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Chapter 596: I can't let you go easily

  Chapter 596 I can't let you go easily

  Perhaps in Xiaoyingzi's eyes, the ring is a treasure.

  But in the eyes of Liu Qingshan and the group of consultants, the garden is full of treasures everywhere, and even the pond mud was taken away by a cart.

  Everyone was busy with their work, and a large group of people walked over, cheering and greeting Liu Qingshan.

   It turned out to be the singers from Dashuxia Company, who had just returned from a benefit performance in Jinmen.

  They also moved to the film and television city for the time being, seeing large and small vehicles transporting things, so they also took a ride to watch the excitement.

   "Everyone has worked hard, my hands are too dirty, we don't need to shake hands."

  Liu Qingshan waved to everyone with a smile.

  Although the two mainstays, Lao Cui and Sister Zhang, have gone abroad, the remaining singers also have a strong lineup.

   Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw Liu Qingshan look like a mud monkey. They probably didn't expect that Liu would always do such a dirty job.

   "Boss, are these muds going to be transported back?" Amao looked at a flower basket of mud, a little puzzled.

   Liu Qingshan said with a smile as he rushed his hands: "If there is no mud, how can there be green lotus leaves and pink lotus flowers on it?"

Huanzi next to    also nodded: "Luohong is not a heartless thing, it makes sense to turn it into spring mud to protect flowers."

   And Oda seemed to have some insights: "In fact, us singers, standing on the stage, are like glamorous lotus flowers. In fact, there are many people who are silently making contributions behind the scenes."

  Everyone can think so, Liu Qingshan is also very pleased, so he said with a smile: "When everyone becomes famous and established, they will not forget their original aspirations."

  Everyone's heart was moved, and they couldn't help thinking: What is the original intention of me choosing to sing in the first place?

   "Senior Sister!" A loud cry interrupted everyone's thoughts.

  A Mao looked at the mud monkey that was jumping up in front of him again, but he didn't recognize it: "You are..."

   "I'm Yingzi!" Xiaoyingzi wiped her face with her sleeve, but the more she wiped, the dirtier she got.

  She also joined Gu Dashen's music tutoring class this year, so she can be regarded as Amao's junior sister.

  A Mao quickly took out a handkerchief, wiped her face, and asked, "You and the boss knew each other before?"

   "Boss, which boss, you said Qingshan, I just met today."

  Amao continued: "Aren't you going to join under the big tree? This is Mr. Liu under the big tree."

  Xiaoyingzi couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, then grabbed Liu Qingshan's arm and wrapped it around:

   "Although we just met, we have a little friendship. We are a friendship made by rolling in a muddy pond."

  Everyone wanted to laugh: What is that rolling in the mud?

  Xiaoyingzi continued blah blah blah: "Boss Liu gave me a ring."

   After she finished speaking, she flicked her finger, which was empty.

   "Ah, the ring is lost again!"

  Xiaoyingzi howled miserably, and went to look for it in the mud pile.

  Na Rong quickly grabbed her: "Here, just now you said that wearing a ring is inconvenient to work, so let me go first."

  The other party slapped his forehead: "Forget it!"

  Therefore, there was another signed singer under the big tree. Liu Qingshan knew that Xiaoyingzi's singing was of course good. As for character, the atmosphere under the big tree was better, and it should be able to make some changes under the influence.

  Spent Sunday busy here, and Liu Qingshan went back to school to continue his studies, but he was destined not to be at school with peace of mind. He had to ask He Wanqing for leave after just two days of school.

This time, the head of the army Zhao sent the school's military representative to send him the news: the first batch has helped him contact a thousand veterans and militiamen, and a hundred engineers and technicians have arrived in Jinmen, and Liu Qingshan is needed The past presided over the overall situation.

  The mass migration of thousands of people, relying on Longteng Company alone, really can't handle it. Without the support of the army, I don't know how much manpower and material resources it will cost.

  The most important thing is that if you come forward from Longteng Company, they will never trust you at all, and they will never travel across the ocean to go to Africa with you.

  Jinmen is not far from the capital, so Liu Qingshan and his party simply drove there, and they arrived in two or three hours.

  The personnel are temporarily placed in a military camp, and they live in tents. The actual number is far more than a thousand.

  In addition to some of their family members, there are three to four thousand people, and the size is almost as large as the population of a small town.

  Gangzi led a group of people, and they are busy here. Thousands of people eat and drink, and the logistics alone are enough to keep them busy.

   Fortunately, these people are veterans or militiamen, relatively disciplined, and they have spontaneously organized basic organizations.

  Elect monitors, captains and other responsible persons, so although there are many people, they are not messy.

   Everyone looked at the thousands of people, their scalps were numb, they were at a loss, and they didn't know what to do.

   It was Zhang Long and the old squad leader who came out of the troops, they were more experienced, and immediately called a meeting of the selected temporary leaders.

  Even representatives of engineering and technical personnel, a total of dozens of people, did not have a house, so they sat on the ground in the open air and held the first enlarged meeting of the expeditionary force.

  Liu Qingshan was already prepared to distribute some written materials drawn up these days to everyone.

  These materials were all borrowed from the school printing room.

  In the era when there were no printers and copiers, it was very laborious. First, stencils had to be engraved, and then mimeographed.

  It is the kind that pushes the ink roller, push it, and a sheet will be printed below.

  The school prints papers and the like, and now it all depends on this.

  Liu Qingshan has the experience of managing large companies for later generations, so the content of the formulation is relatively complete, from the organizational structure to the formulation of regulations, to the division of labor of various departments, and logistics support, etc., are listed in great detail.

  Now, everyone feels that they have a grasp, at least they know what to do, and they don’t have to be as numb as before.

  After everyone finished watching, Liu Qingshan smiled and said: "In a while, everyone will list all the tools and equipment you need."

   "The poor and the poor over there, don't expect anything at all. If we can transport it, let's take it with us as much as possible."

  Everyone couldn't help but get excited when they heard this, and one of the captains got up: "Report, I want to ask, is there any small four-wheel tractors and matching agricultural machinery?"

   After all, they are veterans and militiamen, and there is no chatter.

   "Of course there is, we can't go there, and learn from the local aborigines, let's slash and burn."

   Liu Qingshan is also planning to play a big game this time, since he wants to take root there, he can't bear to invest.

  Subsequently, those in charge began to report one by one: ranging from commonly used agricultural tools such as hoes and sickles, to large infrastructure equipment that needs to be built for the five small industries, and the recorded purchase list already has dozens of pages.

  These are not counted. The most important thing is that food and various daily necessities have to be shipped over, and it will take a while to replenish.

  Wang Gong, who was in charge of geological exploration, suddenly stood up: "Mr. Liu, I'm straightforward. Don't take it too seriously. Just now, I made a rough estimate. At least three to five million investment is required. Does our Longteng Company have such strength?"

  The scene that was still in full swing just now immediately cooled down: Yes, if there is no money, all the things mentioned just now will be nothing.

   "Wang Gong, please don't worry about this, our Longteng Company can still come up with this little money."

  Liu Qingshan smiled and nodded towards Wang Gong. These technical people are relatively straightforward, but they are actually easier to get along with.

  Of course he has the confidence to say this. The two million dollars Xiao Li sent over last time is enough to support the early development of this group.

   Take it out and use it first, and wait until Longteng Company really makes money, then take it out.

   As for Victor's five million pounds, Liu Qingshan is not prepared to use them. It will be of great use when it is transferred to the United States.

  Wang Gong also supported the big glasses frame with his hand: "In fact, there are some things that we can transport over later. After all, when we get there, we have to take a look first and adjust measures according to local conditions before we can do it."

   "This is reasonable, so try to deliver the necessities of life first."

  Chen Dongfang also took up the conversation. Lilan's side is guarding the Gulf of Aden, and the transportation is very convenient, so there is no need to worry about transportation.

  Everyone worked together and quickly determined the first batch of materials that needed to be shipped over. Then, they were divided into several teams, led by Zhang Long and others, and purchased separately.

   This is nothing to do with Liu Qingshan, he just needs to pay for it.

  He followed Yu Guangming and Ma Laosan to visit the leaders of the military camp, and they were of great help, otherwise, the place where thousands of people live would not be easy to solve.

  Here is a regiment under the garrison. Head Lu and Political Commissar Wang warmly received Liu Qingshan and the others.

   "Uncle Lu, Uncle Wang, I have really troubled you this time."

   Ma Laosan greeted him familiarly, and then hugged a soldier in his thirties.

   After making out for a while, I introduced to Liu Qingshan: "This is my elder brother, Ma Changsheng, deputy head of the regiment."

  Yu Guangming had also gone up earlier, and respectfully called Big Brother, and Liu Qingshan also called Big Brother Ma.

  Thinking to himself: No wonder Ma Laosan is so righteous here.

  Ma Changsheng is not as foolish as Ma Laosan, he has a very military temperament, and he shook hands with Liu Qingshan vigorously: "We are all a family, you are welcome."

   "Yes, we are all a family, sit down quickly." Political Commissar Wang smiled and beckoned everyone to sit down, and orderlies naturally poured tea.

  Ma Laosan also felt that he had a lot of face, and blinked twice at Liu Qingshan, which meant: It's easy to be here, buddy.

   After chatting for a while, Liu Qingshan expressed his thanks again on behalf of Longteng Company.

   Political Commissar Wang said with a smile: "Mr. Liu, if you really thank us, please help us with ideas."

   "The story of you helping the army to build a water plant in the Heihe River has been widely spread. It is said that you have the ability to turn stones into gold. This time, we will not let you go easily, haha."

  Leader Lu and Deputy Head Ma also looked eagerly at Liu Qingshan.

   This also makes Ma Laosan feel a little pan-acid: I thought it was my own credit, but the co-authors are all here for Mr. Liu.

   "I just made a mistake."

  Liu Qingshan was also quite surprised and said a few polite words.

  He didn't know that the fact that he and the garrison jointly established a water plant had long been rumored internally.

  What export earns foreign exchange, the product is in short supply.

  The frontier guards are full of fish and meat, and they eat fresh vegetables in winter.

  In short, it is really eye-catching.

   "Mr. Liu, we are sincerely asking for help." Head Lu also looked earnest, and it seemed that he really wasn't just saying casual flattery.

   If this is the case, then Liu Qingshan can’t hide it. After all, he has really helped their company a lot, and it’s appropriate to reciprocate.

   After deliberating, he said: "Leaders, I don't know much about the specific situation here. There is no good way."

  When those people heard this, they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed on their faces.

  I heard Liu Qingshan continue to say: "However, our Longteng Company is conducting barter trade in Eastern Europe, and the goods returned from the transaction can be sold jointly."

   In this regard, Liu Qingshan has already discussed with Chen Dongfang. With the current capabilities of Longteng Company, it is still unable to form a complete industrial chain.

   Therefore, for the seller, it is best to find distributors like Heihe, they try their best to do wholesale business, and the funds can be returned quickly.

   If you can cooperate with the troops, that would be the best, safe and stable.

  Right now, all departments are working hard to develop the tertiary industry, and the army is no exception. With their influence and relationship network, it should not be a problem. If it is feasible, it can be regarded as mutual benefit.

   "Qingshan, what kind of goods are you bringing back?" Ma Changsheng asked.

"Brother, these batches we brought back are all small cars, 500 of which are all imported cars, Polonaise." Ma Laosan just arrived here and just met his eldest brother, so he really didn't say anything. This matter.

  The eyes of those people lit up: small cars are very popular now, and they should be able to eat some of them, so you might as well give it a try.

   There is just one problem: they can't spend that much money, so they can only wait until they sell it, and then return the money to Longteng Company.

  This is a bit of an empty-handed white wolf.

  In the end, Ma Changsheng came forward and mentioned it tactfully. Liu Qingshan didn't mind. With the lessons learned from Heihe, he was more willing to cooperate with the troops.

  At least you can avoid those messy methods in the local area, and you can do business with peace of mind.

   "Then let's mention a hundred cars first, Mr. Liu, thank you so much this time."

  Leader Lu got up and shook hands with Liu Qingshan.

  Liu Qingshan also said politely: "You can't say that, we are mutually beneficial."

  So everyone went to the pier to look at the goods together, not to mention Captain Lu and the others, even Liu Qingshan hadn't seen those cars yet, and was thinking about going to have a look.

   Called Gangzi, and drove two military jeeps over there.

   From a long distance, I saw many people surrounded by the wharf freight yard. As soon as I got out of the car, I was recognized by someone, and immediately someone shouted: "Here we come, the owner of the car is here!"

   Hula, dozens of people swarmed up, yelling at each other, and it suddenly became more lively than a vegetable market, all of them wanted to buy cars.

  Gangzi also had a headache from the quarrel, but he was smiling all over his face: It seems that this car is very popular.

  (end of this chapter)

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