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Chapter 942: Who is so closed-eyed

  Chapter 942 Who is so closed-eyed

   Liu Qingshan glanced across the faces of the crew members, he could see the worry and unwillingness in everyone's eyes, so he smiled slightly:

   "Of course we will continue to shoot. Our goal remains the same, which is to create a classic comedy."

  Obviously felt, everyone breathed a sigh of relief,

  Old Fu grinned and opened his mouth first: "Let me just say, we can't have self-doubt just because there is a little doubt from the outside world. We still have to strengthen our beliefs, persevere to the end, and strive for greater victories!"

  It's a pity that the little brother is no longer there, otherwise, he would definitely be happier.

  Wang Zhan's mood has also stabilized a lot: "Qingshan, then let's let this TV series go like this?"

  Liu Qingshan waved his hand: "Beijing TV stations don't broadcast, so let's find those local stations and build word-of-mouth in a small area first. The old man taught us that a single spark can start a prairie fire."

  His accent also imitated old Fu, which made everyone laugh again, and the haze of the crew also dissipated.

  Then, the British director made another request: there is an episode about chasing stars, which is about Hong Kong and Taiwan stars, so it is necessary to invite an idol star with enough weight.

   If you invite through formal channels, the cost is estimated to be high.

  This question is really not a problem for Liu Qingshan: "Is Hua Tsai of this level okay?"

   "It's too good!" Director Ying clapped his hands and applauded, Hong Kong and Taiwan have gradually mentioned the Four Heavenly Kings.

   "Okay, I'll call Hua Tsai later, when will he come here, and make time to catch up."

  Liu Qingshan finalized this matter. Based on his relationship with Hua Tsai, this is not a problem. If it weren't for Jia Kui and the others in Africa, they wouldn't even mention it.

  In fact, my crew invited far more guest stars than the original ones, and the extra ones were basically for the sake of Liu Qingshan.

   After finishing the work on the production team and arranging the affairs of several other companies, Liu Qingshan led the brothers Li Tie and Li Tieniu to take a plane and fly directly to Longjiang.

  Wu Tong and others were going to the airport to see them off, but they were all driven back by Liu Qingshan. Places like airport stations are the most painful parting.

   "Sanfeng, have a good trip, take care of yourself."

   Wu Tong also had some red eye circles, but as he was talking, he retched a few times, and even tears came out.

  What's the situation?

  Liu Qingshan hurriedly stroked her back lightly, he thought Wu Tong was in too agitated mood.

   "Isn't Xiao Tong happy?" After all, Aunt Lu is a person who has been here before, and she was the first to think of a certain possibility.

  It's really possible!

  Liu Qingshan was also overjoyed, but it's a pity that the dumb grandpa is not here, otherwise he would be able to feel his pulse, even if he is a little six.

  This matter is not ambiguous, Liu Qingshan asked Li Tie to refund the ticket first, and then drove Wu Tong to the hospital for examination.

   It turned out that Wu Tong was pregnant with a child.

   Destroyed Liu Qingshan's joy, and immediately asked Wu Tong to take care of her baby at home.

   "It's so delicate." Wu Tong insisted on going to the company, and told Liu Qingshan not to delay the business.

   "For us, this is the biggest thing." Liu Qingshan said softly, holding Wu Tong in his arms.

  Finally, it was Wu Tong who called both Lin Zhi and her own mother, and both of them hurried over.

  Lin Zhi also brought Xiao Huo and Xiao Yueyue, and now the family is very lively.

   "Sanfeng, you should go out to do errands, can't you live at home without looking at it?" Lin Zhi also ordered.

   "Mom, do you think I'm in the way?" Liu Qingshan was hugging Xiao Yueyue, and immediately put on an aggrieved look, "The grandchildren are still in the mother's womb, so I don't want a son!"

  Xiao Yueyue gently patted Liu Qingshan's cheek with her small hand: "Yueyue wants uncle."

   With his mother and mother-in-law taking care of him at home, Liu Qingshan was finally able to go out with peace of mind.

  In the past, no matter how far away he went, Liu Qingshan would just go wherever he wanted.

  Just this time, it seems to feel a little different, it seems that there is another concern in life.

  Liu Qingshan took Li Tie and Li Tieniu first by plane to Bingcheng, the provincial capital of Longjiang. There was no plane going to the frontier that day, and there was a small airport on the other side of Heihe, and there was a trip every two days.

  Then we can only stay for one night, take the bus to the city, and find a random hotel to stay.

  Liu Qingshan flipped through a piece of paper given to him by Mr. Wu, which recorded several phone calls.

  For this operation, Elder Wu still gave him great support.

  Liu Qingshan acquiesced again, convinced that he had firmly memorized these numbers, then tore up the paper and threw it into the wastebasket.

  Looking at the time, it's already noon, and the three brothers went out to eat. It's the beginning of spring, and it's time to eat Kaijiang fish.

   I found a restaurant, and I ordered a steamed squid, and a plate of stewed small miscellaneous fish with sauce, and a few side dishes. The three brothers didn't drink, and they ate more deliciously with rice.

  Cooking river fish and laying hens, it really lives up to its reputation, the fish is so tender.

   While eating, Liu Qingshan’s phone rang, and after he connected, Gao Lingfeng’s urgent voice came from inside: “Qingshan, have you arrived in Bingcheng?”

   "Brother Gao, what's the matter?" Liu Qingshan didn't care about the politeness and asked directly.

   "There are more than a dozen singers under our big tree, and they were invited to perform in Bingcheng, and encountered some trouble." Gao Lingfeng told the story again, and he also booked a ticket, but he would not arrive until evening.

  Liu Qingshan is from the Northeast, of course he knows that the people here are tough.

   This is naturally formed in the process of people's struggle against the cruel natural environment. If you don't have the courage to fight the wolves, you can't gain a foothold here.

   Therefore, it is easy to breed some illegal forces and do some messy activities.

  When Liu Qingshan and the others were conducting border trade, there were also some local forces who wanted to swallow Longteng Company.

  However, no one can shake Longteng's back against the big tree of the border guard station, so it will grow stronger there.

   Otherwise, it would have been eaten to the bone.

  As for singers or actors in the entertainment industry, it is not uncommon for them to come here to perform and then be detained by **** in small cities.

   Even Lao Guo, who talked about cross talk, had a similar experience.

  When Liu Qingshan put down the phone, the two brothers had already stood up, Li Tieniu stared at the bull's-eyeballs: "Who is so closed-eyed, just because my hands are itchy."

  Li Tie didn't say a word, but there was a piercing chill in his eyes.

  The waiter who called over to settle the accounts was shocked when he saw him.

  Out of the hotel, Liu Qingshan took out his mobile phone, and first called Na Rong, who was in charge of leading the team this time.

  Na Rong is the granddaughter of the second master, who is now the head of the economic team of the company under the big tree.

  The call was not connected, Liu Qingshan thought for a while, and then dialed Amao's mobile phone. Amao and Xiaosengzi were all on the list for this performance.

   These actors under the big tree can be regarded as the first to get the moon, and each of them was issued a Jade Bird mobile phone.

   Still not getting through, Liu Qingshan simply stopped calling, directly hailed a taxi, and went to the White Swan Hotel where the singers stayed.

  Getting off the car in front of the hotel, Liu Qingshan walked directly into the lobby of the hotel. With a sweep of his eyes, he saw a few guys in trench coats wandering around in the gorgeously decorated lobby.

  These youths were all wearing big sunglasses and had cigarettes in their mouths. It was not a good idea at first glance.

   Passengers who came in and out, when they saw them, immediately averted their eyes, and then hurriedly walked, as if they were afraid of getting into trouble.

  Liu Qingshan came directly to the front of the service desk and asked the waiter inside: "Which floor do the people from Dashuxia Company from the capital live on?"

  The waiter was a girl in her twenties. She didn't answer right away, but looked at the guys wearing sunglasses flickeringly.

   "Who are you?" A young man walked up to Liu Qingshan, took off his sunglasses, and looked at Liu Qingshan provocatively.

   "I'm from the company under the big tree. I'm here to pick you up." Liu Qingshan also looked at the other party calmly.

  Bah, the young man spit the cigarette **** in Liu Qingshan directly.

  But then he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and he had long since disappeared. Then there was a sharp pain in his abdomen, and the young man bowed like a boiled prawn.

  When the remaining young people saw it, they all rushed forward cursing, and then heard a loud roar, Li Tieniu and Li Tie went up to meet him, punched and kicked him three times, and knocked him down.

   These little gangsters have no skills, they usually bully others, but if they really do it, they are the opponents of Liu Qingshan and others.

   "We are from the Eighth Master, if you dare to beat us, you should lie down and leave the ice city!"

  The young man who fought against Liu Qingshan at the beginning was still shouting, and then Liu Qingshan slapped him on the back of the neck, so the whole world was clean.

  Liu Qingshan smiled at the waiter: "You can tell me now."

  The waiter still didn't make a sound, but made a very vague gesture of six.

  These locals have really lived in the shadow of this group of gangsters headed by Baye these past few years.

   "Tie Zi, stay here, Tie Niu and I will go up." Liu Qingshan didn't take the elevator, and led Li Tieniu up the stairs directly to the sixth floor.

   Entering this floor, I saw five or six young people wandering in the corridor.

  Most of them had cigarettes in their mouths, and the ashes and cigarette butts were thrown directly on the ground, which was covered with carpets.

  As for the waiters on the floor, they all lowered their heads, pretending not to see anything.

  Liu Qingshan's pupils shrank suddenly: These guys are really rampant.

   "What are you two doing? Eighth Master's people are working here. If you are sensible, get out of here."

  A young man yelled, and was directly crushed by Li Tieniu's tank-like body.

  Two youths nearby came up to meet them, and the remaining two turned around and ran away, turning a corner, presumably to report a letter.

   It was useless Liu Qingshan made a move, Li Tieniu punched them one by one, knocking those two guys down against the wall.

   Then the two chased after the corner, and saw several people coming out of a room. The person in the front was about thirty years old, with a big scar on his eyebrow, which made him look very vicious.

   "Which path are the two brothers from?" Brother Scar still cupped his hands.

  Liu Qingshan had no intention of making friends with him, so he punched him directly.

   "Good boy." That Brother Scar's figure flashed past Liu Qingshan's fist. This guy had obviously practiced before.

  However, compared with Liu Qingshan's skill, he was much worse than Liu Qingshan. He dodged a punch, but still received a kick in the abdomen. He was kicked so that he flew into the air, and then fell heavily on the carpet.

  Li Tieniu was even less polite, like a tiger joining a herd of sheep, three times, five divisions, and two, knocking down all those people.

   Only the last one saw that the situation was not good, and ran away.

   "Little brother, these guys have knives in their pockets." Li Tieniu went up to search, and soon found some daggers and switchblades.

  Liu Qingshan had also noticed it a long time ago, so he would be merciless when he shot. The other party was also used to being arrogant, thinking that no one would dare to attack them, so he didn't even have a chance to use a knife.

   But even if it is used, the result is the same, only the beating is worse.

  Leaving Li Tieniu in the corridor to clean up these punks, Liu Qingshan stepped into the room just now.

   This is a large suite. There are more than a dozen people in the room, all looking towards the door in horror.

  Seeing Liu Qingshan's familiar and kind face, everyone was stunned.

   "Wow, boss!"

  The little stool was the first to react, and suddenly rushed towards Liu Qingshan, and then hung his whole body on Liu Qingshan's neck.

  Liu Qingshan felt that his neck was wet soon, this girl, she is so big, she still shed tears.

   Not only the small stools, but the eyes of most of the singers in the room became moist.

   "Boss, is it really you?" Amao rubbed his eyes vigorously, tears of excitement and joy shone inside.

   "Mr. Liu!" Na Rong walked over, and Liu Qingshan noticed that her left cheek was a little red and swollen, and fingerprints could still be seen.

  Liu Qingshan raised his head and patted her on the shoulder: "It's okay, it's all over. You did a good job. If you have something to do, notify the company in time. I happened to pass by this city and caught up."

  Na Rong wanted to control her tears, but couldn't hold it back. She could only nod her head vigorously, tears dripping down.

  Huanzi and Uncle Teng also came up, Huanzi looked at Liu Qingshan apologetically: "Boss, I am useless and cannot protect everyone."

  Liu Qingshan waved his hand: "You are a singer, not a bodyguard. Don't blame yourself. Pack your things and leave here immediately."

  These people dispersed immediately, returned to their respective rooms, and soon gathered in the corridor again, following Liu Qingshan and Li Tieniu downstairs.

   While they were packing up their belongings, Liu Qingshan made a call on his mobile phone.

  Brought to the lobby on the first floor, Li Tie stood guard here alone, and the young men squatted against the wall, holding their heads in their hands, each more honest than the other.

   "Please arrange a vehicle for your hotel to take us away." Liu Qingshan nodded towards the waiter.

  The hotel has a special car, and two large vans were quickly called. Liu Qingshan counted the number of people, and then got in the car and left.

   Sitting in the car, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then Narong told what happened.

   It was said that there was a man named Ba Ye, who wanted to ask the female singers to accompany him for a drink, but of course everyone refused.

   As a result, the other party acted so arrogantly that he came directly to the hotel to rob people.

   This also reminded Liu Qingshan: In the future, the company should carefully screen the commercial performances to avoid similar situations from happening again.

   "The people here are too barbaric, they've caught up with the bandits. I won't dare to come here after saying anything." The little stool said without hesitation.

  After she finished speaking, she realized that everyone was looking at her and smiling, and Xiao Stool stuck out her tongue: "Boss, I didn't mention you."

  She just remembered that the boss's home is actually in a neighboring province, and the folk customs are similar.

  Liu Qingshan also smiled: "In fact, it's the same everywhere, there are kind people, and there are people who do evil..."

   Just as he was talking, he felt the van slam on the brakes, causing everyone in the car to flash.

  Liu Qingshan's foot is solid, but he was not affected. Through the front windshield, he saw two jeeps lying in the middle of the road, blocking the way.

  (end of this chapter)

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