Hello 1983

Chapter 914: Did you go to the wrong room? (seeking a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 914 Did you go to the wrong room? (seeking a monthly ticket)

  Liu Qingshan remembered that his advisor, Professor Peter, once said that Professor Merton of Stanford University had a heated debate because of disagreement in their ideas, and they broke up badly.

  The main reason is that Professor Merton has his own unique insights on stock and securities investment, calling on the public to invest in the capital market.

  Professor Peter believes that ordinary people do not understand investment, so it is best to enter the market cautiously.

   Unexpectedly, this Professor Merton, who won the Economics Prize this year, feels that he is ahead of Professor Peter. No wonder he has to make a fuss.

  But as a senior, it is too disrespectful for you to show off to a junior and belittle his mentor.

  Liu Qingshan was also a little angry: his mentor could not tolerate being humiliated by others.

  So he said happily: "It turns out to be Professor Merton. Congratulations. Congratulations, you and the other two professors won the Economics Prize together."

   This year's Economics Prize was awarded to three people, and Merton is just one of them.

  Liu Qingshan also had something to say, mocking that Professor Merton is still not capable enough to support the economics award alone.

  Merton couldn't help getting angry: "It's better than the fox who can't eat grapes in the fable."

  Having lived a long time and still being so petty, Liu Qingshan finally understood: these award winners are of all kinds, and not all of them are of good character.

  Now Liu Qingshan is no longer polite: "I sincerely congratulate the professor for receiving a huge bonus."

   "Let me do the math for you. This year's bonus is 700,000 U.S. dollars. Divide 700,000 U.S. dollars by three, and professor, you can get 233,333 U.S. dollars."

   "No, there is one dollar left. It is estimated that the other two professors are more modest, so the extra one dollar will be given to you."

   There was a burst of tittering around, this is not a reckoning, it clearly seems to be embarrassing for Professor Merton.

   No one came here for the prize money.

   "Do you think I care about this bonus?" Professor Merton snorted coldly.

  Liu Qingshan chuckled twice: "You are an expert in stock and securities investment. If you are short of money, the stock market is your cash machine. Of course you don't care."

  Merton said proudly: "That's natural, but some winners from underdeveloped countries think this prize is like a treasure,"

  Liu Qingshan began to play tricks on the other party: "Professor, you are really wrong. This is Brother Wang, the winner of the Literature Award, and he alone enjoys 700,000 US dollars."

   "However, Brother Wang has already issued a statement that all the prize money will be donated. Professor Merton, you treat money like dirt, so you must plan to donate this prize money, right?"

  Liu Qingshan waved his small knife, ready to cut the other party's flesh.

  He smiled at the reporters around him: "I think friends from the media are very interested in this kind of charity. You might as well interview Professor Merton."

  The media never thought it was a big deal, and they immediately swarmed up, surrounded Professor Merton, and started asking questions.

  Liu Qingshan spread his hands like nothing happened: "Let's go, we can go back to the room to rest."

  Leader Geng blinked his eyes twice: Is it really okay for you to deceive people like this, but it seems to be very happy, hahaha...

  Everyone washed up in their respective rooms, and after the excitement passed, they felt a little tired. Most of them took a nap.

  Liu Qingshan and Boban share a room, both of them are very energetic, sitting on the sofa, roasting the fireplace, drinking coffee, chatting casually, which is quite pleasant.

   "Boss, I got news of two more animal heads, which were collected by the Musée d'Orsay in France. It's a public museum, so I'm afraid it won't be easy to deal with."

   Boban's name for Liu Qingshan has also changed now, it seems that he is completely planning to mix with Liu Qingshan.

  Liu Qingshan tapped the armrest of the sofa lightly with his finger: "The acquisition will most likely not work, ask them if they want to change it?"

   Boban's eyes lit up: "Okay, boss, I see that there is an oil painting in the Qingshan Museum, which is Vincent's portrait of Dr. Gachet."

   "At that time, Van Gogh painted two similar portraits, but the details were slightly different. The Orsay Museum happened to hide the other one."

  Is that so, maybe they also want to reunite these two paintings?

  Liu Qingshan felt that there was a door, so he asked: "What is the scale of this Musée d'Orsay?"

  For these museums in Europa, Liu Qingshan only knows about the Louvre and the British Museum, but he really doesn’t know much about the others.

   Boban began to introduce to the boss that the Musée d'Orsay is not an unknown person, and it is also known as the three major museums in Paris together with the Louvre and the Pompidou National Art Center.

   "How many cultural relics from our China are there?"

  Liu Qingshan felt that a painting by Van Gogh should be able to exchange for a batch of Chinese cultural relics. After all, in this period, the valuation of Chinese cultural relics is relatively low.

  If only two animal heads were exchanged, Liu Qingshan would feel that it was a bit of a loss, after all, he also spent a lot of money on the portrait of Dr. Gachet.

  Boban shook his head: "The Musée d'Orsay mainly exhibits Western art works, mostly sculptures and paintings, among which oil paintings are the most famous."

   "So those two animal heads were not exhibited, but kept in the warehouse. If I didn't happen to know a manager, I wouldn't have been able to find out the news."

  Liu Qingshan also understood: It seems that people didn't take the animal heads as good things, and basically piled them up in the warehouse to collect dust.

   In this way, it might be possible to get the animal head back at the least cost.

  After thinking for a while, Liu Qingshan came up with an idea: "Boban, since the other party doesn't pay much attention to it, see if you can buy it with money."

   "Then you can release the wind and contact the Louvre to see if we can exchange cultural relics, in the name of Qingshan Museum."

  If you want to say that the museum with a large collection of Chinese cultural relics is of course the Louvre.

  In fact, it is not only Chinese cultural relics, the Louvre can be said to have gathered the most famous works of art in the world, and it has been drawn since Napoleon.

  Like the "Mona Lisa", Venus with Broken Arms, the statue of the Goddess of Victory, the Code of Hammurabi, etc., are all the top works of art in the world.

  There are more than 30,000 pieces of Chinese cultural relics in the museum, most of which were obtained from the looting of the Old Summer Palace by the British and French allied forces.

   After thinking for a while, Liu Qingshan added: "By the way, there is also the British Museum, both sides are connected."

  Boban’s family has a long history, and he immediately understood Liu Qingshan’s intentions, so he nodded with a smirk:

   "Boss, don't worry, I will definitely call the Louvre and the British Museum, rushing to come up with chips that satisfy you."

  For this kind of thing, Liu Qingshan is really not easy to come forward in person. It is much more convenient to have Boban as an agent.

  The two of them were discussing, when the phone in the room rang, Liu Qingshan answered the phone, and said hello in English.

   Immediately, a female voice came from the opposite side: "Boss, come down for dinner."

   "Grace, is that you? Why are you here?" Liu Qingshan's voice sounded familiar, mainly people calling him boss, not many.

   "Hee hee, I'm your assistant, boss, of course I'll be where you are?" Grace joked with a smile.

  Liu Qingshan seemed to remember it. He heard from his second sister that Grace seemed to be from this country. Then she went to study in the United States, shared an apartment with Liu Yinfeng, and became a good girlfriend.

   It is estimated that he came back to visit relatives, and then he did not know how he heard the news of Liu Qingshan coming here, so he called him, so he smiled and said:

   "Okay, I don't have an assistant around me, and I don't have a bag to carry. I feel really uncomfortable."

   "The boss, you have to pay the wages." Grace is still the same little money fan as before.

   Liu Qingshan inquired about the location of the other party, and then asked Boban to greet everyone, and went to the restaurant for dinner together.

  Considering that writer Lu and his party are exhausted, the reception dinner at the embassy is scheduled for tomorrow.

  In the past few days, various invitations and entertainment must be indispensable.

   A group of people came to the restaurant, the scale is really not small, it should be able to accommodate hundreds of people dining at the same time.

   There are cafeterias, a la carte restaurants, and even a casual snack bar.

  Winners can naturally enjoy ordering meals, but those who come from China seldom eat Western food, so Leader Geng called everyone to discuss, or to eat buffet Western food.

  Liu Qingshan told Boban to take care of him here, and then went to find the restaurant room agreed with Grace.

  Knocking on the door and entering, Liu Qingshan couldn't help being taken aback, two little boys came running up to him, and greeted him politely.

  Looking at these two little princes, Liu Qingshan was also a little dazed: Did he go to the wrong room?

   "The boss is here."

   Grace walked over, and Liu Qingshan's doubts were dispelled.

   Seeing Concubine Dai standing up from her seat, Liu Qingshan also bowed to pay tribute: "It's really unexpected that we meet so soon."

   Concubine Dai nodded with a smile: "Mr. Mountain, I didn't expect that you are still Grace's boss, and you will have to deduct her wages at that time, driving this little money addict crazy."

   "Whether this is the imperial concubine's oral order, of course I will carry it out."

   Liu Qingshan glared at Grace angrily. This girl is obviously hiding something.

   To be good friends with Concubine Dai is definitely not an ordinary person.

  In the room, there were several other guests, all of whom were ladies. Concubine Diana introduced them one by one. Good guy, all of them are princesses from various countries in Europe, including the Spanish royal family and the English royal family...

   There are adults, and there are cute babies of a few years old.

  Perhaps it is due to her superior genetics, her looks are not bad, and even the little doll is so cute.

   But don't look at them as small, but there are two of them, both of whom are the second or third heirs of the royal family.

   Liu Qingshan finally looked at Grace, and whispered: "Then you are also the princess of this country?"

   Those who can mix with a large group of princes and princesses are of course at the same level.

   "No, I'm your assistant, boss." Grace looked at Liu Qingshan with a smile, and everyone else had similar expressions.

  Liu Qingshan spread his hands: "I can't afford to hire a princess as an assistant, well, I announce now that you have been fired."

  The room was filled with joyous laughter. There was a seven or eight-year-old little princess who showed her broken teeth.

   Liu Qingshan looked at her and pointed to her mouth, the little guy immediately covered his mouth with his chubby little hand, reminding Liu Qingshan of when he was the fourth child.

  Because there was an outsider like Liu Qingshan, when he first came in, the atmosphere was a bit strange.

  However, Liu Qingshan's humor quickly made the atmosphere in the restaurant relaxed and cheerful again.

   Grace invited Liu Qingshan to sit down, and Liu Qingshan asked about the situation of the second sister.

   Concubine Di winked at the big and small princesses: "Let me just say, Mr. Mountain is a very interesting person and very talented."

  At this moment, Little William approached Liu Qingshan, and asked like a grown-up: "Mr. Mountain, why didn't the young lady who gave us a present come here?"

   "They all go to school, and they will definitely come when they are on vacation." Liu Qingshan didn't expect that the little guy was still thinking about the fourth and fifth.

   "What gift?" The little princess who had lost her teeth just now also came up.

  Little William proudly pulled out a jade-carved Chinese zodiac from under his neck, and began to show off.

  This is bad, that little princess with gaping teeth stared at Liu Qingshan with big watery eyes, acting like you were unfair.

  Liu Qingshan really didn’t bring any gift with him, just a piece of red mountain jade hanging around his neck, but there are several little princes and princesses in the room, it’s not enough at all.

  As for Concubine Dai and the others, they all looked at it with a smile, making Liu Qingshan almost sweat: Do you just ignore your younger siblings?

  How did he know that these royal families are usually bound by etiquette and rarely relax so much, so they all find it very interesting.

  Liu Qingshan judged the situation, and roughly guessed the intentions of these people, but Liu Qingshan really liked children, so he was not annoyed at all, but slapped his hands cheerfully:

   "Then I will give you the best gift, come, sing nursery rhymes with me."

  So Liu Qingshan clapped his hands and beat the rhythm, and sang the English version of counting ducks:

  Under the bridge in front of the gate, a group of ducks swam past, come and count them, two four six seven eight...

   Not to mention, the kids just like this, clapping their hands and singing along.

  The little princess with missing teeth doesn’t care whether she will show her teeth or not.

  Especially when they sang the last line, don’t take it home like a duck’s egg, they all followed Liu Qingshan’s example and drew a circle with both hands.

  The cheerful atmosphere soon permeated the entire restaurant. Those who were watching the excitement also joined in and clapped their hands together.

  It was originally a spectator, but now it has become a participant.

   Grace also had a smile on her face, and whispered to her companion:

"How about it? My boss is very powerful. He is young, handsome, and full of love. He can compose songs and write novels. The most important thing is that he is young and rich. Are you tempted? Ask Mr. Mountain to take you home ?”

   "I think you are tempted by yourself?" Someone teased Grace.

  Actually, when the princesses get together, they are not much different from ordinary girls.

   "Hmph, don't even think about it, my boss already has a fiancée." Grace was obviously teasing everyone, and naturally received unanimous condemnation.

  Everyone was fighting, suddenly a follower came in and whispered to Liu Qingshan:

   "Mr. Mountain, your partner seems to have encountered some trouble in the restaurant, would you like to go and have a look?"

  (end of this chapter)

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