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Chapter 941: This difficulty seems a bit big?

  Chapter 941 This seems to be a bit difficult?

   It was Yu Guangming who called, and told Liu Qingshan, several old men from various families, to ask him to take time to go there.

   It must be a big deal for these old men to invite them. Liu Qingshan didn't dare to neglect. After lunch, he asked Li Tie to drive him there.

  When he came to the door of Xiaowu's house on Liuyin Street, Liu Qingshan reached out and knocked on the door, while Li Tie behind him carried a few gift boxes, which contained some special products of Jiapigou.

   Visit the elderly at home, of course not empty-handed.

  Although the guard inside the gate knew Liu Qingshan, he still checked carefully before letting him go.

  In the past two years, an unexpected incident happened to a leader with a relatively high status, so vigilance has been strengthened in this regard.

  Old Master Wu was enjoying the afternoon sun in the yard. When he saw Liu Qingshan, he wanted to stand up from his chair.

  Liu Qingshan quickly walked a few steps, holding the old man's arm.

   "Qingshan is here, let's go into the house first, and I'll call those old guys too." Elder Wu was not polite, and went straight to the point.

  He has been a soldier all his life, and he does things straightforwardly, unlike those officials who are engaged in administration.

   Soon, several old men from each family strolled over and sat in the living room.

  They are all the elders of each family, Liu Qingshan really can't sit still.

   "Qingshan, sit down too, let's read some internal information together." Wu Lao waved his hand, and Liu Qingshan sat down.

  As for Li Tie, after saluting these old people, he went to the guard room by himself.

  A guard turned on the video recorder, took out a video tape and stuffed it in, and then also exited the room.

  The sound of the TV was turned on quite loudly. It is estimated that they are all old people with hearing loss. Accompanied by a huge fire, a loud noise came out suddenly.

  Liu Qingshan was still sitting upright, his body was as tall and straight as those old people, and he was not disturbed by the sound at all.

  From the moment he was on the beacon tower of the Great Wall, Liu Qingshan knew that his realm had improved again.

   Otherwise, if they suddenly heard this huge explosion, they would definitely react.

  The old men were all fine men, and they all aimed at Liu Qingshan, seeing that he was unmoved, they all nodded secretly.

  Elder Wu even sighed in his heart: What a good seedling, if this enters the military system, he will definitely be a general in the future.

   After watching for two minutes, Liu Qingshan has basically confirmed that the battle in the video is a major event that happened this year: the Gulf War.

   A multinational force headed by the United States launched a war against Iraq, so the madman in Iraq completely withdrew from the stage of history.

   Liu Qingshan does not comment on the merits and demerits of it. What he is interested in is only the way of this war.

  I believe that these old generals here have the same thoughts.

  They have fought for half their lives, going through life and death, but seeing this kind of modern military operation for the first time, the inherent strategic and tactical thinking in their minds was greatly impacted.

   Indeed, the TV picture brings a powerful impact.

  Missiles and fighter jets dominated the war, and the military bases of the Iraqi country were quickly wiped out one by one. The once very elite soldiers, before entering the real battlefield, the war was over.

   This is a modern war dominated by high technology. For the old generals who came from millet plus rifles, it was indeed a bit shocking.

  When the internal material was played, the old people all breathed a sigh of relief.

   "This is modern warfare, and the ground troops are only the last to appear and are responsible for reaping the victory." Elder Wu sighed.

   "Didn't the planes and cannons of the American devils still be defeated by us on the Korean battlefield?" The old man of the Ma family had a different opinion.

   "Times have changed a long time ago, have you forgotten to teach, you must look at problems from a developmental perspective." It was the old man of the Yu family who said this.

  As for Liu Qingshan, he is a junior, so of course he can only listen.

  Of course he knew that the biggest international event in 1991 was the Gulf War, whether it was Operation Desert Shield or Operation Desert Storm, which became the focus of later military cases.

  This war has also changed a lot.

  Liu Qingshan was thinking about it, when he heard the words of Wu Lao: "Qingshan, you also talk about your own opinion?"

   "Mr. Wu, old people, I don't need to talk about it. In terms of combat, I am just a novice, oh, I am just a layman."

  Liu Qingshan got up quickly, in front of all the old generals, how could he speak?

  Old Master Wu waved his hand: "Qingshan, we trust your vision."

   Over the years, among these few families, the few ineffective children who were originally abandoned have become famous and made great contributions to the family's economy.

  My own children know it by themselves, but they don't have this ability at all.

  In the final analysis, Liu Qingshan, the leader, played a huge role.

   Shopping malls are like battlefields. Liu Qingshan can achieve such a great success in business, so he is naturally highly regarded by these old people.

   "Then I will talk about my own opinion. I saw just now that the United States has applied a large number of high-tech weapons in war for the first time. This is the remarkable feature of modern warfare, and it is worth our deep thinking."

  “If we, the Chinese nation, want to stand tall among the nations of the world, we must catch up militarily.”

  Liu Qingshan is well aware of the development trajectory of this world: Without a strong military force as a guarantee, everything is empty talk.

  The reason why no one dares to provoke polar bears is that although their economy is not good, they have always maintained a strong force.

   When Xiaowu was independent, he got a good deal of cards, but he played poorly. He was completely limped by others.

   In front of these old people, Liu Qingshan did not boast, but emphasized the power of high-tech weapons. This is obvious to all, and I believe they can also see it.

   "Qingshan, what do you think we are lacking in at this stage?" Elder Wu continued to ask.

  This must be all-round. In terms of airspace, fighters need to be updated.

   There are also various information means to deal with information warfare and electronic warfare.

  Of course there is the most important thing, Liu Qingshan replied almost without thinking: "The aircraft carrier, the reason why the multinational forces can gain the advantage of the war so quickly, relies on this kind of sea platform."

  The old people nodded one after another: This item is indeed the weakest in China. Without mobile fortresses at sea, long-distance combat would be impossible.

  Old Wu also showed a gratified smile on his face: "Qingshan, I have been entrusted by the higher authorities, and I hope you can continue to play a role in the north."

  Liu Qingshan understood in no time. In the past few years, his company has drawn good things from Mao Zi, the most advanced fighter planes and main battle tanks, etc., and even got blueprints.

   It is estimated that relevant departments have already started investing in research and development.

   It is precisely because of this undisclosed achievement that Jade Bird received all-round support from above when it was researching mobile phones.

   This can be regarded as a convenient reward for him, so if he is to continue to play a role now, it obviously refers to the aircraft carrier.

  This difficulty seems a bit high?

   A big guy like an aircraft carrier is too eye-catching, and it is impossible to get it back secretly.

   There are too many issues involved. Everyone knows that China wants to build an aircraft carrier, and many countries are watching it with their eyes open.

  China has long wanted to develop an aircraft carrier, and has been actively planning it.

  For example, in 1982, the aircraft carrier Melbourne was purchased from Australia in the name of buying scrap iron.

   Waited until 1998 and 2000, and purchased one after another. Until 2002, the Varyag of Xiaowu was officially purchased and transformed into China's first official aircraft carrier.

   This journey can be described as long and bumpy, but the final outcome is still exciting.

   Now, several years in advance, Liu Qingshan has received this important task, and the agitation in his heart can be imagined.

   Before the righteousness of the nation, there is absolutely no room for backing down. Liu Qingshan will definitely regard this matter as a long-term task and do his best to complete it.

  After making a decision in his heart, Liu Qingshan nodded solemnly: "Grandpa Wu, everyone, I will work hard!"

   "Haha, Qingshan, just try your best. This matter can be done the best, and it's okay if it can't be done. Don't feel pressure."

  Old Wu walked up to Liu Qingshan, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder.

  The old man knew the difficulty of this matter, so he didn't want Liu Qingshan to bear too much pressure and responsibility.

  Old Yu also came over and patted Liu Qingshan on the shoulder: "The main reason is that the disturbances in the north are a bit fierce during this period. It seems that the disintegration of the Soviet Union is only a matter of time, so we have the idea of ​​winning in the chaos."

  Of course Liu Qingshan knows this truth, it’s like a big family is splitting up, and the brothers all fight for the family property, so that outsiders can profit from it.

  In fact, the reason why Xiaowu’s aircraft carrier was obtained later is roughly the same.

   Coming out of Wu's hometown, Liu Qingshan got into the car. He and Li Tie were the only ones in the car, and Li Tie didn't even ask.

   "It seems that we have to go to Heihe soon." Liu Qingshan muttered, no matter what, this matter must be put on the agenda first.

   "Okay." Li Tie spat out a word.

  But Liu Qingshan was so familiar with him that he could hear a hint of excitement from Li Tie's voice.

  It seems that this tough guy still doesn't like the comfortable life in the city.

  In addition to the Heihe side, there is also Longteng International Trading Company, which also needs to be active in Eastern Europe. It is safe to use two prongs.

   In a few months, Xiaowu will announce his separation from the Soviet Union, which is also a relatively good time.

   After all, judging from historical experience, Xiao Wu can be fooled by others, so why didn't he, Liu Qingshan, go to fool him first.

  Back at home, the fifth child has already finished school, and the fourth child has just returned from the film and television city. The two sisters are sitting in front of the table, and the fifth child is giving lectures to the fourth child.

  In the courtyard, Li Tieniu was watching his son learning to walk. The calf staggered with two little feet, walked a few steps wobbly, and then slammed on the ground.

   "Son, get up, if you fall, you have to get up by yourself." Li Tieniu didn't care at all, and grinned.

  The calf groaned and climbed up, then took two steps, fell down again, got up and took two steps.

  However, Liu Qingshan appreciates his way of raising children, children, don’t need to get used to it, it’s more solid to beat and beat.

  Now Miss Xiaocui is busy preparing for the construction of the Longteng Commercial Building in Spring City. She usually sends it to the nursery during the day, and Aunt Lu helps take care of the children at night.

   Not long after, Wu Tong also came back from the company to help Aunt Lu clean up the dinner.

   After Uncle Lu and Uncle Maoer came back, everyone was assembled and we had dinner together.

  Lao Maoer is quite at ease during this time. Emma is going through the formalities in Europe. His elder brother is at home alone, or goes to the museum, or rides a tricycle to receive the goods. The little days are quite nourishing.

   Liu Qingshan explained to everyone that he was going to the frontier, and Li Tieniu touched the calf in his arms:

   "Son, daddy can't be with you anymore, next time you come back, don't forget daddy again!"

  Everyone couldn’t help laughing. Maverick saw his father for the first time a few days ago, and he didn’t know him. As soon as Li Tieniu hugged him, Maverick struggled hard, and when he couldn’t struggle, he started crying.

  Wu Tong looked at Liu Qingshan, his eyes were full of reluctance, after all, he was newly married, so he had to say goodbye.

  However, she didn't rush to follow. On the side of her own company, the Lion King movie has entered the production stage, and she needs to be at the helm.

  In addition, she also knew that the Soviet Union was in chaos right now, and Liu Qingshan would definitely not take her there out of safety considerations.

   In the next few days, Liu Qingshan seized the time to arrange everything in the capital properly.

   Fortunately, in the past few years, he has paid attention to training manpower. In every field, there are unique figures, which saves Liu Qingshan a lot of worry.

   There are also things that don't go well, that is, my family's drama has a bit of twists and turns.

  The filming of the first 80 episodes has been completed and premiered in Beijing and Taiwan. The public response is good, and the common people like it.

  The production crew was also greatly encouraged, and was hurrying to shoot later, but bad news came.

   I don’t know who is full of food. I was stunned to say that the old Fu in this show spoke in a strange way, and it was clear that he was satirizing the veteran cadres. As a result, Beijing TV could not withstand the pressure and had to stop the broadcast.

  When Liu Qingshan heard the call from Wang Zhan, he hurried to the crew.

  Everyone is not in the mood for filming anymore, they are getting together and coaxing.

  Wang Zhan is also here. When he saw Liu Qingshan, he immediately shouted angrily:

   "It's that **** Chu Xiaoba who was behind the scenes and showed his old man this show, and that's why he made such a moth."

  Liu Qingshan smiled and waved his hands: "What do you guys think of our drama?"

   "Wow!" Sister Dandan raised her head.

   "On the whole, it's pretty good. It's just that I didn't grasp the role well. I will make a deep review to everyone."

  Old Fu bared, speaking in the same tone, he was used to it.

  Liu Qingshan quickly took over the conversation: "If you want to review it, I have to come. I was the one who brought it up at the beginning."

   Hearing what he said, everyone was happy, and the atmosphere was no longer so depressing.

   "Then what shall we do with the next film? Should we continue filming?" Director Ying raised his hand to hold his glasses, and Liu Qingshan had to make up his mind on this, as he is the investor after all.

  All eyes were on Liu Qingshan, as if waiting for a verdict.

  Everyone has put a lot of effort into this film, and the crew is very harmonious. Everyone has feelings, and it's really like a family.

  If this stopped with a click, no one would be upset.

  (end of this chapter)

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