Hello 1983

Chapter 709: Lives are at stake, no kidding

  Chapter 709 Human life is at stake, this is no joke

   "Boss, we are in trouble, big trouble!"

  Adrian and Jiang Renyi hurried to Los Angeles to report to Liu Qingshan in person.

  At this moment, Liu Qingshan is in Chinatown, watching the team of the dumb grandpa, treating those patients who come to see a doctor.

  Seeing that the patients in line were all looking this way, Liu Qingshan signaled Adrian not to shout, and then led the two of them into the teahouse.

  Adrian is still in the mood to drink tea: "Boss, the SEC revealed to me that there are indeed several funds that are buying the shares of our Earth Network."

   "We must have been targeted by the wolves of Wall Street. This is their usual tactic. First disperse the acquisitions, and then concentrate the stocks in the hands of one party in exchange for enough chips."

   "When the number of acquisitions exceeds a certain amount, they can apply to hold a general meeting of shareholders and seize control of the company in one fell swoop. At that time, Earth Web will no longer belong to us!"

   Adrian finished speaking in one breath, picked up the tea bowl in front of him, took a sip, and then grinned from the heat.

  Liu Qingshan sat there, drinking tea in a leisurely manner. In fact, the news he got yesterday was more reliable than Adrian's.

  Because his source of information is from the God of Stocks, only insiders know what is going on on Wall Street.

  Liu Qingshan not only knows that there are many forces buying the shares of Earth Net, but also knows that Soros, the fox of Wall Street, is among them.

  In addition, Ba Stock God also revealed that there is a professional trader team who was hired to Boston.

  Liu Qingshan can basically guess that it must be Wang Lie who made the move and laid a big net.

  The last time in China, when he saw Wang Lie and Soros getting together, Liu Qingshan expected this to happen.

   It's just that Liu Qingshan is a little worried. People like Wang Lie with great ambitions and talents, don't want to be played bad by Soros.

   Seeing Liu Qingshan's calm and composed face, Jiang Renyi felt a lot more at ease, and did not panic like Adrian, because Jiang Renyi had incomparable confidence in Liu Qingshan.

  This kind of confidence comes from the fact that this small boss can start from scratch and quickly accumulate a wealth of more than one billion US dollars in a foreign country.

   "Boss, what should we do, what should we do?"

  Adrian has completely panicked now, because he has heard too many stories about the gang of wolves on Wall Street who cannibalize people without spitting out their bones.

  Liu Qingshan put down the tea bowl: "Don't worry, the other party bought the stock of Earth Network, and we will take back it together."


  Adrian's brain froze instantly, just like a few days ago, the server of the Earth Network was paralyzed due to overload.

  Liu Qingshan took out his cellular phone and dialed a number: "Operation wolf hunting has begun."

  At this time, Jiang Renyi finally turned the corner: "Boss, what you mean is to raise the stock price and increase the acquisition cost of the other party."

   "It can be understood in this way." Liu Qingshan nodded.

   "But, but..." Adrian always felt that something was wrong, but he was not a professional investor after all, and he couldn't think of a specific problem.

  Liu Qingshan smiled and nodded towards the two subordinates: "Don't worry, maybe this time, you can all make a small fortune."

   "Okay, you go back to the company now and tell those employees who hold the company's stock in their hands, don't sell the stock for the sake of small profits."

  Liu Qingshan stood up and walked towards the outside of the teahouse, because he had already heard the sound of an ambulance outside.

  Adrian and Jiang Renyi looked at each other and could only go back to Silicon Valley first.

  They have no idea: if the company's stock rises, who can guarantee that those employees will not be tempted to sell their stocks?

  Everyone desires wealth, others cannot stop it.

  Liu Qingshan rushed to the temporary clinic not far away, an ambulance had already parked there, and several doctors were talking to the mute grandpa.

  He hurried to the front, only he can better interpret for the dumb grandpa.

  Since even an ambulance was dispatched, it must be a serious situation.

   Soon Liu Qingshan figured out the situation, which was indeed very difficult: the patient was a pregnant woman who gave birth prematurely, and needed a caesarean section because of the malposition of the fetus.

  The patient was admitted to the best obstetrics and gynecology hospital in Los Angeles. After the operation plan was determined, when the cesarean section was about to be performed, it was discovered that the patient had a serious history of heart disease.

   If anesthesia is injected forcibly, it is likely to cause heart failure and death of the patient.

  The doctor immediately adjusted the plan and changed to an inhalational anesthetic, which is to achieve anesthesia by inhaling alkanes.

  However, this kind of anesthesia is usually relatively shallow and difficult to control, so it is generally used as an option.

  The thing happened that made the doctors collapse: the patient was allergic to alkanes, even alcohol when he was at home.

   Now, the doctors were completely dumbfounded. They had never seen this special case before.

  The family members of the patient were not present. The pregnant woman suffered a sudden labor pain in the supermarket and was sent to the hospital. There was still a month before the due date.

  Although she was enduring great pain, the patient was still awake. She immediately said: No need for anesthesia, just have a caesarean section, and have a baby first!

  The doctors around were all moved. This kind of decision undoubtedly required great courage.

  But they know that they can't do this, otherwise, they will be regarded as executioners.

   Just when everyone was helpless, a doctor suddenly suggested:

   "Didn't the newspaper recently introduce a magical doctor from the East, why don't we go there and try our luck?"

good idea!

  The doctors suddenly felt their eyes light up: Maybe the mysterious power from the east can really create miracles.

   It was said that the patient was rushed to the doctor in a hurry, or that a dead horse was treated as a living horse doctor. In short, everyone quickly directed the nurses to carry the patient into the ambulance and went directly to Chinatown.

  The doctor who proposed just now did not follow, but turned around and walked back to his office.

   At the corner of his mouth, there was a sneer: Get rid of this big trouble, what kind of **** oriental doctor will definitely not be able to handle it.

  Based on his judgment, the patient definitely won't be able to hold on for too long, and he will just wait for a lawsuit.

  After returning to the office, he picked up the phone again and called a reporter from the Los Angeles Times, so that it was stable.

  If you want to grab the market here, you have to pay a price!

  Liu Qingshan didn't know that there were so many twists and turns. After listening to the doctor explain the situation, he relayed it to the dumb grandfather.

  The mute grandpa also hurried into the ambulance, and soon there was a weak voice: "Save my child, please..."

  The patient's consciousness was a little fuzzy, and he tossed and turned, just chanting such a sentence.

   Liu Qingshan was also full of respect for the maternal love shown by this woman. He looked at the dumb grandfather:

   "Master, we must save her, and the child, Master, is there any other way?"

  The dumb grandfather nodded unexpectedly, then turned around and gestured to Song Yizhen a few times.

  Song Yizhen also showed embarrassment: He has never practiced this kind of technique.

  Liu Qingshan was also stunned: Can acupuncture replace anesthetics and anesthetize patients?

  Even he had never heard of him, let alone those foreign doctors, and they all looked at each other in blank dismay, all shaking their heads in disbelief.

  Including Liu Qingshan, none of them knew that this method of anesthesia was practiced in some large domestic hospitals in the 1960s and 1970s when there was a shortage of medical supplies.

  Using needles to anesthetize the patient for surgery, which can greatly save costs.

   As for why this method gradually disappeared, it may be because the cost is too low.

   Actually, it’s quite sad when you think about it, right?

   "Wait, old sir, we don't approve of the method you proposed. If there are any adverse consequences, our hospital will definitely not bear it."

  A doctor who came with him immediately expressed his objection after hearing the dumb grandpa's plan.

  Human life is at stake, it’s not a joke, not to mention, the doctor saw just now that there seemed to be two journalist-like people mixed in the crowd.

  The dumb grandpa looked at the doctor, his gaze was like a sword, and the doctor was so frightened that he quickly moved his eyes away, not daring to look at the dumb grandpa.

  The mute grandpa shook his head and began to make gestures with his hands. Liu Qingshan also glared at the doctor who spoke just now, and began to translate to the master:

   "A person like you is not worthy of being a doctor, because you don't put the patient first, but think about shirking responsibility first."

  The doctor lowered his head silently.

  Liu Qingshan continued to speak for Master: "I will be responsible for all problems that arise, can we start?"

  Several doctors nodded together this time, and the two standing in front of them hurriedly moved out of the way.

  They looked at the dumb grandpa with awe.

  After all, these people also have good professional ethics, and of course they will be in awe of their peers who surpass them in terms of morality.

  The dumb grandpa performed the injection himself. The patient was lying on a simple stretcher with his limbs immobilized and his body motionless. He could only mutter to himself: "Save the child..."

  The dumb grandpa gave the needle, but the first needle was stuck near the patient's ankle, and then went up one by one, and finally reached the chest and abdomen.

  A total of more than a dozen silver needles seemed to be trembling slightly, and the hearts of the foreign doctors who witnessed this scene also trembled.

  They saw helplessly that the patient was still conscious and muttering to himself.

  Although Liu Qingshan also felt a little unbelievable, he was also full of confidence in Master, and continued to repeat the dumb grandpa's gesture: "The caesarean section operation can begin."

  Ah, the bodies of those doctors trembled, and one of them said, "The patient doesn't seem to be anesthetized?"


  Liu Qingshan emphasized his tone, time is life, and the mother can no longer delay.

   "Okay, okay."

  A doctor finally plucked up the courage, put on a mask and gloves, and ordered the nurse to prepare for the operation.

  The ambulance became a temporary operating room, and Liu Qingshan's task was temporarily completed. When he got off the ambulance, he realized that he was already sweating profusely.

  Looking at the dumb grandfather again, with the same expression on his face, Liu Qingshan secretly sighed: It seems that his cultivation is still far behind his master.

  At this time, a person with a microphone came up: "Mr. Mountain, hello, I am a reporter from the Los Angeles Times, may I interview you?"

  Liu Qingshan waved his hand: "Let's talk later."

  He is dying over there, so he has no time to accept any interviews.

   Just at this time, his cell phone rang, Liu Qingshan picked it up, and the call was from Qian Yuzhen.

  Her voice was full of excitement: "Qingshan, it has risen, and the stock of Earth Net has risen, and now it has exceeded 50 US dollars per share."

  Liu Qingshan replied: "Continue to make acquisitions and increase the stock price. Anyone who wants to touch my cake must ask them to pay the price."

   Just now, whether it is ordinary stockholders, Wall Street investors, or those large investment institutions, they all discovered a strange phenomenon:

  There is a newly listed stock, the price is like a rocket, and the price is going up.

  In just ten minutes, the price rose from twenty dollars to fifty dollars.

   This rising speed caught people off guard.

   "Oh, it's not another Microsoft?" an operator exclaims.

   Meanwhile, I don’t know how many calls are busy for this stock:

   "Would you like to sell the Earth Net stock in our hands, it is now fifty dollars, no, it is already sixty dollars!"

   "Sir, do we want to buy the stock of Earth Net? Looking at the trend, it seems to be going up!"

   And the answer they get is usually: "Wait, wait."

   No one can make the most correct choice at this moment, not even a stock god. In the last stock market crash, even a stock market **** would be in a hurry and at a loss.

  So waiting is a relatively safe strategy.

   "It has risen to a hundred dollars!"

  As the news came, some people were happy and some were worried. Those who didn't have time to make a move just now were extremely happy in their hearts.

  And those who were hesitant and didn't make a move just now are now full of regret.

  Liu Qingshan basically receives a call every ten minutes, reporting the latest stock price.

  When the stock price rose to one hundred dollars, the chief surgeon cut open the skin tissue of the pregnant woman's abdomen.

  This doctor has performed hundreds of cesarean sections, but he has never been so nervous and helpless as he is now. It feels like he was on the operating table for the first time.

   It is not known whether the mother is exhausted or has lost consciousness. In short, after the skin was cut, she did not respond.

  The doctor calmed down, asked the nurse next to him to wipe his sweat, and then continued to divide other subcutaneous tissues.

  When the stock price of the earth network rose to 200 dollars, the abdominal cavity of the parturient had been cut open, and the parturient was still conscious, muttering: "Save the child..."

   At this time, the dumb grandfather stepped forward, twisted a dozen silver needles, and signaled for the operation to continue.

  The confidence of several doctors also increased greatly. Their hands stopped shaking, their hearts were also at ease, and they began to continue the operation in an orderly manner.

  When a doctor cuts the baby's umbilical cord, he carries the baby and pats the little guy on the back.

  Accompanied by a hoarse cry, a brand new young life finally came to this world.

  At this moment, the stock price of Earth Net also successfully broke through 300 US dollars.

  (end of this chapter)

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