Hello 1983

Chapter 913: pride and prejudice

  Chapter 913 Pride and Prejudice

   When Liu Qingshan and his party arrived in Stockholm, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon local time.

  At the airport, the staff of the organizing committee made a special trip to pick up the plane. There were also quite a few reporters, and more than a dozen Chinese appeared in the welcome line.

  In addition, the embassy, ​​Mr. Ambassador was also present, after all, this is the pride of the Chinese people.

   There was also a short welcome ceremony at the scene. Writer Lu was wearing a square tunic suit, holding flowers in his arms, surrounded by the crowd, and the flashing lights in front of him were shining, witnessing the brightest moment in his life.

  He had a peaceful smile on his face, like a man who came out of the yellow land, exuding perseverance and simplicity, so similar to the land where he was born.

  Watching this scene, a sense of pride welled up in Liu Qingshan's heart.

  Presumably when these photos are sent back to the country and published in the newspapers, countless people across the country will have the same feeling as Liu Qingshan.

  Especially Liu Qingshan, who personally pulled Writer Lu out of the predicament and helped him translate his works. Step by step, he finally reached the highest podium in world literature. Liu Qingshan also felt a great sense of accomplishment in his heart.

   Just when he was feeling emotional, he heard someone talking in Chinese. Liu Qingshan saw that the speaker was not Writer Lu, but Leader Geng, who led the team.

  Aren't you presumptuous?

  Even leader Geng held a few manuscript papers in his hand, and delivered an impassioned speech in a cadenced tone:

   "With the care of the country and the encouragement of the leadership, Writer Lu can achieve today's achievements. I believe he will definitely guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and strive for greater achievements..."

  Although there is nothing wrong with the words, it feels very awkward to hear them on this occasion.

  You tell foreigners about this, and foreigners are not used to you. Mr. Johansson, who came to welcome the organizing committee, interrupted Leader Geng’s speech very rudely:

   "Excuse me, sir, who are you?"

  Leader Geng was taken aback after hearing what the translator said: "I am the head of the delegation, I..."

  The reporters have long been impatient: "We want to interview the winners."

  Leader Geng had no choice but to step aside in embarrassment. He was a little confused: Shouldn't the leader speak first?

  How did he know that foreigners are not used to your leadership or not, and even dare to throw shoes at the president when he is speaking.

  The journalists were the main writers, chattering and throwing out all kinds of questions.

   A reporter asked: "Mr. Wang, congratulations on winning the 90th Nobel Prize for Literature. As far as I know, you are the first Chinese to win the Nobel Prize, is that so?"

  Writer Lu smiled and nodded after listening to the translation.

  Unexpectedly, the reporter changed the topic: "As far as I know, before you, Chinese scientists such as Yang and Li have won the Nobel Prize in Physics."

   "They all come from the same nation. Why can these scientists win awards abroad, but in China, there are no scientists who win awards, and you can only win literature awards?"

  After listening to the translation, Writer Lu couldn't help frowning: This reporter is not very friendly.

  Liu Qingshan also felt a sense of malice. He is familiar with foreign reporters and knows that some guys see people through colored glasses.

   What's more, they are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and they will do more outrageous things.

  For example, this year's Peace Prize was awarded to the Soviet woodcutter comrade, and there is another peace prize, which is even less humane.

  Even Mr. Ambassador has a serious face. He has been engaged in diplomatic work for many years and has naturally experienced similar things. He is just worried that Writer Lu will not handle it properly and cause bad public opinion.

  The smile on Writer Lu's face also disappeared, and his expression became serious. He thought about it, and then said:

   "Compared with developed countries, our country is still relatively backward at present, and there is a certain gap with foreign scientific research institutions."

   "However, our smart and wise Chinese sons and daughters have never lacked confidence and hard work. We are working hard to change this situation."

   "And also achieved world-renowned achievements. Two bombs and one satellite are the pride of our Chinese scientists, which is better than any medal."

   There was applause all around. It was Liu Qingshan and others who were applauding vigorously. The leader Geng also completely lost the unhappiness just now, and his palms were almost red.

  The foreign reporters could only applaud along with them. Only then did they realize a problem:

   Playing word games with a literary award winner seems a little overwhelmed.

  "Dear friends from the media, as a member of the group of relatives and friends of the winners, I would like to declare that every winner of the Nobel Prize is worthy of respect. Please do not destroy Mr. Nobel's original intention of establishing this award. Thank you for your cooperation."

  Liu Qingshan finally spoke out. If this kind of situation is not controlled, there may be some messy problems in the future.

  After all, the influence of last year is still there, and the arrogance and prejudice of Western countries have never been eliminated.

   Isn't this tone of voice too strong, won't it anger those reporters?

   Leader Geng's lips twitched twice, but he still didn't speak in the end.

   Facts have proved that his worry was unnecessary. Many reporters found Liu Qingshan, and their eyes lit up: Unexpectedly, there is such a big boss hidden, and I have to interview him later.

   With Liu Qingshan leading the way, the reporters never dared to make mistakes again. The shadow of a famous tree, Mr. Mountain, is not easy to get along with.

  The next interview became much friendlier, mainly asking about literary creation and personal situation.

   After all, for foreign media, this information is relatively lacking.

   First, there is poor communication in this era, and second, there is a gap between the East and the West.

  Writer Lu took his time and dealt with it calmly, showing a very high quality.

  A female reporter in her thirties held the English translation of The Ordinary World in her hand and asked Writer Lu to sign it.

  Writer Lu took off the pen in his jacket pocket, and happily signed his pen name on the title page.

  The female reporter smiled and thanked: "Mr. Wang, thank you, I like your work very much, but in the process of reading, I have a question, can you help me answer it?"

   Writer Lu nodded, such a normal request, of course no problem.

   "It's the protagonist in the book, the grandson, who really has no food and can only eat steamed buns. Is there really such a poor life in reality?"

  If she is the first to ask such a question, then the writer must suspect that the other party has ulterior motives.

   After all, in the mainstream view of the West, China is a poor, backward and even ignorant place.

  But if you only discuss the plot in the book, then there are no other problems.

  Writer Lu nodded solemnly: "Just like when I was writing this book, my living situation was also very difficult. Every day was almost nothing but steamed bread, gruel, porridge and pickles, very similar to the protagonist in the book."

   Oh, the female reporter covered her mouth in surprise. It was hard for her to imagine that the life of a writer would be so difficult.

  Finally, a reporter couldn't bear it, and began to attack again: "Your country is too poor!"

  Leader Geng listened to it, feeling feverish on his face, secretly complaining to Writer Lu: family ugliness should not be publicized, how can you say such a thing in front of foreign reporters?

  Writer Lu didn’t care, his eyes flashed with firm belief:

  “Poverty is also a kind of wealth. It can inspire your yearning for a better life and promote the progress of human society. Therefore, poverty is not a shame, but a driving force.”

  All the foreigners around were taken aback, and then applauded from the bottom of their hearts. Writer Lu's words won their respect.

  Liu Qingshan also added beside him: "Poverty is not terrible, what is terrible is that you are so poor that you lose your ideals and beliefs."

   Speaking of excitement, Liu Qingshan also waved his arms vigorously:

   "Our country is currently undergoing transformation, and in the near future, the whole world will feel the power of China!"

  Yes, Huaxia Power!

  The Chinese present were all encouraged and shouted together. Although there were not many people, they were very imposing.

  Mr. Ambassador also applauded vigorously. He suddenly felt that this young man named Liu Qingshan was more suitable to be a diplomat.

  Those foreigners also applauded one after another. People with ideals and beliefs are worthy of respect.

  The reporters in the Lu writer team pressed the shutter of the camera to faithfully record all this.

  Huaxia Power, if this word is published in the newspaper, it will definitely have an inspiring effect.

  The interview with Writer Lu is coming to an end soon. In the past few days, every award winner has been the focus of attention.

  However, the reporters did not leave. Instead, they huffed and surrounded Liu Qingshan, preparing to continue the interview.

  Of course Liu Qingshan would not overwhelm the guest, he smiled and dealt with it, and then left the airport by car with the team.

   A group of people stayed at the Stockholm Grand Hotel, which is the residence of the winners.

  At the gate of the hotel, Liu Qingshan looked around. There was a river not far in front of him, and the palace should be on the opposite side. In the past few days, the activities of the winners have all been around here.

  Writer Lu and his team were of course received with the highest standard of reception, which is the honor of the winners.

  The lobby of the hotel is full of people, most of them are journalists, and some citizens come here admiringly to get close to the winners. In this respect, the committee has no restrictions.

  Liu Qingshan saw a lady leading two children, one big and one young, taking a photo with an old man. It seems that that person should also be the winner.

  The old man seemed to be nearly seventy years old, with a kind smile on his face, holding a child in each hand.

  The scene is like a grandfather leading his grandson and granddaughter.

   "Thank you, Dear Mr. Joseph."

  The child's mother bowed to thank her. This is a competent mother, and she probably hopes to encourage her two children in this way.

   "They are cute, aren't they?" The old man smiled kindly.

  Liu Qingshan had a roster in his hand, and then he remembered that this old man is Mr. Joseph Murray, the winner of this year's Physiology or Medicine Award.

   This is the first expert in the world to complete kidney transplantation, and thus won the award.

  The old man has a famous saying: I only hope that more people can live.

  This feeling is still very admirable.

  At this time, the mother saw another person approaching surrounded by officials, she quickly looked at the directory in her hand, her face was happy, she bowed her head and said to the little boy:

   "Brolin, don't you like reading novels, the winner of the literary prize is here."

  The little boy was about eleven or twelve years old. His eyes lit up and he immediately greeted him. He had just seen the large photos and profiles of the winners, and he was somewhat impressed.

  It’s just that in the eyes of Westerners, Easterners look similar, which is probably the same reason as we look at foreigners.

  So the little guy looked at the few Orientals in front of him, and then came to Liu Qingshan:

   "Sir, can I take a picture with you?"

   Liu Qingshan shrugged his shoulders with a smile: "Of course I am very happy, but little guy, do you really want to take a photo with a stranger who is not an award winner?"

  People around also showed good-natured smiles, the little boy seemed to understand, he blinked:

   "But sir, I really seem to have seen your face somewhere?"

  At this time, the old man who just took a photo came over: "Brolin, you can take a photo with Mr. Mountain first, maybe when you grow up, Mr. Mountain will also be an award winner."

   "Mountain? Oh, I remember, I read your shepherd boy's fantasy journey, it's a great book!"

  The little boy suddenly looked excited, and the few freckles on his little nose were all glowing with excitement.

   Relatively speaking, the Shepherd Boy is more popular with children.

  So Liu Qingshan introduced Writer Lu to the little guy again, and then the two adults, each leading a child, took a group photo together.

  After taking the photo, Liu Qingshan walked towards the old man just now: "You are Mr. Morrie, it's an honor to meet you."

  People praised him just now, of course Liu Qingshan wanted to show his respect to the old man.

  Mo Li is from the United States, so he knows Liu Qingshan's situation quite well, and this is a very hearty little old man. He laughed twice:

   "Mr. Mountain, your master is the old gentleman who has made outstanding achievements in the treatment of AIDS. He deserves this award more than me."

  Liu Qingshan hurriedly expressed his gratitude on behalf of Master: "You are too modest."

  However, his heart was also moved: Maybe the dumb grandpa will really have the opportunity to win this laurels in the future.

  Master Joseph waved his hand: "Mountain, you are too modest. In fact, what I said just now is not wrong. You are excellent in literature and economics. As long as you persevere, you will definitely surpass me."

  Whether it is out of politeness or encouragement to younger generations, this evaluation is very high.

  Liu Qingshan really never had such an idea, the Nobel Prize or something is not the goal of his efforts.

  But sometimes it is like this, unintentionally planting willows and willows into shades, unconsciously, Liu Qingshan has made great achievements, and also has the qualifications to win the laurels.

  The only thing restricting him now is age, Liu Qingshan is still too young.

  Many winners are in their 60s, 70s, or even 80s.

   Afterwards, Liu Qingshan introduced Writer Lu to Joseph, who is also an award winner, so of course we need to have a friendly exchange.

   Just when everyone was chatting happily, suddenly there was a very abrupt voice:

   "Famous teachers produce outstanding students. Mr. Mountain is Professor Peter's favorite student. Of course he is eligible for the award, but the premise is that your teacher can win the award, hahaha."

   Laughter was a bit harsh, obviously with a bit of sarcasm, Liu Qingshan turned his head and looked, it was a foreigner in his sixties, staring sharply at Liu Qingshan.

  He said provocatively to Liu Qingshan: "Let me introduce myself, I am Merton, the winner of this year's economics prize, and I am an old friend of your teacher, Professor Peter."

  The phrase "old friend" is accentuated. It is obviously not the kind of very good friend, but may be the opposite.

  (end of this chapter)

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