Hello 1983

Chapter 710: It's so exciting

  Chapter 710 is really exciting

   Crazy, today's Earth Web stock can only be described as crazy.

  In just over an hour, it is estimated that it has increased by more than ten times, and everyone is dumbfounded.

  The most discussed topic is: "Another Bill is about to be born."

  Of course, some people refuted: "No, it is said that the president of Earth Network is that Mountain Liu. He has long been at the same level as Bill."

  At the headquarters of Wang An Computer in Boston, Wang Lie also tore off the collar of his shirt, walking around the office anxiously.

  He suddenly stopped in front of the phone, and made a call with a hideous face: "Henry, how much did we buy?"

   "Probably less than 3%, sir, the stock price has exceeded 300 US dollars, should we continue to buy?"

  Wang Lie spat out a word bitterly: "Take it!"

   "However, our group has no funds, sir, and we need you to provide funds immediately."

  At this moment, Wang Lie really wanted to throw the microphone on the ground. He originally prepared 10 million U.S. dollars and thought it would be enough, but with the soaring stock price of Earth.com, this amount is no longer enough.

   "Okay, I will raise funds as soon as possible." Wang Lie ordered, and then hung up the phone.

  He said it easily, but in the company, there is really no money.

  In the first half of the year, the company lost more than 200 million yuan. According to this trend, the second half of the year must be similar.

  After one year, a loss of 400 million US dollars, no matter how good the company is, it can't bear it.

  In fact, Wang An Computer did have a debt of 430 million US dollars in 1988.

   Now, Wang Lie has no way to raise money. For a moment, he suddenly had the idea of ​​selling all the Earth Net stocks he bought.

  If he sells high and buys low like this, he can still make a fortune, probably less than 20 million US dollars.

   But for him, 20 million won't solve the company's difficulties.

   Moreover, Wang Lie is not willing to let it go. Now he has regarded the Earth Net as a life-saving straw, and he must firmly grasp it in his own hands.

  After hesitating for a while, Wang Lie finally made a decision. He called the company's chief lawyer:

   "To mortgage part of Wang An Computer's stock, I need at least 100 million in cash now."

  The lawyer was a little surprised: "Does the old gentleman know about this?"

   "I am the president of the company now, execute it!" Wang Lie said these words domineeringly.

   At the same time, Soros' team is also trying its best to acquire the stock of Earth Network, which is already close to 5%.

   But Soros is not in a hurry, because he still has several teams that can be replaced at any time.

   This time, Soros is going to play a big game. He wants to eat Wang An's computer and Earth Network together, and put on a good show of snakes swallowing elephants.

  The team led by Qian Yuzhen is also making acquisitions.

  The result of the joint efforts of several parties is that the stock of Earth Net can't stop at all, and the buying orders are far greater than the selling orders. It seems that the stocks are rushing to 500 US dollars.

   In front of the temporary clinic in Chinatown where Liu Qingshan was located, cheers erupted like a tsunami.

  The excited people also went crazy after hearing the baby's cry.

  They jumped and jumped, and some people threw their hats high.

  Several doctors lined up and bowed to the dumb grandfather together, expressing the highest respect to the old man.

  At this moment, the wound of the pregnant woman has been stitched up, and Song Yizhen is putting away the silver needles on her body one by one.

  The admiration in Song Yizhen's heart was also like a surging river.

  The mother is also in a very good condition now. Apart from being a little weak, her spirit is actually very strong.

  The reason for this is that the dumb grandfather gave her a precious pill.

  The pill is made of deer fetus as the main ingredient, supplemented with precious traditional Chinese medicine such as old mountain ginseng, which is very effective for the recovery of puerpera.

  A nurse carried the baby to the mother, and this brave and lucky lady, with the most beautiful smile on her face, gently kissed the little guy on the forehead.

  The reporter next to him took pictures of this extremely warm scene.

  He didn't know that this unintentional photo won him the best photography award in the United States, and the title was "Mother's Love".

   "It's unbelievable, but, as a patient who feels the same way, I can understand."

   It was Muhammad Ali who said this. He is also receiving treatment here, so he witnessed all this.

   "Mr. Ali, you are my idol, can you be the godfather of the child?" The mother obviously recognized Ali.

   "No, no, no." Ali shook his head very neatly, and his movements are much more flexible now:

   "Ma'am, we have different beliefs, so I cannot grant your request."

   "And even if I could, I don't have the qualifications." Ali said while reaching out to the dumb grandfather:

   "Ma'am, you may not know what happened. It was this venerable old man who performed acupuncture and gave you anesthesia to successfully complete the operation."

  The puerpera was also shocked: "Oh, this is incredible!"

  She looked around, and the doctors and nurses smiled and nodded to her.

  The parturient immediately struggled to sit up, but was immediately stopped by the nurse.

  Hot tears flowed from the mother's eyes: "Old man, thank you, I don't know how to express my and my child's gratitude, woo woo woo."

  Liu Qingshan quickly translated the dumb grandfather's gesture: "Ma'am, my master said that you need to rest now, and don't get too excited."

   "Human life is more precious than a thousand pieces of gold, so as long as your mother and child are healthy, it is my master's greatest happiness."

   "Well, well, I will remember all this, thank you, kindness and virtue be with us."

  The lady had tears in her eyes, a smile on her face, and gently waved around, and then the ambulance drove away from Chinatown slowly.

  The dumb grandfather waved his hand, signaling to continue to treat those patients. Every patient was excited. After witnessing the scene just now, why do they have any reason to doubt?

   "Mr. Mountain, can we conduct an interview now?" The reporter once again moved to Liu Qingshan's side.

  Liu Qingshan smiled at him: "You should interview my master."

  The reporter also laughed: "Of course, this needs your translation, doesn't it?"

  Of course Liu Qingshan would not refuse this kind of interview, so he just took the opportunity to make another wave of publicity.

   After the Parkinson's of the boxing champion stabilizes, it will basically be able to stand firm.

  He was busy here until 6:00 pm, and then the patients were emptied out. Liu Qingshan saw the members of the medical team, one by one, with exhaustion on their faces, so he simply asked everyone to go to a Chinese restaurant for a meal.

  Although the body was exhausted, everyone was very excited, especially for the dumb grandpa who gave the pregnant woman anesthesia in the afternoon.

   Everyone sat at two large tables. Liu Qingshan went out to make a phone call after arranging the meals.

  The first call was of course to Jiang Renyi.

  After connecting, Jiang Renyi was still in the company, and the stock price had risen too much. He called all the employees in the company who held stocks together, and they were having a meeting.

  Employees also looked excited, and many people gathered together to whisper and discuss how to sell their stocks.

  Restricted shares are troublesome. They cannot enter the market and circulate, and everyone is staring at them.

  The stock price has doubled by nearly a hundred times. The stock that was originally worth several thousand yuan is now worth hundreds of thousands. Who is not tempted?

   And the founders of companies like Hunter, if they sell their stocks, they can become millionaires immediately.

  In the United States of this era, there are only a handful of millions.

  Although Jiang Renyi and Adrian tried their best to suppress it, they couldn't control the situation at this time.

  Even including Adrian, his heart has always been eager to move.

  No way, this wealth really makes people have to be moved by it.

   At this moment, Jiang Renyi received a call from Liu Qingshan, but after listening to Liu Qingshan finished speaking, Jiang Renyi thought his ears were misheard:

   "Boss, what did you say, you want us to sell all the stocks of Earth Net, am I right?"

   "Brother Jiang, you heard me right, everyone makes a small fortune, isn't that good?"

   From the other end of the phone, Liu Qingshan's unhurried voice came.

  But Jiang Renyi was really anxious: "Boss, what about our earth network? Do we really have to hand it over to others?"

  Global Network is Jiang Renyi's painstaking effort, and he will never allow it to be taken away by others.

   "Brother Jiang, don't worry, it's safe to put it in your pocket first. You should inform those employees who have shares in their hands. If you want to sell, you can do it, just don't sell it cheaply."

   "As for those who don't want to make a move, don't force it."

   "There is also the shares in your hand, Brother Jiang. At the right time, you also sell it. The reward you get is the reward for your hard work in the past few years."

  Jiang Renyi really wanted to yell "No", but he knew that Liu Qingshan must have follow-up means for doing this:

   "Okay, I will tell the boss what you mean, and convey it to them."

   "Thank you, Aoyama!"

  Jiang Renyi knows that once he sells the shares in his hand, he can become a multi-millionaire.

  He originally thought that this is a goal that needs to be worked hard for the rest of his life. How could he achieve it by accident?

  When Jiang Renyi returned to the conference room and announced the news, the employees burst into cheers. Now, everyone no longer has any psychological burden.

   "The boss also asked me to tell everyone not to sell the shares in my hand at a low price, and there may be another wave of price increases tomorrow." Jiang Renyi warned again.

   "Jiang, is this true?" Adrian was still a little skeptical, so he called Liu Qingshan again to verify.

  After getting the confirmation, Adrian immediately announced the end of the meeting, and then hurried back to the office to make a call:

   "Sir, I agree in principle to transfer the equity in my hand to you, but the price, we still need to sit together and discuss it..."

  On the same night, almost all of the employees of the Earth Network received a call or a visitor.

   Only a small number of people transferred their shares.

   As for the price, of course it’s not five hundred, but it’s around three hundred dollars.

   The purchase of restricted shares like this, of course, cannot be done at the market price, half of it would be good.

  Employees of the Earth Network, some people woke up from their dreams.

  After the stock market opened the next day, the much-anticipated stock of Earth Net really started to rise again.

  This also means that people who wanted to buy yesterday but chose to wait and see almost regretted their intestines.

   And this price also caused most retail investors to hand over their chips. This is no longer a surprise, but a shock.

  Although the stocks in the hands of retail investors are not too many, they can't stand the hundredfold profit.

   A few hundred dollars turned into tens of thousands of dollars in a few days, which is really exciting.

   After the stock price of Earth Network climbed to a terrifying 800 US dollars, all the stocks in the hands of Earth Network employees were also bought out.

   "Guys, after get off work today, I'll invite everyone to the bar for a drink!" Hunter yelled loudly while twisting his buttocks.

  He owns 0.3% of the stock of Earth Web, which is about 10,000 shares. The acquisition price is 420 US dollars per share, so his current net worth is already 4 million.

  For Hunter, who likes to drink, such a good thing is of course a good drink.

   "No, Hunter, if you want to treat guests, it's not your turn to a million-level person. It should be a million-level person to treat guests."

  The colleague pointed at Eric Ann. They all know that Eric Ann owns close to 1% of the shares, which is more than ten million.

   Eric pushed his glasses with his hand: "Why is it me? It should be Jiang. He owns 8% of Earth Net."

  Wow, everyone exclaimed.

  According to this ratio, it is basically hundreds of millions. Is another billionaire born?

   Think about it a few days ago, when the boss came to the company, he talked about this matter. Unexpectedly, it came true so soon.

  Employees now feel: It seems that the earth network is not worse than Microsoft.

  Seeing that everyone was looking over, Jiang Renyi stood up: "Okay, all millionaires and multi-millionaires, please continue to work."

   "Also, let me declare that the stocks in my hand have not been sold."

   "Okay, I'll treat you today." Adrian looked at Jiang Renyi with complicated eyes.

   At this time, a figure rushed in like a whirlwind: "Wow, with me as a billionaire, how can it be your turn to treat me!"

   It was of course Xiao Li who rushed in. His shares were similar to those of Jiang Renyi, but he bought them with real money.

  Others looked at Xiao Li with envy, because this guy was different from them, they were shares exchanged for labor, this guy was a speculator, and he was also a lucky speculator.

   "Li, your stock is also sold?" Only Jiang Renyi frowned.

  Xiao Li shook his head triumphantly: "Do I look like such a stupid person? Keeping stocks in your hands is more valuable than banknotes. Don't you know this truth?"

   These words were naturally despised by those employees: Who is stupid, do you have to wait for the stock price to drop before selling it?

  Only Jiang Renyi grabbed Xiao Li's hand and shook it vigorously. He knew that Xiao Li had the same thoughts as him:

   Absolutely will not use the stock of Earth Net to benefit themselves, because they are all true friends of Liu Qingshan.

  At this moment, their friend Liu Qingshan welcomed a middle-aged man with a special identity in the temporary clinic in Chinatown: a senior senator, Mr. Mike.

  After the dumb grandfather checked the senator's pulse, Liu Qingshan helped the master translate: "Sir, there is nothing wrong with your body."

  Mike showed a sincere smile on his face: "Thank you, I came here specially to thank you, thank you for saving my wife and children yesterday."

  (end of this chapter)

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