Hello 1983

Chapter 758: The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop

  Chapter 758 The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop

  In 1984, a supermarket specializing in fruits and vegetables was established in the capital, located in Zhongguancun.

  However, the foreign model is completely copied. Those vegetables that were originally cheap and cheap are also sold in packaging boxes, resulting in high prices.

  Vegetables have a short shelf life, so the loss is very large, and the store closed in less than a year, and it did cost more than 200,000 yuan.

  However, before Longteng Supermarket even opened, some people came to talk about their frustrations, which is quite annoying.

   Several people looked up together, and what they saw was Chu Zhengnan's face covered with small pimples, followed by their group of brothers.

  Seeing that everyone looked unkindly, especially the big man who had already clenched his fists, Chu Zhengnan chuckled:

   "Mr. Liu, Manager Hou, congratulations, a big business is about to open, my brothers and I came over to see if there is anything that needs help."

   "I dare not trouble you." Hou San replied.

  Ever since he came to the capital to set up shopping malls, these guys have been wandering around every now and then, which is annoying.

  As for the intention of the other party, it is estimated that they want to find out about the situation, but they have no good intentions anyway.

  The facts are indeed the same. Song Lei and Chu Zhengnan confidently opened Zhou's Jewelry, but they have been half-dead since they opened the business.

   Not only did they not make any money, but they also had to lose money after paying rent and personnel expenses.

   This also made the brothers feel uneasy, thinking that Shanhaizhai robbed them of their business.

  I wanted to find some random people in the society, so I asked Shanhaizhai to trouble me, but it turned out that hundreds of people rushed out of the mall, all of them were veterans.

   Those little ruffians who got here were beaten up by Fatty.

  So Chu Zhengnan also hated the shopping mall, and they were envious that Longteng's business was getting bigger and bigger, so they thought about sabotaging it.

   Still Song Lei has vision and brains, tell these brothers, come and learn.

  If this kind of self-selected shopping mall can really be established, forty-nine cities are so big, they will choose another place to open one, and the real money will be made.

  That's why Chu Zhengnan and the others come here often, and they can't help but say some sarcastic remarks.

  Because of this, Hou San certainly didn't give them a good face. These guys were thick-skinned enough, and they started to hang around inside.

  Liu Qingshan probably guessed the intentions of this group of people, and didn't bother to talk to them.

   The model of the supermarket, from the outside, anyone can learn it.

  But this is not the key point. The core of a supermarket is the supply logistics system.

  If you don't have this system, you will definitely not be able to play in this situation.

   As for Longteng, there are hundreds of large trucks that Maozi has accumulated over the past few years.

   Coupled with the familiar railway transportation system, this is the confidence to open a supermarket.

   Just ask Chu Xiaoba and the others to take care of them casually. If they really follow cats and tigers, then they will have fun.

   So Liu Qingshan and his group went up to the second floor along the elevator. There are mainly electrical appliances, which are divided into categories, and goods are also being displayed.

   There are also several independent small areas, one is the Hong Kong goods area, and Longteng Overseas Company is responsible for the purchase of goods on Hong Kong Island.

  The other one is Maozi's goods area, which sells various handicrafts and the like.

  As for the third and fourth floors, one is planned for catering and the other for entertainment and leisure. However, it needs to be decorated, purchased equipment, recruited franchisees, etc., and it is temporarily closed for business.

  Going back to the first floor, I went to the supermarket below. It was also a hectic place. The items in the supermarket were more fragmented and required more manpower.

  The most important thing is the cash register. If a large supermarket follows the traditional cash register method, I am afraid that no cashier can remember the prices of these thousands or even tens of thousands of commodities.

  Liu Qingshan saw a relatively primitive scanner on the cash register, and a computer connected to it next to it.

  But among Li Tieniu, Xiaocui and even Hou San, this thing is definitely high-tech.

  Li Tieniu even picked it up and pressed it, and a red light shot out from it, so scared that Li Tieniu yelled, and quickly let go.

   Liu Qingshan caught the code scanner from mid-air, and asked Hou San: "How is the cashier training going?"

   "Practice every day, and today I see that they are quite familiar, so I asked them all to sell."

  Hou San knows a little more than Li Tieniu, he knows it, with this thing, just one scan, the information will be displayed on the computer screen, which is very convenient.

  Speaking of which, Liu Qingshan bought it from the United States through Wang An Computer's franchise store in the capital.

  The only problem is that domestic products have not yet implemented barcodes and cannot be scanned.

  In this way, there is one more job in the supermarket: special people are needed, and a barcode is attached to each product.

   Entering the supermarket, Li Tieniu excitedly pushed a shopping cart over: "Xiao Cui, sit in it, and I will push you around.

  Although Xiao Cui was a little moved, she refused to mess around with him. If it was Xiao Lao Si and the others, they would have jumped high with joy and jumped into the shopping cart long ago.

  However, Xiaocui kept praising her: "It's too advanced to use a small car to load the goods."

  Yes, in this era, as long as it has wheels, it is considered a high-end product.

  While walking, Liu Qingshan said a few opinions from time to time.

  Although he is not a professional supermarket owner, he has never eaten pork but has seen pigs running. He has visited the supermarket many times, so he can naturally see the problem.

   "Hello, Manager Hou." The tally clerks in the supermarket greeted Hou San one after another when they saw Hou San.

   These are all recruiting locally, mostly young girls, and a certain proportion of aunts.

  Nowadays, there are many children in every household. Even if there are successors, there are not so many jobs, so there are also a lot of unemployed young people.

  Longteng Supermarket's salary is not bad, a little higher than that of ordinary workers, so when recruiting workers, it is almost a sea of ​​people.

   In this case, it is natural to choose the best from the best, so seeing those girls, all of them are very juicy.

  As for those middle-aged aunts, they all have unique skills, either they can speak well, or have good eyesight, and they have made contributions on the anti-special front.

   There are also some old employees who came from Heihe. When they saw Liu Qingshan and Li Tieniu, they also greeted them warmly.

   "Brother Zhao, how are you doing, are you still used to it here?"

   Liu Qingshan asked an employee who looked familiar but couldn't name him. He only knew his surname was Zhao.

   "Report to Mr. Liu, it's pretty good, it's much warmer here, and it's in a shopping mall, so it won't be blown by the wind or rained on."

  Old Zhao also saluted subconsciously, and at first glance he was a veteran.

  Liu Qingshan thought for a while and asked again: "How about room and board?"

  Old Zhao grinned: "I live over there in Film and Television City. I have breakfast and dinner in the cafeteria over there, and it's here at noon. There is a temporary cafeteria on the third floor."

   The arrangement is okay,

  Liu Qingshan also nodded in satisfaction. These people are the first batch of people who joined Longteng, so they must not be treated badly.

  When the real estate projects in Fangzhuang come down, all of them will be used as public housing and will be given to these people for free. Those who are willing to settle down can start a family in the capital.

   It is no problem to save money for a few years and buy a residential building by yourself. You can basically settle down in the capital.

  The tally clerk and cleaning aunt next to him knew that the young man in front of him was the legendary Mr. Liu in the company.

  Those young girls couldn't help but peek a few times: Mr. Liu is so handsome.

  As for those middle-aged aunts, they were more open-minded, and some even came up to chat with Liu Qingshan.

   And ensure that while doing a good job of cleaning, we must keep an eye on those customers and not ask them to take away a product.

  A heroic aunt also said: "In the past 70 years, I have not yet retired. I worked night shifts in the factory, and when I got off work, I caught a gangster who robbed me with a knife!"

   Provoking Liu Qingshan was very happy, and kept giving the aunt a thumbs up.

  Strolled out from the supermarket and returned to the first floor, only to find that the person Liu Qingshan sent to follow in Shanhaizhai had already returned.

  He leaned in front of Liu Qingshan and whispered for a while.

  Liu Qingshan also frowned: The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps blowing.

  After thinking about it for a while, Liu Qingshan began to think about it, and arranged for scouts to follow him.

  Since the opponent is bullying to the head, of course Liu Qingshan will launch a counterattack.

   As for Chu Zhengnan and his group, they walked around the supermarket and looked around for a while, then felt that there was nothing to see, so they left straight away.

   Several people arrived in front of Zhou's Jewelry, rode on the bicycles parked there, staggered along the way, and came to an old restaurant, where they had already decided to have lunch.

  Song Lei was already waiting here, with his girlfriend Chu Zhenghong sitting next to him, and across from them was the personable Master Zhou's jeweller, Mr. Zheng.

  Just now, the interpreter Zhang who accompanied the foreign guests also came to report the situation to Mr. Zheng, and asked Mr. Zheng to scold him.

  Song Lei also looked down on Mr. Zheng for playing this way, but after all, he is a partner, so it's hard to say anything.

  But Chu Zhenghong has nothing to hold back, and this girl is outspoken, so she can't help nagging:

   "Your Zhou's jewelry is just not as good as others' Shanhaizhai."

  Mr. Zheng is quite self-restraining, he only smiles on the surface, but curses a few times in his heart.

   At this time, Chu Zhengnan and the others also came, and they called the waiter to serve the food, chatting while eating.

   "This time, we, Zhou's Jewelry, are planning to set up two more branches in the cities of Jinmen and Hujiang. I wonder if you are interested in continuing to cooperate?"

   Mr. Zheng explained the purpose of his visit this time. He has inspected it all, and he has taken a fancy to these two cities.

  Others looked at Song Lei, waiting for him to make up his mind.

   Now that Zhou's jewelry in the capital is not doing well, these people are a little scared.

  Song Lei was also hesitant in his heart. A few years ago, they managed to make a little money by scrambling for approval documents.

   Now this road is blocked, and he is also facing a change of production, but he also lost confidence in the jewelry store, mainly because of the blow from Shanhaizhai.

  Of course Mr. Zheng saw Song Lei's thoughts, and smiled slightly: "Don't worry, there is no competitor in those two cities, and the business will definitely be booming."

   To develop in the mainland, we still have to rely on people like Song Lei, otherwise, Mr. Zheng would not be interested in playing with these bumpkins.

   That's right, in his eyes, there are bumpkins here.

  Hearing what he said, Chu Zhengnan and the others felt a little alive.

   As a result, Chu Zhenghong who was next to him yelled, "I'm not going to say something nice, if Shanhaizhai opened a branch?"

  Thinking about it, it is still possible. After all, this jewelry company also has its own factory behind it, and it is not an ordinary second-hand dealer.

  Song Lei suddenly felt that he was not interested, and began to change the subject, asking Chu Zhengnan and the others about the situation at Longteng Commercial Building.

   "I think the supermarket they run is pretty good, Lei Ge, why don't we open a supermarket too, the capital is so big." A brother said.

  Chu Zhengnan also spoke out to express his support, everyone is very motivated to open a supermarket.

  The main reason is that in the past two years, because ordinary people are worried about the price increase of commodities, there has been a phenomenon of panic buying, and there is no need to worry about selling things.

   Mr. Zheng next to him also understood, and couldn't help but feel contemptuous: A group of guys who don't understand anything dare to open a supermarket?

  So he coughed lightly and said, "Supermarkets in Hong Kong Island and abroad are very mature. As far as I know, a successful supermarket must have a complete distribution channel. I don't know you..."

  Thinking about it, a few people immediately became discouraged: it seems that this thing is really not something they can play.

  If it doesn’t work, just cooperate with Zhou’s Jewelry and continue to open a jewelry store.

   Just as the lunch was drawing to a close, the BB machine in Song Lei's waist rang. Looking at the number, it was from the jewelry store.

  So he hurried out and made a call back. After the call was connected, there was an anxious voice from the store manager:

   "Manager, hurry up, something has happened, something big has happened!"

   "Don't panic, what's going on?" Song Lei was also surprised: Could it be that someone is making trouble?

  The store manager reported again, Song Lei was also in a hurry, went back to the house to greet Chu Zhengnan and the others, and rushed to Zhou's Jewelry Store together.

   Zhou's Jewelry, which is usually deserted, is now extremely lively. The windows outside the store are three floors in and out, and all of them are people.

  When Song Lei and others arrived, what they saw was this kind of scene, and people from Shanhaizhai on the opposite side also came out to watch the fun.

  Chu Zhenghong glared at Mr. Zheng, and muttered: "June's debt, pay it quickly."

   After finally separating the crowd, Song Lei and his group entered the store. Good guy, there are more people inside.

  Chu Zhengnan roared: "Please go out first, let's solve the problem first."

   "Get out, get out, everyone." Several other people also shouted.

  The crowd began to walk out reluctantly, but in the end there were still people pushing in, so angry that Chu Zhengnan widened his eyes, and pushed the two people who were pushing in:

   "I don't have any vision, go out first!"

   As a result, the two of them also looked serious: "We are from the newspaper office. We heard that this jewelry store has cheated consumers, so we came to investigate."

  Reporter, right now, even Chu Zhengnan feels a little headache.

  His tone immediately became more polite: "Comrade, which newspaper are you from?"

   "People's Newspaper." The man replied coldly.

  (end of this chapter)

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