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Chapter 730: don't tell anyone about this

  Chapter 730 Don't tell others about this

  Victor stood up and picked up the plate containing the black truffle: "To eat truffles, you must eat its most natural and original taste, and I will process it."

  It is said to be processed, but in fact it is to cut the truffle into slices and serve it directly.

   Then Victor and the other three foreigners, just you and me, began to taste carefully.

   "Don't you need to dip some sauce?" Liu Qingshan also admitted that this way of eating is indeed natural enough, pure natural.

  The three of them shook their heads together, and continued to chew slowly with enjoyment on their faces, as if they were tasting the most advanced delicacy in the world.

  Looking at the performance of these three people, Liu Qingshan also felt that the corners of his mouth turned up: All right, the quality of this black truffle must be fine.

  Gao Wenxue looked at Victor and the others as if they were enjoying the meal, so he also took a piece and put it in his mouth, but he chewed it sadly. It seemed that he really couldn't enjoy this way of eating.

   Several people ate and chatted, chatting about the sales of books by Lu writers and high literature in foreign countries.

   Thanks to Victor's channel, he achieved good results. Otherwise, he would have just piled up in the corner of the bookstore and collected dust.

  As for the matter of the literary award, Writer Lu also treated it calmly, and was happy to win and happy to lose, which is probably his mentality at the moment.

  During this time, after a creative rest period, he was already brewing new works.

  After the meal, Liu Qingshan made herbal tea, and then turned to the topic, discussing with Victor about exporting black truffles.

  Victor said: The black truffles produced here are big and taste good, not inferior to the black truffles produced in Périgord.

   You know, Perigord is known as the "Kingdom of Truffles".

  However, the top ingredients are very particular about the place of origin, so it is impossible for the black truffles in Jiapigou to be sold at such a high price from the beginning.

   Maybe you still have to start with some relatively low-end restaurants and slowly accumulate word of mouth before the price can go up.

  As for the transportation problem, there is no need to consider this at all. The truffles are well preserved, and it will be no problem for a few months.

  Liu Qingshan has a different view: "Victor, this cycle is too long, and it cannot maximize the benefits, and it does not conform to our consistent business philosophy."

  Victor also shrugged his shoulders: "Liu, this is different from other products here. Those ingredients are not available on our side, so there is no comparison, and it is easier to operate."

   "As for expensive ingredients like truffles, once they are found to be counterfeit, wait for the newspapers. Even Michelin-level restaurants will have to be forced to close down."

  Is that so, Liu Qingshan took a sip of tea, and gradually had an idea in his mind:

   "Victor, we can hold a free truffle tasting banquet, and then mix the two kinds of truffles together for the diners to taste and identify."

  Victor's eyes gradually lit up: "Oh, Liu, this is a genius idea. When the time comes, I will arrange a few more people to mix it in."

  Liu Qingshan also nodded with satisfaction: Yes, even childcare knows how to use it, you are also self-taught.

  This way of hype should attract attention. At that time, as long as half of the people can't tell the difference, the truffles produced in Jiapigou will definitely be worth a hundred times.

   After all, the Jiapigou brand is quite famous in Europa.

  In recent years, things like monkey wine, morels, and those artificially bred wild animals have become very popular there.

   With this foundation, it will be much easier to launch the black truffle produced in Jiapigou.

  After the discussion between the two profiteers, the next day, it was time to go up the mountain to look for truffles.

  Victor also brought a camera to take pictures of the environment of the production area. Foreigners are very concerned about these.

  Zhang Ganzi played again, this time he changed to a gilt, which is also better for control.

  According to Victor's suggestion, Zhang Ganzi first fed a small truffle to the gilt, and the little sow was immediately motivated after tasting the sweetness.

   Several people worked hard all day and dug more than ten catties of truffles, which is enough for the time being.

   Don’t worry about the rest, you can dig slowly before freezing.

  Liu Qingshan also specially called the surrounding villages to set up a truffle collection team. They can conduct investigations first to find out where the truffles are hiding, and then dig them out together when needed.

  When excavating, it is very important that the excavated place must be backfilled at the end.

  Because there is a high probability that black truffles will grow here next year, so it must be protected.

   In this regard, Liu Qingshan doesn't worry much about it. Of course, these mountain people know protection best.

  And after several years of publicity, everyone has long been aware of resource protection.

  Ding Laohei in Dingjiagou is the most powerful. He trained his two hunting dogs to find truffles more effectively than wild boars.

  Dogs are more obedient than pigs. The most important thing is that dogs do not eat truffles, so they will not consume unnecessary.

   It is estimated that Victor will take about a month to get a letter.

   At that time, Liu Qingshan may have already left for Heihe, so he will explain this matter to the Party Secretary Grandpa and Captain Uncle.

   As for the price, Liu Qingshan is not worried about a profiteer like Victor, so he made an agreement with the party secretary grandpa to call him when the time comes and he will negotiate with Victor.

  After enjoying a few days of peace at home, Liu Qingshan still couldn't help calling Lu Xiaolong repeatedly from the county to urge him to drive him to Bishui County.

  In the past few years, Bishui County has not changed much. For a small county, it will take many years for large-scale infrastructure construction.

  In the county town, there are still people commuting by bicycle.

  It's just different from previous years. The expressions on the faces of the cyclists are gradually diverging.

  In the past, the units were pretty much the same, and the wage gap between everyone was not too big. If you want to be poor, everyone should be poor together, so people still have a relaxed and happy face.

  However, the past two years have gradually changed. Many units are unable to pay wages, and retired workers cannot be reimbursed for their medical expenses. The smiles on everyone's faces are not as bright as before.

  In today's Bishui County, the factories with the best profits are all joint venture factories.

   Among them is a carrot juice processing factory, which is a large factory with thousands of employees in cooperation with South Korea.

  Then there is Uni-President Food Factory, which is also a joint venture in the eyes of outsiders.

  The following include instant noodle factory and ham sausage factory, which have become famous brand products in Bishui County.

  Working in a joint venture factory, although the requirements are strict, but the salary is a bit higher than that of ordinary factories, and the benefits are also good. It is the most enviable unit in the county.

  This kind of polarization will become more and more obvious, until the tide of the sea comes, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, completely destroying everything that is inherent.

   That should be the biggest shock after the opening, and people's thoughts and concepts have even changed accordingly.

   One wave destroys one rebirth.

   Walking into the familiar school gate of No. 1 Middle School, Liu Qingshan couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

   At the first stop, Liu Qingshan went back to his alma mater in high school.

  Although he didn't study here for a few days in total for three years in high school, it didn't affect Liu Qingshan's feelings for this place.

  The busy farming holiday is over, and the students have resumed school after changing seasons. The campus is very quiet, only the faint sound of reading can be heard.

   "What are you doing?"

  The gatekeeper blocked the way, carefully looked at the young man in front of him, and then slapped his thigh vigorously: "Oh, Liu Qingshan!"

   "Hi, sir." Liu Qingshan quickly took out a cigarette, offered one to the old man, and stuffed the rest into the old man's pocket.

  He didn't expect it, it's been several years, and people still remember him.

   "Qingshan, your photo is still posted on the school's honor roll." The old man happily patted his pocket and continued:

   "If the cigarettes are given by others, you can't accept them, but if they are given by Qingshan, you must pretend."

   Chatted with the old man for a few words, and learned that Principal Xu was at the school, Liu Qingshan asked Lu Xiaolong to wait at the door, and he entered the teaching building.

  This is still an old building, and it looks a little dilapidated than before. Everything gets old.

  Standing at the door of the principal's office, Liu Qingshan knocked on the door, and a familiar voice came from inside: "Come in!"

  Liu Qingshan smiled and blinked, then continued to knock on the door.

   "Come in, why are you knocking endlessly!" The door was pulled open, revealing the face of an old man with a beard.

  The bearded man was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he laughed loudly: "You kid, you still know how to come back, hahaha—cough cough cough!"

  Xu Shi laughed a little harder, the bearded principal coughed violently for a while, and then dragged Liu Qingshan into the room.

   It could be seen that Xu Dabeard was really happy, and poured a cup of tea for Liu Qingshan with his own hands, and Liu Qingshan did not argue with him.

   "I heard that you came back from studying abroad and stayed in school, haha, good thing, good thing." The bearded man was very interested in talking.

  He is also more concerned about Liu Qingshan's situation. If Liu Qingshan goes home, he will definitely go to Principal Xu's house to sit.

  Liu Qingshan briefly talked about his work in the company, and the bearded man waved his hand:

   "I don't understand these, anyway, as long as it is your decision, I will definitely support it."

  Liu Qingshan asked about the school's college entrance examination last semester, and the bearded man immediately expressed relief:

   "It's not bad. The enrollment rate is also ranked first in the region. It's because you laid a good foundation at that time."

   "Thank you very much, Jiapigou. For so many years, the breakfast milk in the third year of high school has never stopped."

  Liu Qingshan also said cheerfully: "It's all as it should be. In our village, we still give a few places for special recruitment every year."

  As the saying goes, there is no love for no reason, and there is no hate for no reason. Many things are mutual.

   Seeing the headmaster with an unshaven beard, Liu Qingshan asked with a smile: "If you don't shave, you're either on vacation, or there's trouble at school."

  Xu Dahuzi smiled and pointed twice: "You boy, it's actually nothing. It's just that our teaching building is a bit old. I'm always worried about danger. I will report to the county and build a new teaching building."

   "As a result, the county said that there was no money, so I went to the county leaders every three days. I thought about it, and in the past two years, a new teaching building must be built."

   "During the summer vacation this year, I even went to the province to find the former Hongqi county magistrate and ask him to help me find a solution."

   "It turned out that 500,000 yuan was actually obtained from the provincial finance, and the rest was called matching funds for the county. The county itself couldn't afford the money, ahem."

  The bearded principal became more and more excited as he spoke, and coughed again.

  Liu Qingshan cheerfully took over the conversation: "I'm here, so don't worry about it. I will pay for the remaining funds for this teaching building."

  The bearded man's eyes flashed brightly: "Qingshan, this is a lot of money!"

  For ordinary people, this is certainly a lot of money, but Liu Qingshan can still spend the money to build a teaching building.

  When he went upstairs, he already had this plan in mind, and he should make some contributions to his alma mater.

   "Principal Xu, my current financial level can still afford it." Liu Qingshan smiled and nodded towards the principal.

  Hearing what he said, the bearded principal immediately laughed happily:

   "Qingshan, then I won't be polite, haha, good boy, good boy, cough..."

  Laughing and laughing, he coughed again.

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help but secretly frowned, thought for a while and said: "Principal, why don't you go and invite all the other leaders, and let's study together?"

   "Okay, we need to hurry up on this matter." The bearded principal rushed out immediately.

   And Liu Qingshan also acted immediately, rushed to the front of Principal Xu's desk, and began to dig through the drawers.

   This is an old-fashioned solid wood desk, commonly known as a sinking head, with three drawers on it, the middle one is larger, and the drawers on both sides are slightly smaller.

  Liu Qingshan looked through the top three drawers, but didn't find what he wanted.

   So he squatted down again, looking for the small cabinet that was heavy at one end.

  The bearded principal left in a hurry just now, so the key was hanging on the lock of the desk. Liu Qingshan quickly opened the cabinet below, and took out a paper bag from under a stack of test papers.

   Inside is the X-ray chest film taken. Liu Qingshan is not a doctor, so of course he can't understand it, so he simply checked the diagnosis, it was from the hospital in the provincial capital.

  Looking at it, his body trembled suddenly: No wonder he felt like he lost a lot of weight when he saw Principal Xu, and he kept coughing.

   This kind of dry cough without phlegm, Liu Qingshan saw it once later, and that person was diagnosed with lung cancer.

  Liu Qingshan frowned. He never expected that Principal Xu died young because of this disease. It seems that he kept it a secret.

  Thinking of the bearded headmaster rushing to build the teaching building just now, Liu Qingshan felt his eyes a little moist.

   Wiping it vigorously with his sleeve twice, Liu Qingshan secretly made up his mind.

   "Qingshan, I've finished notifying...you!" The bearded headmaster trotted into the room again, seeing Liu Qingshan's eyes were red and holding the medical certificate in his hand, he understood everything.

  He walked over silently, packed all the films and diagnostics, stuffed them back into the small cabinet and locked it.

   Then patted Liu Qingshan on the shoulder: "Qingshan, don't tell others about this."

   "Life and death are fate, just let nature take its course. If you help me build the teaching building, I have no regrets in my life."

  Liu Qingshan gently grabbed the bearded headmaster's hand, the skin covered the bones, and he couldn't help but feel sore:

   "Principal, don't worry, the teaching building will definitely be built. I'll call in a while and ask the company to send one million to the county finance department for special use."

   "But your illness also needs to be cured. I will take you to my master in a car. He must have a solution!"

  Liu Qingshan didn't say anything to the bearded principal. If the country can't cure it, he will go abroad. He knows that Principal Xu must be reluctant to part with the money.

   At that time, I will go to a hospital in the capital for an examination first, and then perform surgery if possible, and then undergo radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

  Master supplemented it with medicine to strengthen the foundation and cultivate the vitality. With a two-pronged approach, at least a few more years of life can be extended, and it will definitely be no problem.

   Liu Qingshan really does not want to lose such a respectable bearded principal.

  (end of this chapter)

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