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Chapter 745: What a boy! (Please guarantee the monthly pass, thank you

  Chapter 745 What a good guy! (Please guarantee the monthly pass, thank you!)

  Early in the morning, the convoy to pick up the bride set off in a mighty way, with a few jeeps in front and a bus dangling behind.

   I could have gotten some small cars such as Lada and Volga, but because the chassis was too low and the roads were not easy to walk, I didn't find a car.

  After traveling more than 100 miles and wandering around for more than two hours, the convoy arrived at Dongshan Village at around 8:00 in the morning.

   "Come, come!" The little boy gathered at the entrance of the village rushed to report.

  Basically, the villagers in Dongshan Village who were able to leave their houses all came out to watch the excitement.

  Those older girls and younger daughters-in-law looked at the jeep that was picking them up and talked enviously.

  A little daughter-in-law yelled: "When I got married, I was picked up in a big carriage. If I had known, I would never come to the door!"

   There are indeed a lot of people who are treated poorly, and the big girls around who have never gone out are just laughing.

  The little daughter-in-law pointed at them: "Just watch out, there will be no jeep to pick up the bride in the future, and she won't marry anything."

  When the convoy stopped, the kids immediately rushed forward.

   Several veterans got out of the car, all holding sugar bags in their hands. One veteran took out a whistle from his pocket, and blew a few times:

   "Line up, stand at attention, take a break, receive candy, until your shoulder bag is full!"

   As a result, a few children started howling. It turned out that they were wearing quilted jackets without pockets.

   "Don't cry, don't cry, give me a handful!" The veteran yelled again.

  The kids burst into tears and laughed, and quickly lined up in a crooked formation, and began to receive candies.

   There were a few other people, all holding cigarette boxes in their hands, giving out cigarettes to the surrounding villagers, and it was very lively for a while.

  "Mr. Liu, Mr. Hou, and Mr. Ding are all here." Village head Guo also wore a Chinese tunic suit, and came out together with Xiao Cui'er's relatives.

  Liu Qingshan smiled and cupped his hands: "Great joy, congratulations."

   Village head Guo looked at Li Tieniu, who stood out from the crowd, and couldn't stop praising him: "What a good guy!"

  Li Tieniu is also tidy today, wearing a custom-made Chinese stand-up collar and a big red flower on his chest, which is particularly conspicuous.

  He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a tall figure. Standing there, he exudes a heroic spirit.

  An elderly man in the village also praised: "If this was put in ancient times, it would have to be a fierce general like Mr. Zhang."

   Someone next to him was not willing to listen: "Brother, is there anyone who praises you so much? This guy is much more handsome than Zhang Fei."

  After arguing in the village for a while, Captain Guo said: "Let's go, pick up the new wife!"

   "Pick up the bride!"

  Little Six shouted crisply, she and the dumb grandpa also came yesterday.

  The main reason is to wait for the fourth and fifth children to finish their final exams before they can go on vacation. The two little girls, Caifeng and Shanxing, of course also come to join in the fun.

  Brother Tieniu's wedding, of course they have to attend.

  The three little girls ran ahead in a beautiful manner. Although it was their first time here, they must have found a good place.

  There must be a large circle of people standing in the yard and outside the gate of the family hosting the wedding.

  When we got to the door, there was someone guarding the wooden door. It was Xiao Cui'er's younger brother, who led a group of young men to guard the door.

   "What are you doing here?" asked a half-grown man inside the door.

  Little Six yelled with a smile: "A wife is coming, brother, hurry up and call the door!"

  Li Tieniu raised his voice: "Mother, open the door, I'm here to pick up my wife!"

  The whole Dongshan Village can really hear this voice.

  The surrounding villagers also burst into laughter, a happy event, of course it must be lively.

  It was the old man just now, and he said again: "Look at this voice, it's almost as good as the voice of Mr. Zhang at Dangyang Bridge back then!"

  But the guys inside the door still refused to open the door.

  The little old four had a lot of eyes, and told Xiaocui's younger brother: "I've seen it all. Brother Tieniu wrapped a big red envelope for the sedan chair bearer. Inside are two hundred-yuan bills!"

  According to the custom, of course it is the younger brother from the natal family who comes to press the sedan chair.

  When the little boy heard it, he immediately jumped up with joy, and opened the door with a clatter: "Hey, brother-in-law, come in quickly, my sister is sitting on the kang."

   "Also, they hid my sister's shoes in the quilt."

  The little fourth patted the other person on the head: "You did well, then I will teach you, I will give you the money for the sedan chair, and I will hide half of it myself, and I will give the rest to your mother."

  The little guy raised his head stupidly and said, "I'll keep it to myself."

   "You are hopeless." The little fourth poked the little guy on the forehead.

  The team to meet the bride entered the yard and filled the spacious yard.

   A group of young people surrounded the groom Li Tieniu into the house and started making noise.

  While Liu Qingshan accompanied the dumb grandfather, he was let into the east room by Miss Cuier's grandfather.

  Mute Grandpa is Li Tieniu's nominal master, so he is considered to be the representative of the man's parents.

   "In-laws, drink tea." Grandpa Wang is also very happy today. His granddaughter got married and found a good son-in-law. Can you be happier?

  There is a small Kang table on the kang, with teapots and tea bowls on it, and a plate covered with red paper, which contains cigarettes and sugar cubes.

  Liu Qingshan was not too polite, moved a bowl of tea to the master, and then peeled a piece of fruit candy himself, eating a piece of wedding candy first.

  Children like to eat toffee and halva, and Liu Qingshan prefers fruit candy.

  The mute grandpa gestured with his hands, and Liu Qingshan had to act as an interpreter for Grandpa Wang: "In-laws, don't worry, Tieniu is a sincere child, and he will definitely treat Xiao Cuier well."

  Grandpa Wang nodded again and again: "Don't worry, of course don't worry, my little Cui'er has been filial since she was a child, and she will definitely be filial to your in-laws in the future."

   After chatting for a while, the bride and groom came to this room to meet the elders.

  Li Tieniu Shicheng directly knelt on the ground and began to kowtow to Master and Grandpa Wang.

  When Xiao Cui'er saw it, she quickly knelt down along with her.

   Liu Qingshan, who was sitting on the edge of the Kang, jumped to the ground in a hurry, and he didn't want to take advantage of this kind of light.

  The dumb grandfather raised his hand and asked the two to stand up. He looked at the couple cheerfully, then nodded and smiled.

  Based on the old man's experience, of course he can tell that Xiao Cui'er is a good girl, so the dumb grandpa is relieved.

   Immediately, he took out an object from his pocket and gestured to Miss Xiaocui.

  Little Six came over quickly, took something from grandpa, and held it to Xiao Cui'er: "Sister-in-law, this is a gift from grandpa."

   Little Cui'er didn't dare to neglect, and quickly took it with both hands: "Thank you, Grandpa."

  Other people in the room were also curious, wanting to see what kind of thing it was, but after seeing it, they were a little disappointed. It was just a thing carved out of stone, and it looked weird.

  The little old four had a lot of eyes, and he could see everyone's thoughts, so he winked at the little six, and then gestured at the position under the neck.

  Understood, Xiao Liuzi was also clever, and pulled out a pendant from under his neck: "Sister-in-law, everyone in our family must wear this."

   There are also the fourth and fifth children, who also showed their jade pendants cooperatively.

  Ms. Xiao Cui'er immediately felt a great sense of recognition. She bent down and touched the faces of the three little girls: "Thank you."

  She didn't know the value of this jade pendant, but she just felt that it represented the deep family affection.

  Xiao Liuzi approached Xiao Cui'er smilingly, and whispered, "It's very precious. This is a jade article worn by ancient ancestors thousands of years ago. Now it's worth at least 100,000 yuan."

   Word spread quickly in the room, and everyone was stunned: Is it so expensive?

  When he looked at the dumb grandpa again, his eyes were full of awe: This dumb old man is powerful, and he made a move of 100,000 yuan.

  Shan Xing silently helped Xiao Cui'er to wear the Hongshan Ancient Jade around her neck.

  Xiao Cui also put on all those gold and silver jewelry today, but the value of these things added up is not as good as this jade article.

   Check that it's not early, after all, you have to go back before noon, otherwise it will be afternoon.

  Although weddings in ancient times were held at dusk, that’s why they were called “wedding” ceremonies, but until now, there have been changes, and ceremonies are usually held in the morning.

   There are also afternoon ones, and most of them are second marriages.

  So Liu Qingshan bid farewell to his natal family, and the village head Guo shouted: "All those who send relatives off get in the car, check the number of people, it is an odd number when you go!"

   This is also particular. When you go, the number of people is an odd number, and then the bride is left alone. When you come back, it is an even number, which is auspicious.

   When it came time to really go out, Miss Xiaocui couldn't bear to part with this home anymore, and cried while hugging her grandfather.

   "Tui'er, don't cry, don't cry, the girl has to get married, take good care of Tieniu from now on, respect the master, and take good care of the younger sister."

  Grandpa Wang also stroked his granddaughter's hair, exhorting him. Although he tried to smile, his eyes were full of reluctance.

   There is also Xiaocui's mother, who also wiped away her tears. The most uncomfortable thing for a daughter is to be a mother.

  Xiao Cui'er hugged her mother again, and then, at the urging of Village Chief Guo, was picked up by Li Tieniu's waist and strode out.

  The convoy finally returned to the urban area at eleven o'clock in the noon, and the scene of the ceremony was at the Longteng Hotel.

  Amidst the sound of crackling firecrackers, Li Tieniu got out of the car with his wife in his arms. The children around him sprinkled colorful paper and grains, surrounded by a couple of newlyweds, and walked into the hotel.

  After the ceremony is completed, a banquet is set up in the hall to entertain all guests.

  Liu Qingshan led the couple to toast, and Li Tieniu, the groom, was also in high spirits today. During the toast, he had to accompany the guests to toast, and prepared a table to toast with them.

  Liu Qingshan quickly snatched the wine glass from his hand, Tieniu's alcohol capacity is not a problem, even if he can accompany him a few times, but of course he can't be asked to drink on a day like today.

   There are about fifty or sixty family members in the village who came to see off their relatives. Basically, it is the first time for everyone to come to such a high-end hotel.

   Moreover, the food and drinks are also high-grade, which makes the villagers really envious: their village is the first to have such a beautiful wedding like Xiao Cui'er.

  After the banquet was over, the bus took her natal family back again. Liu Qingshan and the others kept busy until dark, and only then did they send all the guests away and calm down.

  As a result, the young people in the company started to toss about again, they had already held back their energy and wanted to have a bridal chamber.

  Because Li Tieniu didn't live here for a long time, he temporarily arranged a new room in Longteng Hotel.

   Liu Qingshan will not participate in this matter, but the fourth, fifth, and sixth children will also join in the fun, and will be called back by Liu Qingshan, children and families, so don't get involved.

  Liu Qingshan also saw Hou San in the crowd, and he didn't find it funny: "Brother Hou, you're already a married man, can you be a little bit promising?"

  Hou San chuckled: "No, these guys, I listened to Chuang Gener when I got married, and I have to get revenge today."

  Everyone naturally burst into laughter, and someone brought up the old story again: "Brother Hou, have you brought the golden hoop and stick?"

   "I'll kill you black fur monster with a stick first!" Hou San knocked that guy on the head, and then went to the new house laughing together.

   Liu Qingshan led the three little girls to the master's side.

   I've been busy these two days, and I haven't had a good chat with Master yet.

   As a result, the dumb grandfather went to the warehouse. It turned out that he heard that Li Tie had brought a lot of medicinal materials from the north, so he went to the warehouse to check.

  Liu Qingshan had nothing to do, so he took his sisters for a stroll.

  When I saw Master, I saw the dumb grandfather wearing gloves and sorting out a pile of oily bones. From time to time, I picked one out of it and put it aside.

   "These are leopard bones." Little Six leaned up to look at the small pile that was picked out, and immediately expressed his opinion.

  The dumb grandfather nodded in relief, Liu Qingshan also went up to have a look, anyway, he couldn't see any big difference.

   "Master, is the trip to the capital going well?"

  Liu Qingshan was thinking about the matter of Gao Feng and his master going to the Capital College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, because it involved the important matter of refining paclitaxel.

  The dumb grandfather gestured for a while, and Liu Qingshan was relieved.

  The School of Traditional Chinese Medicine also attaches great importance to this project. After all, this is a cooperation involving the pharmaceutical industries of two countries. Of course, Gao Feng also contributed a lot.

  After research by the leaders of the college and soliciting opinions, two professors were sent to lead a dozen students to form a team. Under the leadership of Gao Feng, they will settle in Jiapigou Pharmaceutical Factory.

  With the addition of several experts from Maozi's side, Liu Qingshan's manpower is temporarily sufficient.

   It is estimated that when Liu Qingshan and the others returned to Jiapigou, Gao Feng and the others would have arrived first.

   This is considered to be a heart problem for Liu Qingshan. He also wants to extract paclitaxel as soon as possible, and then use it for the bearded principal as soon as possible.

  After resting all night, the next morning, when everyone gathered in the warehouse cafeteria for dinner, Liu Qingshan saw Hou San and his group talking about something with great interest.

  At this time, Li Tieniu also led his wife into the house, and everyone snickered.

  Someone yelled: "Waiter, do you have ham for breakfast?"

   Laughing so hard that Xiao Cui'er blushed, and was dragged to their table by Xiao Liuzi.

  It turned out that last night, someone listened to Window Gener and heard something wonderful.

  First I heard Li Tieniu say: "Hey, Xiaocui, look this time, is this a ham sausage?"

   Then the girl was startled, and it took a long time to mutter: "Brother, you are not a stick, but a bundle."

   When he heard this, the guy who listened to the window couldn't help laughing, and then he was dragged out from under the bed by Li Tieniu and thrown outside the door.

  (end of this chapter)

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