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Chapter 731: From the beginning of accumulation to its completion, what can I do? (seeking month

  Chapter 731 From the beginning of the product to its completion, what can I do? (seeking a monthly ticket)

  In the woodcut on the mountain, Xu bearded sits quietly at the table, his thin cheeks look very calm.

   Opposite him, the dumb grandfather put his fingers on the bearded principal's wrist, with the same peaceful expression.

  The bearded principal arranged some things for the school, and then Liu Qingshan invited him into the jeep and drove back to Jiapigou in no time.

  As for the affairs in the county, it was not too late, so Liu Qingshan called Lao Zhou in No. 1 Middle School and explained it.

  The mute grandpa took a long time to check the pulse this time. Liu Qingshan, Gao Feng and others in the room all held their breath and looked nervous.

  Even Little Six blinked his little eyes, looking back and forth between the faces of the bearded principal and grandpa.

  She hasn't seen it before. Grandpa took such a long time to diagnose the pulse.

   "Old man, it's okay. I know in my heart that the only way to die is through the ages, but who can avoid death?"

   Principal Xu withdrew his hand gently, muttering to himself:

   "I'm satisfied if I can avoid that scene more than ten years ago. I've made money in these ten years. What else can't I face calmly?"

   There were no bold words, but Liu Qingshan almost burst into tears.

  The dumb grandfather nodded lightly, and gestured with his hands: "This disease was called rock in ancient times, which means that the tumor will become as hard as a rock."

   "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic says that accumulation begins from birth to completion, so what?"

   This meaning, Liu Qingshan understands a little bit, cancer is such a stubborn disease, of course, the sooner it is discovered, the better, and when it is at an advanced stage, there is nothing that can be done.

   After thinking for a while, Liu Qingshan asked: "Master, in this situation, Principal Xu, can you have an operation?"

  The dumb grandfather raised his palm, waved it lightly, and then gestured:

   "If you don't move and use medicine slowly, it can delay its growth. If you use a knife, the reason is probably like stabbing a hornet's nest."

  Liu Qingshan also understood that with the current medical methods, surgery may not be a good thing.

  At this time, the bearded headmaster suddenly interjected: "Mr., just tell me the truth. How long do I have to live?"

  The dumb grandfather stared at him for a while, and decided that this person was tough and would not have a nervous breakdown, so he raised his hand and spread his fingers slightly.

   "Five years, the doctors in the provincial capital hospital frightened me, there is only one or two years left, five years, enough to do a lot of things, hahaha, cough cough."

  The bearded principal coughed again.

  Liu Qingshan patted him on the back lightly: "Principal Xu, what my master means is that you have to keep taking the medicine for these five years."

   "On the one hand, it strengthens the foundation and nourishes the vitality, and on the other hand, it inhibits the growth of tumors. You have to be obedient and forget to take medicine when you are busy. That will not work."

  Principal Xu nodded and agreed: "Actually, a hundred years of life begins with a countdown from birth, but some countdowns take longer. For me, five years is enough!"

  Mute Grandpa immediately began to consider the prescription. This prescription is quite difficult and must be balanced.

  You give your body nourishment, and cancer cells will also rush to absorb nutrients;

  In order to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, some strong drugs have to be used to attack the poison with fire, which in turn will cause damage to other organs of the body.

  So the scale here is the most difficult to grasp.

  The dumb grandfather considered the prescription, and Liu Qingshan thought about it in his mind: the best drug to treat cancer is of course paclitaxel.

  Paclitaxel is extracted from yews, and there are many yews in the mountains here.

  And in the past few years, led by Jiapigou, other villages in the consortium have been driven to plant a lot of yews one after another.

   If it doesn’t work, just cut down some yew branches, extract paclitaxel, and use it for the bearded principal, the effect will definitely be better.

  The idea is very good, but there is no technology to extract paclitaxel in China.

  Liu Qingshan was a little worried: If it doesn’t work, how many tons of twigs can be used?

   While he was pondering, the dumb grandpa also figured out the prescription, Liu Qingshan looked at it, there were nearly thirty kinds of traditional Chinese medicines in total, it seems that the master also spent a lot of thought.

  Because you use a single main drug, you often need to mix several auxiliary drugs, and also consider the medicinal properties of each other, so the relationship is intricate.

  The prescription was handed over to Gao Feng, and he was responsible for picking up the medicine. There were several medicines, such as scorpion centipede and ground beetle, which were not ready-made.

   But these bugs are found in the woods, just go and catch them.

   Moreover, the environment here is well protected, and the medicinal materials produced are of the best quality, including poisonous insects such as scorpions and centipedes, which are more poisonous.

  Liu Qingshan asked Lu Xiaolong to send the bearded principal back first, and brought a lot of goose eggs and other nutritional products. After the ingredients were complete, he sent the traditional Chinese medicine.

  Then, Liu Qingshan and Gao Feng followed their master and went into the forest to replenish the medicinal materials. Just in time, Liu Qingshan also took a look at the situation of the yew.

  Xiao Liuzi also carried a small medicine basket on his back, bouncing around behind him.

  Mute Grandpa trains doctors. In addition to teaching the method of seeing, hearing, asking, and knowing, the first step is to collect and distinguish medicines, and then to use them accurately.

   This point, Liu Qingshan also thinks it makes sense, if you don’t understand herbs, how can you use them well?

  He knew the course of history. After the reform, with the massive invasion of Western medical equipment, the TCM Association went through a period of 20 to 30 years of decline, and TCM physicians also experienced serious faults.

  It seems that if he wants to develop the cause of Chinese medicine, he still needs to do a lot.

  At least from top to bottom, from training Chinese medicine practitioners to clinical diagnosis, from medical diagnosis to collection of Chinese medicine, a complete system must be formed.

  Liu Qingshan thought about it all the way, and then realized that the team had stopped in front of a stone.

  I saw the dumb grandpa making a few hand gestures, meaning to rummage under the rocks. This month, scorpions and centipedes are about to start hibernating, so we still need to catch more.

  But this season's poisonous insects are also the time when the medicine is most effective in order to store them for the winter.

  Turning over rocks, of course, was done by Liu Qingshan. He spotted a boulder weighing two to three hundred catties, put his hands on it, lifted it up suddenly, and turned over directly.

   Hearing Xiao Liuzi's cheers, he stretched out his little hand suddenly, and pinched a big centipede the length of chopsticks.

  The centipede had a red head and iron back, and its densely packed feet were wrapped around Xiao Liuzi's slender wrists, making one's scalp tingle a little.

  The little guy was still grinning, she pinched the centipede's limbs next to the head, so the centipede opened its teeth and claws, looked scary, but couldn't sting her.

   Gao Feng moved the iron clip in his hand, feeling that he was useless. This little junior sister was much more courageous than him.

  The dumb grandpa cheerfully took out a small flower basket, opened the top cover, and asked the little six to throw the centipede into it.

  He also reached out and touched the little guy's head to show encouragement.

  Liu Qingshan quickly turned over another stone, this time, Gao Feng's iron clips finally came in handy, because there were three or four big centipedes in this nest.

  Of course the most powerful one is the dumb grandpa, holding one in each hand.

   This piece of rock has been turned over, and the harvest is good. There are more than 30 big centipedes in total, not counting the smaller ones, which were not caught at all.

  Liu Qingshan was sweating profusely from his busy work. His work was the most strenuous. There were a few larger stones that were only pushed by him and his dumb grandfather.

  Sitting on the rock, Little Six handed over the green military water bottle, and whispered to Liu Qingshan: "Brother, fry up a few centipedes tonight, it's delicious."

  Looking at her appearance, she must have eaten it before. When Liu Qingshan watched the sculptures, there was a scene where Chief Hong ate a centipede, but this thing is really scary to watch.

   "Wow, little red fruit!" Xiao Liuzi soon discovered that there was a big tree with jagged branches next to the stone lazier.

  Liu Qingshan had discovered the yew next to it a long time ago, so he smiled and explained: "It's a yew."

   "Can I eat it?"

  Xiao Liuzi is eager to try, but this yew tree is estimated to be hundreds of years old, and the branches are relatively high, and her little arms and legs can't reach it at all.

  The dumb grandpa waved his hand, indicating that this fruit is slightly poisonous and should not be eaten casually, but it can be used to make wine.

   Then he gestured to Liu Qingshan for a while, and told him that this kind of wine can make President Xu drink a cup every day, and it is also good for curing diseases.

  This Liu Qingshan can understand, yew, the fruit also contains paclitaxel.

   Yes, why didn’t I think of this, paclitaxel can also be extracted from yew seeds!

  Liu Qingshan patted his head, only thinking about the branches and leaves of yew, forgetting its fruit.

  The fruit is good, it will bear fruit every year, it is endless, and it can be recycled.

  It seems that it is necessary to introduce the technology of refining paclitaxel. It is necessary, very necessary. The price of paclitaxel is more valuable than gold.

  As long as the Jiapigou Consortium vigorously planted yews and formed a virtuous circle, they will surely make a steady profit in the next few decades.

  The most important thing is that this thing can save lives, life is priceless.

  A plan slowly took shape in Liu Qingshan's mind.

  Since the yew fruit is helpful for President Xu's illness, of course Liu Qingshan has to collect some.

  The shelf life of this small berry is very short. If it is sold in the future, it must be made into a dry product, and the effect is the same.

  But since we want to pick fruits, we must choose the best ones, at least the yews that are more than a thousand years old. The fruits produced must be more effective.

  Then the team continued on the road, heading towards the oldest yew tree in Liu Qingshan's memory.

   Along the way, I collected centipedes and scorpions while walking, and the little six didn't need clips to catch scorpions, just started directly.

  But the scorpion's poisonous needle is at the tail, so she always holds the scorpion's tail and throws it into another basket.

  Xiaozui murmured from time to time: "Fried scorpions are also delicious."

  Liu Qingshan was also completely speechless: I really don't know who can resist this little girl when she grows up?

  Finally came to the yew tree of the grandparents. Looking up at this towering tree, anyone would feel their own insignificance.

   Not only the small size, but also the vicissitudes of thousands of years.

  Liu Qingshan took out his gloves and prepared to climb the tree. The lowest branch was more than ten meters away.

   It's just that the trunk is a bit thick, and Liu Qingshan is reluctant to use the special pedals for climbing trees.

  Because the inner side of the iron pedals has sharp spikes, which can be pierced into the tree trunk to give people support.

  Although such small thorns basically do zero damage to this kind of big tree, the yew is too precious, Liu Qingshan still respects it and dare not offend it.

  In the end, it was the dumb grandfather who replaced Liu Qingshan. I saw the old man's hands and feet sticking to the tree trunk, and his body quickly moved upwards. It felt like a gecko climbing a tree nimbly.

   Soon, the dumb grandpa rode on a big tree branch and began to collect small red fruits.

  The fruit of yew is not big, usually only one centimeter in size.

  The fruit of this old tree, even if it is big, is only as big as an adult's fingernail. It is not easy to pick it.

   It's not easy and you have to pick it slowly, you can't cut off the branches, in that case, I guess Liu Qingshan will feel distressed to death.

  Although in the future, it is inevitable to prune the big tree and get some redundant branches to extract paclitaxel, but that is a matter of the future.

  Pruning trees and branches is also a great knowledge, so you have to ask professionals for guidance.

  The dumb grandpa picked dozens of catties of yew seeds from the tree for more than an hour, and then put down the basket, and he jumped straight to the ground.

   Yew seeds soaked in wine, the concentration can be higher, one catty of seeds, two catties of high-grade wine.

  Looking at the bright red fruit, not to mention the little six, even Liu Qingshan has the urge to pinch one and taste it.

  Helping the dumb grandpa clean his underwear, the dumb grandpa even gestured in his hands: This seed must be very powerful!

  That is, the seeds produced by the yew for thousands of years, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are golden seeds.

  The seeds, bark, branches and leaves of yew can be used to extract paclitaxel, but the bark and branches and leaves are too destructive, so the seeds are the best and can grow every year.

  Liu Qingshan felt that after the autumn harvest, the villagers should be organized to collect yew seeds on a large scale.

  Transported to the wild vegetable factory, it can be dried directly, which is a good guarantee for entering the field of biopharmaceuticals in the future.

  Soldiers and horses have not moved, food and grass go first, this is the truth.

  With the yew reserves in Doubao Mountain, it is not a problem to harvest tens of thousands of catties of dried fruit.

  On the one hand, it can be used as medicine, on the other hand, it can also be used to cultivate seedlings and vigorously develop the cultivation of yew.

  Liu Qingshan told Master about this plan, and the dumb grandpa also nodded in agreement. Of course, he strongly supports such a good thing of curing diseases and saving lives.

  After learning that Liu Qingshan was going to harvest yew seeds, the dumb grandpa gestured again:

   "Around the hot spring below Broken Soul Cliff, because the air is humid and the light is not strong, there is also a rare yew forest over there."

  Liu Qingshan is really not clear about this matter. After all, the hot spring valley is quite deep, and he hasn't traveled all over it. He doesn't know that there is such a treasure hidden.

  It would be even better if there is a yew forest. The yew tree species is very difficult to form a forest.

  Just like the yews on the Doubao Mountain, there is one here, one there, or a dozen together, all of which are very rare.

  Since the master said to form a forest, there must be at least a few thousand trees. Liu Qingshan can't wait to follow the master and go to have a look.

  But don’t be in a hurry, first prepare the decoction of the bearded principal, and then soak it in the yew seed wine.

  Because it is a fresh berry, it can be drunk after soaking for ten and a half months.

  The bearded principal himself has a good attitude and a tenacious character, supplemented by medical treatment, Liu Qingshan firmly believes that miracles will surely occur.

  After returning to the wooden house, the dumb grandpa was busy cooking the poisonous insects he had caught.

   And Little Six quietly found Liu Qingshan, and whispered to him for a while.

   When it was time for dinner, a plate of golden fried scorpions appeared on the table.

  Xiao Liuzi happily grabbed one for everyone, and then grabbed one with his little hand, and it was delicious.

  Liu Qingshan didn't hold back either, took a bite and tasted it, it was very crispy and had a strange aroma, it would be the best to drink with.

  (end of this chapter)

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