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Chapter 943: Unjust is doomed to destruction

  Chapter 943 Many acts of unrighteousness will lead to suicide

   "It's Baye's man, it's broken, it's broken." The middle-aged driver stood up in a panic, turned around and said:

   "Everyone, I'm sorry, I dare not drive this car, there is no way, we all have families and businesses, we can't afford to offend others."

  Liu Qingshan could also understand him, motioned Li Tie to drive, and then said: "In this world, good people should not be afraid of bad people."

  The driver's face turned red, and he shook his head helplessly.

   "Reverse the car and go back to the hotel first." Liu Qingshan quickly made a decision, and then made another call.

   Li Tie quickly took over the steering wheel, and there were few cars on the road, so he could turn around.

   In another car, the driver was also replaced by Li Tieniu.

  Driving back along the original road, more and more vehicles followed, and finally formed a huge convoy.

   Not only that, there were more than a dozen motorcycle riders in front of them, surrounded by two vans, as if they were receiving VIPs.

   "Our salary is high enough." Liu Qingshan was still joking.

  The singers are a little worried, there are too many people on the other side.

  They have all heard a saying: A strong dragon does not overwhelm a snake.

  Liu Qingshan also frowned slightly, but he was not worried, but felt a little indignant: In broad daylight, this group of people dare to be so arrogant?

   Not long after, the convoy returned to the hotel, and the convoy stopped on the road in front of the hotel.

   "Everyone is waiting in the car, don't worry." Liu Qingshan only got out of the car with the second general Heng Ha, but Huanzi and Uncle Teng still followed.

  If you are a man, you can't be cowardly.

  A large group of youths with bad looks have already surrounded this side, and they all cast contemptuous eyes on Liu Qingshan and the three of them: In this city, if you dare to provoke Ba Ye, you will die.

   "That's enough, I can finally have a good fight today."

  Li Tieniu clenched his big fist and was about to charge forward, but was stopped by Liu Qingshan, so there was no need to make a move at this time.

   "I want to run, this time I come in standing up and go out lying down."

  The guy with the scar came up with a limp. He was badly repaired by Li Tieniu just now, and he must retaliate ten times and a hundred times.

   "Call your boss to come here, you are not qualified to talk to me." Liu Qingshan didn't intend to waste time with these young people.

  Brother Scar has never suffered this kind of anger. Thanks to the large number of people, he has become more courageous: "Come on, get rid of these guys first."

   With a huff, more than 20 young people with sticks rushed up.

   "Scar, wait a moment." Suddenly a voice came.

  These people immediately stopped and retreated to their original places. They all knew that the owner of the voice was Baye.

   Liu Qingshan also followed his reputation. He was a guy in his late forties, of medium height, wearing a windbreaker, with a smile on his face, and the smile revealed an evil spirit.

   "Friend, what is the source?"

  The eighth master shook his shoulders, and the windbreaker he was wearing fell off. A younger brother next to him took the windbreaker skillfully, and put it on his arm respectfully.

   "I am Liu Qingshan, and I belong to the company under the big tree."

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help but want to laugh: I guess he has practiced a lot, so skillful?

  Ba Ye's eyes narrowed for a moment, and the expression on his face became serious, obviously he had heard of the name Liu Qingshan.

   "It turned out to be Mr. Liu, who has been admiring him for a long time, haha, why didn't he say hello in advance when he came to my brother's place?"

  Ba Ye's attitude suddenly changed drastically, and he put on a smiling face.

  Liu Qingshan shook his head, and replied coldly: "I don't have that friendship."

  In the eyes of Ba Ye's subordinates, this is a bit ignorant.

  Ba Ye also felt a little face-sweeping, and put away the smile on his face: "Since Mr. Liu doesn't preach the rules of the Tao, then let's settle the score carefully. You beat my brother, what happened?"

   "What do you think?" Liu Qingshan wanted to hear how arrogant the other party was.

  Ba Ye sneered: "It's very simple, one million medical expenses, I believe Mr. Liu's family has a big business, so they can still afford it."

   "Also, ask your company's singer to accompany me and have a glass of wine, spend the night, and let you go tomorrow."

  Liu Qingshan shook his head: "I also give you a word, if you do many unrighteous actions, you will die yourself."

   "You are toasting, don't eat fine wine!" Two cold lights shot out from the eyes of Ba Ye, showing a fierce look.

  He is definitely the No. 1 person in this city. He has opened a security company and has a lot of help.

   Those who come out to hang out, pay attention to appearance.

  If someone pouted today, what kind of stick will there be in the future?

  The brothers under his command saw that the conversation between the boss and the other party had collapsed, so why not be polite, let's start the fight.

  So they all clenched the guys in their hands and waited for the boss to give an order.

   "Don't move!"

  Suddenly, a loud horn sounded, and the punks looked around, only to see intersections on both sides, and I don’t know when several green jeeps and large trucks appeared

  Opening the car door, a group of policemen rushed over with their guns drawn.

  Damn it, this is a real guy.

  The gangsters quickly threw away the sticks in their hands, and then raised their hands high, not even having the courage to struggle.

   "It's boring." Li Tieniu muttered in his mouth, and he also knew that he must not be able to enjoy himself.

  The police rushed up like wolves and tigers, and dragged the person directly into the car, just like throwing a bag of noodles. Immediately, there were bursts of howls like killing pigs.

  That eighth master also changed his face greatly, and he secretly retreated in his heart.

  A police officer came up: "Which one is Comrade Liu Qingshan?"

  Liu Qingshan nodded to him: "Thank you, comrades."

   "It's not hard, it should be."

  The police officer snapped salute to Liu Qingshan, then waved his hand neatly: "Take all these people away!"

  Ba Ye went up to him and wanted to say something, but was kicked in the crook of his hind legs by a policeman, fell to his knees, and was dragged away like a dead dog.

  In the blink of an eye, dozens of gangsters were all escorted into the police car. The police officer leading the team saluted Liu Qingshan again, and then closed the team directly, disappearing completely in the blink of an eye.

  Only Liu Qingshan and the other three were left in the arena, and there were still a crowd of people hiding in the distance watching the excitement.

   "Let's go." Liu Qingshan had neither joy nor sorrow on his face. These people are self-inflicted and cannot live.

  The two vans drove towards the airport again, and quickly disappeared from people's sight.

  The crowd watching the excitement will explode now:

   "Haha, Eighth Master and his gang have been arrested!"

   "This guy has done a lot of evil, this time he will definitely be shot!"

   "It's so satisfying, no, I have to buy a bunch of firecrackers and set them off!"

   After getting excited, someone thought of a question: "Who was that young man just now, and who were sitting in the van?"

   "Needless to say, there must be senior cadres sitting in the car!"


   So it gradually spread in the market, and there are different versions.

   Today's incident was just the beginning, and a large-scale arrest operation began in the next few days. Hundreds of people were arrested. For a while, the social atmosphere in Ice City was also cleared up.

  Liu Qingshan sent everyone under the big tree to the plane, so he felt at ease.

  Thanks to Mr. Wu this time, one of the calls to him was the leader of the local security area.

  Liu Qingshan knows that at this time, the most advantageous means of attack is to cut the mess quickly.

   Otherwise, there will be more troubles.

  After returning from the airport, Liu Qingshan and the three found a small hotel to stay quietly. They were not afraid of being retaliated against. Now Ba Ye's subordinates must have become bereaved dogs.

  The main reason is that Liu Qingshan finds it troublesome and doesn't want to have too much to do with local people.

  An An slept peacefully all night, and took the plane to Heihe the next day.

  After getting off the plane, Liu Qingshan immediately felt a burst of chill. It is now the middle of March in the Gregorian calendar, and it is already early spring in the capital, and the vegetation is sprouting.

   But here, it is still ice and snow, that is, the sun comes up during the day, and the Chaoyang **** has just opened up, it is like two worlds.

   Fortunately, Liu Qingshan and the others had the experience of living here, so they put on their down jackets, took a Lada, and rushed to the city.

  There are many more buildings in the small town, obviously waiting for the reopening of the port.

  There are still relatively few people on the street, there is nothing to do, this is the characteristic of the vast land and sparse population.

  However, Liu Qingshan knows that when the border trade reopens next year, this small town will become prosperous again.

   Came directly to the original location of Longteng Company, the sign was still hanging, and there were people coming and going at the door, which seemed busier than other places.

  Liu Qingshan and the others walked in directly, and there were two simple wooden signs erected at the gate, with the words "One Yuan Circulation Field of Video Hall" written on one side.

   On the other side, it says "billiards five cents a club".

  You can also hear the sound of billiard **** hitting from inside the building, as well as the fighting sound of martial arts movies on Hong Kong Island.

   It's quite lively.

  When Liu Qingshan left, he arranged for the left-behind personnel here, and set up a video hall and a billiard hall. Unexpectedly, the business was not bad, at least enough for these left-behind personnel to spend.

  In the 1980s and 1990s, video halls gradually replaced movie theaters; and playing billiards gradually became popular.

   Of course, the most popular game halls are those large coin-operated arcade machines.

   But the game hall is a bit scolded, so Liu Qingshan didn't ask them to do it.

   There is even a small game hall dedicated to playing red and white machines. A room full of half-grown children can make people die of noise.

  Before Internet cafes appeared, these were some of the most popular entertainment activities, and they were also the most unforgettable memories for people of that era.

  Liu Qingshan and the others were recognized as soon as they entered the billiard hall: "Brother Tieniu, why are you back? Ah, Mr. Liu, you are here too!"

   It was Wang Yufeng who spoke, that is, the blind Liu who was possessed by Lord Vulcan.

   But now it's messed up, he's still wearing a fat suit, and his hair is sleek and shiny, obviously he didn't lack pomade or something.

  Li Tieniu stretched out his big hand and patted Wang Yufeng on the shoulder: "Old Wang, you look like a dog, are you begging for a wife?"

  Wang Yufeng grimaced when he was photographed, and said hee hee twice: "No, I just fell in love with someone."

   After finishing speaking, he went to Liu Qingshan: "Mr. Liu, is the border trade going to be reopened? Then, can we have a big fight again? It's too boring to guard the billiard hall all day to collect small money."

  Liu Qingshan also looked at him with a smile: "Old Wang, a steady flow of water is a good business. When I get married, I'm still waiting for the wedding wine."

   Treating Wang Yufeng, Liu Qingshan always had a special feeling. He saved a fire and saved this guy. He didn’t have to go to jail and lived a normal life like everyone else. This is a kind of happiness in itself.

   "It's also from our village. Thanks to Mr. Liu, you took care of me. When I returned to the village, everyone gave me a high look, so someone was willing to introduce someone."

  Wang Yufeng had a wide-eyed smile on his face. It could be seen that this guy was really happy.

   Soon, several left-behind personnel came over and greeted Liu Qingshan affectionately.

  Liu Qingshan just came over to take a look, and then found a car to go to Dongshan Village. The focus of Longteng's border trade business is there.

   "I'm going to drive now." Wang Yufeng ran out, and then was grabbed by his companions. It was already noon, and Mr. Liu and the others must have not eaten yet.

  Liu Qingshan didn't go to the big hotel next door, so he ate in the company's small cafeteria.

  It is also an river fish caught by breaking the ice in the river. It is stewed in a large pot, and some vermicelli are put in it. It is oily and red, and it is very appetizing.

  Wang Yufeng clipped the cartilage of a sturgeon to Liu Qingshan: "You said that this is no longer fishing in the river, why do you still think about it?"

  Liu Qingshan nodded: "It's good to think about it occasionally, so as not to forget your origin."

   "Yes, that's the reason, or Mr. Liu is knowledgeable." Lao Wang also flattered, it seems that the environment can indeed change people.

  After dinner, he set off directly. Wang Yufeng drove a jeep, took Liu Qingshan and the three of them to Dongshan Village.

  The road has no snow, and it has obviously been repaired. It is very smooth. When the sun is about to set, you can see Dongshan Village, a small mountain village, in front of you.

  However, it is obvious that the small mountain village has undergone tremendous changes.

  In and outside the village, there are many simple sheds built, which are divided into areas, and many large trucks are parked in them.

  Among the originally uniform mud houses, some taller brick houses have also been erected.

  Old Wang pointed to the front excitedly: "My family also built a big brick house!"

   After finishing speaking, he added another sentence: "Nowadays, when a girl looks for her husband's family, her eyes are high. If there is no brick house, the girl of that family will not date you."

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly. This can be regarded as the change that their company has brought to this small village, right?

  Suddenly heard a cracking sound coming from beside him, but it was Li Tieniu who slapped his thigh straight: "Oh, I forgot something, I didn't bring a gift for my husband's family!"

   After finishing speaking, he patted himself on the head again, and stretched out his big hand in front of Liu Qingshan: "Little senior brother, you can lend me some money first, or it will be more economical to give some money directly to my father-in-law."

   "How could there be a uncle like you who abducted his daughter and came to the door empty-handed."

  Liu Qingshan was swearing, seeing Li Tieniu scratching his head, he stopped teasing him: "Xiaocui has prepared everything for you, the big canvas bag in the car is it."

  Li Tieniu laughed a few times, pulled a large bag out of the car, carried it lightly, and ran to the village: "Old man, I, Tieniu, came to see you."

  (end of this chapter)

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