite deep, most of the boots were missing, and there were lots of lotus roots inside.

  Liu Qingshan took out a few, thought about it, maybe he really needs to get some mud back.

   "This is fun, I'll do it with you." A cheer came from the shore.

  Liu Qingshan had a bad premonition, and quickly looked up, only to see a black shadow jumping down into the pond, making two slaps and splashes of mud and water.

  Fortunately, Liu Qingshan reacted quickly, and stretched out his hand to cover his face, so that he didn't get splashed with mud.

  But I can't hide from my body, there are spots all over my body.

  This little Yingzi didn't get any better, her face was covered with bruises, she didn't care, she wiped it with her sleeves, then put her two white and tender palms into the water, and started to grope.

  Quickly pulled out a long lotus root, held it in his hand and shook it triumphantly, letting the muddy water on it drip onto his body.

   "Sister, continue!"

  She raised her arm and threw the lotus root to the side on the bank, then bent down again, and fumbled in the mud.

  In the pond, I heard her yelling alone.

  Liu Qingshan didn't know what to say about this guy. In his opinion, he was just a blah, heartless guy.

   Forget it, other teachers can’t control it, so let’s stop worrying about it.

  After Liu Qingshan figured it out, he concentrated on his work. They threw the lotus roots one by one on the shore and put them into sacks. The girl's white skirt had long since turned into a floral skirt.

  Puff, chuff, chuff, the boots were stepping on the mud, making constant noises, Xiaoyingzi gradually approached the middle of the pond, the mud under his feet was getting deeper and deeper, gradually, it was a bit difficult to lift his feet.

  When she walked forward again with difficulty, her boots sank too deep and she didn't pull it out. She pulled out her foot directly, and then she snapped, and she lay directly in the pond.

  Liu Qingshan hurried over and lifted the man into the air, good guy, he made it look like a clay figurine.

  But she kept giggling, she was really a silly girl.

  Na Rong couldn't help laughing, and hurriedly led her sister to find a place to clean it. While being dragged away, the girl waved to Liu Qingshan: "I'll come back later!"

  Liu Qingshan could only shake his head and smile, then continued to work, made a few sacks of lotus root, which should be enough, so he went up.

  The lotus root breeds very fast, and within a few years, it can cover the pond, presenting a scene of endless green lotus leaves reaching the sky.

  After such a toss just now, Liu Qingshan also made it look like a mud monkey.

  Several workers were carrying big shovels and had to dig a few baskets of pond mud to transport back. Liu Qingshan looked at his clothes and pants: "Let's do it myself."

  So he returned to the pond, picked up a big shovel, and threw the mud on the bank one by one.

   Just as I was working hard, I heard a cheer: "I'm back again."

  Liu Qingshan couldn't hold back, a shovel of mud had already been thrown out, fell into the mud pile, and splashed around.

   This little Yingzi was naturally splashed all over her face, she didn't care, she wiped her face twice, then picked up a shovel, and dug mud together.

  It seems that everyone has an annoying side, and likewise, they also have a likable side. In this world, no one is perfect.

  Just like Liu Qingshan, probably in the eyes of that Young Master Li, he is the most hated person, bar none.

  Liu Qingshan let go of the grudges in his heart, and just get along normally.

   "Mr. Liu, that's enough." A worker on the shore shouted loudly.

  Liu Qingshan just went ashore, and this little Yingzi threw two shovels up, and then followed him ashore.

  When they got to the top, Narong washed their hands with clean water, and Xiao Yingzi pricked them again and cried out: "Hands are worn out."

  On the palm of her hand, there were two big blisters, one of which had burst, and it must be a little painful.

  Liu Qingshan asked Cao Xiaofei to fetch the medicated noodles from the car, and asked Na Rong to apply it on her. The girl didn't care much, and said "Thank you."

  Everyone rushed to put the mud into the flower basket, and the flower basket was covered with a layer of plastic cloth, so the mud could not be spilled out.

  After cleaning up the pond mud on the ground, Liu Qingshan still looked at a small round object on the ground, and picked it up, feeling quite heavy.

   After rinsing with water, I suddenly found that it was a ring, and a small gem embedded in the ring was still shining brightly.

   "Haha, there are unexpected gains."

  Liu Qingshan threw the ring towards Narong: "Return to the original owner."

   It is estimated that the lady from the previous family fell into the pond.

   "I'll see, I'll see."

   This little Yingzi also rushed over to have a look, and muttered: "I just met for the first time, and I started giving engagement rings."

   This made Na Rongqiao blush: "If you like it, take it."

  Xiaoyingzi was overjoyed: "It happens that I don't have a ring, so maybe my grandma or grandma dropped it back then."

  While speaking, I put it on my finger. The **** is a bit small, so I put it on the ring finger.

  Narong couldn't stand it anymore, so she took it off and changed it to the ring finger of her right hand: "According to the rules of the elders, the ring finger on the left hand is a wedding ring."

  Xiaoyingzi raised his right hand, looked more satisfied, then curled his lips: "I won't marry him."

   She is used to this younger sister's outspokenness.

  As for Liu Qingshan, of course he didn't care much, blinked his eyes twice: "Since there are rings in the pond, maybe there are also bracelets and necklaces, gold and silver jewelry, moonlight treasure boxes..."

   Before he could finish speaking, Xiaoyingzi jumped into the pond with a shovel in his hand.

  (end of this chapter)

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