Hello 1983

Chapter 940: a Dinghaishen needle

  Chapter 940 A Dinghaishen Needle

   "Okay, great, Mr. Mountain, you are more professional than professional actors!"

  Director Robert yelled to stop, and rushed to Liu Qingshan excitedly.

  The scene just now was done in one go, with excellent results.

  The director never imagined that Liu Qingshan, an amateur, would not lose the slightest bit in the rival scene with Hanks.

   "Mr. Mountain, you are really great." Hanks also expressed his conviction,

  He was taken astray by Liu Qingshan just now, and he completely forgot to act, as if he was really listening to the other party's advice.

   Hanks still thinks of Liu Qingshan’s voice in his mind, and can’t help thinking about a profound philosophical question: where do I come from and where am I going?

  The crew's role in Huaxia ended smoothly. Since they came here, Liu Qingshan will stay with them for another two days, at least to visit the Forbidden City and other places of interest.

  After this walk, the crew members were also impressed by China's long history and culture.

  The United States has proud capital in all aspects, but the history of founding the country is too short compared with ancient countries like China, so it lacks heritage and inheritance.

  So when these foreigners see the extensive and profound Chinese culture, they can only envy them.

   At the last stop, Liu Qingshan led them to visit his own museum.

  Uncle Lu was wearing a Chinese mandarin jacket and stood at the door with a smile to greet him.

  The current Uncle Lu is no longer the peddler in the alleys of the past. He is also a curator who is specially equipped with an English translator beside him.

  One of the main businesses of Qingshan Museum is to contact foreign museums, so it is very necessary to hire a translator.

  And some results have been achieved in this regard. For example, two bronze animal heads were successfully returned from the French museum.

   And is currently planning a big deal with the British Museum.

  The reason why it was not achieved was mainly because the Louvre also got involved and staged a fight between two women for husbands. Anyway, Uncle Lu was happy to reap the benefits.

   Everyone entered the museum together, and Uncle Lu personally accompanied and explained.

   He basically knows every cultural relic here.

   There are not many tourists in the museum, only a few dozen people. In addition, there are many experts who are doing some research.

  As soon as Robert and others entered the museum, they felt a little dazzled.

   When he got to the Bronze Pavilion, Hanks got excited when he saw the two rows of zodiac signs, and immediately started talking to his companions. He heard Liu Qingshan say these things, and he was learning and selling now.

  Finally, Hanks pulled out the jade monkey pendant hanging on his chest, and showed off to his companions, making everyone envious.

   There happened to be an expert in the hall, who glanced at Hanks’s jade, and praised a few times:

   "The material has almost reached the level of suet jade, and the carving is also made by everyone. It is valuable and should be treasured."

  He is afraid that foreigners will not know the goods and spoil good things.

   Hanks couldn't help but wonder: "This is a gift from a friend, how much is it worth?"

   Liu Qingshan would not negotiate the price with him when he gave something.

  The expert smiled slightly: "It's worth tens of thousands of dollars in your dollars."

   This surprised Hanks quite a bit: It turned out that what Mr. Mountain gave me was such an expensive gift.

  In fact, this expert is also trying to increase his status in front of foreigners, so he is a little bit hyped. Even so, 10,000 US dollars is still worth it.

   When he won the statuette for Forrest Gump and came to the stage to accept the award, he also specially showed off this jade pendant.

   As a result, jade articles are accepted by more foreigners.

   This is inseparable from Liu Qingshan's promotion. Whether it is a medal inlaid with gold and jade, or a gift of beautiful jade to a friend, it is actually a kind of propaganda.

  After seeing off the crew of A-Gump, Liu Qingshan finally had some free time. He took the lead in going to Jade Bird Science and Technology Park, which is where his roots lie.

  The park is still under construction, and the places that have been put into use have already begun to be greened.

   Now is the time for spring, planting flowers and trees is the right time.

  Mr. Liang, Mr. Na Erye and others are commanding two cranes to transplant ancient trees here. The city is undergoing vigorous construction, and these are the most indispensable things.

  In addition to ancient trees, there are more tree species like pomegranate, jujube, and crabapple.

  In the park, a special orchard was even set up, named Shuoguoyuan.

  There are also many ornamental flowers such as winter jasmine, peonies, and roses, which have also been transplanted.

Liu Qingshan greeted Mr. Liang and others, and heard the second master complain for a while, saying that in a few years, he would get lost in the city, and more and more old houses and buildings would be demolished and replaced by Modern high-rise buildings.

   "Second Master, I can't control this matter, let's do our best." Liu Qingshan comforted the Second Master, these old people have feelings for the original old city.

  Development and protection are really a pair of contradictions. How to find a balance in the middle is indeed a subject worth studying.

  Liu Qingshan first went to the office building of Jade Bird Mobile and met He Wanqing.

   To my surprise, the Blue Bird Three Musketeers were all there, and several technical backbones were gathered around a table, studying something.

   "This is a new phone from Motorola, but it's no worse than our Blue Bird."

  Lu Zhi was fiddling with a mobile phone, which was about the same size and shape as the Jade Bird mobile phone.

   "There is also this Samsung one, which is not bad." Lu Changqing played with another mobile phone, "If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have provided lithium battery technology to these two companies, Lao Li, you are clearly an act of capitalizing on the enemy."

  Li Yifan specializes in lithium batteries, so Lu Changqing made this joke with him.

  But Li Yifan was not in the mood to joke. He flipped through the collected information: "Motorola's new mobile phone is 10% cheaper than ours."

  He Wanqing also looked solemn: "Samsung is even more ruthless, directly cheaper by 20%."

  Now the performance of everyone's mobile phones is similar, so the price becomes the key, and once the price war starts, the original huge profits will shrink rapidly.

   Everyone is the core figure of the company, so they naturally know how profitable the mobile phone is.

  Lu Zhi also sighed: "Fortunately, we developed one earlier and occupied the market share in Europe. Otherwise, we would definitely be overwhelmed by these two mobile phones."

   "It seems that we also have to step up the research and development of new mobile phones." Lu Changqing is well aware of the importance of research and development.

  If you can’t keep up with the pace of the times and live on your laurels, you will definitely be surpassed quickly by others. WANG Computer is the best example.

   "What about the research direction?"

  Someone asked the key, although their team has not stopped research and development, but the improvement is only some minor problems, and there is no key creative breakthrough.

   "Direction, I have it."

  A voice came over, everyone froze for a moment, then looked over together, and saw Liu Qingshan's gentle face with a confident smile on his face.

   "Mr. Liu!"



  For a while, all kinds of names flew up, and Lu Changqing was the most outrageous, and jumped directly to Liu Qingshan: "Boss, with your words, we can rest assured!"

  Others also looked eagerly at Liu Qingshan, obviously they all had the same thoughts.

   In terms of technology, they can beat Liu Qingshan by several blocks.

  But in terms of creativity, no one is dissatisfied.

   This is the main reason why Liu Qingshan is still able to enjoy respect among a group of intellectuals at a young age.

  Engage in technology, sometimes it doesn't matter how much money and power you have.

  Liu Qingshan also tried both Motorola and Samsung mobile phones. The first-generation phones actually look similar.

   These two models are indeed no worse than Jade Bird mobile phones, and even in some respects, the production is even more refined.

   "Qingshan, why don't we lower the price too?" He Wanqing suggested.

  Liu Qingshan smiled: "Price is not the point."

  This can refer to a certain apple in later generations.

  Liu Qingshan continued: "The most important thing is that we must constantly bring new experiences to users, so as to increase word-of-mouth and user stickiness."

  "We are already one step ahead, and we will be ahead step by step, telling our opponents to always be on the way to catch up with us."

  Liu Qingshan looked around: "Our goal is to be imitated and never surpassed!"

  A strong self-confidence radiated from him, infecting everyone present.

  After speaking, everyone who spoke had a feeling of passion in their hearts: This is Mr. Liu's mind and demeanor!

   "Boss, just tell me, what shall we do next?" Lu Changqing felt the blood in his body start to speed up.

  Liu Qingshan sorted out his ideas: "We have two aspects that need to be studied. The first is to increase the functions of mobile phones. With the immediate popularization of mobile phone cards, SMS is a very practical function."

   "I looked at these two phones just now, and they don't seem to have developed the text message function, so they are destined not to have very good sales. This is the best reason why our Jade Bird mobile phones don't need to cut prices."

  The fact is indeed the case. The development of these two mobile phones is really too tight. They are worried that they will be left too far by the blue bird.

   "Understood, we can make a fuss around this point." He Wanqing is also a fully qualified leader now, and soon figured out the key here.

  Other people's thoughts were also opened, Lu Changqing took the lead and said: "I see that young people nowadays like to play handheld game consoles, can you install a few small games in the mobile phone?"

   Liu Qingshan nodded with a smile: "This idea is good, and it can be used for technical research."

  Of course he knows that even the simplest snake-eating can be entertaining.

  Everyone is an expert, chattering all over the place, and quickly researched a lot of things, such as the storage function, which can bring greater convenience to users.

  However, every application requires substantial adjustments to the software and hardware of the mobile phone, which is not something that can be done overnight.

  But after all, we have a direction and a goal, so everyone seems very excited, and the worries just now have long since disappeared.

  The arrival of Liu Qingshan is like a magic needle for calming the sea.

   Seeing everyone's emotions were high, Liu Qingshan continued: "Secondly, we also need to work **** the external form of the mobile phone."

   "Boss, can the mobile phone be made into a triangle?" Lu Changqing couldn't help but get nervous.

  Lu Zhi taught him: "Changqing, don't make trouble, listen to Mr. Liu."

  Lu Changqing shut up immediately, Lu Zhi was mature and stable, Lu Changqing was more convinced by him.

  Liu Qingshan picked up a piece of paper from the table, folded it in half, and then tore it into a rectangle. He looked around the room again and confirmed that they were all the core layer of the company. Then he said:

   "The following content will be classified as the company's top secret and must not be disclosed."

  When everyone saw Liu Qingshan's serious appearance, they immediately nodded in unison, and the office immediately became solemn.

  He Wanqing stood up and closed the door. She knew Liu Qingshan too well, and knew what he said next would definitely affect the company's future development direction.

   "This is the new phone we're going to develop."

  Liu Qingshan showed the piece of paper in his hand, and then unfolded it gently, dividing it into upper and lower parts.

   "What do you mean?" Everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

  Then they saw Liu Qingshan put the pieces of paper close to his face, with the top piece of paper facing his ears and the bottom piece of paper facing his mouth:

   "Hello, I'm Liu Qingshan, who are you?"

  After chatting for a while, Liu Qingshan put the two pieces of paper together again, and then looked at everyone with a smile.

  Most people are still in the fog.

  Suddenly, I saw Lu Changqing jumping up: "Boss, you mean, move the screen of the phone to the top, and you can close it when not in use, right?"

  Everyone suddenly realized, and after thinking about it in their minds, their faces immediately became extremely excited.

  Liu Qingshan nodded: "Yes, this is the new type of mobile phone that we need to focus on in the next stage. We can call it a flip phone."

   "Wonderful, in this way, the phone screen can be enlarged a lot!"

   "Yes, and closing it when not in use can also protect the screen."

   "The overall shape of the mobile phone is actually shrinking!"

  Everyone was chattering, and quickly summed up a lot of advantages of flip phones.

  As for technology, for these technical talents, the most difficult thing is creativity.

   "Boss, how did you grow your brain, I really want to pry it open to see?" Lu Changqing joked with Liu Qingshan again with a smile.

  Other people also looked at Liu Qingshan in unison, their eyes full of admiration.

   Don't think it's just a change in appearance, but this kind of whimsical idea is not something everyone can figure out.

  In fact, Motorola and Samsung are both companies, and later all relied on similar flip phones to win the popularity of users and then form a trend.

   But now, this innovation will definitely be led by the Jade Bird mobile phone.

   "We will immediately set up a research team to develop flip phones." He Wanqing suppressed her excitement and made a decision immediately.

   After thinking about it, she added: "This research must be kept strictly confidential."

  Others also nodded together. Of course, they knew that the value that this idea could create was definitely in the hundreds of millions.

   At this time, Liu Qingshan's mobile phone rang in his bag, he took out the Jade Bird mobile phone, and made a flip gesture before answering the call.

  People in the office also smiled: they were full of confidence and expectations for the future again.


  Recommend a four-million-word chronology: "Rebirth: Back to 1991 to Be the Richest Man", back to 1991, facing this golden age everywhere, Chen Jianghai vowed that he would only live three words in this life: Lin Wanqiu! The story of a reborn man who created an electrical empire and reached the pinnacle of his life!

  (end of this chapter)

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