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Chapter 739: This matter seems to be a joke (double open, ask for the moon

  Chapter 739 This matter seems to be a joke (double opening, please ask for a monthly ticket)

   "Liu, Village Chief Liu, is what you said true?"

  The respected old man Wang of Dongshan Village asked Liu Qingshan in a trembling voice.

  Wang Yufeng quickly explained: "Grandpa Wang, it's not Village Chief Liu, but General Manager Liu."

  The old men asked him just now, what kind of official is Mr. Liu, but he was regarded as the village head by the old men.

  Old Guo, who came back with Liu Qingshan and the others, also quickly made a promise: "Grandpa Wang, can Mr. Liu still lie to everyone?"

   Village Chief Guo nodded: "Our Dongshan Village doesn't seem to have anything to lie about."

  Liu Qingshan also joked: "That's not necessarily the case, what if I, Junior Brother Tie Niu, tricked the eldest girl in the village away to be my daughter-in-law?"

  Everyone also laughed, and Mr. Wang was so happy that his beard trembled: "Such a great young man, if you fall in love with someone's daughter in our village, you can take him away!"

  Li Tieniu doesn't know what it means to be polite: "Really, I just saw a girl in a flowered jacket outside, and I still know the truth."

   "Brother Tieniu, is that the girl you gave the ham sausage to, that is Grandpa Wang's granddaughter, named Xiao Cui'er." Wang Yufeng hurriedly introduced.

  Everyone immediately looked at Mr. Wang with a smile on their face, looking like they were enjoying the show: I told you to talk big just now, but this time it's my granddaughter's turn, so what do you do?

  Old man Wang is also a little dazed, looking at the eyes around him, the old man is also tough enough:

   "When I go home after dinner and ask Xiao Cui'er, if that girl agrees, I can make a final decision on this matter!"

  Li Tieniu also smiled: "Master, then I will toast you."

  While speaking, he picked up the wine bottle, filled Mr. Wang's small wine cup, and then poured himself a bowl. He raised his neck and poured it into his stomach in one gulp. It was more enjoyable than drinking cold water.

"it is good!"

   Everyone has finally seen Li Tieniu's ability. In the countryside, there are two big bowls of food, and a bowl of wine costs seven to eight taels.

  In the countryside, being able to drink is considered a skill. If there are weddings or weddings, you have to find someone who can drink to accompany your guests.

   Village head Guo also laughed: "Uncle Wang, if your family recruits Tieniu as a son-in-law, you won't be able to afford the wine. Let's listen to Manager Liu's advice on how to make money."

  That's right, the boss is a bit far away, and the village chief has business to do.

  The eyes of the villagers all focused on Liu Qingshan again.

  Liu Qingshan stretched out his hand, and gently patted Li Tieniu beside him: "My junior brother, I was a soldier before, went to the battlefield, and made second-class meritorious service."

   "It's just that I came from a difficult background. I grew up in a nursing home, and now I have adopted a little girl from a nursing home as my younger sister. The two depend on each other for life."

  Everyone nodded after hearing this. Rural people are honest. When looking for a partner, they first look at character, and then family conditions.

  However, there are also worries: If you are too poor, how will you live in the future?

  Liu Qingshan continued: "Not to mention anything else, but every year during the Chinese New Year, when he returns to his nursing home, he has to donate a lot of money. The sum of the past few years has exceeded 100,000 yuan. There is absolutely no character."

  There were exclamations on the table. On the one hand, they were amazed by Li Tieniu's donation, and on the other hand, they were shocked by the amount.

  One hundred thousand yuan, the deposits of all the households in Dongshan Village are not so much.

  Liu Qingshan looked at Li Tieniu with a silly smile on his face: "My junior brother has been with us for the past few years and has also accumulated some family business."

   "I bought a house in the capital, and I have tens of thousands of dollars in savings."

   "And the company pays dividends every year, so I definitely don't have to worry about money in the future."

  After Liu Qingshan finished speaking, everyone looked at Li Tieniu in a different way, and everyone probably sighed in their hearts: What a fool is blessed with a fool.

  But if any girl can find such a son-in-law, it will be difficult to find with a lantern.

   "Tie Niu, after dinner in a while, let's go to my house to rest at night. My house is spacious." An old man invited him.

   As a result, he was immediately pushed back by Mr. Wang: "Old Guo, don't make mistakes. Tieniu is looking for my little Cui'er, and it has nothing to do with your granddaughter!"

  Seeing the two old men puffing their beards and staring at each other, they almost quarreled.

  Beside there were people booing and joking. It was very lively for a while, and Li Tieniu instantly became a favorite.

  Liu Qingshan also quickly changed the subject: "Let's talk about making money just now."

  As soon as they heard about making money, everyone immediately quieted down and looked at Liu Qingshan eagerly again.

  Liu Qingshan began to introduce: "Our company is specialized in doing business with Maozi. We exchange our food, daily necessities, etc. with Maozi for things like fertilizer, wood, and steel."

   "Fengzi and Guo Zi know this best. They are our company's loading and unloading team members, and Fengzi is still the loading and unloading team leader."

  Liu Qingshan looked at the two brothers, they nodded together, and Wang Yufeng said with a smile: "I earned five thousand yuan this year, and Guo Zi was a little less than me, not a few hundred yuan less."

   As a result, his old mother gave him a look of reproach, and Wang Yufeng didn't care: "Mom, it's only five thousand yuan if you stare at me."

  Others immediately lost their composure: 5,000 yuan, that’s half a ten thousand yuan household!

  If you work another year next year, you will be a million-dollar household, a real million-dollar household.

  Everyone's eyes became even hotter. They all knew that Feng Zi and Guo Zi were both from the village. Watching them grow up, they would definitely not lie.

   And everyone has seen it, Wang Yufeng handed over a thick wad of banknotes to his wife, so what could be wrong?

   "Mr. Liu, just say what you want to do, we all listen to you!" Village Chief Guo blushed, and he didn't know if it was because of drinking or because of excitement.

  Liu Qingshan nodded: "It's actually very simple. The port on the Heihe side will be closed, but our company plans to continue doing business with Maozi, so we need to find a new place. I think our Dongshan Village is good."

   "If you do business here, the laborers of every household in the village can work as stevedores and receive a wage."

  That’s it, it’s like loading and unloading goods. This kind of goods has no technical content, and it can be done by an individual.

  When the villagers heard this, they immediately became excited: They can’t do technical work, and it’s okay to contribute. Rural people, who are afraid of contributing?

   Village head Guo is more knowledgeable than ordinary villagers: "Manager Liu, I have to ask first, do you want to do this, the higher-ups don't care?"

  Although he doesn't know what smuggling is, this kind of sneaky business still feels a bit unreliable.

   Before Liu Qingshan could speak, Wang Yufeng said, "Everyone, don't worry, the border guards and our company have a good relationship."

  Guo Zi also nodded straightly: "More than half of the people in our company are all veterans."

  Hearing this, everyone put their hearts back into their stomachs. These days, soldiers are the most respected.

   "Mr. Liu, then our Dongshan Village will follow you!" Village head Guo didn't have any worries anymore, picked up the wine cup, and bumped into Liu Qingshan hard.

  Everyone raised their glasses one after another, and the atmosphere on the wine table became more harmonious.

  Liu Qingshan put down his wine glass: "However, it's still not appropriate to say anything about it. Let's make money in silence."

   "Yes, yes, yes, when the time comes, I will tell you from door to door, and no one can yell about in the north and the south." Captain Guo also nodded repeatedly.

  The women who were eating on the ground pot table in the outhouse also kept listening with their ears open. When they heard about such a good thing, they immediately put down their bowls and chopsticks and went home to report the news.

  People who are afraid of poverty, if they have a chance to make money, they won’t even bother to eat the stewed pork vermicelli on the plate.

  After eating, Liu Qingshan and others, accompanied by the village chief and others, walked around Dongshan Village.

  Go to the riverside first, it’s okay in winter, the ground is covered with ice and snow, so it’s no problem to run a big truck.

   After the beginning of spring, the few miles from the riverside to the village are all swampy land, and a road needs to be paved.

   Standing by the white-capped river, looking towards the opposite side, there is no watchtower or village nearby, which is more suitable.

  Go back to the village and go to the original production team. The big yard is spacious enough, and the two houses can live in if they are tidied up and the stoves are lit.

  The original kang and chimneys are all there, and it will be fine after a simple repair.

   Even if the window glass is gone, it is estimated that it will be thrown to various houses. When the time comes to buy some glass and replace it, this is a trivial matter.

  Liu Qingshan didn’t plan to build a new warehouse either, so he just built a few simple sheds in the large yard of the production team to keep out the rain and snow.

  After planning, Liu Qingshan asked someone to give Village Chief Guo 5,000 yuan, which was regarded as rent for the production team's yard.

   As a result, Village Chief Guo was holding a wad of money, his hands were a little trembling, and he hurriedly told the accountant to enter the account.

  Hulah Lala The villagers who followed him also believed this time: they paid out real money, so can it still be fake?

  So someone asked: "We all want to work together, who can we sign up for?"

  Liu Qingshan looked at Village Chief Guo: "Uncle, you are responsible for this matter. You are more familiar with the situation. First, the family will provide a strong laborer. This is considered a permanent loader and is paid on a monthly basis."

   "A salary of 100 yuan per month, and then according to the amount of unloading, a bonus will be paid. If there are more jobs, the bonus will be more than the salary."

   "When we are too busy, we will recruit people temporarily. This will be calculated according to the goods. Fengzi and the others know the price."

   In order for the villagers to have no objections, every family must be able to get benefits. Anyway, there are only less than forty families in Dongshan Village.

  Liu Qingshan came from the countryside, of course he knows this truth.

   What the common people pay attention to is: don't worry about less, but about unevenness.

  So someone asked Wang Yufeng and the others about the unloading price.

   Knowing that the minimum loading and unloading fee for a ton of cargo is two yuan, the boys and men in the village almost went crazy with joy.

   These strong laborers, carrying a 200-jin sack on their shoulders, can walk two miles and unload a ton of cargo. Isn't that just like playing?

  Let’s not talk about gentlemen, even these women in the countryside are not much worse than men when it comes to work.

   Calculate in this way, in a month, each family may earn a few hundred yuan, and in that year, it will be several thousand yuan.

   No wonder Mr. Liu said that drinking and eating meat is not a problem.

  Think about the beautiful days beckoning to them. The villagers of Dongshan Village, tonight, I don’t know how many people will be unable to sleep because of excitement.

  After going around the village, it was already dark outside. Even if Liu Qingshan and the others wanted to leave, the villagers would not agree, so they could only stay in Dongshan Village for one night.

  Anyway, there are five or six of them in total, and two kangs are enough to spare.

  As for the people in the original family, they will go to the neighbor's house to find accommodation.

  Liu Qingshan, Ding Shan, and Li Tieniu were all dragged into the house by the old man Wang, who said that his house was spacious. As for whether he had other ideas, I don’t know.

  The remaining two followers were led to his home by Wang Yufeng.

  Dongshan Village has been powered on, but every household is not very bright.

  Rural electricity bills have been increased, and they are too expensive, and no one can bear to use them.

  Followed Mr. Wang to his house, three rooms, not small in the countryside.

  The decorations in the house are better than ordinary people's. At least Liu Qingshan saw two blue and white bold bottles nearly one meter high.

  One has a feather duster stuck in it, and the other has a few pheasant feathers stuck in it.

  There is also a radio at home, and it is not bad to have such a household appliance in the countryside.

   Everyone sat on the edge of the kang, and Mr. Wang's son and daughter-in-law also greeted warmly, pouring water and taking cigarettes.

  In the kitchen of the outhouse, there was still the sound of splashing, and melon seeds were being fried in the big pot.

   Not long after, that girl Wang Xiaocui came into the house with half a dustpan of melon seeds.

  The girl must have heard something, her face was red, she lowered her head and dared not look at anyone.

  However, Liu Qingshan's eyes are more treacherous, and he still found that when the girl put the dustpan on the kang, she secretly glanced at Li Tieniu, and then her ears turned red.

  Although this girl is a bit skinny, she has a good frame, with a thin waist and big hips, so she should have a good figure.

  The key is that she is half a head taller than ordinary girls, so she fits well with Li Tieniu.

   After chatting about homework for a while, I went to bed early. This is the case in rural areas. There are no entertainment programs at night, and I am used to going to bed early and getting up early.

   "Little Cui'er, spread the quilt." Mr. Wang yelled.

   Soon the girl brought in a few new quilts, all with floral quilts, and quilt covers were not popular at this time.

   On the top of the quilt, a quilt head is sewn with white flower flags, which is easy to remove and wash.

   It can be seen that people who are passing through the day have been starched, and no one does this anymore.

At that time, the washed quilts had to be dipped in thin paste. After drying, it was like brushing a layer of paste, and the fabric became firmer and more durable. How comfortable.

  Miss Xiaocui blushed and spread out the new quilts, covering three quilts in total.

  Maybe she was a little nervous. When she got off the kang, her foot slipped on the edge of the kang, and the girl let out an exclamation, and fell to the ground.

  Liu Qingshan reacted quickly, and was about to reach out to pick it up, but saw that Li Tieniu beside him hadn't reacted yet, so he pushed him directly.

  If it were someone else, it would be impossible to push, but Liu Qingshan was different, pushing Li Tieniu forward, subconsciously opened his arms, and hugged the girl directly in his arms.

   This time Xiao Cui'er was so ashamed that she didn't even bother to wear her shoes, and went straight to the east room.

  Li Tieniu stood there laughing foolishly, Liu Qingshan also looked at it happily: This seems to be a joke.

  (end of this chapter)

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