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Chapter 746: We will be back!

  Chapter 746 We will be back!

  Miss Cui'er blushed and sat down next to Little Six.

  The dumb grandfather nodded cheerfully towards Xiaocui, and then made a few gestures.

  Xiao Liuzi acted as an interpreter: "Grandpa said, I will give sister Xiaocui some medicine in a while."

  The little fourth child was also puzzled: "Sister-in-law, are you sick?"

   After finishing speaking, she reached out her small hand and touched Xiaocui's forehead: "Well, it's a little hot."

  Xiao Cui lowered her head, her face was like a big red cloth, can she not be hot?

  She didn't know how to answer. Of course, she understood what the dumb grandfather meant. The main reason was that Li Tieniu was too aggressive and the girl couldn't stand it.

   If this goes on for a long time, Miss Xiao Cui'er will definitely become sallow and emaciated, and there will be problems with her body.

  The dumb grandpa saw this, so he wanted to help her make up.

  Liu Qingshan is also at this table, of course he also understands Master's intention.

  Looking at Li Tieniu, who was full of energy, he thought in his heart: I will secretly talk to this kid later, and tell him to take it easy.

   Wait until the third day, according to local customs, the newlyweds will return to their natal home.

  Gifts have been prepared long ago, large and small vehicles headed to Dongshan Village.

   This situation was a bit big, and when we arrived in the village, the villagers were taken aback: they were all young couples when they came home, why did dozens of people come all of a sudden?

  There are twenty or thirty large trucks alone, including several cranes.

  The car is full of all kinds of goods.

  Liu Qingshan smiled and waved to Village Chief Guo, explaining: "Uncle Guo, these people will be permanently stationed in the village from now on."

   Have business so soon?

  Cun Guo is overjoyed, which also means that they will soon have work to do.

  Xiao Cui'er's parents came out to welcome her. Seeing the situation, they were also taken aback. The couple hurriedly discussed: the prepared food is not enough, hurry up and collect.

  But soon, those big trucks rumbled past his house and went straight to the yard to unload.

  In the end, only Li Tieniu and his daughter were left, carrying two big bags into the hospital.

  At noon, a jeep came back from the river, and Wang Yufeng jumped out of the car, yelling:

   "Come on, come on, Maozi is coming!"

  Liu Qingshan has already made an agreement with Medvic, and the first transaction will start today.

  The villagers also got ready a long time ago. They all got on the truck and drove towards the riverside rumblingly.

  Many children also followed behind with a yell, and were yelled back by Village Chief Guo.

  Of course Liu Qingshan has to go and see, the first transaction is the most important, he is not at ease, so he came to sit in charge in person.

  He, Ding Shan and Hou San were in the front of the jeep.

   From Dongshan Village to the riverside, a road has been pressed out, covered with snow.

   This side is Huangdianzi, looking around, the eyes are full of white snow.

   Above the snow layer, yellow reeds and wormwood are exposed.

  When the jeep drove to the river, I saw dozens of large trucks slowly approaching on the river.

   It is particularly eye-catching on the empty river surface. It is estimated that even ten miles away, you can see it clearly with a telescope.

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help blinking: This formation is a bit big, it's so blatant!

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help sighing in his heart: It's hard for the border guards on both sides.

   Such an eye-catching target, he had to pretend not to see it.

  The embankment by the river has also been repaired, and a **** was padded with sand and stones. The large truck on the opposite side drove directly to the bank, and then Liu Qingshan saw that Medvic jumped out of the cab.

   This guy ran a few steps on the snow and rushed to Liu Qingshan: "Liu, we meet again!"

   "Is everything going well?" Liu Qingshan stretched out his hand and shook Medvic.

  When Medvic heard this, his face immediately turned red: "Damn it, those guys actually want me to hand over 20% of the profits!"

  Of course Liu Qingshan knew, those guys were obviously Sergey’s people.

  But this has nothing to do with him. Instead, Liu Qingshan comforted him: "Comrade Medvic, if you want to pay more, just treat it as paying taxes, and the same is true here."

   This is a bit of staring and talking nonsense, but Liu Qingshan is also trying to ask Medvic to find a balance.

   Sure enough, Medvic's face looked much better: "Liu, where should we deliver?"

   "Just put it here, dump the goods directly into our car."

  Liu Qingshan did not choose the truck named Maozi, and drove directly to Dongshan Village. In that case, it would be a bit illegal.

  So, people got busy on the riverside: there were special people on both sides to count the goods, and then exchange equivalent goods according to the price.

  As for the stevedores, under the leadership of Wang Yufeng and other veterans, they began to dump the goods.

   Braving the severe cold of more than 30 degrees below zero, everyone was sweating in the end.

   Village head Guo saw that there were too many goods, and went back to the village halfway to call for people. In the end, even many women joined the battle.

   I have been busy working until dark, and this is the end of my work.

   After waving goodbye to Medvic, Liu Qingshan and the others took the lead, they returned to Dongshan Village together.

   On the other side of the yard, carrying two mercury lamps, the stevedores were still busy.

   It wasn't until after six o'clock in the evening that all the trucks were unloaded and all the goods were put into storage.

  And every household received today's wages from the production team's house, and walked home happily.

  While walking, everyone was talking excitedly, nothing more than topics like how much your family can earn today.

   This study found that the largest family, the poorest Da Lao Li's family in the village, originally had a total of six and a half children, and they almost ate Da Lao Li to death.

  But today, all seven of them participated in the battle, and they made more than two hundred dollars a day!

  The eldest brother Li was so happy that his mouth was almost grinning: "It's better to be a kid, let's have a few more in the first place!"

   "Big Old Li, put on your dog fur hat, don't sweat!"

   Village Chief Guo yelled, this has already been told when he was working.

  It's winter, I'm sweating all over, and I have to change my wet clothes when I go home.

   In addition, there is a problem that the dumb grandpa saw. He asked these people to drink a bowl of **** soup after returning home to expel the cold in the body.

  There is no place to get **** in this small village. Luckily, Liu Qingshan was well prepared. When he came, he bought a lot of dried **** from the pharmacy and asked Village Chief Guo to distribute it to each family.

   This day is definitely an unforgettable day for the villagers of Dongshan Village.

  The first time they put in their labor, it pays off quickly.

  For farmers who are used to planting in spring and harvesting in autumn, this will definitely excite their spirits.

  Happy days are waving to them.

  After these laborers returned home, the family had already prepared meals. Most of the daughters-in-law at home fried two special dishes, and pork rarely appeared in the dishes.

  The pork is all dug out from the large natural refrigerator in the hospital. It was originally kept for the Chinese New Year, but a large piece was dug out early today.

  On the kang table, a pot of wine was boiled in a large tea mug. After working for most of the day, I drank a little wine to relieve fatigue.

  The whole family sits together, eating and chatting about what they have learned today. I feel that such a day is not too fulfilling.

  The employees of Longteng Company were also distributed to various dining spots, each with a table, a total of eight families, including Lao Wang and Lao Guo's.

  The meals of the employees are better, basically there are four dishes, such as pork, all brought from the city.

   In addition, there are rice noodles, grain and oil, etc., which are also transported by truck together, and then distributed to several food points.

  Liu Qingshan went around the house, mainly to look at the food, I feel that it is okay, the craftsmanship can't be said to be very good, but there is enough oil and water to fill the stomach.

   There was a little tail behind him, he was Xiao Cui'er's younger brother, who was specially sent to watch over Liu Qingshan, and he was not allowed to eat at other people's homes.

  Finally, he returned to Li Tieniu's father-in-law's house. The village head Guo was also there, as well as the dumb grandfather and the fourth child. They set up two tables in total, waiting for Liu Qingshan to come back for dinner.

  Look at the dishes on the table. Sure enough, there is chicken stewed with mushrooms.

  This is a must: the uncle enters the door, and the chick dies.

   When the new uncle came to the door, of course he had to drink, but as far as Li Tieniu's drinking capacity, no one could compare with him. Several people at the table all kept toasting to Liu Qingshan.

   "Mr. Liu, if this happens every day, then our village will surely become a ten thousand household in less than a year." Village head Guo was quite high-spirited.

  Liu Qingshan is clear-headed: "Uncle Guo, I have to tell everyone, don't make it public everywhere."

   This kind of thing belongs to the people who don't raise officials and don't investigate. If there are enthusiastic people who are really eyeing, the higher-ups will not be easy to appease.

   "Mr. Liu, don't worry, everyone knows, come on, let's go!"

   Village head Guo has already told the door to door that if the business stops, they will have no money to make. This account, everyone can still understand.

  After dinner, Liu Qingshan went to the production team to go around again. The stove in the room was humming and the kang was also hot, so he simply slept here all night.

  Liu Qingshan stayed in Dongshan Village for three days in a row. He didn't bring people back to Heihe until it was operating normally.

  The trade on this side is completely handed over to Ding Shan.

  Back to the city, Liu Qingshan was finally ready to go home.

  There are only a dozen people left here, responsible for guarding the warehouse and the office building of Longteng Company.

   As for the livelihood of the dozen or so people, Liu Qingshan also has a plan. He has already ordered two video recorders and a large color TV in advance.

  Then called Chen Dongfang from Hong Kong Island and sent someone to get several boxes of videotapes together.

  Directly on the side of the office building of Longteng Company, two large rooms were vacated and a video hall was opened.

   This is the first video hall in the local area, mainly displaying Hong Kong martial arts movies.

  In the past two years, the number of video halls in various places has gradually increased, and they are all played in a loop, usually showing three films a day.

  Just after it opened, the business of the video hall was good, and there were a lot of idle young people in the society.

   All the veterans working in the video studio, so no one dared to make trouble.

   There are still a lot of vacant offices, and a few billiards cases have been made, and billiards has just emerged in the past two years.

   There are quite a few people playing, but they are all novices. After playing for an hour, they still haven't hit a black 8 yet.

  Originally, the money was collected on the basis of poles, but later it was found that it was not good. The skills of these people were too bad, so they could only be charged on the basis of hours.

  In fact, there is one of the most profitable businesses at the moment, and that is the game hall. It is not a red and white machine played with a handle, but a coin-operated arcade machine.

  Liu Qingshan remembers that the most classic is the fighting game Street Fighter, which was definitely the most obsessed game among teenagers at that time.

  But it was precisely because of this that Liu Qingshan didn't ask his subordinates to open the game hall. This thing is too easy to attract parents to scold.

  Anyway, Longteng Company doesn't care about this small amount of money, so think about it or forget it.

  The left-behind personnel in Heihe have been settled, and the large troops heading to Beijing are also preparing to leave.

   This time, apart from those who went to Dongshan Village and those left behind, Longteng Company still has more than 300 employees.

   Among them, nearly a hundred people are all locals. They are unwilling to leave their homes and businesses to go to other places and choose to go home. The remaining more than 200 people have to go to the capital.

   There are a total of fifty or sixty large trucks, all of which are full of goods.

  These trucks are all family property accumulated over the past few years.

  The goods on the car are mainly some special products from Maozi, such as handicrafts such as matryoshka dolls, clothing, shoes and hats, and the rest are mostly medicinal materials.

   Among the convoy, there are three special ones.

   It is said to be special, but the appearance is actually the same as other vehicles, mainly because the goods loaded inside are quite special.

   Two of them, if you lift the canvas outside, you will find that the trunks are mostly empty, and there are small wooden boxes inside.

   Although the car is not full, but the weight is not small at all, because the two cars are filled with gold.

   There is also a car, which is filled with Russian jade, mostly white jade.

   These three cars are mixed in the main force, absolutely safe.

   No matter how courageous the car bandit is, he would not dare to take advantage of this team.

  Liu Qingshan, Hou San, Li Tieniu and others also followed the car.

  As for the dumb grandfather and Tieniu's daughter-in-law, they also insisted on the convoy, but Liu Qingshan didn't agree, and asked them to lead the fourth and the others to take the plane to Harbin, and then back to Jiapigou.

  The convoy left the city they fought in mighty force, and when they left the urban area, the drivers honked their horns, as if saying goodbye to the city.

   It seems to be declaring again: In a few years, we will come back!

  Midway, Liu Qingshan turned down the road again, and the two empty cars were finally fully loaded with rough agate stones.

  The convoy traveled for five days before finally arriving in Bishui County, and then divided into two parts, one continued to enter Beijing, and the other part unloaded the medicinal materials to Jiapigou Pharmaceutical Factory.

   Then these trucks stayed at the Tongyi Food Factory in Bishui County and joined the convoy.

  Hou San did not stop, and led the convoy into Beijing, while Liu Qingshan and Li Tieniu led more than a dozen vehicles, returned to Qingshan Town, and drove directly to the pharmaceutical factory.

   "Haha, I'm back again!"

  Li Tieniu jumped out of the car, yelling and looking extremely excited.

  Lv Xiaolong came up to meet him, and was directly picked up by Li Tieniu and circled around, so hated that Lu Xiaolong yelled:

   "They're all married, why are they still the same virtues, if you try again, I won't give you a follower!"

  Li Tieniu laughed loudly: "Okay, I will invite you to a wedding wine tomorrow, and make up for it!"

   Afterwards, Gao Feng also came out of the office after hearing the news, greeted everyone, and quietly pulled Liu Qingshan aside:

   "Brother, those Americans are too difficult to serve, and just now they fought with those brats again!"

   As a result, Li Tieniu next to him heard it, and he immediately clenched his fist the size of a sandbag:

   "What the hell, fight, hahaha, I'll go over and have a look, tell Maozi and the American guy to go up together, I'll beat them up today!"

  (end of this chapter)

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