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Chapter 901: Life and death are fate (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 901 Life and death are fate (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Liu Qingshan and his team continued to march in the mountains. In fact, their team was more like traveling in mountains and rivers.

   After bidding farewell to Zhang Ganzi, he also took a few truffles with him.

   Liu Qingshan also inquired about it just now, this year's truffle production is not bad, and the truffles are dripping, and the snow has been harvested all the time.

  The team entered another forest, and Zheng Yuejiao cheered again as they marched: "Mushroom, what a beautiful mushroom!"

  On a rotten tree root, there was a canopy of golden mushrooms growing. There were twenty or thirty mushrooms, clustered together, which was particularly eye-catching.

   "The book says that the brighter the mushroom, the more likely it is poisonous, isn't this poisonous?" Zheng Yuejiao squatted there and dared not pick it. She didn't know any mushrooms in the mountains.

  Zhang Long came over and took a look: "We call this yellow umbrella, and it's edible. It doesn't taste the best, so it's just average."

   Before he could finish speaking, Zheng Yuejiao had already started picking mushrooms one by one.

  The yellow umbrella that the locals call it, the scientific name is the multi-fat scale umbrella, and the taste is still very good.

  As for Zhang Long’s opinion that the taste is average, it is mainly compared with hericium erinaceus, elm yellow mushroom and Yuan mushroom.

   A pile of yellow umbrellas filled half the basket, making Zheng Yuejiao so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

  As for other people, they have long been used to it. There are countless kinds of fungi in the forest.

  Only a rookie like Zheng Yuejiao finds it fresh.

  In front of it is a piece of larch. This month, the pine needles of the larch turn yellow. When the autumn wind blows, the pine needles on the tree rustle down. It looks very beautiful.

  There are more mushrooms here, and the ground is covered with lemon-colored yellow mushrooms.

  Zheng Yuejiao immediately couldn't walk anymore, so she squatted down and started picking mushrooms. She was like a little girl picking mushrooms.

   This kind of small yellow mushroom, the scientific name is lemon wax umbrella, and it has a special fragrance.

  It’s just that the heads are relatively small, and picking them is time-consuming and laborious.

   Moreover, there are a lot of fallen larch needles on it, which is troublesome to deal with, so usually, villagers seldom collect them.

   "Let's go, let's go." Under Zhang Long's urging, Zheng Yuejiao stood up and reluctantly followed the large army.

   To her, the big forest is simply a big treasure.

   "Come, try this." Zhang Long handed her a bunch of mountain grapes.

  So Zheng Yuejiao's attention was quickly attracted by various wild fruits.

  Liu Qingshan also looked at it with a smile. From his point of view, Zheng Yuejiao's behavior was very normal. For a city dweller who entered the forest for the first time, of course it was strange to see everything.

   And this is the foundation for the future development of tourism.

  In a forest, they also encountered a picking team of yew fruits.

  In addition to the villagers of Jiapigou, some young adults from several surrounding villages also joined in.

   After all, this thing is valuable now, and there are few people in Jiapigou, so they can't pick it up at all, so they can only hire helpers.

   Seeing the bright red fruit, Zheng Yuejiao couldn't help but want to try it, but Zhang Long stopped her: This fruit is poisonous, so it's best not to eat it.

  Everyone went up the mountain to visit the scenery. After walking for a long time, they came to a miscellaneous forest.

  In the forest, there are mostly walnut catalpa and oak eucalyptus, which are suitable for the growth of Hericium erinaceus, so it was chosen as the test site.

   Seeing Zheng Yuejiao looking for mushrooms and wild fruits on the ground with her head down, Zhang Long told her to look up at the tree: "Hericiums grow on high places."

  Zheng Yuejiao ran to a fallen tree next to her: "Wow, this one is white and big, can't it be a monkey head?"

  Everyone took a look, it was really bigger than a child's head, and the fluff hanging down was snow-white and snow-white, very beautiful.

  Zhang Long also blinked, it can only be said that Jiaojiao had better luck.

  Bai Liyan searched the surrounding trees for a while, and then cheered: "Here is the mark we left. This big monkey head was planted by us."

   "There are several more on this side." Liu Qingshan jumped to the other side, and four or five Hericium erinaceus appeared in front of his eyes.

  Bai Liyan and the others jumped for joy, and then began to look through the little book, which contained records.

  At that time, ten holes were drilled in this tree, and Hericium erinaceus was put in, and now a total of six have grown out.

   One is too small and immature, so just stay here.

   All the rest are picked back, and the villagers have to taste it, and compare it with the real natural monkey head to see if there is any difference in taste.

  We went to a few more test sites and harvested 20 to 30 monkey heads. The baskets brought by everyone were almost full, and we returned with a full load.

   "Wow, there is a Hericium erinaceus on the tree!" Zheng Yuejiao cheered again, the excitement was like discovering a treasure.

  Bai Liyan is a tomboy: "I'll go up the tree and get this down, and compare it with what we planted."

   Before the words fell, the monkey head on the tree fell to the ground, and then rushed towards them.

   "It's not a monkey head, it's a real monkey head!"

  Bai Liyan called out. Although what she said was problematic, everyone understood.

  Because a white ape had jumped into Liu Qingshan's arms, making squeaking noises, as if very excited.

  Liu Qingshan touched the little white ape's head with his hands: "Haha, I almost ate you as a Hericium erinaceus."

   This white ape was raised by the fourth and fifth elders. After returning to the monkey group, he would sometimes visit Liu Qingshan's house.

  Liu Qingshan touched his pocket, and found some candy, so he stuffed it into the monkey's paw.

  The little white ape skillfully peeled off the candy wrapper, stuffed the toffee into his mouth, sucking and tsk-tsk.

   If Xiao Lao Si is here, he will probably have to be trained again: don't eat food.

   "It's so cute, can I touch it?" Zheng Yuejiao leaned forward.

   As a result, the little white ape bared his teeth at her shamelessly. After returning to the mountain, the little white ape became wild.

   Fortunately, Zheng Yuejiao was also prepared, and took out two ham sausages from the backpack, and the little white ape gave her some face and asked her to touch the little monkey's paw.

   "Still at ease on the mountain."

  Liu Qingshan also sighed, the little white ape is kept at home, although the fourth and fifth are very kind to it, but after all, there is no such freedom as Xiaoaoshanlin.

  There are a few monkeys on the surrounding trees, but none dare to come down.

   I guess I got hungry after watching it, so I kept making weird noises.

  Look at Liu Qingshan, they are all junior monkeys, so they probably don’t know him very well.

  If the old monkey had suffered together, he would have come to help Liu Qingshan catch lice.

   "Squeak!" The monkey on the tree screamed more and more vigorously.

  Zheng Yuejiao flipped through her backpack and could only regretfully say, "I really don't have anything to eat."

  And Liu Qingshan became vigilant, because the little white ape in his arms was also very disturbed, as soon as Liu Qingshan let go, the little white ape ran up the tree.

   "Everyone be careful, move closer to me!" Liu Qingshan roared.

   Then, a low growl was heard from the forest ahead, and a huge figure walked out slowly.

  The moment it appeared, it caused great pressure to those present, and everyone exclaimed: "Tiger!"

   "It's okay, don't move, this tiger is also an old friend, and it shouldn't hurt us."

  Liu Qingshan recognized it. This Siberian tiger is the same Siberian tiger that was stupid back then.

  When he first arrived at the top of the mountain, this guy was just an adult, he left the tigress and started his own family.

   Now, she is a full adult, her body is much stronger, with long hair growing on her cheeks, she is very majestic.

   Hearing what Liu Qingshan said, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

  But this fool is very shameless, and he probably recognizes Liu Qingshan. When old friends meet, of course they have to make out.

  Liu Qingshan had no choice but to rush up against the fierce tiger. At the moment when the tiger and the human were about to collide, he swayed and flashed past the oncoming tiger's claws extremely quickly.


  Liu Qingshan even stretched out his hand and patted the bum's ass, and then ran forward.

  The tiger's **** could not be touched, and the two fools immediately turned around and chased after them. One person and one tiger disappeared into the forest in the blink of an eye.

   "Will the green hill be in danger?" When everyone came back to their senses, Zheng Yuejiao nervously grabbed Zhang Long's arm.

  Liu Qingshan lured the tiger away, and Zhang Long is the backbone of the remaining people.

   "Wait where you are." Zhang Long knew Liu Qingshan's ability, so he wasn't too worried.

   Everyone has no choice but to wait here anxiously.

   After about 20 minutes of simmering, there was a rustling sound in the forest, and Liu Qingshan went back and forth.

   Everyone cheered involuntarily, as if welcoming a triumphant hero.

  The fact is indeed the case. Facing a fierce tiger, not everyone has the courage to lure the tiger away and be able to retreat unscathed.

   When Liu Qingshan came to the front, except for the clothes being torn in a few places, he was not injured, and everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Let's go, we can go home." Liu Qingshan waved to everyone, with a smile on his face.

   "Qingshan, you defeated that tiger, wow, you are even stronger than Wu Song!"

  Zheng Yuejiao looked at Liu Qingshan with eyes full of admiration, and the others were basically the same.

  Liu Qingshan shook the place where his shirt was torn: "There is no fight, it's just old friends meeting, it's inevitable to get close."

   Everyone was dubious, but fortunately nothing happened, so they went down the mountain together.

  Back to the village, it was already past noon, and we went directly to the canteen of the team headquarters to have lunch.

  The picked mushrooms and Hericium erinaceus can only be eaten at night, but you can try the truffles.

  Truffles cannot be stewed all the time. This kind of fungus is not suitable for high temperature, otherwise, the aroma will be gone.

  Everyone is also hungry, and the food is very sweet.

  While waiting for dinner, after processing Hericium erinaceus, I went to the village veteran to taste it, and I thought it was wild.

  It seems that this project is promising and can be promoted in the coming year.

  The reason why Hericium erinaceus is precious is because there are not many of them. If they can be mass-produced, the income will be greatly increased.

   Turning the other day, Liu Qingshan drove Wu Tong to Bishui County. It was rare to come back. Of course, he would go to his alma mater in high school, and the most important thing was to visit the old principal.

  It has been more than a year since the bearded principal was diagnosed with lung cancer. Liu Qingshan also called several times. Principal Xu always said that he was fine.

  But Liu Qingshan is still not at ease after all, the old principal is very stubborn, what if he hides his illness from him?

   Waiting for Liu Qingshan to drive the car to the gate of the No. 1 Middle School, he found that the campus has undergone considerable changes: a new four-story teaching building has been erected.

  From the appearance, the whole building looks like a giant ship, which is a good meaning. It is full of students, riding the wind and waves in the ocean of knowledge.

   Walking into the campus, the two bungalows used as dormitories have also been built into four-story dormitories, and there is a large dining hall on the first floor.

   There is also a basketball court, which was originally a "concrete field", but a soil field. When it rains, it will be full of muddy water, so it has such a joking name.

   Now it has turned into a real concrete field. With cement boards on it, it is flat and smooth. It is no longer like the original soil field. After playing a game, a layer of soil on the body, mixed with sweat, can be mixed with mud.

  The only problem is that the cement floor is a bit hard. It would be better if you can apply glue on it.

  But at the current level, it is not bad.

   Being in the campus, Liu Qingshan felt completely new.

   "Sanfeng, your school is pretty good." Wu Tong also praised.

   "It will get better and better." Liu Qingshan smiled, took Wu Tong's arm, and walked towards the original teaching building.

  There are still workers doing some finishing work on the new building, and it looks like it hasn't been used yet.

  Walking and walking, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind:

   "Those two students in front, which class are you from? Don't you know? It's not allowed in the campus... Hey, Qingshan, haha, when will you come back!"

   Liu Qingshan turned his head and saw Principal Xu's iconic beard, so the smile on his face became stronger:

   "Hi, principal, you're full of confidence just listening to your voice!"

  Principal Xu was delighted: "I thought it was a student falling in love. This must be banned. If the students in our school all wear uniforms, I won't mistake it."

  Liu Qingshan blinked, and pretended to be suddenly enlightened: "Oh, I understand, the principal told me to support another batch of school uniforms for these juniors and girls, right?"

   "You boy, the more dishonest you are!"

  Principal Xu was also very happy, smiling brightly. If the students in the teaching building saw him like this, they probably wouldn't believe their eyes.

  Liu Qingshan introduced Wu Tong: "Principal, this is my fiancee Wu Tong."

   "Hello, Principal Xu." Wu Tong bowed deeply. She had listened to Liu Qingshan's story about this Principal Xu along the way, and she was full of admiration.

   "Okay, hello, Xiao Wu." Principal Xu also loved Wu Tong and shook hands with Wu Tong enthusiastically.

  Based on his experience, of course it can be seen that Wu Tong has a gentle temperament and will definitely be a good wife in the future.

   But Comrade Xu was also a little puzzled: At the beginning, he thought that Qingshan and Zheng Xiaoxiao could get together. These two are the pride of their No. 1 Middle School.

  Then Liu Qingshan asked about Principal Xu's condition, and the bearded man didn't shy away:

   "The new teaching building is erected, even if I let go now, I have no regrets!"

  Liu Qingshan frowned secretly: "Principal, your illness..."

  The bearded man let out a long sigh: "Life and death are fate."

  Liu Qingshan's heart trembled suddenly, followed by endless sadness, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

  (end of this chapter)

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