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Chapter 688: Whoever jumps in will fall (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 688 Whoever jumps in will fall (ask for a monthly ticket)

  When Liu Qingshan returned to school, everyone here was already preparing for the holiday.

  He walked into the office of the library carrying a big bag, and was immediately warmly welcomed by his colleagues.

   "This is Hotan jujube, please share among yourself."

  Liu Qingshan put the bag on the ground, and when he opened it, the inside was bright red.

  This year's new dates haven't come down yet, this is from last year, but it's still bright.

   "This date is really big!"

  Sister Li came up and picked up a jujube, good guy, it is an inch and a half long, compared with the jujubes here, one can hold four or five.

   "Okay, okay, this is called sending jujubes from thousands of miles away. The gift is light and affectionate, thank you Qingshan." Other colleagues also expressed their thanks.

  One of them sighed: "It's a pity that we still can't keep a great talent like Qingshan here in our library. Qingshan, remember to come back often in the future."

  Liu Qingshan was a little confused: What do you mean, transferred to work? Then how can it work, such a leisurely job is hard to find!

  Sister Li told the truth: "Qingshan, it's the School of Economics, please go back and be a lecturer, congratulations!"

  On campus at this time, only those who are capable are engaged in teaching, and those who cannot teach are engaged in administrative and logistics work.

  Liu Qingshan blinked, but did not make a sound. There was still a letter of resignation in his pocket.

   Now it seems that it is better to hand it directly to Dean Hu of the School of Economics.

   "Qingshan, don't forget when you move things later, here is a box of cans for you." Sister Li reminded enthusiastically.

  Liu Qingshan just noticed that many colleagues had an extra glass water cup on their desks, and some of the cans had not been peeled off.

  Look at the shape, it's beautiful and generous, and it's pretty good.

  Sister Li happily reported to Liu Qingshan: "Your idea, Qingshan, is simply amazing. The products from the cannery are in short supply right now."

  Another colleague also nodded repeatedly: "Such a talented person should really go to the Department of Economics."

  Liu Qingshan knew that this change was mainly caused by the change of attitude from above.

  He is equivalent to "rehabilitation" now, and of course he will be reused.

   Coupled with the help of Professor Peter, the school took advantage of the situation to readjust its work.

   After chatting with colleagues for a while, Liu Qingshan went to the Department of Economics.

  He has already prepared, there is a big bag behind the bicycle.

  When he arrived at the School of Economics, everyone was basically in the office, counting grades and the like.

  Liu Qingshan put down the bag again: "Let's taste some of the raisins brought from the frontier."

   "Hey, this is a good thing, TLF's raisin, absolutely Yaxi!" An old professor happily took over the conversation.

  Others greeted Liu Qingshan with a smile:

   "Welcome, everyone will eat in the same ladle from now on. Qingshan is young and promising. Our School of Economics has added another general!"

  Everyone basically knows this news. Liu Qingshan graduated here originally, so he is considered as a direct descendant.

   It can be said that in this good atmosphere, Liu Qingshan's future is almost predictable, and associate professors, professors, etc. must be logical.

  Liu Qingshan chatted with everyone for a few words, and then reported to Dean Hu's office.

  President Hu was writing something quickly at his desk, when he saw Liu Qingshan, he also put down his reading glasses with a smile: "Qingshan, you are still willing to come back!"

  Liu Qingshan smiled, and took out a paper bag, which contained slices of cistanche. This wine is very good for middle-aged and elderly people.

   After chatting for a while, Liu Qingshan took out the letter of resignation and handed it to Dean Hu respectfully.

  President Hu glanced at it, and immediately yelled: "Nonsense!"

  Liu Qingshan smiled and explained patiently. Dean Hu shook his head: "The school will definitely not agree."

   This made Liu Qingshan depressed, but it’s the opposite for me: it’s easy to join a job, but it’s hard to quit.

   "Qingshan, your situation is different from others." Dean Hu also said earnestly:

   "You are registered in the high-level and higher levels of various colleges and universities. When you were assigned, you almost fought in order to rob you."

   "Have you ever thought about it, if you resign, it will cause a very bad reputation for our school. Those guys from other schools may make fun of Beijing University."

   Uh, Liu Qingshan really hasn't considered this point.

  If it were for other reasons, he would definitely quit.

   But when it comes to the reputation of the school, he has to consider it carefully, because he is also a Beijing University student.

   "Then can we stay without pay first?" Liu Qingshan asked tentatively.

  Principal Hu rubbed his temples: "Change the soup but not the medicine. That's fine. You can leave this matter alone. I'll report it to the school and discuss it."

  Liu Qingshan thought for a while, and said twice: "It is best to set up a company or something in the name of the school, preferably a high-tech company, and I will make a name there."

  Dean Hu couldn't help but feel agitated, but complained again: "You said you can't be a down-to-earth scholar..."

  Liu Qingshan's resignation letter was not sent out after all, but instead received a general training.

   But of course he didn't care about it at all. On the contrary, he was filled with a sense of intimacy, and he never left. He has truly become a member of this big family.

  Liu Qingshan carried a box of canned food on his bicycle. He thought that his family did not lack this, so he sent it directly to Dashuxia Film and Television Company after he left school.

   I haven't been here for a long time, just came to visit.

   Seeing Liu Qingshan, Gao Lingfeng couldn't help being overjoyed: "Qingshan, I thought you forgot that you have such a company!"

   "Isn't this here to express condolences?"

  Liu Qingshan unloaded a box of cans, which made several people in the room laugh.

  Boss Zhang Pengfei and second child Wei Bing also came up to hug Liu Qingshan, and senior sister Song Xue also shook hands with each other.

  After she graduated, she didn't go to work in a ministry, but directly joined Dashuxia Company, and she is now the vice president of the company.

  Everyone sat down and chatted. At present, the company’s main business is still the magnetic tape business, and this business can still be prosperous for five or six years, so we must seize the opportunity and carry out primitive accumulation.

  The singers under the company, apart from Lao Cui and Sister Zhang who are currently developing in the United States, the rest are also starting to emerge one after another.

   Like Yoshiko and Amao, they are the best of them.

  In the TV series "Plainclothes Police" released last year, Yoshiko has become a top-notch singer with the song "Young Aspirations Don't Say No Sorrow" in it.

   And Liu Qingshan also knows that this is just the beginning.

  Amao also participated in the Spring Festival Gala. Now she is very popular and is actively participating in the promotion of the Asian Games.

  The other singers under the big tree are also improving steadily.

   For each singer, the company makes reasonable plans for them to avoid that short-lived situation.

  As for the concerts organized by the company to donate to the Asian Games, there have been more than a dozen concerts, basically maintaining a rhythm of one or two months.

  This initiative has also accumulated a good reputation and contacts for the company, and it has attracted many new musicians to join this group.

  The company under the big tree is now like a small tree that is growing rapidly, full of vitality.

  Liu Qingshan is also very satisfied with this. He has built a framework for the company and just left it alone. It seems that Gao Lingfeng and the others are still working very hard.

   "Mr. Liu, our company has only made some progress in the music field. It always feels like walking on one leg. Do you want to also get involved in the film and television industry?"

  Song Xue has now completely got rid of the childishness of a college student and has completely turned into a professional woman, so she looks more and more radiant.

  She also has a long-term plan for the company, but she has been unable to catch Liu Qingshan's shadow, and finally caught the opportunity today.

  Boss Zhang also echoed excitedly: "Yes, movies have been very popular in the past two years. "Red Sorghum" won an international award last year, and it has gained both fame and fortune."

  Looking at his envious face, Liu Qingshan shook his head slightly: Now you are making movies, then you are delusional.

  Even twenty years later, movies are a big pit, and whoever jumps in will fall.

   Don't look at that director Zhang is now proud, but soon, his "Codenamed Jaguar" will fall into the sand and become one of the biggest failures in his directorial career.

   "Let's forget about movies first, TV dramas can't be done now, our company should develop in the music field first." Liu Qingshan set the tone for everyone.

  There are too many restrictions at the moment. When will the production and broadcasting be separated and gradually enter the market, it will not be too late to get involved.

  Song Xue still can't figure it out, she still has a preference for movies and TV.

  There’s nothing Liu Qingshan can do, he can’t list all the restrictions for her, can he?

  Thinking that TV dramas can still be done after a few years, Liu Qingshan said with a smile:

   "Then the company will prepare a film and television team. I will go to the United States to study and study in the near future. It just so happens that the company has a movie there, which will be released in the summer soon."


  Song Xue immediately cried out excitedly, after all, she was still a young man who had just stepped out of college.

  The movie Liu Qingshan mentioned was the "Home Alone" that he planned before returning to China last year.

   Originally, it was planned to wait until the Christmas file, but the competition for the Christmas file was too fierce, and the film had already been finished, so it was simply moved to the summer file.

  The matter is settled like this, the Hurricane Film and Television Company over there will send an invitation letter, and the rest is to go through various procedures, so Liu Qingshan doesn't need to worry about this.

  Liu Qingshan ate lunch in the company's cafeteria, and asked Lu Fang and the others to drive over to order some special products brought back from the frontier.

   This trip, I brought a lot of things like dates and raisins.

   While eating, Liu Qingshan's big brother finally rang again.

  Because the roaming service has not yet been opened, this thing can only be used as a brick when going to the frontier, and Liu Qingshan didn't take it with him at all.

   After connecting, it was Xiaoli who called. She told Liu Qingshan that the address of the jewelry store had been contacted, and asked Liu Qingshan if he had time, and if he could go to see it in the afternoon.

   "What does the other party say, is it renting or selling?" Liu Qingshan is most concerned about this issue.

   You know, Fuhao Guo’s International Trade Center is only for rent and not for sale. I don’t know how to operate this newly opened real estate.

   "Can be rented or sold." Xiao Li replied bluntly.

   "Okay, take a look this afternoon and tell Wang Zhan to prepare more funds."

  Liu Qingshan knows that the garden is next to Wangfujing, and it will be the most prosperous area in the capital in the future. Build more shops to increase the value.

  When Liu Qingshan put down the phone, Gao Lingfeng said:

   "Qingshan, there are more than 10 million cash in the books under the big tree. If you need it, you can withdraw it at any time."

   This was a bit unexpected for Liu Qingshan, but he felt relieved when he thought that tape sales were the most profitable industry in recent years.

He thought for a while, and then said: "Let's put the money aside, the school, I'm going to resign, but the school doesn't allow it, so I'm supposed to be allowed to run a company alone, and I'll have to spend money at that time. "

   Then he added: "Don't worry, when the time comes, I will buy shares in the name of the company under the big tree, and I won't ask you to spend money for nothing."

  Those people all smiled and said nothing: Anyway, it’s all your money, from the left hand to the right hand, you can play whatever you like.

  Of course, this is mainly due to the trust in Liu Qingshan.

  Just like Dashuxia when it was first established, including the veterans who first joined the company, who would have thought that it would be able to make so much money in just a few years.

  At 1:30 in the afternoon, Wang Zhan drove the car, took Xiaoli and an assistant, and picked up Liu Qingshan.

  After two o’clock, a few people arrived at Dongdan, which belongs to Jinyu Alley, and has not yet been converted into a pedestrian street. You can see many familiar buildings on both sides:

  Department store, Lisheng sporting goods store, capital painting store, capital watch shop, etc. You can also see the gate of the People's Newspaper Office, where Lin Zizhou works.

  A newly completed building in the distance is resplendent and eye-catching.

  Because the building height here is limited, it is not the kind of skyscraper, but the one that covers a relatively large area and develops horizontally, which is more in line with the characteristics of a commercial district.

  Liu Qingshan got out of the car, then nodded: "This location is good."

  Miss Xiaoli led the way, came to the front of the building, and pointed to a shop next to the gate:

   "This is it, with an area of ​​nearly 100 square meters."

  Liu Qingshan blinked: "It seems a little smaller."

   "The price is too high, almost 20,000 per square meter!"

  Miss Xiaoli frowned slightly. In her opinion, it would be more appropriate to rent it.

   "Twenty thousand and one flat?"

  Xiaoli nodded: "Well, it's a bit expensive."

  Liu Qingshan was indeed surprised, but not because of the high price, but because it felt too cheap.

  In later generations, the annual rent is estimated to be more than this amount.

  Others thought it too expensive when they heard him talking like this, so Wang Zhan also interjected:

   "If you think Qingshan is expensive, then rent it."

  At this time, a strange voice suddenly came from behind:

   "If you don't have money, don't come here to pretend to be rich, poor ghost!"

  Liu Qingshan also felt that the voice was rather harsh. Looking back, he saw five or six people. The one who spoke had a face full of small peas and was looking at him provocatively.

   "What little eight is that?"

   Liu Qingshan seems to have a little impression, but he can't remember clearly.

  Wang Zhan thought he did it on purpose, so he smiled: "Yes, it's Chu Xiaoba."

  (end of this chapter)

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