Hello 1983

Chapter 922: Hello, 1991! (It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket

  Chapter 922 Hello, 1991! (It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass)

  Shan Xing and Xiao Laosi have different personalities, and the two happen to be still and moving.

  The quiet Shan Xing gradually fell in love with writing. With the guidance of her eldest brother-in-law and brother Wang, she has made visible progress every year.

  When Liu Qingshan told Shan Xing the story of the two little mice, He Hem and Haw, and the two dwarves, Shan Xing began to create.

   After it was finished, I also showed it to my eldest brother-in-law and Writer Lu. These two are good at writing realistic subjects, and they didn't give much advice.

   Writer Wang Er is different. He has studied abroad, and he is not a formal liberal arts background.

   When it comes to his profession, many people probably would not have thought that he was one of the earliest programmers.

  Perhaps it is this kind of thinking that makes the works of writer Wang Er appear very unique in the literary world, a bit maverick.

  Because of this, Liu Qingshan asked Shan Xing to refer this work to writer Wang Er.

  Different students need different teachers.

   "My elder brother gave me the idea, and I wrote it myself." Shan Xing glanced at Liu Qingshan, his clear eyes full of sincerity.

  Liu Qingshan is the most important person in her life, even above her mother and Erniang.

  Well, writer Wang Er also looked at Liu Qingshan: "Great idea, but student Shanxing, your book can have more profound and extensive social connotations, which need to be explored."

   At first glance, this is an allegorical novel, but writer Wang Er keenly feels that the four characters in the book have extensive practical significance.

   "It may be related to your age and social experience. It is very rare to be able to write like this." Writer Wang Er helped Shan Xing analyze it together.

  In fact, Shanxing has matured much earlier than her peers, but her understanding of society is still shallow after all.

  Watching writer Wang Er and Shan Xing seriously communicate, the corners of Liu Qingshan's mouth also slightly raised: It seems that this teacher found the right teacher.

  There is nothing wrong here, so Liu Qingshan walked around, chatting with the guests who came to congratulate him, and communicated with each other.

  Wait until the next morning, a call came from the reservoir, asking the village to pull fish.

  As a result, when everyone heard that the winter catch was going to be done, they immediately clamored to go.

  Yu led the staff and started preparations on the ice. This time, it happened to be a large-scale fishing, and the aquatic product company also issued tasks before the Spring Festival.

  For the leader, the reservoir is more familiar than his own wife. The topography of the bottom of the water is imprinted in his mind.

   Quickly selected a place, everyone took a shovel and started to clear the snow on the ice.

   "Father, someone is coming from Jiapigou." Yu Laoqi was also wearing a dog fur hat and big hands, gesticulating into the distance.

  On the ice surface of the reservoir, more than a dozen vehicles, large and small, came driving, and there were actually two buses behind them. How many people came here?

  When the vehicle came close, people just got out of the car like dumplings, and the little boy started to have fun on the empty ice.

   There are also many older girls who also ran wildly, obviously this is the first time they have experienced such a scene of ice and snow.

   "That seems to be a singing star?" Yu Laoqi stared at the cheering little stool, his eyes a little straight.

   "Isn't that big head Yoshiko, no wonder she sings so well, look at her neck, it's really thick." Everyone quickly recognized singers.

  Liu Qingshan came up, greeted Yu Baotou and the others, and then said with a smile: "Everyone is working hard, and the singer will sing live for you later!"

   "Okay, let's do it!" Yu Lao Qi shook the outer sheepskin jacket, held the ice iron with both hands, and started to make the ice hole.

  Because the location where the ice needs to be drilled has been determined, more than a dozen locations started working together.

  The people who watched the excitement quickly dispersed, gathered around to watch, and when they had itchy hands, they had to go up and try.

   As a result, it was only after I got started that I realized that the ice shovel was old and heavy. After I chiseled it a few times, my arms became weak and I was sweating all over, so I quickly replaced it.

  The little four and five, carrying an ice trowel, managed to carve out a few small holes in the ice, but chose to give up. This is really not something they can do.

  A Mao and Yu Shuilian also tried, and they were not much better than the fourth and fifth.

  Bai Liyan was the most energetic, she just hugged the ice tool and chiseled for a long time.

   "Little Huo, let's try it too, shall we?" Xiao Dili was about the same age as Xiao Huo, and wanted to try it too.

  Xiao Huo thought she was too dark, so he blinked his big eyes twice:

   "We don't have the strength, we won't be able to move, but let me tell you a secret, have you seen that ice-cutter, that thing is sweet, sweet and sweet, go and lick it if you don't believe me."

  Little Di Li is from Africa, and this is the first time she has seen ice and snow, so she doesn't know the twists and turns.

   Sticking out her little tongue, she foolishly moved forward, and really wanted to lick it.

   "You bad boy, you bullied my daughter, right? I'll put you in an ice hole in a while!"

  Xiao Wu was also angry and laughed beside him.

  Children in the north have basically been fooled when they were young. They were coaxed to lick the big iron gate, iron lock and so on.

  When the tongue goes up, it will be stuck immediately, and it has to be stuck with a layer of skin.

  Everyone was busy digging holes in the ice. Among them, the net inlet and the fish outlet are the largest, and the openings in the middle are relatively small.

   "Get off the net." Yu Batou yelled, and then the tens of meters long net began to enter the water.

  There is a long wooden pole on the net, which passes through the pole to drive the fishing net to travel underwater.

  The wooden pole moves from one ice hole to another, just like threading a needle underwater.

   In this way, it has been threaded to the position of the fish outlet. The fishing net has traveled several hundred meters underwater, and more than two hours have passed.

  The guests who were very excited at the beginning couldn't stand it anymore, and all went to the sports car to warm up.

   It's so freezing, I really can't stand it.

  Only the little ones, running around, not only not cold, but also sweating.

   "Fish!" Yu's melodious voice echoed on the ice.

  Everyone suddenly regained their energy and jumped out of the car one after another, looking forward to the moment when the fish came out.

   In front of the fish outlet, a few horses were pulling the winch and circling on the ice.

  The horse's nostrils were breathing white gas, and it clattered on the ice with its hooves.

   The winch winds the rope one by one, and the fishing net is pulled out of the water bit by bit.

   "Oh!" The onlookers cheered.

  Yu Laoqi laughed loudly: "It's morning, the fish are all behind."

  The laymen didn’t care, they were laughing and joking, and the singer inside really sang:

   "The Wusuli River is long and long, and the blue river is full of waves. The Hezhe people cast a thousand nets, and the boats are full of rivers and fishes..."

  The melodious fisherman's song echoes across the vast ice.

   "Fish, fish!" Little Di Li yelled.

  Most of the fishing net was pulled out, and the part immersed in the water finally exposed the fish.

   "This net is sure to be a good harvest!" The experienced reservoir workers all smiled, and they can basically judge the harvest from the length of the fishing net left in the water.

  A few good guys, holding a large dipping net with a long handle, started to scoop fish out.

  The big fish scooped out is thrown on the ice, the fish slaps its body a few times, and then it is quick-frozen.

  Fish frozen in this way tastes no worse than fresh fish.

   "Put it in a bucket, there are live fish, who eats frozen fish!"

  Da Zhang Luo had already made preparations, and asked someone to drive over several four-wheeled vehicles, all of which were filled with large buckets, and the buckets were filled with cold water. Big fish were thrown into it, and they were still jumping happily.

   "Come here, let's grill fish by yourself!" The villagers of Jiapigou brought the charcoal stoves they had prepared a long time ago, and placed a row on the ice, with red charcoal inside.

  Everyone grilled fish while warming themselves by the fire, and soon, the aroma of grilled fish began to radiate from the ice.

  Grilled fish, no need to add other seasonings, just sprinkle some salt noodles, take a bite, it is fresh and tender, and the taste is authentic.

   "Come, come, take a sip to keep you warm." Zhang Ganzi and the others distributed wine bottles to everyone, and several people shared a bottle of wine.

   Not to mention, it is such a simple food, everyone eats it very enjoyable.

  Even girls who don’t usually drink strong liquor are holding wine bottles and blowing to their mouths.

  Little children, their mouths were blackened from eating, and their laughter and laughter floated far away.

   "Qingshan, stop eating first, Wu Tong and his family are here." Datou and the others drove over to inform Liu Qingshan.

   "That's just right, ask Sister Tongtong to come over and taste the grilled fish first, it's delicious!" The fourth child opened his mouth.

   "Wait, according to the rules, two days before the wedding, the new daughter-in-law cannot go to her husband's house."

  The fourth little one didn't care either: "Hee hee, how can there be so many rules, I'll bring some grilled fish over."

  Liu Qingshan did not stop him, and took the fourth and fifth children back to the village first.

   After driving the car directly to Grandpa Kidnap’s house, this is where Wu Tong got into the sedan chair, which is equivalent to her mother’s house.

  As soon as he entered the courtyard, the eldest son of Grandpa Kidao opened his arms and stopped him: "Qingshan can enter, others are not allowed..."

   As a result, the fourth and fifth children had a cat waist, slipped under his arm, and creaked into the room.

  Liu Qingshan smiled and waved his hands: "It's okay, we don't have so many taboos on both sides."

   After entering the room, Liu Qingshan first saw Wu Tong sitting on the edge of the Kang, his eyes met and he smiled.

  In addition to Wu Tong, there are also Wu Song and his wife.

   In addition, Professor Wu and his wife also came. Generally, according to rural customs, the parents of the bride do not come to see off their relatives.

  However, the relationship between the two families is quite special, as Liu Qingshan said, there are no taboos.

   After saying hello, Professor Wu congratulated Grandpa Kidnap with a smile: "I'm sorry for your old age."

   "No trouble, it's just like marrying my granddaughter." Grandpa Kidnap waved his hand, signaling Professor Wu to be polite.

  And his wife took out a red paper bag and stuffed it into Wu Tong's pocket: "This is a pocket money for my granddaughter."

  Grandpa Kidnap also took out a red envelope: "This is money for Tong girl."

  There is a difference between the money in the box and the money in the waist. The money in the waist is equivalent to the pocket money given, while the money in the box is more, and it is kept at the bottom of the box. It cannot be spent casually until the critical time.

   It made Wu Tong a little embarrassed: It was already troublesome enough, how could he still collect money?

   "Thank you, Grandpa Kidnap."

  Liu Qingshan felt at ease, he knew Grandpa Kidnap's heart, and thanked him for his contributions to Jiapigou over the years.

  Grandpa Kidnap also waved his cane: "It's not for you, you are not allowed to take random flowers, or you will be beaten."

   "You really regard Wu Tong as your own granddaughter."

  Liu Qingshan was talking and laughing, and then he saw the old branch secretary and Da Zhang Luo rushing over. Let's discuss some details of tomorrow's wedding together.

   Someone from behind brought a lot of food and drink, and several older girls and daughters-in-law came to accompany Wu Tong, even Yang Hongying, Huang Yueming and Lin Qingqing came.

   "Where are you from, have you all come here?" Liu Qingshan asked with a smile.

   Then he was chased away by the girls together, Liu Qingshan saw that there was nothing wrong here, so he went back to accompany the guests.

   In the afternoon, many guests rushed over. This wave, on the contrary, is relatively close.

  Some old friends from Bishui County, as well as representatives from the villages of the Jiapigou Consortium, are here today because they are afraid that they will not be able to make it tomorrow.

  In the end, every family in Jiapigou participated in the reception, and this is the place where all the guests are arranged to stay.

   During the busy schedule, the time finally came to New Year's Day in 1991.

   Liu Qingshan got up early as usual, put on his clothes and went out, just after dawn, he heard rustling sounds from the yard.

  I saw three figures at the gate, holding a broom, sweeping the courtyard clean.

   It was Li Tieniu, Hu Wei, and Li Tie.

   "The three juniors have worked hard." Liu Qingshan greeted with a smile.

  Hu Wei hehe twice: "Little brother, you worked hard today."

   This kid also came back with Yang Hongying and the others. His figure is obviously a little fatter, and he has really developed in the direction of the second senior brother.

   "Look at you fat, let's exercise."

  Li Tieniu yelled, and then turned to Liu Qingshan: "Don't go out to exercise today, recharge your batteries."

  Liu Qingshan laughed twice: "It's rare for us brothers and sisters to get together so well, of course we have to learn from each other."

   After finishing speaking, he jumped towards Hu Wei and slapped him.

  Hu Wei is not like those two, who never leave his fist all day long. He is busy with business matters every day and has a lot of entertainment, but he never leaves his wine glass.

   This guy's reaction was obviously slow, and his movements couldn't keep up with his eyes. Liu Qingshan slapped him lightly on his chest.

  Although Liu Qingshan didn't use much force, Hu Wei was shot back a few steps, and then sat down on the ground.

  The boy howled like a pig: "Beat someone, the bridegroom beat someone!"

   "Look at how promising you are." Li Tieniu was very contemptuous.

  And Li Tie pulled Hu Wei up from the ground, and said in his mouth: "You will become the second senior brother really soon."

  The four brothers looked at each other and laughed.

  Liu Qingshan looked around, the familiar small mountain village is so kind, and the brothers around him are so close.

   There are also folks who have risen one after another, so close,

   And just today, he will marry his closest lover.

   This is destined to be a brand new year.

  A smile appeared on Liu Qingshan's face, and he took a deep breath: "Hello, 1991!"

  (end of this chapter)

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