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Chapter 909: Priceless

  Chapter 909 Priceless Treasure

   "It's Mr. Yuan Bai's handwriting." The experts present knew who wrote it when they saw these five thin and old-fashioned big characters.

   Someone expressed surprise: "The old man has an eye disease, hasn't he closed his pen for the past two years?"

"Nonsense!" The second master happened to be next to him, and he replied, "When we were chatting just now, my elder brother said that I have age spots on my face, and he has more age spots on his face than I do. It's really old. body."

  Others don’t dare to pick on each other. If the elder brothers can say that, others can only listen.

  But everyone understands: It seems that Mr. Yuan Bai's eye disease has healed, so is he looking for an opportunity to come to ask for a picture?

   There are quite a few people who think this way, because the old man has a characteristic: he never accepts embellishers.

   "Grandpa's eyes, I cured them." Little Six was also here, so he announced very proudly.

  Everyone laughed, who would believe what you say?

   Next, no matter what you know or not, you will naturally go to the museum for a walk.

   There are also busy people who plan to leave.

  Old Maoer yelled loudly: "Everyone is not allowed to leave, there will be treats at the cafeteria on the other side of the film and television city at noon."

   Hearing this, he basically didn't leave. The canteens in the film and television city are now as famous in the capital as those big restaurants.

   "What's delicious?" Someone next to him booed.

  Old Mao'er laughed loudly: "The box lunch is enough."

  Everyone entered the museum one after another, and the crowd dispersed immediately. You go to the Porcelain Museum, and he goes to the Bronze Museum.

  Hundreds of people sprinkled in, and it immediately became much sparser.

  Liu Qingshan accompanied a large group of professionals and semi-professionals on the tour.

   They also have the most people in this team. Those who don’t know how to do it should of course follow the experts and listen to what they have to say.

  Even Wang Fujun brought a few businessmen from island countries with him.

   The first thing I went to was of course the Porcelain Museum, China, of course it was not for nothing.

   Qingshan Museum also classifies exhibits according to age.

   Outside the booth, there is a transparent special glass cover, and there are pieces of porcelain inside.

   Under the soft light, these exquisite porcelains are quietly displayed, as if telling an ancient history.

   China's splendid ancient civilization is contained in it.

   "It's rare. There are only a few pieces of Ru kiln masterpieces from the Song Dynasty, such as sky blue glaze, even in our museum."

   Fatty Jin is familiar with it, so he simply acts as the narrator:

   "There are a total of 65 pieces of Ru kiln utensils recorded in major museums around the world. It is estimated that the real number of surviving pieces is less than 100 pieces. It is rare, really rare."

   Or he is an expert. After hearing what he said, everyone suddenly became enlightened.

  Looking at the small brush washer with "the glaze color is like azure after rain", it is only the size of a palm, but it turns out to be so rare.

  However, no one asks about the value. Nowadays, the antique craze has not yet risen. What everyone cares about is the value of the cultural relic itself, not the external economic value.

  Continuing to walk forward, there were a few low exclamations among the crowd, but it was the experts who came with Mr. Yuan Bai.

  The reason why they lost their voices was because they saw two huge blue and white jars inside the booth, and the dynasty marked in this area was the Yuan Dynasty.

   "Yuan blue and white, it's still a big pot, isn't it?" An expert's face was almost stuck to the glass.

  The security guard standing next to him took a step forward, and was about to stop him, but Liu Qingshan, who was accompanying him, waved his hand, so the security guard didn't take any action.

  Yuan blue and white, it is only in the past few years that China has generally reached a consensus that there was blue and white porcelain in the Yuan Dynasty.

   "This pair of large blue and white jars can be regarded as making up for the gaps in our domestic collection." Researcher Li has also been busy here for a month, so he knows the details and does not appear too surprised.

   In turn, he also made fun of his companions: "Old Liu, calm down, you must be calm. I have even used these two big pots."

  He forgot, when he first saw the big blue and white pot, he lost his composure more than others.

  Since everyone has said so, it must be genuine, and if there are fakes on display, the reputation will be bad, and ordinary museums will not do this.

  The Palace Museum also collects several pieces of Yuan blue and white, and also has large jars, among which the dragon cloud pattern jar is the most precious.

  However, there is really no large blue and white pot like this kind of figure, so Researcher Li said that it made up for the gap in the collection world.

   "It's not yours, why are you so proud of it?" Researcher Liu just now muttered in his mouth, but he didn't like grapes and said grapes were sour.

   For appraisal experts, it would be great just to see how enjoyable it is, if only they can get started.

   "This one was returned from overseas." Uncle Lu introduced, pointing to the big pot that went down the mountain from Guigu.

  Uncle Lu also specially introduced a foreign friend, of course, Mr. Boban, who also made a special trip here.

  Everyone sighed again. At first, some people thought it was a private museum, just for fun, and probably didn't have any decent collections.

   Never imagined that here, the temple is small and the Bodhisattva is big.

  Especially those experts, they were going through the motions to save face for the old man.

  At this moment, the contempt has long since disappeared, and everyone has corrected their attitudes and got serious.

   And Xiao Lao Si even sang "Blue and White Porcelain" live. The blue misty rain that day really made people feel unusually beautiful.

  Two large blue and white jars, I watched for a long time before moving on, and then everyone saw a small cup the size of a child's fist on a separate platform.

   "Chicken Cup!"

  Many more people exclaimed this time, because this thing is so famous.

  I saw that this small cup is as thin as paper, and under the light, it is as white as jade. The chickens painted on it are bright in color and lively.

  Some people whispered: "The peonies are beautiful, the spring breeze is peaceful, the roosters chase each other and the roosters are gorgeous. The gold-tailed iron cage holds its head high, and its anger is like listening to Jia Chang..."

  A small cup, which makes these experts and laymen deeply intoxicated.

   "Well, if I can drink a cup of tea from this cup, I will be able to comfort my whole life." It was Expert Liu just now again, with a long sigh from his mouth.

  In the end, Researcher Li took over the conversation: "Old Liu, I fulfilled this wish for you. When the arrangement was finished the day before yesterday, I was lucky enough to use this cup to drink a cup of tea. Haha, the aftertaste is so far!"

   Don't you think this is annoying? Expert Liu gave the companion a hard look:

   "If you dare to drink tea with such a precious treasure, you won't be afraid of dropping it. Can you afford it?"

  A pair of old friends are about to quarrel.

   "Utensils are for use, not for viewing." Mr. Yuan Bai said, and the two immediately shut up.

  The old man nodded approvingly to Liu Qingshan: this young man suits his appetite very much if he can serve guests with chicken bowl cups.

   And Fatty Jin began to perform his duties as an instructor again, of course it can also be said to be showing off:

   "Everyone, the full name of this chicken cup is Ming Chenghua Doucai Chicken Cup. There are only less than twenty pieces in the world. It is a blessing that we can see this thing today."

  Everyone nodded again and again, and finally a layman asked: "Isn't that very valuable, I wonder how much it is worth?"

   The one who asked the question was naturally Wang Fujun.

   Fatty Jin glanced at this guy: "Priceless treasure."

  Even in this era, it can fetch tens of millions at auction.

  Wang Fujun touched a soft nail, and felt a little upset, but in front of so many people, he was not easy to get angry, so he could only endure it.

  Continuing to look down, Wang Fujun saw a large bowl in the booth. The blue texture was covered with white spots one by one. It looked like a broken bowl that had been bumped countless times.

  He himself didn't dare to provoke Liu Qingshan, turned his eyes, and chatted with those Japanese businessmen through the translator.

   Soon, there was a piercing laughter, which attracted everyone's attention.

   It was a young islander who laughed loudly, pointing at the big bowl inside the booth, and said something in his mouth.

   "What do you mean?" Fatty Jin asked the translator.

  The interpreter was also responsible, and translated truthfully: "Mr. Kameda said, how can this broken bowl be qualified to be placed here? It should have been thrown into the trash can long ago, just like a chicken pecking at it."

   These words made everyone very angry, did they clearly look down on others?

   But looking at the big bowl in the showcase, I felt that what the little devil said seemed to make sense, and it was hard to argue for a while.

   Those professionals, on the other hand, all had weird faces, and they all looked at Mr. Kameda full of jokes.

  Liu Qingshan blinked and looked at the little devil with a smile:

   "Mr. Kameda, right? I think you have misunderstood. If you are interested in Chinese cultural relics, you might as well read more books to understand the relevant knowledge, and then comment."

  Although the words are polite, anyone can hear the contempt in the words.

   Mr. Kameda also snorted coldly: "Aren't I right?"

  The companion next to him pointed his eyes again and again: We are here for business negotiations. What's the point of arguing about such meaningless things?

  But Kameda was young and energetic, and had a bit of extreme thinking in his bones, so he was guided by Wang Fujun just now, and he started to shoot.

  Liu Qingshan shook his head with a smile, and then gestured to Fatty Jin. Let professionals explain this kind of thing.

   Fatty Jin also coughed lightly to attract everyone's attention, and then he spoke:

   "This utensil is a large blue-glazed bowl from the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty. It was made with a special technique. After Xuande, the craftsmanship was lost. It was not until the Qing Dynasty that it was imitated again."

   "And there are only three or four such large bowls in existence, among which there is one in our museum."

  The crowd also let out a low exclamation, the amount of this existence is even less, and the degree of preciousness can be imagined.

   Fatty Jin also intended to show off, and by the way, to attack the arrogance of this islander, so he continued:

   "This kind of sprinkled blue glaze is extremely difficult to make. First make white porcelain blanks, and then use a special blowpipe to blow the blue glaze onto the surface of the utensils, so it is called sprinkled blue glaze."

   "Because the retained white texture is like falling snowflakes, it is also called snowflake blue glaze."

   While he was talking, everyone took a closer look at the big bowl, and sure enough, the more they looked at it, the more flavorful it became, like flakes of snow.

  Fatty Jin is also crazy, so he simply started to tell a story: "At that time, Emperor Xuande was obsessed with rolling dice, so he ordered the porcelain workers of JDZ to make this kind of big bowl."

"Because it is rare in the world, the value is extremely low. In 1980, an old gentleman took out a large blue-glazed bowl for auction at an auction on Hong Kong Island. The price at that time was 3.7 million. Now ten years have passed. I'm afraid the price will double."

   After finishing speaking, Fatty Jin looked at Mr. Kameda triumphantly: Xiao Mao, do you take it now?

  The surrounding crowd also exclaimed. At the moment, a few million is indeed a sky-high price.

   As for that Mr. Kameda, his face was flushed red, and his heart was even more angry, but he had nowhere to vent.

  He also realized that it might be the Wang Fujun who loaded the gun just now and asked him to fire the cannon, so he glared at Wang Fujun.

   As a result, Wang Fujun saw that the situation was not good, and ran to the other side, pretending to look at other porcelain.

  Amidst the chuckles of the crowd, the visiting team continued to march, and in front of them was the porcelain of the Qing Dynasty, which was also the peak period of the development of porcelain.

  Whether it is the shape or the glaze color, it looks beautiful.

   After watching the Porcelain Museum, everyone has repositioned this private museum in their hearts.

  When I went to the next exhibition hall, I felt a strong sense of anticipation in my heart.

   Entering the calligraphy and painting hall, the feeling is different from the porcelain hall just now.

  The Porcelain Hall records the changes in history, while the Painting and Calligraphy Hall seems to be walking in the corridor of classical culture.

  The first thing that catches the eye is an antique horizontal scroll, with snow-white apricot blossom branches, a five-color parrot standing, and poems and postscripts beside it.

   "This is not the five-color parrot picture of Song Huizong, isn't it in the collection of the Boston Museum in the United States?"

  A calligraphy and painting appraisal expert called out subconsciously, and then realized that there was something wrong with his words, so he quickly stopped speaking, but the people around him could already hear him clearly.

  Everyone also looked at Liu Qingshan: Whether it is a fake or a questionable source, it will definitely affect the reputation of Qingshan Museum.

  Liu Qingshan explained with a smile: "That's right, it is the picture of the five-color parrot collected in the Boston Museum. This is what I exchanged for a Van Gogh's starry sky two years ago."

   "Please look, everyone, here is a certificate issued by the Boston Museum."

  So that's the case, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then they all looked happy. After all, it is indeed a good thing that such a national treasure can return.

  Some people also thought of another question: the international price of Van Gogh's masterpieces is in the tens of millions, or in US dollars.

   That is to say, the value of this painting, tsk tsk...

  This picture of a five-color parrot, with paintings, words and poems, is very rare. No matter whether you understand it or not, everyone can see it very carefully.

  The painting was crowded with people, and everyone took turns to watch it. Those who couldn’t squeeze in had to go to watch other paintings first.

  Suddenly, in the silent exhibition hall, there was a strange scream.

   Everyone followed the prestige, and couldn't help but frown: What's the matter with this islander, doesn't he even understand the most basic manners?

  At this moment, Mr. Kameda was pointing at a painting and screaming.

   It is said to be a painting, but it should be said to be two paintings juxtaposed, one red and one white, with two colors of hibiscus painted.

  Everyone doesn't understand why this little devil reacted so badly?

  The translator also translated Kameda's words:

   "This painting is in the collection of the Tokyo National Museum. It was stolen a few months ago. How could it appear here? You must have stolen it back!"

   For a moment, the exhibition hall became silent, only Kameda's angry roar echoed.

  (end of this chapter)

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