Hello 1983

Chapter 744: Hello 1989! (New year, I wish you all the best!

   Chapter 744 Hello, 1989! (New year, I wish you all a happy New Year's Day)

   After Liu Qingshan subdued these prairie men with his strength, everyone returned to the cafeteria and continued to drink.

  This time, it was obvious that the herdsmen became more intimate.

   Maybe now, they really accept Liu Qingshan and the others.

  In this world, after all, we still have to talk about strength.

  Liu Qingshan saw herdsmen coming to toast to him one after another, so he quickly pushed Li Tieniu out.

  The final result was that the dozens of herdsmen who came were all brought down by Li Tieniu, of course with wine.

   Directly take these prairie men to the dormitory to sleep, while Liu Qingshan continues to discuss the next step with Li Tie and others.

  Liu Qingshan's goal is very clear: the primary goal is to make the Buryats completely independent after the chaos in the Soviet Union.

  Although the Republic of Buryatia also appeared later, it was not really a regime dominated by the Buryatians.

   Even if this primary goal cannot be achieved, it is necessary to establish a good relationship with the Buryats and conduct trade.

   This time Li Tie and the others came back mainly to purchase a batch of supplies to go back.

  Batu and their tribe are still two to three hundred miles away from the main road, and they have to use oxen and horses to carry them during that distance.

  As for the list of goods, it is mainly some daily necessities, especially tea, and the purchase volume is the largest.

  There is a long winter, and there are no vegetables. They mainly rely on drinking tea to supplement various trace elements.

  It has been a place of bitter cold since ancient times. Back then, Su Wu was herding sheep in the North Sea, which was Lake Baikal.

  Liu Qingshan seemed to have thought of something: "When I was eating, I saw those herdsmen, eating fried bean sprouts with leeks was quite delicious."

   "In fact, raw mung bean sprouts are the easiest, and you can learn it as soon as you learn it. You might as well transport two carts of mung beans there."

  Bean sprouts are definitely a very practical invention of China. In the era of great voyages, the biggest problem faced by foreign navigators was that the crew did not provide vitamin supplements during the long voyage at sea.

   But Zheng He’s voyages to the West did not have this problem, because they would produce bean sprouts.

   "Boss, this is a good idea." Agula was also overjoyed, and decided to give Duda Gula to the church tomorrow.

  As for why not teach now, the reason is very simple, Dudagula is also drunk and is sleeping now.

  Li Tie and the others also brought back some local specialties, mainly animal fur, medicinal materials from Lake Baikal, and a large amount of chaga.

  The more bitter and cold the place, the stronger the vitality and the better the efficacy of the medicine.

  They also brought a part of the gold, which was used for barter. They are so awesome, and they use gold directly when buying things.

  Siberia is rich in gold reserves.

  Actually, the same is true here. Alluvial gold is also produced on the banks of the Longjiang River. In the past, there were not a few people panning for gold in the Longjiang River and some of its tributaries.

  Like in the old movie "Homecoming Like an Arrow", there are a group of people panning for gold in the old forest.

   In the next few days, Li Tie and the others were busy making purchases, and then had to return early.

   Otherwise, when the snow gets bigger and bigger, the journey will be more difficult.

   This made Li Tieniu a little dissatisfied: "Tiezi, you won't be able to attend my wedding."

   There was nothing to do, Li Tie could only pat his companion on the shoulder, then took out a box from his pocket and put it in Li Tieniu's hand.

  Open the box, inside is purple jade, crystal clear, carved into the shape of two little figures standing under a birch tree.

   "Hey, it's pretty good." Li Tieniu happily accepted the gift, and he saw that the two people were carved into the image of a man and a woman.

  Liu Qingshan also went up to have a look: "What kind of gem is this, crystal?"

  Li Tie didn’t quite understand either: “The locals seem to call it fluorite. If you put it in the sun for a day and take it into the house at night, it can emit fluorescence.”

   "Isn't that the Ye Mingzhu?" Hou San couldn't help but widen his eyes.

   It turned out to be fluorite. This Liu Qingshan has really heard of it. In a few years, there will be unscrupulous businessmen who use fluorite to pretend to be night pearls.

  Then explained: "This kind of ore is very common, but it is so transparent and crystallized that it is so pure, it is very rare, Tie Niu, you should cherish it."

  Li Tieniu nodded his head vigorously: "That's for sure, Tie Zi gave it to me. Even if I give you an ordinary stone egg, I will keep it well."

  What this guy values ​​is not the value of the stone, but the love contained in it.

  Don't look at Li Tieniu's simplicity, the more pure-minded he is, the less he will lose himself.

  Three days later, Li Tie and his party left in a hurry and embarked on a long journey home.

  At the time of parting, Batu and others warmly invited Liu Qingshan to be their guest.

  Of course Liu Qingshan readily agreed: It would be a very pleasant thing to go to Lake Baikal for vacation in midsummer.

  After sending Li Tie away, Liu Qingshan led Li Tieniu to Dongshan Village.

  Dongshan Village has undergone some changes: the two houses of the production team have been cleared out.

  A large row of houses can already be used to live in people, and the other row has been converted into a warehouse.

  Of course, this warehouse can only store some more important goods.

  In the large yard in front of the production team, several rows of iron shelves have been set up, covered with asbestos tiles, and this is where bulk goods are stored.

  As for the meal problem, it is also arranged, and almost everyone is arranged to provide food, and then pay some food expenses.

  The arrival of Liu Qingshan was also welcomed by the villagers. It is estimated that in the eyes of the villagers, he is regarded as the God of Wealth.

   Surrounded by the villagers, I came to Xiao Cui'er's house. After seeing the things the girl brought back, there was a burst of envy in the house.

  They all belong to the same village, and no one is seen outside. Even a few jewelry boxes were opened by everyone, and then there was a burst of exclamation.

  It is not popular to buy three golds and the like when getting married these days, and it is rare to see these gold and silver jewelry in rural areas.

   "Xiao Cui, you have fallen into the lucky pile!" A sister who usually has a good relationship with Xiao Cui'er yelled enviously.

  Xiao Cui'er glanced at Li Tieniu, then pursed her lips in joy.

  After reading it, everyone dispersed, and while walking, they imagined a bright future.

  Liu Qingshan saw that village head Guo was the only one left in the room, and the rest were Miss Cuier's family, so he formally proposed marriage.

   "I'm in a hurry."

  Xiao Cui's mother said that at this time, she was reluctant to let her daughter go out so soon.

  Liu Qingshan could only tell the reason, and then Xiao Cui'er's grandfather made a decision:

   "In the middle, it's settled like this. The two children have no objections. They will end up early and late, and they will both get married in the end."

  Xiao Cui'er's father also comforted his wife: "The child is going to the capital to live a good life. What are you reluctant to do? It's the capital. Ask the people in our village, who has been to the capital?"

  Li Tieniu also came up with wit at this time: "Auntie, we plan to take you all to live in the capital in the future."

   "Okay, okay." Xiaocui's mother talked about the front of her clothes, wiped the corners of her eyes, and then smiled very pleased.

  She also figured it out: the son-in-law has no relatives in his family, only a younger sister, who has been with the master all year round.

  From then on, they will need to help more. They definitely don’t need their help in terms of money, so they should do more to make the son-in-law feel the warmth of home.

  Liu Qingshan also patted Li Tieniu on the shoulder cheerfully: "What are you still calling Auntie, and I will change to calling you Mom in the future."

  Li Tieniu made two hey heys, and it was still a little hard to get rid of. For more than 20 years, he has never called this name, so it is really hard to say it.

  Xiao Cuiniang understood her son-in-law's mood very well, she reached out and patted Li Tieniu's arm lightly:

   "It is said that a son-in-law is half-length, and Tieniu's situation is a bit special, so it is not half-length. From now on, I will be regarded as my own mother."


  Li Tieniu, a tough guy, couldn't help but choked up.

  Although he grew up in a nursing home, he also regards it as his big family, but it is different after all.

  Liu Qingshan was also saddened and relieved to see such a kind family, and it was also a blessing for Tieniu.

  So Liu Qingshan took out a wad of money from his bag and handed it to Mr. Wang:

   "Old man, we don't know what customs we have when we get married here. The five thousand yuan is to buy a dowry for sister Xiaocui."

  Liu Qingshan is also from the countryside. Of course he knows that marriages in rural areas now require bride price.

  Generally, the introducer has to pull a long gift list, and everything on it must be fully prepared.

  Of course, it’s fine if it’s converted into money.

  But of course Liu Qingshan can’t just say it’s the gift money, as if someone sells a daughter for money, probably that’s what it means.

  As soon as he heard about 5,000 yuan, Mr. Wang was startled, and he waved his hands again and again: "It's too much, and this is too much."

  The dowry is usually only a few hundred yuan, so many people may have to borrow money here and there to cause famine.

   This is five thousand yuan, which is a bit scary.

  Liu Qingshan explained with a smile: "It's not convenient for us there, so when we get married, I would like to ask the family to prepare briefly, and there is no need to prepare too much, after all, we will leave here soon."

  Xiao Cui'er's father also shook his head repeatedly: "It doesn't take so much."

  The Village Chief Guo next to him didn’t know what to say: Is there anyone who thinks there are too many betrothal gifts?

  Liu Qingshan continued to laugh and said: "I have to buy some tobacco, wine, sugar and tea, and then serve wine to entertain the folks."

   "You don't have to refuse, this is also Tieniu's wish."

   After talking about this, the Wang family couldn't say anything more. Mr. Wang put away a wad of hundred-yuan bills, and then looked at his granddaughter, feeling relieved.

  This granddaughter has been filial since she was a child, and she praises everyone she meets: she will be blessed in the future.

  Look, now it will be fulfilled.

  Whenever comes, filial children are blessed.

  The marriage was settled in this way, and Liu Qingshan entrusted Village Chief Guo to help out more.

   Village Chief Guo naturally patted his chest and assured him that he had been discussing this kind of thing for decades, and it was not a big deal at all.

  Liu Qingshan and the others stayed here for one night, and returned to Heihe the next day. It is almost mid-December now, and there is only half a month left before the port is officially closed.

   And Liu Qingshan also saw Medvic from the Black Bear Gang again. Medvic was like a big brown bear woken up in hibernation, violent and helpless.

  He came to Liu Qingshan to try his best one last time, but the result was greatly unexpected. Just when he was about to despair, things suddenly turned around.

  After hearing Liu Qingshan say that the barter trade could continue, Medvic suddenly felt an urge to cry.

  He couldn't express his feelings at this moment in words, he could only hug Liu Qingshan tightly, and patted Liu Qingshan on the back vigorously.

  Liu Qingshan directly pushed this guy onto the chair: "Comrade Medvic, in order to win this opportunity, we Longteng Company paid a huge price."

   "And the cost will increase greatly in the future, so we need to renegotiate a reasonable transaction price."

  This is also why Liu Qingshan has been stretching Medvic, just to further expand his interests.

  Medevich also takes it for granted, because he also needs to open up many joints, and these need to use rubles to open the way.

  However, if you really calculate it, you can actually save a lot of money, after all, you don’t have to pay so much tariffs.

  The supply of materials on their side is getting tighter and tighter, and he can also take the opportunity to increase the price of the goods returned from the transaction. In short, their Black Bear Gang will not suffer.

  In this case, it is thankful that the barter trade can continue.

  So for the new price set by Longteng Company, Medevich readily accepted it.

   This time, he finally didn't go back in a hurry, but got drunk here, and was finally carried back by his subordinates.

   When passing the border inspection, he was also despised by the border guards: This guy is just worthless, has he never seen alcohol?

  At the end of the month, the port was finally officially closed. In an instant, the number of people in the city seemed to be reduced by more than half.

   This is also a good verification of the sentence: the prosperity of the world is for profit, and the world is full of hustle and bustle for profit.

  However, there are still more than a dozen distributors who did not leave with Daliu. They are all the biggest partners of Longteng Company.

   These people have been informed that the cooperation will continue in the future.

  The meaning of it is self-evident. Of course, this group of people will not be so stupid as to shout all over the world. Wouldn't it be nice to make a fortune in silence?

   There are also some distributors who have left and will continue to maintain trade relations with Longteng.

   However, the location has been transferred to the capital. After all, the large shopping malls in the capital are about to open for business. After opening, they still need various purchase channels.

  As if the bustling curtain had come to an end, this remote border town was instantly reverted to its original shape. On the streets, pedestrians were chatting, and the noise of the past was no longer there.

  However, Liu Qingshan knew that after a few years, this place would be prosperous again, and even more so.

  Rise and fall, success or failure, repeat itself, the development of the city is like this, and so is life.

  In the eyes of others, it is the end of the song; but in the eyes of Liu Qingshan, this is just a short dormancy, in order to better continue the strength and wait for the next outbreak.

   In this state of mind, 1988 passed away quietly, and 1989 ushered in an even more turbulent year.

  After the morning exercise, Liu Qingshan looked at the first ray of sunshine in the new year, and the smile on his face was as bright as the morning sun:

   "Hello, 1989!"

  (end of this chapter)

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