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Chapter 687: Sure enough, it's right

  Chapter 687 Sure enough, it’s the right time

  At the beginning of July, the capital is already in midsummer.

   After nearly two months, Liu Qingshan finally returned from the frontier.

   Needless to say, the bumps along the way, but it is also a rare experience. After enjoying different scenery along the way, it is considered a tour.

  The big truck drove directly to the gate of the old house in Shijia Hutong. The construction of the processing plant had just started, so it could only be stored here for a few months.

  Anyway, Cao Xiaofei and the others are staying here, and they will transfer a few veterans to guard at that time.

   Jumping out of the car, Cao Xiaofei and the others were shaking a little, and he kept patting his butt: "I don't know how many petals it has become now?"

   There are already 20 or 30 workers waiting to unload the trucks. Flatbed trucks and wheelbarrows are all ready.

  Even so, a total of eight cars, thirty to forty tons of jade, still took several hours to complete the unloading.

   After all, jade is not a brick, so it must be handled with care.

  Dozens of tons of jade stones were piled up in piles in the yard, arranged neatly, and covered with a large thatch cloth on the top and around them, so that they were tightly covered.

  As for the small part of super high quality, Liu Qingshan is going to take it back to another home for storage first.

  Although the material of this part is only a few hundred kilograms, its value has far surpassed these common goods.

  The rest of the security work was handed over to Wang Xiaobing and the others. Liu Qingshan gave Cao Xiaofei two bundles of banknotes, both of fifty yuan, exactly ten thousand.

  Tell him to lead everyone to dinner, especially those auto soldiers who came from the frontier, they should entertain them well, take a rest, play in the capital, buy some souvenirs, and then go back.

   It made the auto soldiers feel a little embarrassed. They had delicious food and drink along the way, and it was the happiest trip for them.

  When they got to the place, they still had to spend money, which made them sigh in their hearts: This boss is really grand!

  Liu Qingshan and Uncle Lu went back to Liulichang's home, Lu Fang drove the passenger car, took the batch of high-quality Hetian jade, and went back together.

   Seeing the familiar small courtyard, Liu Qingshan also felt like coming home.

   Before he could express his emotions, Uncle Lu trotted into the yard: "Oh my god, I'm finally back!"

  Aunt Lu also came out of the house after hearing the news, and she burst into tears when she saw her wife.

   "Ahem, auntie, isn't my uncle back? Don't worry, he must be full-length, and he hasn't been recruited as a son-in-law."

  Liu Qingshan pretended to cough twice, and made a joke.

  Aunt Lu laughed through her tears, took a small broom, and cleaned the dust off Uncle Lu's body, and said with a smile:

   "As long as he is like this, others don't want it for nothing."

  That being said, when she looked at her wife, Aunt Lu became happier the more she looked at her.

  After unloading the car, everyone washed up in the yard, and then went into the house to drink tea.

   "It's still comfortable at home." Uncle Lu squeezed his own purple sand pot, took a sip from the spout, and then said something with emotion.

  Of course, Liu Qingshan also felt the same way. It’s a good day at home, but it’s difficult to go out. He has a deep understanding now. The main reason is that this journey is too difficult and long.

  Old Master Master Mao said cheerfully: "Old Lu, don't say that, this is really not your home."

   Said Uncle Lu in a daze: Why did you start to catch up with him as soon as you came back?

  Aunt Lu happily took over the conversation: "The small yard we bought has also been tidied up, and we can move in there at any time."

  Is that so, Uncle Lu smiled. His yard is also in this alley, but it's on the side of Dongchang, and it's not too far away.

  The yard has been bought long ago, but after so many years, it is dilapidated.

   It happened that Liu Qingshan's decoration team, after finishing the renovation of the old house in Shijia Hutong, also cleaned up Uncle Lu's small courtyard.

   Not only this, but also several yards bought by Zhang Long and Da Fei, and they have also started to decorate one after another.

  As for the money to buy a yard, Uncle Lu has paid him 50,000 yuan a year from Liu Qingshan over the years, not to mention buying a yard, selling three or five is enough.

  Lu Fang and Lu Liang brothers were also very envious when they heard it. Lu Fang likes to joke, and he also followed along with a smile:

   "Uncle and aunt, do you want to arrange it properly, and make arrangements like getting married!"

   "You brat." Aunt Lu patted Lu Fang on the head lightly, and then went to cook.

  Uncle Lu looked at the two young men: "You work hard, and you can buy a house in a few years. By the way, you have to marry a wife."

  The two brothers also nodded vigorously: These days are getting more and more hopeful.

  Liu Qingshan temporarily pays them 20,000 yuan a year. Buying a house in the future is really not a big deal.

   Young people don’t want to live in a courtyard house, so Liu Qingshan told them to choose a place to buy a building when the buildings in Fangzhuang or the Asian Games Village are sold.

  When these two places opened, the price was really not expensive. The internal price was only more than 1,000 points per square meter. You can buy a good house for more than 100,000.

  Of course, those who can spend more than 100,000 yuan to buy a property in this era are definitely those who get rich first.

Later, Liu Qingshan chatted with Mr. Lao Maoer about the situation these days. Lao Maoer didn't go to the film and television city very much, but said that Zhang Chunyu's second brother led a group of people to Jiapigou. He was placed over there in the film and television city.

   That must be Zhang Jizi!

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help but be overjoyed, since Zhang Jizi brought it here, he must be a carver. Now, the problem of the jade carving master is basically solved.

  The rest will recruit some craftsmen and designers who can process gold and silver jewelry. When the factory building of the processing factory is completed, it can be put into production directly.

  But it is best to recruit some old masters in the industry to sit in the town and fully carry forward the glorious tradition of mentoring.

   After lunch, Liu Qingshan took a nap and felt completely relieved. He simply called Wang Zhan and asked him to send a car to take Zhang Jizi and others to the old house first.

  He also got on his bicycle and rushed over.

  When Liu Qingshan arrived at Shijia Hutong, Wang Zhan brought people there. There were more than 20 people in total, all in their twenties.

  Some have crew cuts, some have long hair, and there are a few girls among them.

   "Qingshan!" Zhang Jizi also looked very excited when he saw Liu Qingshan, and finally met the rightful owner.

  They have also been here for more than ten days, and they have nothing to do every day, and they all wander around the city.

  It felt quite fresh at the beginning, but then it gradually became boring, and I was looking forward to starting work and making money soon.

  There are many good things in the capital, but if you don’t have money, it’s not a good feeling to just look at it.

  Zhang Jizi introduced Liu Qingshan to the partners he brought: "This is our President Liu."

   Then he introduced those partners, and Liu Qingshan shook hands with them one by one, unable to remember so many names for a while.

  Liu Qingshan asked everyone to allocate rooms first, and the main rooms in the backyard could not be accommodated.

  The remaining wing rooms and side rooms in the front yard are enough. It is estimated that they will live here for a few months.

   "This place used to be a palace, right? Look at the carvings, they are all old objects, they are so exquisite!"

   They are all sculptors. Seeing the carved beams and painted buildings in this house, and the old craftsmanship, everyone was fascinated by it.

   Liu Qingshan immediately felt quite satisfied: OK, at least they all love this line of work.

   And they are all experts, obviously they will take good care of the furnishings in the old house, including every brick and tile, so as to save him from worrying about being accidentally destroyed.

  Liu Qingshan was about to show everyone around, but was stopped by Wang Zhan:

   "Qingshan, you are back, these days, I'm almost **** off!"

   "Xiao Zhan, what's the situation?" Liu Qingshan was also taken aback: Could it be that something went wrong in business?

   It shouldn't be, if there is something important, I would have called him a long time ago.

  Wang Zhan said angrily: "It's not Chu Xiaoba and his group, they are like flies, dangling in front of their eyes all day, it's really disgusting!"

  As soon as Liu Qingshan heard it, he knew that it was nothing serious, at most it was a matter of rivalry between his children, so he asked with a smile:

   "You are at the film and television city all day, how can you still see them every day? Could it be that those people have also changed their careers to filming?"

  Wang Zhan curled his lips: "They also have two money to burn, investing in a movie, and there are many scenes, which were shot in our film and television city."

   Liu Qingshan was even happier: "That's good, we still make money."

  The two brothers were chatting when they saw Zhang Shuzi running over and dragging Liu Qingshan away, shouting excitedly:

   "Hetian jade, a lot of Hetian jade!"

  When Liu Qingshan was dragged to the place where the jade was stored, he saw this group of people gathered around here.

  Wang Xiaobing has already opened a thatch, revealing pieces of bright white jade inside.

  He just said something inadvertently just now, and as a result, this group of people rushed over like crazy. Then each of them held a piece and said nothing.

   Wang Xiaobing thought they were going to rob him, so he almost let the dog go.

   He didn't feel at ease until he heard their mouths talking, saying that this piece was carved into this, and that piece was carved into that.

   These students who just graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, when they usually practice their hands, can get a piece of ordinary agate stone.

   "It's the right time, it really is the right time!"

  One of the long-haired boys yelled: "This piece of Hetian jade, remove the shell on this side, and then carve it into a Panasonic Asking Boy. It's really appropriate!"

  The piece of seed material he took had a slightly green spot, which was just right for carving a pine cap.

  The enthusiasm of these guys is commendable, but they are too casual. There are still rules for carving precious materials.

  Liu Qingshan called Zhang Jizi aside, and talked to him for a while, at least for picking up and receiving goods every day, there must be a special record and a special person in charge.

   If precious metals are involved, there must be a special set of regulations.

  Zhang Ganzi also gradually calmed down: "Students, calm down, these jade materials will be carved out by everyone's hands in the future."

   "However, there are rules. Let's put down the things first, come over and study, what utensils are needed, and prepare first."

  As soon as those people heard this, they put the jade in their hands back to their original places. Looking at the cautious appearance, they were more careful than holding a child.

  Then they all gathered around Liu Qingshan, and quickly sorted out a list of dozens of tools, large and small, that were needed.

   Seeing Liu Qingshan has a headache, let Uncle Lu lead Zhang Shuzi to buy tomorrow.

  But he still announced one thing: "Everyone, although our processing factory has not opened yet, we have received a big job."

  As soon as those people heard this, they immediately began to gear up. Looking at the posture, they wanted to do a big job.

  Liu Qingshan pressed his hands down, and then continued: "Everyone knows about the Asian Games, we are going to make gold inlaid jade medals for the Asian Games!"


   There was a burst of exclamation around them, and they didn't expect it to be such an important and meaningful thing right from the start.

  But soon, everyone was silent, listening to Mr. Liu’s explanation quietly:

   "What we have to do now is to set up a design team to design the gold, silver and bronze medals, including materials, aesthetics, shock resistance, etc., all of which must be taken into consideration."

  Liu Qingshan knows that these people are professionals, so he just said the requirements and general ideas.

  These guys started a heated discussion immediately, some advocated making jade plaques, some said they wanted to make jade rings, and after a short while, their faces became red-faced.

   "Stop, stop, stop!"

  Liu Qingshan quickly stopped, he didn't want to call these people and waste time on this.

  So he described the general structure of the gold inlaid jade medal in 2008, and asked them to design it according to this idea.

  While Liu Qingshan was talking, someone drew a sketch, and everyone was dumbfounded.

   At this moment, those people couldn't help but look at Liu Qingshan with admiration: This design is perfect.

  The outside of the jade ring is covered with metal. It’s okay to say, but the key is the internal design of the jade ring. The design is ingenious and can make a big fuss.

  At the moment, these people all took pencils and sketch paper and started to sketch.

  "Mr. Liu, should gold, silver and bronze medals also be differentiated in terms of jade quality?" Someone soon thought of this.

  Liu Qingshan nodded: "White jade is the most expensive, so the gold medal must use white jade."

   "The silver medals are the next best, use blue and white jade, and the bronze medals use sapphire."

   Immediately, some people began to add color, gold and white jade, so needless to say, as the old saying goes, it is difficult to buy gold inlaid with jade.

  And silver goes well with sapphire, and copper goes well with sapphire.

  These people looked at Liu Qingshan with a bit of admiration: It feels like they can be our mentors.

  How did they know that Liu Qingshan copied it directly, of course it was the most optimal combination.

  Among the medals, the most difficult to design is of course the small metal plaque in the middle of the jade ring. Some said that an emblem should be added, some said that there must be a mascot, and some said that there must be Tiananmen Square.

   Regarding these, Liu Qingshan let them argue, after all, the collision of ideas is more likely to produce sparks.

   But this design team, he plans to invite Professor Wu from the Academy of Fine Arts to be the final designer.

  These little guys are too young for the job.

   After five o'clock in the evening, Liu Qingshan proposed to invite everyone out for dinner.

  As a result, those people shook their heads one after another. On behalf of them, Zhang Jizi asked Liu Qingshan:

   "Qingshan, when will the carving tools be in place?"

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help blinking: "The days of working will be long in the future, don't be so anxious?"

   Those people ignored him and went to register with Zhang Jizi one after another. Then each of them took a piece of jade they liked and found a place to design it.

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help smiling and shaking his head: "As a boss, I like such employees."

  (end of this chapter)

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