Hello 1983

Chapter 939: overwhelming shock

  Chapter 939 The overwhelming shock

  Liu Qingshan's intention is very simple, he just wants to leave more Chinese elements in this classic film.

  The director Robert was also successfully fooled by Liu Qingshan, thinking that after adding this clip, it will be more mysterious, so as to better show the ancient and mysterious China.

  So several heads got together, the sparks of thought kept colliding, and the plot was quickly figured out.

  The choice of the location, Liu Qingshan thinks it should be above the landmark building of China.

   Forrest-Gump went to visit the Great Wall, and then saw an old man with a white beard practicing Tai Chi, and said a few mysterious words to Forrest-Gump, that is, a scene of one or two minutes.

  The leading actor Hanks was also very interested in this plot. He looked at Liu Qingshan for a long time, and there was a Forrest Gump smile on his face:

   "Mr. Mountain, I think the effect will be better if you play this old man."

  Director Robert also clapped his hands and applauded: "Not bad, not bad. With Mr. Mountain's popularity, it's an easter egg for the audience."

  Liu Qingshan suddenly had a feeling of shooting himself in the foot with a stone, he waved his hands again and again:

   "No, no, I don't know how to act. Besides, I'm too young."

  Wu Tong beside him couldn't help but smile: "You can use makeup technology, I really want to see what you look like when you make up a grandpa?"

  The director also nodded vigorously: "Our makeup artist Michael is the best. Don't worry, he will definitely be able to turn Mr. Mountain into a qualified old man."

   "At that time, the audience can be mobilized to find out who Mountain is. Haha, it must be very interesting."

   Once the meal was over, Liu Qingshan didn't have much resistance to finalizing this matter, anyway, there wasn't much footage of him.

  It's just doing Tai Chi a few times, then twirling the silver beard with your hands, and talking to Forrest Gump, just like the kind of expert who acts as a guide.

  The next day, Liu Qingshan left Hujiang in a hurry, and flew to the capital with A-Gump's crew.

   After getting off the plane, Wang Zhan from Film and Television City had already brought someone to pick him up, but he didn't pass the official approval, mainly because Liu Qingshan thought it was troublesome.

  Take a car all the way to the film and television city. The crew will shoot some shots here, and then go to the Great Wall to shoot a section, which is basically completed.

   After all, it was the arrival of the Hollywood film crew, and Liu Qingshan also invited some familiar colleagues and friends in his personal capacity.

  For example, there are director Zhang, Lao Jiang and others, which can be regarded as a kind of friendly communication in private.

  After having lunch at the restaurant in the film and television city and taking a short break, the crew drove to the Asian Games Village, where there is a professional sports field, and the scene happened to be the scene of playing table tennis.

  Tomorrow, we will find some group performers, and we can start shooting.

  The project was completed early, and the group of people, led by Liu Qingshan and others, went to the film and television city for a tour.

  Standing under the high city wall and looking at the majestic city gate, the foreigners in the crew were greatly shocked.

   "It's so spectacular. If a historical drama is filmed here, the scale must be very grand!" Director Robert also praised repeatedly.

   Director Zhang's heart moved when he heard it: Is it a historical drama? Perhaps this is also a way for Chinese movies to go global.

  Going into the city and visiting the palace, A-Gump put on a dragon robe and took a picture, which is considered to have passed the emperor's addiction.

   Then I went to the Royal Garden. It was just early spring, the early spring jasmine was blooming, the grass was just turning green, and the old trees inside were beginning to sprout. Everything was so vibrant.

  There happened to be a crew filming a TV series here, and colleagues from the United States watched it happily for a while.

  A group of foreigners pointed and pointed, which made the actors nervous and made frequent mistakes.

  Liu Qingshan looked at it, and suddenly his heart moved: Great opportunity, I love my family's crew is filming, why not ask Forrest Gump to make a guest appearance, it will definitely become a classic in the future.

  So he quickly called the British director. When he heard that it was Hanks, the British director was also excited:

   "We're going to find someone to save the book, even if we don't sleep all night, we have to figure it out!"

  Actors' guest appearances are a major feature of my crew. If all the big Hollywood stars are invited to guest appearances, the level will be improved a lot at once.

   After getting excited, Director Ying remembered a problem: "No way, our crew can't afford him."

  Liu Qingshan laughed loudly: "It's okay, I'll talk to Tom, see if we can make a guest appearance, and give him some souvenirs unique to China."

   Director Ying was overjoyed. After putting down the phone, he could only sigh in his heart: Mr. Liu still has a lot of face.

   On the way back from the film and television city, Liu Qingshan chatted with Hanks alone, and the other party readily agreed.

   After all, Liu Qingshan will soon be the big boss of Columbia Corporation, so it is necessary to form a good relationship.

  And Hanks has a vague feeling that the movie Forrest Gump must be an important milestone in his acting career, and he might be able to touch the Oscar statuette.

  When the film crew was being prepared, it was said that Mr. Mountain strongly recommended him to play the role of Forrest Gump, so Hanks reciprocated.

  The people agreed happily, and Liu Qingshan couldn't be shabby, so he called Zhang Shuzi directly and asked him to send someone to send a Hetian jade pendant over.

  Zhang Jizi came here in person, and his workshop is not far from here.

   Hanks doesn’t need money, but gifts are still acceptable. He opened the exquisite little box in front of him, and inside was a piece of white jade carving. It looked like a lively and lovable little monkey.

   "Thanks, I love this gift."

  Hanks took out the jade, which had already been tied with a red string, and he happily hung it around his neck.

  Liu Qingshan smiled and explained: "This is carved from our favorite Hetian jade. Our country has had the custom of wearing jade since ancient times. It is believed that human conduct should be as gentle as beautiful jade."

  Hanks became even happier when he heard this.

  Liu Qingshan continued: "Tom, you were born in 1956. According to our customs, this year's zodiac is the Year of the Monkey."

   As a result, Hanks was confused. He didn't understand how animals could have anything to do with the calendar.

  Liu Qingshan then explained the twelve zodiac signs to him again, and Hanks nodded again and again: "The culture of your country is really extensive and profound."

   Waiting until the cafeteria was notified to finish the meal, the two ended their friendly exchange and went to the cafeteria together.

  Many people from the entertainment industry came and set up several tables.

  The style of the dishes was also changed to northern dishes. Xiao Li took a small spoon and scooped up the fresh and tender soup-like food in the basin, eating it very smoothly.

   "Liu, what kind of food is this?" If you don't know the name of the dish, that's not okay, so Xiao Li asked like Liu Qingshan.

  Of course Liu Qingshan couldn’t tell him that this was steamed blood tofu with egg liquid inside, so it was smooth and tender.

  Because he knows that foreigners are quite resistant to blood products.

  So he said with a smile: "This is red tofu, Xiao Li, you should eat more, it is very rich in iron."

   "Tofu is my favorite." Xiao Li scooped up a spoon again with a smile.

  Liu Qingshan suppressed a smile, picked up the wine glass, and invited everyone to have a sip. Everyone drank the special monkey wine in Jiapigou.

   Then they started toasting to each other. Director Zhang was at this table, and he also raised a mouthful.

  His film The Big Red Lantern has been produced and is ready to be sent to the Venice Film Festival.

   Following the original trajectory, the film won the Silver Lion and was also nominated for an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.

  He was right next to Director Robert, and the conversation just now was quite speculative.

  From Director Robert, he knew that Liu Qingshan was ready to take over Columbia Pictures.

  While sighing, Director Zhang couldn't help thinking: When handing over the Oscar, can you ask Qingshan to help with public relations?

  Lao Jiang also made a toast, and his film was completed. Since Director Zhang's film is scheduled for this year, he is preparing to participate in next year's Venice Film Festival.

  After that, Uncle Ge and a group of actors also came over to say hello, let's get to know each other first.

   Then a piece of news began to spread in the small circle: Liu Qingshan, Mr. Liu, owns a big film company in the United States, which is Columbia, which everyone is familiar with.

   Awesome, my Mr. Liu!

  The shock in everyone's hearts can only be described as overwhelming.

   But no one is jealous, a little stronger than you, maybe you will be jealous;

  If it is too strong, it will not be of the same level at all, and there will be no jealousy at all.

   On the second day, the crew of A-Gump completed the filming of playing table tennis first, and finished work smoothly in the morning.

  The shot of the Great Wall needs to be shot tomorrow, so it will be fine in the afternoon.

  Liu Qingshan led Hanks to my crew.

   "Brother!" The fourth child is also here today, and when he sees Liu Qingshan, he rushes over happily.

  Liu Qingshan rubbed her head: "Don't affect your study because of filming."

  The little fourth child nodded his head vigorously, and then asked about the situation of the dumb grandpa and the little six in Africa, and she really wanted to go.

   Liu Qingshan introduced Hanks to everyone, and then the British director came over and told Hanks about this scene.

  It’s actually quite simple. Hanks plays a foreign tourist who wants to experience the life of an ordinary Chinese family, and then he lives in my house.

  Because of the cultural surprises of the two countries, many jokes were made.

  This kind of indoor drama is not difficult for Hanks, and it can be done in one afternoon.

   In the evening, I had dinner with the crew again, and everyone was happy.

   At midnight on the second day, the bus from the film and television city took the crew and set off to the Great Wall to shoot the last part of the scene.

  Liu Qingshan didn't sleep all night, he finished his makeup last night, and he didn't dare to lie on the bed to sleep, what if he messed up the old man's makeup?

  After getting in the car, he sat there with his eyes closed to rest his mind, adjusting his breath, and unconsciously, he entered the realm of forgetting both things and me. In the eyes of others, he was like a deep sleep.

  In the bus, there were many people from the film and television city, looking at Liu Qingshan's white-bearded grandfather, he wanted to laugh.

  But everyone held back, because they knew that Liu Qingshan hadn't slept all night, so it was rare for him to take a rest.

  When the convoy arrived at the foot of the Great Wall, it was just dawn.

  They chose a beacon tower in the Badaling section. Standing on it and looking around, the mountains are continuous and slightly green, making them even more majestic.

  After the staff set up the scene, they went to call the two actors Liu Qingshan and Forrest Gump.

   "This ancient building is so majestic!" Hanks exclaimed, while trying to climb the huge stone steps.

  Liu Qingshan stroked his beard with his hand: "If you don't reach the Great Wall, you are not a hero. Young man, come on, don't be left behind by me, an old guy."

   This was originally a joke between two people, but it turned out that there were a few pedestrians nearby who also came to the Great Wall to watch the sunrise.

  A young man and a woman, who seemed to be a couple of lovers, laughed out loud after hearing Liu Qingshan's words.

   Hanks was also very interesting, and raised his hand to gesture to the two young people: "You can try."

   Liu Qingshan translated, and the young man and woman jokingly accelerated their speed and climbed up.

  Suddenly, a white figure passed by, walking swiftly, and quickly left them behind.

   "Master, you are really strong." The young man was completely convinced.

  When Liu Qingshan arrived at the shooting location, the director took care of his stick. He walked through it twice first, and felt that it was almost done, so the official shooting began.

  Liu Qingshan was wearing a practice suit, and slowly pushed his hands. His Taijiquan was actually a bit specious, but it was enough to fool the foreign audience.

  At this moment, the red sun gradually rose from the east, and the light spread to the earth. The mountains and mountains were instantly filled with sunshine, and the entire earth was completely revived at this moment.

  A-Gump climbed up the huge stone steps. When the camera turned, an old man with silver beard appeared in front of him. He was slowly practicing Tai Chi on a beacon tower.

  At this moment, Liu Qingshan completely forgot that he was filming, the moment the sun fell on him just now, he suddenly felt something in his heart.

  It seems that the whole person and this world are integrated into one.

  Director Robert was also taken aback for a while, the scene in front of him was far beyond his expectation.

  The spectacular scene gives people a great shock, and Liu Qingshan in the middle of the picture, with his gestures and gestures, gives him an extremely mysterious feeling.

  It was an indescribable feeling, as if Liu Qingshan at this moment was not a human being, but the incarnation of nature.

   You don't need to deliberately portray his image of a master, but it really gives people this feeling.

   Wonderful! Robert sighed again in his heart, this shot will definitely become a classic.

  Like the feather at the beginning of the movie.

   "Old man, what are you practicing, Chinese Kung Fu?" A-Gump began to speak his lines.

  Liu Qingshan's mind returned, and he gently stroked his beard with his hand: "Tai Chi."

   "Tai Chi?" A-Gump had a question mark face.

   "Yes, all things are born, and the cycle of life and death will never stop." Liu Qingshan turned his hands lightly, and A-Gump's body turned around a few times.

   This is what Liu Qingshan played on the spot, but the effect looks very good.

  A-Gump turned a little dizzy: "Old man, you are amazing, I am at a loss for my future, can you give me some advice?"

   These words came from the heart, Hanks felt that his body was out of control just now.


  Liu Qingshan's laughter echoed in the mountains: "Young people, come from where you are, go wherever you go, life is a journey from the beginning, towards the inevitable destination..."

  (end of this chapter)

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