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Chapter 902: This achievement is unprecedented.

  Chapter 902 This achievement is unprecedented

   Is it still powerless after all?

  Liu Qingshan's heart is full of unwillingness. Although Principal Xu is ordinary, he is respectable and he is the person Liu Qingshan respects the most.

  Principal Xu's figure was gradually blurred in his tearful eyes, but he was unusually tall.

   "Sanfeng, don't worry, the principal is just joking with you."

  Wu Tong patted Liu Qingshan's arm lightly. It was clear to the bystanders that she saw Liu Qingshan's true feelings, and she couldn't help but smile: This pair of master and apprentice is really naughty enough.

  Liu Qingshan quickly wiped his eyes, only to see that although the bearded principal tried his best to put on a painful look, the hidden smile in his eyes was still exposed.

   "Principal, don't scare me."

  Liu Qingshan is also concerned and confused. Thinking about the first meeting just now, the principal's face was flushed, his complexion was very good, and he spoke with full confidence. How could he look like a sick person?

   "Go, go to the office first, I have something to tell you." Principal Xu walked in front with his hands behind his back.

  Liu Qingshan and Wu Tong followed behind, Wu Tong made a gesture to scratch his nose, chuckling: "Stupid stupid."

  Liu Qingshan gave her a look, which made Wu Tong blush, of course she knew the meaning of this look: see how I deal with you at night.

  In the teaching building, all the classes were in class. Liu Qingshan was walking while listening to Principal Xu's introduction. This year's college entrance examination, No. 1 Middle School's grades were very good, ranking among the best in the entire Songjiang area.

  When I came to the principal's office, there were still old desks and chairs, and even Liu Qingshan felt kind when he looked at them.

  Principal Xu first went to get a thermos to pour water, and Wu Tong took it. The principal opened the drawer and took out a stack of medical records, including the films.

   "Qingshan, this was done during the summer vacation, when I went to Chuncheng for a re-examination. The doctor said that the original lesion had been completely calcified, which means that I am completely cured!"

  Principal Xu also laughed heartily. Although he is pessimistic about life and death, who wants to die?

  It is a kind of happiness to be able to live well.

  Liu Qingshan also read the case carefully, so he was completely relieved.

  He raised his head and looked at Principal Xu's thin cheeks, his heart was full of excitement and joy:

   "That's great, principal, you have created a miracle!"

  Principal Xu also nodded: "The attending doctor also said the same thing, and we should treat my case as a successful case for in-depth research."

   "However, when I said that paclitaxel was injected regularly, the attending doctor was disappointed."

  Of course Liu Qingshan understands, because paclitaxel is not available in China, and even if it is, it cannot be popularized.

  Actually, the magic that happened to Principal Xu, besides medication, also has his own firm belief and good attitude, which are equally important.

   Even to some extent, it is more important than drug treatment.

  Many cancer patients become terminally ill after a mental breakdown.

  Principal Xu continued: "Although paclitaxel is not popular, I feel that drinking yew fruit to make wine for more than a year should have played a big role."

   "There is also the traditional Chinese medicine prepared by your master. I feel that the effect is very good. I will ask your master for advice, and the prescription will be left for the hospital."

   "I also left some yew wine and the dried yew seeds produced in your Jiapigou for the doctor. It is estimated that they will carry out some medical experiments in the future, and they may go to your Jiapigou."

  Liu Qingshan nodded, this is a good thing, yew seeds, they will have more and more folders.

   Even after another twenty years, a large amount of yew can be provided every year for processing and refining paclitaxel.

  Because every spring and autumn, each member of the entire union has to plant a large number of yew seedlings on their respective sites, which will surely form a large-scale development in the future.

   After talking about his illness, Principal Xu then started talking about business: "Qingshan, our teaching building is about to be completed, and it can be handed over for use before winter begins."

   "The county and the school mean to hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony. You, the donor, of course have to attend."

  Liu Qingshan is not very happy to be in the limelight, but his alma mater invites him, if time permits, it is still possible, so he asked:

   "Principal, when is the time?"

   "It will be within a week. Is your time convenient?" Principal Xu also knows that Liu Qingshan is busy now, and he can't live at home for a few days.

  Liu Qingshan nodded, agreeing to come down.

   After chatting for a while, Liu Qingshan hurriedly went to Principal Xu's house, bringing a lot of things, of course they had to be delivered home.

   "Then you guys go first and have dinner at home at noon, you guys are not allowed to run away, otherwise, don't come back in the future!"

  Principal Xu stared again, but he was still the original bearded principal.

   Liu Qingshan agreed with a smile, and then went to Principal Xu's house with Wu Tong.

   "Qingshan, you are here, come in!" Aunt Wang saw Liu Qingshan, and immediately smiled.

  For her, last year was really difficult. The pillar of the family was terminally ill, and it felt like the sky was going to collapse.

   Fortunately, they survived. Among them, Liu Qingshan played a huge role. Whether it was yew or the traditional Chinese medicine prescribed by the dumb grandfather, the efficacy was extraordinary.

  Aunt Wang often said to Principal Xu: Old Xu, you have taught a good student.

  Seeing Liu Qingshan today, of course she is happy.

  After Liu Qingshan put down the things he brought, he happily introduced: "Auntie, this is my girlfriend Wu Tong."

   "Okay, okay." Aunt Wang took Wu Tong's hand and patted it lightly a few times, with an extremely friendly expression.

  She could tell that Wu Tong was a gentle girl, and she should be able to become Liu Qingshan's good wife.

  Liu Qingshan brought some special products from the village, such as eggs and mushrooms, and the American ginseng that Liu Yinfeng asked his younger brother to bring back, and some tonics, which were for President Xu’s health.

  When Liu Yinfeng was in high school, she ran a small stove at the principal's house, so her relationship was relatively deep.

   With the help of Wu Tong, Aunt Wang packed up a table of dishes, and when Principal Xu came back from get off work, she brought two guests.

   After the introduction, it turns out that the middle-aged man wearing glasses is Dr. Wu from the First Hospital of Chuncheng City, and also the attending doctor of Principal Xu.

  The other one, needless to introduce, is an honest man in his thirties, looking at Liu Qingshan with a silly smile.

  Liu Qingshan enthusiastically held the generous palm of the other party: "Brother Wang, I never thought we would meet here, welcome."

   This is also one of the ten outstanding young people selected this year, Wang Zhenguo, whose hometown is Baishan, is committed to the research of anti-cancer traditional Chinese medicine.

  The "Tianxian" series of anti-cancer drugs developed later has made a breakthrough abroad.

  Wang Zhenguo grabbed Liu Qingshan's palm and shook it vigorously: "Brother Liu, I have wanted to visit for a long time. I heard that you have not been at home. This time it is a coincidence. It seems that we are destined."

   "They are not outsiders, let's chat while eating." Principal Xu greeted everyone to eat, and put out the two bottles of good wine brought by Liu Qingshan. He was very interested:

   "After drinking medicinal wine for a year, it's time for a change today."

  The doctor Wu also said with a smile: "Principal Xu, your yew wine is a good thing. We have tested it and found that the content of paclitaxel in it is very rich, which is very valuable for promotion."

   "You have to find Qingshan for this, and everything is provided by them." Principal Xu filled up everyone's wine cups, and then held them up:

   "Welcome brother Wang to my humble home, thank you Dr. Wu, I would like to offer you a toast first."

   As for Liu Qingshan, of course there is no need to say thank you.

  Everyone squeaked in for a cup of wine, five yuan small wine cups, basically one mouthful.

   Aunt Wang accompanied Wu Tong to drink monkey wine, and did not mix with men.

  After three cups of wine, everyone began to drink and chat.

  Dr. Liu is also very respectful of the traditional Chinese medicine prepared by the dumb grandfather, and this time he came here to ask for advice.

   I heard that the dumb grandfather is currently in the United States, actively promoting traditional Chinese medicine. Dr. Wu is both respectful and regretful.

  Liu Qingshan comforted: "My master should be back soon, and there will definitely be a chance to study together."

   "Yes, I will also ask the old gentleman to improve my prescription."

  Wang Zhenguo came here this time, besides rushing to Liu Qingshan, he also mainly visited the dumb grandfather.

   After chatting for a while, the topic turned to yew trees. Wang Zhenguo said: There are also a small number of yew trees in Erdaohezi area, and they are considering whether to plant them in large quantities.

   "Go to our village in the afternoon, and I will show you around." Liu Qingshan issued an invitation.

   "Okay!" The two said in unison, that's what they came for.

  Lunch was naturally very enjoyable. After eating, Liu Qingshan and the others also left.

   "Qingshan, I will call you when the time for the ceremony is fixed."

  Principal Xu and Liu Qingshan made an agreement, so they went out together and went to school.

  Liu Qingshan also joked with the old principal: "You can't enter the classroom after drinking."

   "Haha, it's okay, I don't drink much, and I feel that the thoughts in my mind are more open." Principal Xu laughed and entered the school gate.

  Now the requirements in this area are not so standardized, and there is no saying that you are not allowed to enter the classroom after drinking.

  Liu Qingshan greeted Dr. Wu and Wang Zhenguo to get in the car, the four of them left the county town, and when they caught up with a Liberation, Liu Qingshan honked the horn.

  He recognized it as the village milk truck.

  Great liberation slowed down and pulled over, then stopped, poked Zhang Zhaodi's head out from the driver's window, and kept waving at Liu Qingshan.

  The car door on the other side opened, and a little girl jumped out from inside, running towards Liu Qingshan's car.

   "Little Six!"

  Liu Qingshan was also overjoyed, and got out of the car quickly. Since he saw Xiaoliuzi, it proved that the master must have returned.

  Little Six opened his two small arms, and then threw himself directly into Wu Tong's arms, causing Liu Qingshan, who also opened his arms, to jump into the air. This little guy must have done it on purpose.

   Sure enough, the dumb grandpa also came out of the cab.

  They returned to Bishui County in the morning, had lunch, and then returned to the village by Liberation. Unexpectedly, they met Liu Qingshan here.

   "This is my master, master, this is Dr. Wu from the provincial hospital, and this is the Wang Zhenguo I told you about." Liu Qingshan introduced to everyone.

  Both Wang Zhenguo and Dr. Wu saluted the dumb grandfather respectfully, Wang Zhenguo said: "Senior Sun, it's great to see you!"

  The dumb grandfather smiled and waved his hand, indicating that you are not welcome. He is a casual person and does not like too much politeness.

  This is not the place to talk, so they all got into Liu Qingshan's car, and Wu Tong sat in the passenger seat with Xiao Liuzi in his arms, which happened to be full.

   After more than half an hour, I arrived at Qingshan Town. The first stop, of course, is to visit the pharmaceutical factory.

  After Liu Qingshan came back, he never came here.

  The pharmaceutical factory is now in charge of Lu Xiaolong, because two pharmaceutical factories were acquired last year, and Gao Feng led people there.

  Perhaps because of becoming the director of the factory, Lu Xiaolong is not the same as before with a hippie smile, and he looks a lot more mature.

  This kid has a flexible mind. Although he is not a professional, he has a special person to grasp the technology. He is only responsible for management and production and sales, which is just right for him.

  Letting the guests into the factory director's room, Lu Xiaolong followed Liu Qingshan and walked forward side by side, which revealed his true nature:

   "Boss, you said that you are engaged to Miss Wu, so what should my sister do? I wanted to introduce you to you, so let's get closer."

  Liu Qingshan glared at him, making a gesture to kick him, but Lu Xiaolong quickened his pace, entered the factory director's room, and began to greet the guests.

  In the pharmaceutical factory, of course you have to drink herbal tea. These two guests are experts, so they took a sip and nodded their heads in praise.

  Lv Xiaolong briefly introduced the situation of the pharmaceutical factory, and the two of them were shocked: I can't see it, such a township enterprise, the annual output value created is so amazing.

  In addition to paclitaxel, there are several main traditional Chinese medicine products, which have opened up sales abroad, earning a considerable amount of foreign exchange.

   This also made Wang Zhenguo's heart even hotter, and he strengthened his determination to develop medicines.

  Liu Qingshan was more concerned about the situation in the country of America. The dumb grandfather gestured for a while, and Liu Qingshan was relieved.

  After this period of fermentation, the formula researched by the dumb grandfather has a remarkable effect on the treatment of AIDS.

  Although it cannot be truly cured, it can effectively control the disease.

  The most important thing is the low price, even ordinary patients can fully afford the cost of treatment.

  Under this general trend, the Food and Drug Administration of the United States finally did not set up obstacles, allowing the use of traditional Chinese medicine preparations in the field of this disease.

   This is something that can’t be helped. If they dare to stop it, they will definitely not be able to withstand the surging public opinion.

   As for the prescription, the dumb grandfather prepared several different prescriptions according to the severity of the symptoms, and left the two apprentices of Song Yizhen there to take care of them.

  Although it doesn't really vary from person to person, it's not much worse.

  Because of the great impact of this incident, the dumb grandfather became famous in the United States. When he came back this time, he was entrusted by there to help purchase a batch of Chinese herbal medicines.

  This is also the first large-scale procurement of Chinese medicinal materials by the government, which is a huge breakthrough.

   After several years of careful planning, Liu Qingshan finally succeeded in tearing a hole.

  After Liu Qingshan finished repeating the words of the dumb grandfather, Dr. Wu and Wang Zhenguo bowed to each other

  The reverence in their hearts almost regarded the dumb grandfather as a god-man.

   Being able to make Chinese medicine famous overseas is unprecedented.

  The most critical point is the clinical aspect of treating the new disease of AIDS.

  This proves that the ancient Chinese medicine can still accomplish a lot in modern times. How can they not be excited?

  Wang Zhenguo had an idea in his mind.

  I saw him tidying up his clothes, then kneeling on the ground respectfully, kowtowing to the dumb grandpa:

   "Mr. Sun, I am willing to worship under your sect. I hope you can accept me, a worthless apprentice."

   This caught everyone a little off guard: Why do you kowtow to be a teacher when you meet?

  (end of this chapter)

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