Hello 1983

Chapter 938: As a human being, one should never forget one’s roots (seeking a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 938 To be a human being, you should never forget your roots (seeking a monthly ticket)

   Hurray, a dozen men drilled out from a work shed, and surrounded the three of Liu Qingshan.

   "Haha, well, it's time to stretch your muscles and bones." Li Tieniu clenched his big fists and rattled, and with just this few people, he scratched himself.

  Liu Qingshan was not interested in fighting, so he glanced at Li Tie.

  Li Tie picked up a brick from the ground expressionlessly, covered both ends with his hands, and with a click, he snapped it into two.

  He threw away half of the brick, held the remaining half in his left hand, and slammed down with his right palm. With a click, the half brick became two halves again.

  The workers next to them all looked dumbfounded, and made another clatter, and all backed away.

  Only the foreman was overjoyed: "Haha, brother, you are so talented. I want you guys. You don't have to work with me in the future. If there are fights and troubles, you are responsible to settle them."

  Liu Qingshan is too lazy to chat with this kind of person: "We are here to find the person in charge, please tell me that there is a person named Liu Qingshan who will take over here."

  The foreman was taken aback for a moment, he had vaguely heard the news, and looked at Liu Qingshan carefully. Although the clothes were rather messy, they were not tattered.

  So he quickly changed into a nodding and bowing look: "Sir, please wait a moment."

   Not long after, the little foreman led a group of people out, and at the front was Uncle Da, an old employee of Li Dashao's company, who naturally knew Liu Qingshan.

   "Mr. Liu is here, welcome." Uncle Da bowed his hands. Although he was also upset, he knew that he couldn't offend this one in front of him.

  Liu Qingshan also called Uncle Da, exchanged a few pleasantries, and entered the construction site.

  The site has been leveled, and the water and electricity have been connected. The next step is to lay the foundation for the building.

  However, Liu Qingshan still needs to re-plan and find professionals to design. He has entrusted all the follow-up matters to Xiao Li.

  With the experience of building the Jade Bird Park, Xiaoli can get started.

  In a simple work shed, Liu Qingshan took out the procedures brought from Hong Kong Island, and asked Uncle Da to have a look.

  Uncle Da received the news from Hong Kong Island a long time ago, so he naturally didn’t dare to set up obstacles. The two sides completed the handover smoothly, and the rest is to go through the relevant procedures.

   Arranging a time to go through the formalities, Uncle Da and his party packed up their things and left the construction site.

  After walking out of the green fence, Uncle Da looked back, then shook his head, and sighed: "I don't understand, why is it like this every time..."

  On the construction site, there were only a dozen or so left-behind workers. The little foreman approached Liu Qingshan and said, "Mr. Liu, we didn't know Taishan just now, and you have a lot of them."

  Liu Qingshan smiled and waved his hands: "Your wages have also been settled, and you should also pack your things and find another job."

  The little foreman immediately felt cold, but he still wanted to fight for it:

   "Mr. Liu, our current number of people is left behind. In fact, our engineering team is well-known in Hujiang and has built many buildings."

  Li Tieniu is most annoyed by this kind of stalking villain, his big eyes widened: "If you tell you to get out, get out, we have our own construction team, and they are all engineers, which are comparable to you!"

  The little foreman didn't know the truth, so he could only leave angrily. He never understood that it was because the dog looked down on people that he was kicked out.

   At noon, when Liu Qingshan and his group went back, they found that Xiao Li had arrived with several assistants. Just in time, he handed over the relevant documents to the other party, and Liu Qingshan had completed his task.

  Take a shower and change clothes, and explain to Miss Xiaoli during lunch.

  When she heard that the new high-tech park was built again, Miss Xiaoli was a little worried:

   "Qingshan, shouldn't we build some office buildings and the like, whether it is rented or sold, can we get back the cost?"

  Her idea is undoubtedly correct, it is a long-term and stable income, and this girl's vision can also be seen from this.

  As for high-tech parks, like the Jade Bird Park in the capital, it is a pure investment model, and no real estate developer would do it anyway.

  Liu Qingshan smiled and shook his head: "We are not engaged in real estate."

  Xiaoli also understood instantly, so she nodded, anyway, Qingshan has first-class money-making skills, and can definitely maintain the construction and development of the science and technology park, so she doesn't need to worry about it.

  As long as she is responsible for building the park, it will be considered as a successful completion of the task.

   After lunch, Liu Qingshan was ready to go to the airport to welcome Xiao Li and the crew.

  I didn't know how many people they were going to come, so Liu Qingshan took a few cars, followed by a commuter bus from the factory, and headed for the airport in a mighty manner.

  Hu Wei also wanted to spend more time with his brothers, so he followed.

  The current Hongqiao Airport is far from being as prosperous as later generations. Most of the cars coming and going are taxis.

  During the waiting time, Liu Qingshan saw the crowds coming in and out, and the separation of love and hate in the world was staged.

  Especially those who go to foreign countries, maybe this farewell is a farewell forever.

   "Wow, Xiaohua!" Commander Hu beside him exclaimed, pointing at a lady who was about to enter the waiting hall.

   That one also subconsciously turned his head back, and smiled lightly, a bit like a smile that makes a city fall.

  It was only then that Hu Wei realized that it was a bit impolite for him to point at others like this, so he raised his hand and waved.

   This guy has a more active temper, and even approached him to strike up a conversation: "Hello, Actor Chen, I like watching you play Xiao Huaer the most."

  This actor Chen was also a queen actress in the film industry in the late 1970s and 1980s.

  The fame is greater than that of Liu Yinghou who mixed with Lao Jiang, but later she chose to go abroad to develop, with ups and downs, she also has a place in Hollywood.

   In that year’s Spring Festival Gala, there was quite a disturbance when greeting the audience.

  Looking at the person in front of him, Liu Qingshan felt a lot of emotion in his heart. He didn't want to judge this person, he could only say that sometimes, the choice is really important.

  Of course, Actor Chen didn’t know Hu Wei, so he just said a few polite words, and then said “I still have to catch a plane”, and then turned around and left.

   "Little Hua'er, can you sign me?"

  Hu Wei really wasn’t just flirting with each other. He was only 15 or 16 years old at the time. When he saw the movie Xiaohua for the first time, he was really impressed. Now he is a movie fan.

  Actor Chen hesitated for a moment, and probably saw Hu Wei's sincere eyes full of longing, so he nodded: "Okay, but please hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

  Hu Wei cheerfully took out a pen and a notepad, and held them in front of the other party with both hands. Actor Chen naturally did it with one wave.

"thanks, thanks."

  Hu Wei bowed again and again, and then happily glanced at the signature on the notebook: "JoneChan, Jon Chen?"

   "Yes, this is my current name." Actor Chen was ready to turn around and leave.

  Hu Wei smacked his lips: "But I still like your original name."

   "My name is JoneChan now." Actor Chen dropped this sentence, then ignored Hu Wei, and walked towards the gate of the departure hall with graceful steps.

  At this moment, Hu Wei suddenly felt a sense of loss. He knew that the little flower in his memory had gradually gone away...

  Liu Qingshan also shook his head slightly, no matter whether you have an independent personality or whether you pursue higher goals, anyway, he doesn't appreciate this kind of people very much.

  As a human being, you should never forget your roots.

   Just at this time, a group of foreigners came out from the passage, there were more than 20 people in total, and it was still very eye-catching.

  Actor Chen couldn't help but look over, and then exclaimed: "Oh, Director Robert, Hanks, how did you come here?"

  She recognized the two in front, one is a famous Hollywood director, and the other is an Oscar-winning actor. Of course, she was extremely shocked.

  Although Actor Chen has made some achievements in Hollywood, he is still incomparable with these big names.

  Director Robert had some interaction with actor Chen, he smiled and waved: "JoneChan, are you here to pick us up?"

   Just when Actor Chen was a little dazed, Xiao Li, who was wearing a checkered suit and looked very coquettish, waved towards Liu Qingshan:

   "Liu, haha, here we come!"

  Liu Qingshan also came over and hugged Xiao Li: "Your suit matches you well, you look more like a playboy."

  Xiao Li laughed heartily, and then introduced all the main members of the crew to Liu Qingshan.

   "Welcome, welcome everyone to our ancient country." Liu Qingshan shook hands with everyone one by one.

  Whether it is the director Robert or the starring Mr. Tom, they are very polite to Liu Qingshan. In Hollywood, no one can offend investors, especially a knowledgeable professional investor.

   "Mr. Mountain, congratulations, you have successfully entered Columbia Pictures. I believe it will regain its former glory."

  Robert is very good at talking, and he was the first to send blessings.

  The owner of a big film company is the biggest financial backer for those who eat this bowl of food.

  Tom also shakes hands with Liu Qingshan, but his facial expression is a bit dull, which is because he has entered the scene too deeply. After all, the role of Forrest Gump is a bit silly.

  Liu Qingshan still respects such an actor very much, and patted the other person's shoulder lightly: "Mr. Hanks, I hope this trip to China can make you relax a little bit."

  Tom had a Forrest Gump smile on his face: "I think it will."

   A group of people were talking and laughing, but they were stunned by the actor Chen who was hanging aside. Only then did she notice Liu Qingshan and recognize this powerful figure in the United States.

   Originally, I wanted to have a chance to visit, but I didn't expect to meet under such circumstances, and it seemed that I was a little unhappy with the other party's companion.

   "Everyone, let's go to the hotel first. I think what you need most now is to take a hot bath and then have a big meal." Liu Qingshan said with a smile.

  Xiao Li jumped up: "Yes, it must be a Chinese feast."

   "No problem, as long as you dare to eat." Liu Qingshan was overjoyed.

  Amidst the laughter, everyone boarded the car one after another, and then drove away from the airport.

  Only Actor Chen stood in the wind, his windbreaker was blown a little messy.

  The convoy came to the foreign-style Waldorf Astoria on the Bund, where the history of Little Paris was recorded.

   After resting until evening, Liu Qingshan led the group to finish their meal. The place to order food was an old restaurant in Huaiyang.

   More than twenty people were divided into two tables, and Liu Qingshan invited Wu Tong, the old sister and others together.

  Crab powder lion head, long fish with soft pockets, shrimps in white robe... When the dishes are served one after another, they feel that their eyes are not enough, and they finally see the profoundness of Chinese cuisine for the first time.

   After Liu Qingshan delivered a toast, he greeted everyone to move their chopsticks.

  Xiao Li is very proficient with chopsticks, and the others are much worse, but he specially prepared knives, forks and spoons for them.

  After tasting a few dishes, these foreigners nodded repeatedly. For them, this is indeed a very novel experience.

  The cameraman in the crew picked up the spoon, scooped a spoonful into the soup bowl, and was about to deliver it to his mouth.

   But Liu Qingshan stopped him: "Wait a minute, this soup is very hot."

  The cameraman saw that there was no steam coming out of the soup bowl, so he didn't pay much attention to it. He nodded to Liu Qingshan, and then put the spoon into his mouth.

This dish is not lightly scalded. This dish is the famous Pingqiao Tofu. It looks lukewarm. In fact, when it is cooked, a thin layer of clear oil is poured on it, completely dispelling the heat in the soup. locked.

   When drinking, you must take your time. The reason is similar to being impatient and unable to eat hot tofu.

  The photographer's tongue was almost blistered, but the director seemed to be inspired: "Maybe we can capture similar scenes when we are shooting."

  That means that the hot protagonist will be replaced by Forrest Gump.

   Similar to this kind of complex outside the script, Hong Kong Island is more casual, but Hollywood is more strict, so it must be discussed by the crew.

   Hanks also nodded, thinking it was quite interesting.

  Liu Qingshan also felt his heart move when he heard it: You can add drama, that's good.

   So he sorted out his thoughts in his mind, and then he opened his mouth and said: "Actually, Taijiquan is the most representative of Chinese culture."

   "Is it Chinese Kungfu?" The foreigners immediately became interested.

  Liu Qingshan blinked, and then continued to flicker: "This is even more ancient. Everything is Tai Chi at the beginning, just like a person who was born ignorantly."

   "Then Taiji transforms the two instruments and separates yin and yang, just like human beings' good and evil."

   "The alternation of yin and yang represents different choices and situations in life. I think Forrest Gump's life trajectory is a good illustration of this..."

  Including the director and the leading actor, everyone was fooled by Liu Qingshan. They seemed to understand a little bit, but they didn't understand anything.

  But the feeling is so mysterious that it makes people feel itchy.

  Liu Qingshan suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed out the window of the box: "Everyone, please look."

  Everyone got up and left the table, and went to the window, only to see a small park opposite. At this moment, the sun was setting, and there were many old people walking in it.

  One of the old men, with white hair and silver beard, was wearing a white exercise suit and was doing Tai Chi.

  The old man's movements are soothing, giving people a sense of floating away from the dust, as if everything in the world is evolving in his hands, revealing endless mystery.

  Looking at it, director Robert slapped his hands suddenly: "Wonderful!"

  (end of this chapter)

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