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Chapter 760: know everything

  Chapter 760 Know everything

  Prohibiting the children of high-ranking cadres from doing business is a major decision this year, so Liu Qingshan must plan ahead and settle the company first, so as not to be in a hurry.

   After removing Xiao Wu and others from the domestic business, Liu Qingshan arranged another task for Xiao Wu:

   Ask him to contact the country's offshore oil exploration department to start exploration in the waters off Liland.

  Although domestic technology and equipment in this area are still relatively backward, it is still no problem to drill wells offshore.

   For this kind of thing, European and American companies may be more professional, but Liu Qingshan still likes to use family members, and those foreigners are too dark-hearted.

  Liu Qingshan and his Longteng International Trade Company owned the sea area there. In his memory, later generations discovered large oil fields.

  China is still an oil-exporting country at present, unlike later, when oil became less and less enough, it became a major oil-importing country.

  Liland is now in chaos, the government has collapsed, and tribal disputes.

   Fortunately, the territory of Longteng Company is still relatively stable, and there are also unscrupulous tribes around. They wanted to take advantage of it, but they were all incorporated instead.

  Those tribes that were incorporated were quite happy, their lives were much more stable, and their supplies were much richer than before.

  Under such circumstances, Liu Qingshan started to explore for oil. Otherwise, if he finds oil but finds that he cannot keep it, that would be the greatest tragedy.

  Xiao Wu said that there is no problem. The domestic exploration ships are dilapidated, and no one hires them at all. He is probably very happy to take this business.

   After talking about the business, the brothers proposed to get together at night and ask Li Tieniu to treat them. Like Xiao Wu and the others, they haven’t had Li Tieniu’s wedding wine yet, and the gifts have already been prepared.

  Of course Li Tieniu agreed, so he called Shanghai Pearl again and went to a nearby restaurant together.

  Yu Guangming pulled Liu Qingshan, deliberately lagging behind.

   Liu Qingshan saw that his face was tangled, he hesitated to speak several times, so he joked: "Second brother, you don't want me to match you?"

   "The one who knows me is Qingshan!" Yu Guangming finally stopped hesitating: "I haven't told my family about Mingzhu and I, Qingshan, brother, please come to my grandpa to propose marriage, okay?"

   After deliberating over this matter, Yu Guangming decided that Liu Qingshan was the most suitable.

   Firstly, Liu Qingshan is highly regarded by those elders, and secondly, he can also represent Hai Mingzhu.

  Liu Qingshan naturally agreed. Originally, he planned to take advantage of the Spring Festival to go to various houses to pay New Year's greetings. Let me remind you by the way.

   After dinner, Liu Qingshan led Li Tieniu and his wife back to the small courtyard of Liulichang.

  First call Li Tieniu and the others to live here, and they happen to be with the uncle as well.

   When the building comes down in the future, if the two of them like it, they can live in the building, if they don’t want to, they can live in the courtyard.

  Back home, it was already dark, and Mr. Maoer was very happy to see Liu Qingshan and Li Tieniu.

   "Master, this is my daughter-in-law Xiao Cuier." Li Tieniu hurriedly announced the good news.

  Old Maoer looked at Xiaocui carefully, and nodded repeatedly:

   "Tie Niu, you are all married, not bad, not bad, she is a virtuous one, come, this is a gift from my uncle for meeting you."

  The old hat master and Li Tieniu are the most tempered, so the shot is unambiguous: a pair of jade bracelets from the old age.

  Lu Fang and Lu Liang, the two brothers, didn't go home for the New Year either, so they hurried up to call them "sister-in-law".

  In terms of age, Xiao Cui'er is definitely not as old as them, but Li Tieniu is older. From his point of view, of course he should be called sister-in-law.

   "You don't have any gifts?" Li Tieniu stretched out a big slap.

   "Brother Tieniu doesn't arrange for us to have a wedding, so there will be no presents." Lu Fang dealt with it with a grin.

  Li Tieniu waved his hand: "Then when you get married, I won't give you anything."

   It was still Lu Liangshi who took out a box that had been prepared a long time ago. It was the pearl necklace they bought from Shanhaizhai.

   "This thing is quite expensive, each of you can get it with a gift, fifty yuan, and then I will buy you a drink with it, hahaha."

  Li Tieniu refused to accept it. A pearl necklace is at least a thousand dollars.

  Lu Fang chuckled twice: "This is for my sister-in-law, not for you. Brother Tieniu, you have no right to speak."

  The necklace is a bit expensive, but the two brothers can afford it now.

  Living in the capital, their horizons have gradually opened up. The two brothers have also reached the age of starting a family. Now their goal is to find a wife in the capital.

   After chatting and laughing for a while, Xiaocui went to clean up the room where Uncle Lu and the others lived, and the couple lived here from now on.

  Master Uncle Maoer led Liu Qingshan to see what he had gained in the past few months.

  As more and more old hutongs were demolished, Mr. Maoer led Lu Fang and the others to collect more and more things.

  Lu Fang and Lu Liang, the two brothers, have gradually developed their knowledge and eyesight. They usually receive the goods, so they are really uncertain, and then they invite Uncle Lu from the jewelry processing factory to palm the eye.

  Looking at the treasure room that was about to be filled again, Liu Qingshan knew that he needed to transport another batch back to his hometown.

  The next day, Liu Qingshan began to pay New Year greetings to each family, and he didn't need to send any expensive things, just bought some pastry boxes, and some special products from Jiapigou.

  In the afternoon, I received a call from Yu Guangming, asking him to have dinner at home in the evening.

  Liu Qingshan rode on his bicycle, with a gift hanging on the handlebar, and strolled along the way.

  When I arrived at Liuyin Street, I found Yu Guangming's house. As soon as he knocked on the door, Yu Guangming ran to open the door happily.

  Liu Qingshan pushed the cart into the courtyard, greeted all the way, and after paying New Year greetings to his elders, he was hurriedly dragged by Yu Guangming to his grandfather's house.

  Yu old man is in good health and full of energy. It turned out that there was a little problem. After being recuperated by the dumb grandfather, his body feels better than the previous two years.

  Seeing Liu Qingshan, the old man also showed a smile: "Qingshan is here, is everything okay at home?"

   "Everything is fine, are you okay too?"

  Liu Qingshan put the tiger bone wine he brought on the small coffee table. This wine strengthens the muscles and bones, and it is good for the elderly to drink.

   Then Liu Qingshan asked with a smile: "Do you always give lucky money?"

   "If you kowtow, you will get lucky money." Mr. Yu also laughed.

  Liu Qingshan really kowtowed: "Grandpa Yu, I wish you a New Year greeting. I wish you good health and a good smile."

  In the countryside, kowtowing to the elders is very normal, so Liu Qingshan feels no pressure at all.

   "You child, you really kowtow."

  Old man Yu’s New Year’s money had already been handed out, so he quickly asked Yu Guangming to pack one, and then handed it to Liu Qingshan.

  But after making such a fuss, he really regarded Liu Qingshan as his grandson, and got closer to him.

  Liu Qingshan sat next to the old man, chatting about homework.

  The atmosphere was very good, and the old man was very interested in talking. Yu Guangming, who was behind him, kept giving Liu Qingshan winks, telling him to get down to business while the old man was happy.

  Liu Qingshan was about to talk about this, but he heard old man Yu say: "During the Spring Festival, some leaders came to the house to express condolences, and they even asked about you."

   Liu Qingshan was taken aback by what he said, and continued to listen carefully.

  Old Master Yu said calmly: "It is said that the woodcutter from the north is coming to visit. The higher-ups know that you are engaged in border trade on the Heihe side and are more familiar with the situation there, so I ask you to have a chat when you have time."

  Liu Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief. As for the understanding of the Soviet Union, even those expert consultants probably did not know Liu Qingshan clearly. This is really asking the right person.

   "It's not because of your predictions. At first, even us old men didn't believe it. Looking at it now, it's really possible." Mr. Yu explained the reason.

  A few years ago, Liu Qingshan was ridiculed for a while when he talked about the drastic changes in Eastern Europe, the rise of computers, and the rise of China.

   But as time went on, the mockers gradually shut up.

  Time proved that Liu Qingshan's judgment was correct.

  Liu Qingshan heheed twice, and scratched the back of his head: "Old man, what should I tell my superiors when the time comes, you have to teach me?"

   "Know everything without saying anything."

  The old man spat out a few words.

   Liu Qingshan immediately understood, and he thought so too.

   Having said that, Mr. Yu is still a little worried after all. Out of love for the younger generation, he should think about it first, lest Liu Qingshan say something wrong when the time comes.

  Liu Qingshan also seriously elaborated his views: "Comrade Woodcutter must have borrowed money for this friendly visit."

   "Borrowing money?" Yu Guangming couldn't help exclaiming, feeling a little incredible.

  Although he also knew that there were indeed difficulties on Maozi's side, but the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse, so it's not enough to borrow money, right?

  Liu Qingshan glanced at Yu Guangming: "Of course, if you don't borrow money, you can also borrow things."

  Old man Yu thought for a long time: "Is it really to this extent?"

   "It's more serious than we imagined." Liu Qingshan nodded emphatically.

  In fact, it was after this visit that the two countries officially started arms trade, like the Su-27, which was introduced at this time.

  But because of Liu Qingshan's intervention, the time has been advanced by two years, and the cost is much lower.

   "But we are not rich." Mr. Yu blinked as he said.

  The landlord’s house didn’t have any surplus food either, so Liu Qingshan nodded and said, “However, it’s still possible to communicate with each other. There are still some good things over there, such as aircraft carriers.”

  As soon as the word "aircraft carrier" was uttered, Yu Guangming jumped up in shock: "This, is this possible?"

   In the end, Mr. Yu gave him a glaring look: "How grown up, you are still frizzy, do you understand the reason for asking prices?"

   "Understood, understood." Yu Guangming could only nod and be scolded.

  Liu Qingshan slipped aside at the right time: "Second brother is not young anymore, if he gets married and has children, he will be completely determined."

   "Old man, I have a good candidate."

  Old man Yu looked at his grandson, then at Liu Qingshan, and laughed loudly: "You two little devils, you came to lay an ambush with me, right?"

   "Hey, don't you want to tell you to have a great-grandson early?" Liu Qingshan said with a smile.

   Seeing that the old man didn't have any dislike, he introduced Hai Mingzhu's situation in detail.

  He also knew that the Yu family would definitely have to find out from the side, so he didn't hide anything.

  After listening to the old man, he closed his eyes and thought about it: the family's political assets will naturally be taken over by the eldest.

  That's why Ren Guangming used to be a fool, but he didn't expect to be a fool, and he even made something in the mall.

   This is also good, it is very important to provide financial support to the family, and the economic base can determine the superstructure.

  Since Yu Guangming has been positioned as a businessman, it seems like a good choice to find a wife who is also in the business world.

  After thinking clearly, the old man nodded: "I have no objection in principle, let Guangming's parents decide."

  Yu Guangming was overjoyed when he heard this. As long as his grandfather agrees to the family affairs, the decision will be made, and the rest will be formalities.

  So he said in a hurry: "Grandpa, then I will bring you back tomorrow to have a look and keep it to your satisfaction."

   As a result, the old man stared again: "What's the hurry?"

  If people like them are led in, it must be a definite thing.

   "Second brother, can you take a look at the meal first?"

  Liu Qingshan winked at Yu Guangming, and sent this guy away. He has some important matters to discuss with the old man alone.

  Yu Guangming thought he would continue talking about him, so he immediately left grandpa's room happily.

   Wait until the meal is ready, but grandpa still doesn’t come out.

  The door of the room is closed, and everyone in the family knows the rules of the old man, which means that they are still talking about things, and no one is allowed to disturb.

   Yu Guangming's parents were a little puzzled, and Yu Guangming was even more restless: after such a long time, there must be some problem, right?

  The old man couldn't come out, and he couldn't open the meal. After waiting for more than half an hour, he saw the door opened, and Liu Qingshan came out with the old man on his arm.

  Seeing the seriousness of the old man's face, Yu Guangming was so upset that he didn't eat well.

  The old man hastily drank a bowl of porridge, ate a steamed bun, put down his chopsticks and said, "I'll go to Lao Wu's house for a stroll."

  Yu Guangming hurriedly waited on him, and Liu Qingshan left and went home.

  The next night, Liu Qingshan rode his bicycle again to visit Lin Zizhou and He Min's house to pay New Year's greetings.

  This year, Lin Zizhou has been reused and he is busy with work, so he has no time to go to Jiapigou.

  Seeing Liu Qingshan coming to the door, the two couples were also full of joy, He Min pulled Lu Qingshan and asked Xiao Yueyue of Yang Hongying's family.

   "Auntie, when the weather gets warmer, I will definitely bring you over to see your aunt, and then prepare the red envelope."

  Liu Qingshan also laughed and joked.

  He Min stuffed an orange into his hand, and then happily went to make tea for Liu Qingshan.

  Her advertising company is also getting busier, otherwise, she would have already rushed to Jiapigou.

  Lin Zizhou led Liu Qingshan into the study, first asked Liu Qingshan's family, and then there was the situation of Jiapigou.

  After hearing that the income of each family has reached 300,000 yuan, they also quickly said that they would send reporters to conduct interviews.

  Liu Qingshan also asked about Lin Zizhou's situation, because the President of the United States is coming to visit, and Lin Zizhou is busy with this matter.

   "Qingshan, you have studied in the United States, and you know the situation there better. Please tell me first, so I know it well."

  Lin Zizhou and Liu Qingshan are not polite, they always have something to say.

   Liu Qingshan was also happy: "I have become an expert on international issues."

  (end of this chapter)

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