Hello 1983

Chapter 759: A big show (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 759 A big show (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Hearing the words from the People's Newspaper, even Song Lei's mind was buzzing, they couldn't afford to provoke them.

  If the negative image really appeared in the newspaper, the old man in the family would have to skin them.

   "Comrade, you see what happened, it's not a big deal, how dare you startle the two masters." Chu Xiaoba also completely lost the momentum just now, and kept nodding and bowing.

  The leading middle-aged reporter, surnamed Liu, was wearing a tunic suit with a pen in his coat pocket, and said with a serious face:

   “Things involving the people are never trivial matters.”

   After finishing speaking, he stopped talking to Chu Xiaoba and the others, but went to a young man and a woman in the middle of the room:

   "Hello, comrades, can we understand what happened?"

   "Okay, okay, we are from Nagada in the Northeast, I bought a gold ring for my partner here, but I found someone who understands it, and said it is not pure enough..."

  The young man spoke with a northeast accent, and quickly explained what happened.

  The reporter also frowned: "How to identify the purity of this gold?"

   At this time, another voice came from outside the door: "We can identify it."

   Then I saw several staff members in uniforms walking in, mainly from the Industrial and Commercial Price Department.

  The leader first shook hands with Reporter Liu, and introduced himself: "I am the old Wang of the office team for rectifying market order in the district. The Shanhaizhai next door has instruments for identifying gold."

  The fire cannot be contained in the paper, and at this time, Song Lei didn't dare to hide it anymore, so he hurried forward:

   "Dear comrades, all the jewelry of Zhou's Jewelry is purchased from Hong Kong Island. For the convenience of processing, we use 18K gold."

   That old Wang is quite knowledgeable: "The purity of 18K gold is only over 70%. Show us the selling price?"

  The staff randomly sampled a few pieces of jewelry in the store, all priced according to 24K gold.

  Old Wang also put on a straight face: "What's going on?"

  Chu Zhengnan poked Mr. Zheng and signaled him to come forward and explain. After all, for such a professional thing, a professional needs to come forward.

   Mr. Zheng didn't mind much. On Hong Kong Island, he often faced various media, so he slapped his chin lightly to attract everyone's attention, and then he said:

   "Comrades, this is very normal. On Hong Kong Island, 18K gold is used to process jewelry."

   "As for the price, processing such exquisite and complicated patterns on jewelry will of course include processing fees."

   "For a piece of gold and silver jewelry, in addition to the value of its own material, part of it is the value of design and production. Do you understand?"

  Both Reporter Liu and Lao Wang were taken aback by his rhetoric: it sounds like there is nothing wrong with it.

  At this time, the young man who bought the gold ring suddenly said, "I have already asked the professionals. When your jewelry is for sale, you should mark this point, so that we can also buy it clearly."

   "Look at the certificate inside your box, and it doesn't indicate the gold content. Isn't this just deliberate fooling people?"

  The young woman next to him also yelled: "Don't think that we country people are easy to fool, return the goods, and never come to your black shop again."

   Of course it is easy to return the product, but it is tantamount to admitting one's mistake. If this reputation spreads, I'm afraid I won't even have a customer in the future.

  I returned this gold ring, what should I do if people come to return the jewelry I sold before?

  While Song Lei was hesitating, Comrade Wang spoke up:

   "This matter is indeed your jewelry store's fault. Since the situation is true, let's deal with it like this. First, it will be closed for rectification. When it meets the regulations, it will reopen."

  When Chu Zhengnan heard the words "suspension for rectification", he immediately became anxious. Who knew that the rectification would last until the Year of the Monkey?

  So he stepped forward and pulled Lao Wang's arm: "Comrade, our store is opened in cooperation with Zhou's Jewelry in Hong Kong Island. It involves compatriots in Hong Kong Island. Can you see if you can..."

  "We welcome compatriots on Hong Kong Island to return to China to do business and support the construction of the motherland, but at the same time we must abide by laws and regulations and cannot engage in specialization."

  Old Wang put on a business-like appearance, and no one dared to make small moves in the presence of reporters.

   Besides, this matter was entrusted by Shanhaizhai, so it must be done beautifully.

  When they came, the leaders of the district gave them hints. After all, Shanhaizhai often has foreign guests who come to consume, and those foreign exchange and foreign exchange certificates are exchanged at a low price, making a contribution to the district.

  The most important thing is that this Zhou's jewelry is indeed not clean under the buttocks, and you can't blame others.

  Seeing these people take out the seals and start to chase them away, Mr. Zheng is also anxious. This store is a test point for Zhou's jewelry to enter the mainland market, and it involves the company's future strategic development.

  If the door is closed in such a hasty way and it is reported back to Hong Kong Island, I am afraid that it will be laughed out of the mouth by colleagues, and Zhou's reputation will also be damaged.

  So his attitude became tough: "Stop it, I want to meet with your leaders and report this problem. It is very sad and indignant that you treat Hong Kong businessmen like this!"

  He is going to use the name of the Hong Kong businessman to suppress people. At the moment, this tactic is still very effective.

   It's just that it's not easy today, that Liu reporter said: "Our newspaper is preparing to launch a special topic in this area, Mr. Zheng, we are going to follow up and interview this matter."

   Mr. Zheng is also a little flustered, he is just pulling the tiger's skin to pull the banner, some things are not visible.

  The young couple who bought the ring were a little anxious, and the young man started to shout:

   "Several comrades, how to solve this matter, we still need to buy other things, and we are going to get married?"

  The same attention is paid to those watching the excitement at the door, and there are still discussions in their mouths:

   "My neighbor's sister-in-law also bought a gold necklace in this store. I have to tell her when I go back to return it."

   "A fraudulent shop, the gold is all adulterated, bah, it's really dark..."

   There was a lot of discussion, but there was nothing good to say anyway. In everyone's mind, Zhou's Jewelry's approach is to adulterate gold, which is no different from adding water to liquor.

   He really has fast legs. I don’t know that it was the enthusiastic crowd who tipped off the news, and soon three women squeezed into the shop again.

  They all bought jewelry at Zhou's Jewelry, and after entering the door, they shouted loudly.

  That's a nasty thing to say. The one who buried Zhou's jewelry is almost catching up with the human meat bun shop opened by Sun Erniang.

  One of the middle-aged aunts still insisted on asking for compensation: "The Shanhaizhai next door is all fake and pays ten for each fake. You must pay me ten gold rings!"

   Now it was lively, and the other two women followed suit, and started beating in the store, even the comrades and reporters from the Price Bureau couldn't persuade them.

  Seeing that things are getting worse, more and more customers are coming to return the goods.

   Chu Zhengnan was puzzled: You all made an appointment, right?

  Faced with raging public opinion, Lao Wang did not dare to neglect, and directly announced the closure of the store.

  The gate of Zhou's jewelry was quickly sealed, and the two big crossed seals were marked with a big cross, as if announcing the fate of this jewelry store.

  This is not over yet, the matter still needs to be resolved. In the end, the reporter, customers, Song Lei and others were all invited to the district, even Mr. Zheng was no exception.

  Song Lei and the others were also in a state of desperation, Song Lei followed, and then asked Chu Zhengnan to lead the others to find a way to see if they could untangle the relationship.

  A big show came to an end, and the people at Shanhaizhai were hooked after watching it.

   "It deserves it, whoever told them to be uneasy and kind, framed us, this is called evil will be rewarded."

  Feng Jing, the manager of the store, is now proud, and she has also heard that those foreigners who came to Shanhaizhai to find trouble were all caused by Zhou's Jewelry.

  It’s okay this time, I’m shooting myself in the foot.

  She didn't know that this matter was arranged secretly by Liu Qingshan, and that's why reporters and the inspection team were invited.

  As for the young men and women who bought the gold ring, they were also extras recruited from the film and television city.

   "Haha, it's closed, congratulations."

   Ma Laosan is a funny guy, bowing to his brothers one by one.

   Also, Yu Guangming and Xiaowu, who are all back for the New Year, come to the commercial building when they have nothing to do, just in time for this excitement.

   "Isn't it good to gloat like this?" Liu Qingshan also had a slight smile on his lips.

  For this kind of competitor, if Liu Qingshan doesn't make a move, it will be a thunderbolt.

  Yu Guangming glanced at Hai Mingzhu: "Mingzhu, you can do business with peace of mind in the future."

  Yes, Hai Mingzhu nodded, a trace of tenderness flashed in her eyes.

  Wait, what seems wrong?

  Liu Qingshan didn't rub the sand in his eyes. Although the two people just glanced at them briefly, as a person who had been there, Liu Qingshan keenly noticed that there was something wrong with their eyes.

  That is by no means the eye contact between ordinary friends, there is a touch of tenderness in it.

  Liu Qingshan's heart suddenly became clear: It turns out that sister Mingzhu and Yu Guangming see each other.

  Haha, Yu Guangming has a good eye.

   Originally at Shanhaizhai in the morning, Hai Mingzhu wanted to talk about this matter, but was interrupted. Now Liu Qingshan already has the answer in his heart.

  Among Long Teng's founding brothers, Yu Guangming has a relatively calm temperament, not as playful as Xiao Wu and Wang Zhan, he is a big deal.

  If you can come together with Hai Mingzhu and complement each other, Liu Qingshan will be so happy.

   I just don't know what Yu Guangming's family thinks. After all, this kind of family has some restrictions on the marriage of children.

  After watching the good show, Xiao Wu was also very excited. He had been at odds with Chu Zhengnan, and this time he vented his anger:

   "Haha, Chu Xiaoba, don't think that you can get rich by being close to Hong Kong businessmen, you have to make money by yourself, this is the right way!"

   Ma Laosan next to him joked with him: "Little Wu, Chu Xiaoba is siding with Hong Kong businessmen, who are you siding with?"

  Xiao Wu looked around, and finally set his eyes on Liu Qingshan: "Of course I'm next to our President Liu, haha!"

   Everyone had a great time together, but after laughing, there were many emotions in their hearts.

   The few of them were not as good as Chu Xiaoba at first, but now they are already standing on a higher place, looking down on each other.

   And this change was brought about by Liu Qingshan.

   This is not just a question of money, but let them know how to use their own hands to get money.

  Perhaps it is precisely because of this that even the elders of each family have a favorable view of Liu Qingshan.

   Seeing what happened to Chu Xiaoba and the others, in contrast, Yu Guangming and the others became more aware: it was their luck to meet Qingshan.

  Invited by Hai Mingzhu, several people went to the small lounge behind Shanhaizhai to drink tea.

   After being idle for a while, I gradually started to get down to business.

  As usual, Liu Qingshan said first: "I heard a news that the higher authorities may issue a document prohibiting the children of cadres from doing business."

  As soon as this remark came out, there was an immediate silence in the hut.

   These people have never doubted Liu Qingshan's source, because the previous news has been verified.

  So even if they didn't hear the news about this from their parents, they still firmly believed in Liu Qingshan's words.

   "Okay, why is this happening, is there any trouble?"

   Ma Laosan was a little puzzled. Although he usually doesn't pay much attention, his ability to think and judge problems is better than the other brothers.

  Of course Liu Qingshan can't say what happened next, but this matter is too big, even Xiao Wu and his family are afraid that there will be some turmoil.

  So it is still necessary to ring the alarm bell in advance, so as not to stand in the wrong team when the time comes.

  Xiao Wu was also in a hurry: "Our Longteng company has finally developed, isn't it a half-way!"

   Liu Qingshan looked at him and smiled: "You can continue to stay with Lilan, even if you become a chief, no one cares about you."

  Yu Guangming understood, and couldn't help but his eyes lit up: "Qingshan, you mean that there is no problem in doing business abroad, right?"

   Ma Laosan also slapped his thigh: "If you have the ability to earn money from foreigners, your higher-ups may support it vigorously, but what about domestic business?"

   Several people looked at Liu Qingshan together again.

  Liu Qingshan took a sip of tea slowly: "Longteng Company and Longteng International Trading Company are originally two companies, you should quit the domestic Longteng Company."

   "Success, anyway, Brother Hou and the others are in charge here." The few people were straightforward and didn't bargain or anything.

  Liu Qingshan is also very satisfied with the performance of several people. Even his own brothers, he has seen a lot of things where they turned against each other because of money.

  Then continued: "Take Brother Fei and Gangzi back to China, and then exchange your shares in the two companies with each other."

   This is also the best solution that Liu Qingshan can think of. In this way, Xiao Wu and the others will be taken out of the domestic company, and they will not suffer any loss in terms of profits.

   "Qingshan, what about the film and television city?"

  Wang Zhan is a little anxious, the film and television city has always been managed by him, Wang Zhan also likes this career, of course he is reluctant to let go.

   "Of course it's nothing to do with you. All your shares are transferred to me." Liu Qingshan replied bluntly.

  Wang Zhan immediately turned into a bitter face: "Qingshan, I have no objection to the shares or something. The key is that I really don't want to leave the film and television city."

The corners of Liu Qingshan's mouth curled up slightly: "No one told you to leave, the film and television city belongs to me, and then I will exchange a share of Longteng International Trading Company with you, and finally, as the boss, I will hire you to manage the film and television city , you are a part-time worker."

  Wang Zhan also understood, and smiled happily: "It's okay, I like to work for you, Qingshan, and I can do it for the rest of my life!"

  (end of this chapter)

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