Hello 1983

Chapter 910: If you touch it, you will make a lot of money (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 910 If you touch it, you will make a lot of money (ask for a monthly ticket)

   Fatty Jin planned the whole process, so he knew the best in his heart. He still smiled and said to the translator:

   "Tell Mr. Kameda that we bought this painting from Europa's auction house and spent a lot of money. Please tell him to keep quiet and not affect everyone's visit."

   Oh, so that's the case, all the Chinese people in the hall breathed a sigh of relief.

   Then some people began to express their opinions: "Okay, the return of the national treasure is very satisfying."

   "Going home, the national treasure is coming home, haha, it is the rarest thing to get back after losing it."

  While expressing joy, everyone couldn’t restrain the excitement in their hearts: Our baby must be taken back!

   Fatty Jin also took out the certificate issued by the auction house. This is an auction house called Weisen Auction Company. Anyway, no one present has heard of it.

  However, the procedures are very formal, and the auction amount is as high as 12 million US dollars.

   "This is stolen goods, don't you know?" Kameda was still angry.

  Liu Qingshan stood up, he shook his head slightly: "No, this is not stolen goods, we got it from a legal auction, as for the source of the item, that is not something we consider."

   Immediately Liu Qingshan said unceremoniously: "Mr. Kameda, this is my private museum, please don't talk nonsense here, otherwise, I will let the security guard invite you out, please respect yourself."


   Kameda was so angry that he vomited blood. He also studied economics, so of course he knew the tricks:

   As for the Weisen Auction Company, if you don’t believe me, go find it now, it must have gone bankrupt.

   Then change the place and re-register a new one, beat the drums again and open a new one, continue to play this kind of game, you can’t find anyone if you want to sue.

   "This matter is endless, I will immediately report to our government and lodge a solemn protest!"

   Kameda said bitterly, while the crowd automatically gave way to a passage, this kind of annoying person should have left long ago.

   "Happy to accompany you."

  Liu Qingshan replied with a smile, isn't it just a lawsuit, who is afraid of anyone, the lawsuit between Liu Qingshan and Sony is not over yet.

  Besides, this kind of dog pulling sheep's clothing is simply unclear, and the final outcome can only be nothing.

  Kameda's companions were ashamed to stay any longer, and they all left together in despair.

  Wang Fujun also chased after him, groaning secretly in his heart: These little devils are too unreliable, so just make these **** things, this time the commission is probably going to be useless again.

  The rest of the people in the hall had smiles on their faces. Everyone looked at Liu Qingshan, and they all felt a little closer. This was because of the sense of identity produced by the common national feelings.

   I don't know who took the lead, but applause suddenly broke out in the exhibition hall.

  Whether it is a picture of a five-color parrot or a picture of a red and white hibiscus, every Chinese descendant will be proud that such a national treasure can go home.

  As for Liu Qingshan who bought back the national treasure at a huge price, everyone will of course have respect.

   "Thank you everyone, let's continue to visit." At this moment, Liu Qingshan felt that the price he paid was all worth it.

   Next, everyone is more interested in visiting, and the quality of the collections in the calligraphy and painting museum is indeed high enough, and the several calligraphy and painting appraisers are all very enthusiastic.

  The works collected by Liu Qingshan, some were purchased, and some were obtained from treasure caves, all of which were fine works plundered by the Japanese army back then.

   Another part was found from the darkroom of the old house, which is also extraordinary.

  Of course, there are also several foreign oil paintings, which are also exhibited separately.

   These oil paintings, Liu Qingshan does not plan to collect them for a long time, they are all put here for fishing:

  Foreigners tend to prefer oil paintings, and they will definitely be attracted to them. Well, let’s exchange them with ancient Chinese calligraphy and paintings of comparable value.

   Between Tibetan friends, it is necessary to communicate with each other and have friendly exchanges.

  These calligraphy and paintings, if you appreciate them, one painting and one character are enough to study for a few days.

  At this moment, I can only take a look at the flowers on a horse and watch them first. If you are interested, I will take a closer look later.

  Out of the calligraphy and painting hall, many people are thinking about one thing: the value of these exhibits is probably hundreds of millions, and they are really rich.

   Then continue to visit the Bronze Museum. There are many bronzes and Buddha statues purchased by Liu Qingshan from overseas.

  The most eye-catching thing is a group of animal heads displayed at a special booth.

   There are five in total, each of them is lifelike, but there are still some places in the middle, which are reserved.

  Ordinary people mostly don't know the origin, but the experts can't help but exclaim: "The animal heads of the twelve zodiac signs, it's a pity, it's a pity, there are still seven!"

  On the day the animal head was transported back, Mr. Shan, who was invited to appraise at the airport, experienced the return of the animal head himself, and he was full of emotion:

   "One day, the twelve zodiac animal heads will reunite. I hope I can see that day."

  Liu Qingshan's gaze was firm: "Mr. Shan, it will definitely be possible. The day the country takes off is the time when the national treasure returns."

  Mr. Shan looked excited: "Okay, I'm waiting for that day to come."

  The people around are equally solemn, and they also look forward to it.

  The fate of the beast head represents that period of humiliating history, and every **** descendant of Yan and Huang is suffocating in his heart:

   Wash away the shame and rejuvenate China!

   But there are some exceptions. The Xu Yanwu Xu expert who is mixed in the crowd is thinking about crooked ideas.

  When the beast head returned, he was also present, and wanted to claim credit for donating to the country, but was pushed back by Liu Qingshan.

  Xu Yanwu has always held a grudge, and wanted to find an opportunity to take revenge.

  Walking around the Porcelain Museum and the Painting and Calligraphy Museum just now, Xu Yanwu was full of envy: There are so many cultural relics, many of which are high-quality goods, and the price is too attractive.

  He also thought about how great it would be if he could own these collections.

   From this point of view, this Liu Qingshan is too rich. Yes, is the source of this money clean?

  Xu Yanwu had a plan in his mind: sue you first and then talk about it!

  Liu Qingshan didn't know it, he was already remembered by others, and he still led everyone to continue to visit.

  In the Bronze Pavilion, another thing that is more eye-catching is the utensil of the snake and turtle.

  The only meteorite diamond night pearl in the whole world is amazing to everyone.

  Liu Qingshan's plan is to gradually build a meteorite museum in the future to collect these extraterrestrial visitors.

  In this era, the value of meteorites is very low, and it is a very small collection category, which is just suitable for early layout.

  In fact, relatively speaking, most of the antiques now have huge room for appreciation.

  In the future, the teacher Ma who opened a private museum, didn’t he start from this time, and then he went back and forth, and finally became a famous collector?

   When Cao Cao arrived, he saw a group of people entering the Bronze Hall, and greeted each other familiarly. People from the film and television circles, literature circles, and collection circles could all talk to each other.

  The big brother who takes the lead is Master Shuo, followed by Xiao Gangpao, with a mouthful of rotten teeth, and nods when he sees people. At this moment, Xiaogangpao is still Master Shuo's dog leg.

   "Brothers, welcome!" Liu Qingshan went up to meet them, these are all from the Beijing circle.

   "Qingshan, congratulations, Yuko called just now, and the brothers only got the letter."

  Master Shuo said carelessly, he is now at the time of the spring breeze, no matter who it is, few people can catch his eye, he is more polite to Liu Qingshan.

   "Haha, I didn't intend to alarm everyone, brothers and sisters came to join us, thank you."

  Liu Qingshan said a few words on the scene, those people in the Beijing circle are more united and loyal, and of course they are also very xenophobic.

  At this time, a person behind Master Shuo said: "Brother Qingshan, this is the first private museum in our country. It's amazing, it's really amazing."

   Liu Qingshan was delighted to see it. Isn’t this the later Teacher Ma? He is still quite young now.

  Sorry, I stole the title of your first private restaurant.

  This Ma Ye later opened his own classical art museum in 1996, and he was also the first person in China, so he became famous for a while.

  So Liu Qingshan said with a smile: "I heard that Master Ma also likes to collect, let's communicate with each other in the future."

   Teacher Ma waved his hands again and again: "I'm far behind. Compared with you, brother, I'm nothing compared to the big witch."

  He has been collecting antiques since he was in his twenties. Now that he is in his thirties, he has spent more than ten years collecting thousands of objects.

  I already thought it was very good and felt a sense of accomplishment in my heart, but when I came to the Qingshan Museum today, I felt like a child playing house.

  Liu Qingshan shook his head with a smile: "Mr. Ma, the interest lies in enjoying oneself. This is the fun of collecting. If it is compared with the museum, let's not play at all."

  Hahaha, this sounded so good that everyone laughed heartily.

  So these few people also joined the visiting team. They have now organized a "Hippocampus Film and Television Creation Studio", and there are still many experts in it.

  For example, Mr. Mo, who was the first to win a literary award, and Mr. Yu, who wrote "To Live", were all among them.

   Coupled with Master Shuo who carried the banner, Teacher Ma who played the side drum, etc., many good books have been produced one after another.

  For example, there is a story about the editorial department, Uncle Ge became popular because of this drama.

   At that time, there was a famous slogan: Dongbao, what do you want?

   Walking all the way forward, soon, a large piece of gold with a strange shape attracted everyone's attention.

   "This is the legendary dog's head gold, right?" Xiaogang Pao is somewhat knowledgeable.

   This piece of dog head gold was brought back by Liu Qingshan from Mao Zi, and there is no special exhibition hall, so it is simply put in the bronze hall.

  Different from other exhibits, there is no glass cover around this piece of dog head gold.

   "Hee hee, you can touch the one you like, it is said that it can bring wealth to people."

  The fourth child stretched out a slap and touched the surface of the Goutou gold, as a demonstration, otherwise, these grown-ups would be ashamed to care about their status.

   There are also the little six sons, of course they also want to join in the fun, but they are a bit short and out of reach.

  Finally, Shan Xing picked her up and touched her with his rich little hand, and the little six still muttered: "Touch her, you will get richer."

   Some adults also went up to touch a few laughingly.

  When Liu Qingshan first designed it, he didn’t add a cover. That’s the intention, and it’s also for tourists to experience it.

   After all, not everyone can get hold of other cultural relics. This dog head gold is fine and not afraid to touch it.

   "I touch it too, I've been dying of luck recently." Teacher Ma muttered, and even reached out to try it.

  He recently opened a dance hall with someone, called Haima, and there are many customers every day, and the business is very prosperous.

  The result was a miserable loss, and hundreds of thousands were lost.

  No way, all the people who come here are friends, Mr. Ma pays attention to appearance, when friends come, they eat, drink and play for free, so why not pay?

   "Mr. Ma, let's do some research while we eat."

  Liu Qingshan is also very happy to associate with this person. After all, in the antique circle, he has a wide network of contacts and can cooperate appropriately.

   "Hey, Mr. Liu is a great talent. If you can give the old horse a trick, it will definitely work."

  Small steel cannons haven't mixed up yet, and they basically hold their hands when they talk, but it's not like after becoming famous, everyone dares to hate.

  Lao Ma's eyes also brightened: "Okay, I would like to thank Brother Qingshan first."

   Then everyone came to the furniture hall again. Qing Yishui is all Ming and Qing furniture, with expensive materials and exquisite craftsmanship.

  Although the value is not high now, but in a few years, it will turn around and rise.

   Before I knew it, it was already noon, so I just took a quick look at it. Those insiders and those with a little edge were a little reluctant to leave.

   "Everyone take your time, anyway, Brother Qingshan's museum can't run away, so let's go to the restaurant in the film and television city to have lunch."

   Director Zhang was talking, and everyone went out to get in the car, some looking for a car, and some taking the bus. These days, it is rare to have a private car.

   Several buses were parked outside, they were all picking up the employees of Jade Bird Hi-Tech Park, they pulled them up and went straight to the film and television city.

  The distance between these two places is not far, and they will arrive soon. A total of thirty or forty tables have been set up before they are settled down.

  Of course you can’t eat boxed lunches, that’s a joke, the food and drinks have been prepared long ago, and they are served like running water, and everyone is not polite, looking at the posture, it’s like eating a rich man.

   In fact, there is no such thing as free food. There are exchanges between people.

  Just like the sub-district office at the Asian Games Village, they agreed to come down and communicate with the above, and set up a special site at the museum.

  The house was full of guests and friends, so Liu Qingshan would naturally toast a glass of wine at every table and say a few words of thanks.

  Unknowingly, he also has his own contacts in the capital.

   When he arrived at the table in the Beijing area, Lao Ma couldn't wait to ask for advice.

  Liu Qingshan said with a smile: "Why don't you all save a notebook together, make a TV series, and just write about the things that happened in the dance hall, and make up for the loss?"

   "That's right, we are the best at this." Master Shuo slapped his thigh. The story of the editorial department they made was quite good.

  The old horse also smiled: "Okay, then it will be called the Haima Song and Dance Hall."

   Master Shuo also said: "Brother Qingshan, you still have a sharp mind, we will keep in touch in the future."

   This means that people in the Beijing circle formally accept it. There are many friends and multiple paths, and Liu Qingshan does not reject it.

  Eat, drink, communicate with each other, eat a meal until after three o'clock in the afternoon, and then we have a good time.

  It's been a busy day, Liu Qingshan told everyone to break up and rest, and he went back to the museum. There are more than a dozen cultural relics researchers, itching to get started.

   This includes Lao Ma, who is now considered half an insider.

  Liu Qingshan does not reject this aspect, he is an expert, so it would be good to help him appreciate it, which will help enhance the reputation of Qingshan Museum.

  However, as soon as a few people got off the bus at the entrance of the museum, they saw several cars approaching, two of which were super cars.

  Looking at the license plate, it is a diplomatic license plate, which is very recognizable because the license plate has a red prefix of "Shi".

  Old Ma cursed smugly, and then said: "It seems to be looking for trouble."

  (end of this chapter)

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