Hello 1983

Chapter 923: Yes, our home! (Last day, everyone

  Chapter 923 Yes, our home! (On the last day, don’t waste your monthly pass)

  The red sun is born, and the soft sunshine shines on the small mountain village of Jiapigou. The first ray of sunshine in the new year brings infinite hope to people.

  The old house of Liu Qingshan’s family was also newly decorated, with a red happy couplet pasted on the gate, revealing an incomparably festive atmosphere.

   Xilian was conceived by two well-known writers, Writer Lu and Gao Wenxue, and written by Liu Shikui himself.

  If the green hills are not changed, you can plant pillars of trees,

  The phoenix trees are always green when the plane trees are evergreen.

  The villagers and the guests who came to congratulate him also rushed over early. There were people inside and outside the courtyard, and everyone's faces were full of smiles.

   "The bridegroom is out." Xiao Wu, Ma Laosan, Li Tieniu and Hu Wei surrounded Liu Qingshan and walked out of the house.

  A brand-new Chinese stand-up collar, shiny leather shoes on the feet, clean short hair, hairpins on the chest, and a smile on his face as bright as the newborn sun.

   "What a handsome boy!" This is the praise of the elders.

   "Our Qingshan family is the most handsome!" This is the eldest sister Liu Jinfeng.

   "The boss is the most beautiful boy!" This is Ka Kui who came here from Hong Kong Island.

   "Boss, Boss, I love you, just like a mouse loves rice!" This is a small stool, and she also learned it after listening to the song yesterday.

  The crowd burst into laughter, Liu Qingshan cupped his hands, and saw several cars and jeeps approaching, and went out to meet them.

   It was Zheng Hongqi who came, who left in the middle of the night yesterday and came back in a hurry.

   Behind them are the leaders of the county, as well as the top leaders of many government agencies and enterprises, all of whom are also in place.

   At the end are the cadres of Qingshan Town, led by Secretary Sun, all of them came.

   Liu Qingshan shook hands with everyone to welcome them, and then let them walk around the new house.

  Although the house is old, it is also full of vitality. The furnishings in the house are simple and festive, revealing the warmth of home.

  Everyone nodded secretly. They all knew that with Liu Qingshan's current ability, what kind of new house could not be obtained?

  However, they did not try their best like those upstarts, but still kept their original aspirations, which is so rare.

  It seems that the green hills really don't change.

   After turning around, the leaders were let to his house by the old party secretary, and only Zheng Hongqi stayed behind to help with the work.

  Seeing that the accompanying secretary was secretly speechless: What is the relationship between this family and the leader?

  The big Zhang Luo in the village was shouting and shouting, and directed a large group of half-sized people around. Looking at the time, it was eight o'clock, and Da Zhang Luo yelled:

   "The auspicious time has come, the pick-up team is starting!"

  The crowd agreed in a loud voice, and then surrounded Liu Qingshan to pick up the bride.

   It was in a village, and there was no need for a car. There were more than a hundred people in the large army, and they marched towards the kidnapper's grandfather's house.

  At the front of the line were two trumpet makers, with their cheeks puffed out, they put their hands into the cotton sleeves, and blew their horns vigorously.

   Behind is a group of singers, singing in unison, and the songs they sing are also very festive. Everyone has never heard of them before:

   "I'm smiling yo **** yo **** yo"

   "The beauty in my heart is 啷啷啷啷啷"

   "Sister, he doesn't talk, just looks at me and laughs"

   "I know she is waiting for my big sedan chair..."

   This song is joyful and festive, Zhang Zhi slapped his thigh straight: "Why didn't I sing this when I got married?"

   After finishing speaking, she also sang along with a broken voice: "Hug, hug, hug my sister and get on the sedan chair!"

   Then he saw his daughter-in-law Wang Cuihua standing in the crowd: "Ganzi, who do you want to carry into the sedan chair?"

   "Hey, I hug you, of course I hug you." Zhang Ganzi quickly corrected his attitude.

  Only a distance of 100 meters, making noise while walking, and singing a song, it's time.

  The gate of Grandpa Kidnapper’s house was closed tightly, and the people who crowded in the door were all children.

  Seeing Liu Qingshan, they stretched out small palms together: "Red envelope, red envelope!"

  The little fourth child hugged Xiao Yueyue, and she took the lead in shouting, counting her shouting the most vigorously.

  Liu Qingshan also laughed: "I said why didn't I see you, so they were all waiting here, the fourth, fifth, sixth, and little Di Li, who are you?"

   "Brother, we are under the care of Sister Tong now, after a while Sister Tong will be brought home, and we will be under your control."

  The little fourth child said with a smile, and Xiao Yueyue in her arms stretched out a small slap towards Liu Qingshan, calling out childishly: "Uncle, red envelope."

  Liu Qingshan also waved his hand very proudly: "Give out the red envelopes, everyone will have a share!"

  Okay, Hu Wei has a schoolbag around his neck, which is full of red envelopes, each containing a hundred yuan, which makes the children very happy.

  After distributing the red envelopes, the children opened the door and let the large team of brides come in.

  Grandpa Kidnapper led his family and stood at the door to greet the guests. Professor Wu and Wu Song were also there, and everyone was beaming.

  Some children in the village greeted guests with trays containing cigarettes and candies. The pockets of the children were already full of candies.

  Liu Qingshan first bowed to Grandpa Kidnap, and then affectionately called out to Professor Wu and his wife, "Dad, Mom."

  Screaming made the old couple smile, the mother-in-law took out a thick red envelope from her pocket and stuffed it to Liu Qingshan.

   "This red envelope is big, and Qingshan is big, let's change it?" Xiao Dili also saw it, and stretched out her little black hand to Liu Qingshan.

  Hu Wei took a look, and quickly stuffed another red envelope into her little hand.

   "Come in, come in and see the bride!" The people behind started shouting.

  The kidnapper grandpa yelled: "How old are you, pole, and you are still talking nonsense!"

  Zhang Ganzi smiled and said, "There is no size after three days of marriage."

  Liu Qingshan stepped into the house first, there were too many people outside, so they all entered in batches.

   After entering the room, I saw Wu Tong sitting on the kang, wearing a red traditional dress, with her hair tied up, light makeup on, and an extremely sweet smile on her face.

  The most beautiful bride is not because of her appearance, but because of this sweetness.

   "Sweet, you smile sweetly, like flowers blooming in the spring breeze..."

  The little stool sang, and many people around followed suit.

  The photographer seized the time to take pictures and record this happy scene.

   There are also video recorders on their shoulders, who are recording weddings. Nowadays, weddings are rarely videoed, because video recorders are not popular.

   "The bride is so beautiful!" Of course the little doll told the truth.

  At this moment, Wu Tong is gentle and intellectual, shy and pretty, indeed beautiful and glamorous.

   "Okay, okay, tonight and what evening, to see this beloved man!" Lin Zizhou also praised.

   "Good match, really good match, the phoenix inhabits the phoenix tree, a good match from heaven." Writer Lu also sent his blessings.

  Er Biaozi and Datou came together, and Er Biaozi started the speech:

   "Let me tell everyone that this is really a fateful meeting. That year when we went to Xiaosongjiang's Jiangchazi with Qingshan, we found Wu Tong fell into the water, rescued from the water, and was already in a coma."

   "We were all scared of Mazhuo, but Sanfeng was the best, so he just pinched Wu Tong's mouth and started kissing hard..."

  Everyone listened with gusto. At this time of marriage, it is popular to talk about love history.

   "That's artificial respiration." The big head was quite honest.

  Of course everyone knew that it was just for fun, so driven by Zhang Ganzi, they all clamored for a kiss.

   As a result, Wu Tong bowed his head in shame, while Liu Qingshan approached generously, gently held his wife's face, and kissed between the eyebrows.

   Writer Wang Er was also fascinated: "The reeds are green and the dew is frost. The so-called Iraqi people are on the side of the water. This is really fate. It's a pity to congratulate."

  Everyone was having a lot of fun in the room, and the big Zhang Luo shouted: "The auspicious time has come, the bride and groom ride on the sedan chair."

  Liu Qingshan leaned over and carried Wu Tong on his back, and went out surrounded by people, just like that, carrying Wu Tong on his back all the way home.

  Backing, blowing, blowing, and someone singing: "Zhu Bajie, laugh haha, with a flower on his back..."

  Wu Tong is lying on the back of her sweetheart, feeling very at ease in her heart. From today on, she will give everything to her sweetheart, carry her on her back, and walk through wind, frost, rain and snow together, and experience wind, flowers, snow and moon together...

  Liu Qingshan’s footsteps are also extremely steady, step by step, walking the road of life with his lover...

  One couple for one lifetime, lovesickness, stay together and stay in love forever!

  Besides, the affectionate singing of Yoshiko and Amao sounded:

   "Whether it's now"

   "Still in the distant future"

   "We both protect each other's love today"

   "Regardless of the wind and rain..."

  Everyone has sweet smiles on their faces, and they can also taste the sweetness.

  The singers were the happiest. They participated in the boss's wedding and got several songs in exchange.

   And for a long time to come, these few songs have become the must-have songs for many people's weddings.

  The groom carried the bride on his back and walked to the door of the house. The firecrackers were crackling, and the children cheered.

   After the gunpowder smoke cleared, Liu Qingshan said softly: "Tongtong, let's get home."

  Wu Tong also smiled: "Yes, our home!"

  "The new daughter-in-law enters the door, and she will be a family from now on. Respecting the elders and family harmony, life is better than a red brazier."

   Da Zhang Luo said one thing after another, yelling in front of him, Liu Qingshan was about to enter the door with the bride on his back, but there was a blocker in front of him.

  To be precise, it should be the blocking bear, and the big bear is also a guy. He doesn't know when he will come down from the mountain. I guess this guy also knows that today is a day of great joy, so he came here to have fun.

   "Here is a red envelope for you, get out of the way quickly, and wait for the table to open later." Hu Wei held a red envelope and shook it in front of Big Bear, trying to lure it away.

   But Big Bear regards money like dung and is not moved at all.

  The fourth and fifth were still clever, took out the big apple, and seduced the big bear away.

   "Don't drive away, those who come to celebrate will be entertained soon!" Da Zhang Luo yelled.

  Dashuai Zhang also laughed heartily: "Well, this is a good sign. All the animals in the mountain came to congratulate Qingshan. They also know that Sanfeng is waiting for them!"

   This statement is true, and everyone agrees.

  If Liu Qingshan hadn't advocated contracting the mountain forest, all these wild animals in the mountain would disappear within a few years.

   But there are also different opinions. Zhang Ganzi muttered in a low voice: "The blind man came in, it's too late."

   Fortunately, the old branch secretary didn't hear, otherwise, he would have been kicked.

  Liu Qingshan carried the bride into the house and put Wu Tong on the kang. According to the local rules, the bride should sit on the kang.

  The longer you sit, the more blessings you can bring to this family.

  So on the day of leaving the house, the bride does not dare to drink water, and does not dare to eat more at her mother's house. Usually, she eats a few eggs, which are more resistant to hunger.

  Wu Tong looked at the room, and it was still the same as before, more joyful.

  On the cover of the cabinet, two pots of Clivia are in full bloom. In the middle of the wall is a wedding photo of her and Liu Qingshan, surrounded by various awards.

   This is their nest, warm and familiar, which once brought Wu Tong the best memories.

   Next, there is another set of procedures, which will be carried out in an orderly manner under the auspices of Da Zhang Luo.

  The guests who came to congratulate him, after entering the room and walking around, dispersed, preparing to participate in the banquet.

  Of course, before drinking, you have to follow the ceremony. Everyone went to the old branch secretary's house one after another, where someone wrote the ceremony account.

   Those who were able to come were all very well-connected. Some people planned to give more money, but they were told that the gift money was always ten yuan, and Jiapigou was this standard.

  Because there were too many guests, there were several places to prepare the banquet, including the canteen of the team headquarters and the neighbor's house near Liu Qingshan.

  Guests from afar can be taken first, and the villagers are not in a hurry, they are all busy entertaining guests first.

   Liu Qingshan and Wu Tong mainly took photos with relatives and friends.

   A group of people have been busy for a long time.

   Among them, the family portrait is the grandest, adding up to thirty or forty people.

   Wait until noon, when the banquet begins, Liu Qingshan and Wu Tong will naturally toast house to house, with Li Tieniu next to Liu Qingshan, and Bai Liyan next to Wu Tong.

   Both of them can drink, and they are responsible for all the toasts to the bride and groom.

  The banquet was held for three consecutive times before the reception was over. The guests left and the host greeted them, and the guests who came to congratulate them left one after another.

  After seeing off the guests, Liu Qingshan and his family, as well as Da Zhang Luo and the principals, had a final meal together.

  Liu Qingshan led Wu Tong, and began to toast the elders, grandparents, grandpa Qiuju and grandma, uncles, grandparents, aunts and grandma, everyone was so happy from ear to ear.

  Mother Lin Zhi looked at her son and daughter-in-law, and drank a glass of wine in relief. She finally looked forward to this day, and finally fulfilled her long-cherished wish for her husband.

  At this moment, the mother's heart was completely drunk.

   "Little brother, sister-in-law, we offer you a toast!"

   Li Tieniu, Hu Wei, Li Tiege, Zhang Long, the old squad leader and others, toasted the newcomers together. They and Liu Qingshan were also comrades-in-arms.

  Liu Qingshan just picked up the wine glass, and then Li Tieniu snatched it away and poured it into his mouth: "Hey, I'm toasting, and I have to drink it for you."

   "Qingshan, Xiaotong, we also offer you a toast."

  Chen Dongfang, Yu Guangming, Ma Laosan, Wang Zhan, Xiaowu and others also came to toast. They and Liu Qingshan are brothers.

   "Sanfeng, we also respect you!" Big head, Er Biaozi and other friends also toasted Liu Qingshan, they grew up together with bare buttocks.

   "Brother, we also respect you and sister-in-law!" Little Brother and the others also joined in the fun.

  Looking at a room full of old and young, friends and brothers, Liu Qingshan's heart was also surrounded by a deep sense of happiness.

   Papa papa, there were a few light thuds from the window, which attracted everyone's attention.

   "Wow, is the big fire back?" The little fourth thought of the fire fox first.

  The fifth child even ran out, but the yard was empty.

  Shan Xing felt lost in her heart.

  Liu Qingshan's palm fell on top of her head: "Going, coming, only love and care..."

  (end of this chapter)

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