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Chapter 738: What kind of officials are they?

  Chapter 738 What kind of officials are they?

  Liu Qingshan and his party took two jeeps and headed towards the small border village of Lao Wang's hometown.

  The roads are all dirt roads with potholes. Fortunately, the snow has fallen. After being covered by snow, it is relatively flat, but it is a bit slippery, so I dare not run fast.

  Wang Yufeng and his fellow countryman Guo Yongwu were sitting in the car. They came from the same village.

  The other car was driven by Ding Shan, leading two capable assistants.

   And Li Tieniu had to follow. This guy said he would not return to Komsomolsk Amur, so he also followed Liu Qingshan.

  Liu Qingshan is still looking forward to Li Tie's squad, because the gold in his hands was traded from the Buryats.

  Among them, the Mongolian man Agula played a key role. He won the trust of the local tribes before he could trade.

   You know, this family is very exclusive.

  The daily necessities transported by Li Tie and Agula are also very popular among the tribe, and both sides are getting what they need.

  Of course, Liu Qingshan's ambitions are even greater. If the Buryats can become completely independent while taking advantage of the chaos of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, that's what he hopes.

  The Buryats control the fertile Lake Baikal area. If the cooperation continues, Liu Qingshan will be able to obtain more resources.

   "Here we are, we will be there soon. Boss, have you seen that hill? We call it Dongshan, and it's an extinct volcano."

  Old Wang pointed forward excitedly, and there was a shadowy mountain bag in his vision. Hidden in the blue forest, this small mountain village got its name.

   Soon, a small village appeared in front of it. Liu Qingshan glanced at it. It was sparsely populated, and it should look like thirty or forty families.

  Like most rural areas in this era, most of the houses are mud houses, and the yards of every household are very large, surrounded by wooden boards.

  Because it was already afternoon, every family started cooking, and the smoke from the chimney was curling up, which set off the tranquility and peace of the small village.

   Some people's chimneys are still in a very old style.

   It is not erected on the roof, but a tall circular chimney is erected alone on the top of the mountain in the west.

  Because it is a forest area, you can see piles of wooden scorpions, all of which have been split and neatly stacked.

   If you are in a place where wood is in short supply, you will never see this scene.

  It’s already winter, and it’s estimated that the villagers have begun to formally cat Dong’er, so there are no people outside, only a few big dogs barking on the road when they heard the movement.

   "The second house in the future is my house!" Wang Yufeng was also very excited. He hadn't been home for more than a year, so of course he was homesick.

  The jeep stopped quickly, everyone got out of the car, and then saw an old man wearing a dog fur hat, pulling a small crawler, and walking towards him.

  On the small wooden sledge sat a soil basket, which contained two lumps of cow dung clacks and some scattered horse dung eggs, and a small pickaxe and a shovel were placed beside it.

  People at that time, in winter, usually collected manure to accumulate manure, and waited for the next spring to raise the retting manure to the ground.

   Later, all the manure was used, not to mention picking up manure. Even those professional households who raise cattle and pigs, all the manure was thrown away directly.

  The old man who picked up the dung saw the jeep, and he also looked at it very rare. In their village, they don’t see it once a year.

   "Second Uncle, I'm back!" Lao Wang jumped out of the car and approached the old man affectionately.

  The old man looked at him, and then patted his thigh hard with his hands that were stuffy:

   "Fengzi, it's you, it's terrible, you're all in a car!"

  Perhaps it was the dog biting and making a noise just now, and soon a dozen or so kids were gathered around to watch in amazement.

  Several children were all wearing cotton-padded jackets and trousers without any clothes over them. On the sleeves of the jackets, they often rubbed their noses, and they were all black and shiny.

   "Come, come, let's give out candy." Lao Wang and Lao Guo took out a few handfuls of candy from their coat pockets, and the children cheered and started looting.

  The big dogs barked too, wagging their tails vigorously, probably wanting to eat a piece of candy too.

  The children's cheers attracted all the adults in the front and back yards. Lao Wang quickly took out a pack of cigarettes, smoked them whenever he saw them, and greeted everyone cheerfully.

   "Fengzi, Guozi, you two are doing well, you are both smoking Phoenix cigarettes." An old man took a puff of his cigarette happily.

  This smoke is really fragrant. I don’t know what spices are added in it. The smoke that floats out has a particularly strong aroma.

  Whoever smokes a Phoenix cigarette in the room, the room will be full of fragrance.

   "Uncle Village Chief, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Liu and Mr. Ding of our company. This is Brother Li Tieniu."

  Wang Yufeng cheerfully introduced the guests to the village chief and everyone.

   Regarding Mr. Liu, the village head and the villagers didn't know what he was doing, but they all looked at Li Tieniu.

   There is no way, this figure is too eye-catching: 1.9 meters tall, with a sturdy back, standing there looks like a black iron tower.

  The big dogs in the village all looked at him evasively.

  Village head Guo also nodded towards Li Tieniu: "This must be strong labor. You don't even need an ox to pull the plow."

  Li Tieniu hehe twice, and pulled Liu Qingshan in front of him: "My little brother is better than me."

   After everyone heard this, they nodded to Liu Qingshan. It seems that Li Tieniu's words are better than Lao Wang's "Mr. Liu".

   After chatting outside for a few words, Wang Yufeng's family also ran out of several people, including his parents and grandfather, and a young man in his twenties who was his younger brother.

  Seeing the grandfather leaning on a walking stick, Wang Yufeng hurried up to hold the old man by his arms.

   Then he took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket, all of which were hundred-dollar bills:

   "Master, I've earned money for you, and you can buy whatever you want in the future!"

  The old man also patted his grandson's arm excitedly: "Good boy, good boy, you are more promising than anything else. Save this money for your mother, and save it for you to marry a wife."

  Wang Yufeng's old woman is a woman in her fifties, with a cotton turban on her head. Seeing her son holding money in his hand, she was both happy and complained: This child, with so much money, should carry some money on his back.

  Wang Yufeng stuffed the money into the old woman's hand: "Tell the second child about a wife first, I'm in Heihe, and then I can ask for a wife by myself."

  His younger brother listened to it and smiled happily.

   "Into the house, everyone in the house." Wang Yufeng's father, also an honest farmer, greeted Liu Qingshan and the others.

  So he took out all the big and small bags in the car, including the things Lao Wang and Lao Guo brought back to their families, and the meeting gifts brought by Liu Qingshan and the others.

   Nothing too expensive, just a few boxes of wine, and canned sugar, all from the company.

  Old Guo picked out his share, and asked two people to help hold it: "Mr. Liu and Mr. Ding, I'll go home and have a look first."

  The surrounding villagers were dumbfounded: Oh my god, there are so many good things!

  In the eyes of everyone, even a bottle of canned food is a good thing. Anyone who is willing to eat it usually uses it as a gift for visiting.

   There are also bottles of liquor with trademarks, which are even more reluctant to buy and drink at ordinary times.

  Li Tieniu prefers little dolls, and even tore open a box of ham sausages:

   "Come on, all you brats and little girls, come over and send out a few!"

  The children surrounded him with a groan, including several young men and young girls.

  Why do you have an opinion? According to our rules, as long as you don’t have a family, you are all children.

  Li Tieniu became the most popular guest in Dongshan Village. Several big girls with big braids and flowered jackets all secretly looked at him with big watery eyes.

   That is, after those little kids got the ham sausage, they didn't know what to eat.

   Several of them stuck directly into their mouths, and they bit hard there, but they couldn't get them open no matter what.

   "Brother, what are you doing, like brown sugar?"

  A big girl was helping her younger brother make ham sausages. The little girl was so anxious that she hugged her sister's thigh and jumped up, but she couldn't eat it.

  Li Tieniu demonstrated it in public, and now he has learned everything.

  The big girl in the floral padded jacket tore open the ham sausage, put it under her nose and sniffed it, and then her eyes lit up immediately.

   "Sister, sister!" The little boy under him yelled anxiously.

  The older girl stuffed the ham sausage to the younger brother, and the little guy bit off half of it in one bite, swallowed it in two bites, and muttered indistinctly while eating: "It's delicious!"

  The girl swallowed secretly, then smiled at Li Tieniu: "Your thing is too thin."

  Li Tieniu scratched the back of his head, and stuffed a few sticks into the elder girl's hand: "Try it too, it's very fragrant."

  The ham sausages were held tightly by the girl, and then ran home.

  Running for a few steps, she turned her head to look at Li Tieniu, and waved to him. The smile on her face was so pure that it was as bright as mountain flowers in the wild.

  Looking at it, Li Tieniu was a little dazed, and then Ding Shan poked his backside: "Don't look at it, people think your thing is too thin."

  Li Tieniu understood this time, and immediately raised his big eyes: "Little Ding Ding, why don't we compare?"

  Ding Shan is so depressed, of course he is familiar with Li Tieniu, it seems that he really can't compare.

   "Let's go, let's go into the house." Liu Qingshan yelled, and he also paid attention to the big girl just now. She looks quite upright, and she is nearly 1.7 meters tall, but she is a bit thin.

  The key is to look at the face, it is a kind face, Liu Qingshan is going to ask Wang Yufeng's parents first.

  Everyone entered the yard together, and Wang Yufeng also invited Village Chief Guo and several respected elders in the village to his home.

   This is also the rule in the countryside. When you come to a distinguished guest, you must be accompanied by someone who is respectable in the village.

   Entering the house, the house is two big rooms, with an outbuilding in the middle, pots, water tanks and so on.

  East and west each have a house, and the east house is small, where Grandpa Wang Yufeng and his younger brother lived.

  Wang's parents lived in the west, and they brought a younger sister, who looked twelve or thirteen years old, and didn't know whose house they were playing at. He just heard Xin'er came running back with a cloth bag in his hand.

  Everyone went to the Westinghouse. Mother Wang took a broom, swept the kang mats a few times, and then let the guests go to the kang.

  Liu Qingshan is not used to being in the kang, and there are many elderly people, so it is not easy for him to sit in the second row on the kang.

So I sat down on the bench in front of the cabinet and looked around the room. The furnishings are very simple: two small cabinets, mirrors and photo frames on the top of the cabinets, newspapers on the wall, and a wall clock .

  The current rural areas are mostly like this.

  Wang's mother used the rice bowl to pour water, and Wang Yufeng took out the tea leaves she brought back, and then distributed things to Houji's younger brothers and sisters.

  He brought back two large handbags, which contained the new clothes of his younger brother and sister, and made them both happy from ear to ear, calling "brother and brother" all the time.

  Old Wang also brought a case of wine to his grandfather, and gave his parents two pairs of leather shoes and a woolen woolen coat.

  The rest is some food and drink, all piled up on the kang, like a hill.

  Cun Zhang Guo straightened his mouth: "Fengzi, you are promising, how much money have you made!"

  Wang Yufeng whispered: "It's the company's Mr. Liu and Mr. Ding who take care of us."

   While talking, he distributed a pack of cigarettes to the neighbors present.

  When the smoke was coming out, Liu Qingshan heard two old people on the kang, and asked Lao Wang in a low voice:

   "Fengzi, what officials are you talking about?"

  Wang Yufeng scratched the back of his head: "He is the biggest leader of our company, and he is in charge of hundreds of people."

  The old men nodded repeatedly, and one of them felt that he understood: "Then it's not far from the village chief."

  Liu Qingshan also watched cheerfully, feeling as if he was going home by himself.

  The most important thing is that through his own efforts, Liu Qingshan changed the big event and Wang Yufeng's fate.

   If the original trajectory had been followed, Wang Yufeng would have been squatting in the prison, and seeing the happy family now, that would be great.

  Drinking tea, Liu Qingshan chatted with these people in the village, asking about the situation in Dongshan Village.

  He is very satisfied with the folk customs here, quite simple, the only thing is that they are a little poor.

  It is about four or five miles away from the riverside, and it is estimated that a section of gravel road will have to be built by then.

  The original production team in the village had two large houses, which are now empty and can be used as temporary warehouses, but they are definitely not enough and need to be expanded.

   These situations will naturally be found out after a stroll around tomorrow.

   Initially, Liu Qingshan is quite satisfied with this small village.

  The men were all chatting in the house, and a few women were cooking in the outhouse. Wang Yufeng brought back a foot of pork and a sack of frozen fish.

  There are dried vegetables in the autumn at home, and Wang's father also slaughtered two big roosters from that year and stewed them with dried mushrooms. In the village, this is the highest level of treatment.

   Waiting for the meals to be served: there are chicken stewed with mushrooms, pork stewed vermicelli, pork stewed dried beans, and a pot of canned fruit.

  Wang Yufeng started to open a few bottles of wine and poured them for everyone. They sat down at two tables and drank lively.

  As for the women and children who helped, they all ate in the outhouse and did not serve the table.

  At the dinner table, Liu Qingshan saw that the villagers were eating really deliciously. It is estimated that during the Chinese New Year, this is the only food.

   Li Tieniu eats the most delicious food. In the blink of an eye, two bowls of sorghum rice are eaten, and the villagers keep praising: "Good appetite!"

  Father Wang also advised Li Tieniu: "Don't just eat, drink."

   In the end, Wang Yufeng stopped him: "Brother Tieniu, it's better not to drink, these few bottles of wine are not enough for him to drink by himself."

  Everyone was amazed, no one dared to persuade Li Tieniu to drink anymore.

   It’s hard to drink a bottle of good wine, let’s taste it slowly.

  Wang Yufeng put a piece of multi-layered pork in his grandfather's bowl, and the old man nodded while eating: "This meat is really delicious."

   Someone next to him sighed: "It would be great if I could drink and eat meat every day."

   "If you want to be beautiful, you can't celebrate the New Year every day." Someone immediately refuted.

  Hearing this, Liu Qingshan put down his chopsticks and said cheerfully:

   "If everyone wants to have wine and meat every meal, it's actually not difficult, and it's not impossible."

  When everyone heard this, they all stopped their chopsticks and stared blankly at Liu Qingshan.

  (end of this chapter)

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