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Chapter 957: This big guy, I want it!

  Chapter 957 This big guy, I want it!

  The luxury cruise ship passed through the Red Sea smoothly and arrived at the Suez Canal. After replenishing supplies and fresh water here, continue on the road.

  Li Tieniu seemed bored, and spent the whole day looking for companions on the boat to discuss.

   At the beginning, the locals in Rainbow City were still not convinced, and they made gestures with Li Tieniu, but then no one was there to be his training partner.

   As a result, Li Tieniu found the bodyguards on the cruise ship. These bodyguards were originally the personal bodyguards of Prince Hamed. They are naturally proficient in fighting, and some of them came from some famous training camps.

  Although he is at a disadvantage in the battle with Li Tieniu, he will not be beaten to the ground after all.

  Competing with masters, they couldn’t even spend money to invite them. These bodyguards also knew that the opportunity was rare, so they gritted their teeth. Even though their bodies were bruised and bruised, they still practiced against Li Tieniu every day.

  The Mediterranean is located at the junction of the three continents of Asia, Africa and Europe. Standing on the deck, Liu Qingshan looked around.

  On the deck not far away, Li Tieniu was tossing with several bodyguards.

  Looking at the vast sea and sky, Liu Qingshan also feels quite emotional in his heart. The coast of the Mediterranean Sea once gave birth to a splendid civilization.

  For example, the ancient Egyptian civilization in Africa, as well as the Aegean Sea and ancient Roman civilizations in Europe, etc.

  In the blink of an eye, thousands of years have passed, and human society has continued to develop and advance. Some civilizations have fallen, and new civilizations have risen. This world is also constantly undergoing metabolism.

  But in the far east, the Chinese civilization has continued, and in this new era, it has regained its vigor and vitality.

  Looking at the long history, how many nations can do this?

  Thinking of this, a feeling of incomparable pride surged up from his chest, and Liu Qingshan couldn't help but howl loudly.

   The howling sounded louder and louder, and Li Tieniu and others who were fighting not far away also stopped, and the bodyguards all cast their eyes over in astonishment.

  They suddenly discovered that this Mr. Mountain has such a long breath.

  Generally speaking, the longer the breath, the stronger the physical function. Could it be that Mr. Mountain is also a practicing family?

   "My little brother is getting better and better, come on, let's fight!"

  Li Tieniu shook his head, he couldn't bear the thought of competing with Liu Qingshan now, it was purely looking for abuse, it would be better to practice with these bodyguards, looking for abuse.

  These bodyguards were also secretly startled: Mr. Tieniu is already powerful enough, I can't imagine how far Mr. Mountain will reach?

  The days passed in the voyage day by day, and this day finally reached the Black Sea Strait.

  This narrow and long strait is more than 300 kilometers long, together with the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, it is definitely impossible to go around.

  The country that controls this strait is the crossroads of the Eurasian continent, and its strategic position is extremely important. It has also established a powerful Ottoman Empire in history.

   Liu Qingshan is most worried about this country, because Turkey and the United States have always maintained a strategic partnership and are relatively close to Europe, which is very difficult to deal with.

  Of course, now when he crosses the strait on a luxury cruise ship, it is naturally unimpeded, and he is afraid that there will be trouble when he brings the aircraft carrier back.

  The cruise ship finally entered the Black Sea, and then went all the way north, and arrived at the Nikolayev Shipyard in Xiaowu. Tens of kilometers away, there is the urban area of ​​Nikolayev, which is an important port town here.

  However, this place still belongs to the Soviet Union in name, because Xiaowu has not yet become independent.

  When the luxury cruise ship sailed towards the port, it immediately attracted the attention of the other party. There was no way, the cruise ship was too cool.

  After the two parties communicated by radio, the port immediately dispatched a guiding ship to lead the cruise ship into the port.

   Even a large number of spectators gathered on the shore, looking at the luxury cruise ship eagerly.

  Then they saw a group of people getting off the cruise ship, some of them wearing turbans. This is not surprising, because looking at the flag on the cruise ship, they knew that they were oil tycoons.

   There are also some people with slightly darker skin who also wear headscarves.

   What is more strange is that the person surrounded in the middle turned out to be a yellow man. Could it be that the person who came was not an oil tycoon from the Middle East?

  Liu Qingshan was wearing a neat Chinese stand-up collar, exuding a heroic and handsome appearance.

   Coupled with the luxury cruise ship as the background, it really reveals an aura of dominance.

  The situation he faced this time was quite different from before, so Liu Qingshan also changed from his usual low profile.

  The crowd watching the excitement on the bank consciously made way for a passage, and these morons couldn't help feeling a sense of shame in their hearts.

  The corners of Liu Qingshan's mouth turned up slightly, he snapped his fingers, and said in Russian:

   "Everyone present will be given one hundred dollars and buy a bottle of Watergar, which is my meeting gift!"

  The scene was silent at first, and then burst into cheers: "Ulla, Ulla!"

  Chen Dongfang, who was following Liu Qingshan, couldn't help but twitched twice: There were nearly a hundred people at the scene, and 10,000 US dollars were thrown out.

  However, he still waved his hand and asked those veterans to give money to faithfully fulfill Liu Qingshan's orders.

  Chen Dongfang was also clear in his heart: Liu Qingshan acted like this for others to see. I just have money, and selling an aircraft carrier is just for fun.

  There was a lot of hustle and bustle at the scene, and Mao Zi, who received the money, did not leave, but asked curiously.

   Soon they also figured out that the person who came was really an oil tycoon, but he just came from a strange place called Liland.

  The crowd dispersed when the port guards arrived, but the story of an oil tycoon quickly spread.

  The Nikolayev Shipyard belongs to the military. Although the current situation is turbulent, there are still escorts.

  A captain looked at Liu Qingshan's style, and didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly stepped forward to salute: "Sir, what can I do for you?"

  This kind of problem, of course, does not need Liu Qingshan to come forward, Chen Dongfang went up to deal with it:

   "We are from Rainbow City, Lilan. We discovered a huge oil field there, so we want to buy two frigates to strengthen maritime security."

  The captain felt that he understood a little bit. It was nothing more than a rich man who wanted to show off.

   This kind of fat sheep is of course the most popular, and it is the most luscious to slaughter.

   And now they are almost unable to open the pot in the country, and they can't wait for someone to buy arms.

  The captain didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly led the way, leading Liu Qingshan and his party to the base camp of the guards.

  A lot of people gathered along the way. They heard the news and wanted to come to collect the money. Fortunately, they were escorted by the guards, so there was no trouble.

   After entering the barracks, Liu Qingshan waved his hand again, and the soldiers just now also got one hundred yuan each.

  The captain even got a reward of 1,000 yuan. He was so happy that he wanted to take off his military uniform and do it under Liu Qingshan.

  The captain called to report to his superiors. After a short while, several military jeeps drove out of the shipyard and drove into the barracks.

   Among them, there is Liu Qingshan's old friend Sergey.

   It has been a month since Sergey came here. He is one of the military representatives and has been waiting for Liu Qingshan's arrival.

  But waiting left and right did not come, Sergey even doubted whether Liu Qingshan had changed his mind.

  In that case, the one million dollars that belonged to him must have flown away.

   Just now, Sergey received news that an oil tycoon had come from the port, and it was a bold move to throw money away.

  Sergey originally thought it was Liu Qingshan and his party, but when he heard this local tyrant style, he immediately denied his thoughts.

  But I soon received a call saying that I wanted to purchase a warship.

  Among the representatives sent by the military this time, Sergey was only his deputy, and it was Lieutenant General Wawrinka who had the right to speak.

   Mosquitoes are small but also meat. Wawrinka was overjoyed when he heard that, so he led people here in a hurry.

   From a distance, I saw the luxury cruise ship moored in the port, and the smile on General Wawrinka's face became even brighter.

   Entering the barracks, seeing Liu Qingshan sitting there, Sergey almost dropped his eyeballs in shock.

  Liu Qingshan also pretended not to know Sergey. Their agreement was made in private and could not be brought to the table.

   "Distinguished guests, welcome to come, I am Wawrinka!"

  General Wawrinka greeted him enthusiastically, but he was actually a little dazed in his heart. He thought it was the local tyrants of the oil country, but how could he be a yellow man.

  Liu Qingshan got up from his seat in a calm manner, then shook hands with Wawrinka reservedly:

   "Hello, I'm Liu Qingshan from Rainbow City, Lilan. You can also call me by my English name, Mountain."

  Where is Liland? Wawrinka thought about it for a while, and finally determined that it was the Horn of Africa, the northernmost point of the African continent.

   Then I felt that the name Rainbow City sounded familiar.

  Thinking about it, I seem to have read the newspaper some time ago, and found a large oil field over there.

   There is also the owner of the oil field, known as the lucky son, because he not only owns a large oil field, but also won 500 million US dollars from the younger generation of several oil families in the United States.

  Wawrinka carefully looked at Liu Qingshan: That lucky son, could it be this young man?

   And Sergey also pretended to meet for the first time, stepped forward to shake hands with Liu Qingshan: "Mr. Mountain, welcome, I am Sergey."

   "Hello." Liu Qingshan took Sergey's hand with his fingertips, and then said with a smile: "Colonel Sergey, relax a bit, your expression is too serious."

  Sergey could only smile awkwardly, and he finally understood Liu Qingshan's intentions. It turned out that he had changed his identity, but this seemed good, and there was no pressure on their side at all.

  After taking his seat, Liu Qingshan explained his purpose of coming, saying that he wanted to purchase two small warships to defend his own oil fields.

   As for the price, of course it is negotiable.

  Wawrinka really believed it, and immediately agreed with Liu Qingshan to visit the shipyard together tomorrow, where there are ready-made frigates.

   When a distinguished guest like Liu Qingshan came, of course he couldn’t stay at the barracks, so he invited him to the Nikolayev Shipyard, where there is a guest house.

   Together with several persons in charge of the shipyard, they accompanied Liu Qingshan, the new oil tycoon, to dinner.

   Dinner was of course a happy ending. Liu Qingshan naturally went back to the cruise ship to spend the night. After ten o'clock in the evening, he finally waited for Sergey's arrival.

   "Liu, I almost don't recognize you." Sergey's first words were somewhat complaining.

   "It's all for others to see, maybe you can spend a small amount of money to solve the big trouble." Liu Qingshan hugged Sergey again, and then someone brought coffee.

  Sergey looked at the golden vessel in front of him, and was in a daze for a while.

   "I have joined the nationality of Lilan now, and this status is more suitable. There is nothing wrong with you, right?" Liu Qingshan asked.

  Sergey nodded: "Everything is normal. Wawrinka is the person in charge of this negotiation. He doesn't know the inside story. As for the shipyard, he has no right to speak at all."

   It is good to have an undercover agent, Liu Qingshan quickly figured out the other party's situation.

  But Sergey was still a little worried: "Liu, although according to our original agreement, we just sell it, but as a friend, I still want to remind you that it is not easy to get this big guy back."

  Liu Qingshan nodded, this is for sure, in his heart, he has already prepared for the worst.

  The two chatted for a while, Sergei left quietly, and Liu Qingshan thought for a long time in the bedroom, and went to bed very late.

   On the second day, Liu Qingshan led Chen Dongfang, Li Tie and others, accompanied by Wawrinka and his party, into the working area of ​​the shipyard.

  The size of this place is scary, covering an area of ​​two million square meters. It is the only aircraft carrier assembly plant in the Soviet Union.

   In addition, it can also produce various military warships and civilian cargo ships, representing the glory of the Soviet shipbuilding industry.

  It's a pity that after it belonged to Xiaowu, just like this country, it declined rapidly and even went bankrupt in the end.

  The heavy industry of the Soviet Union is still very powerful. Even if Liu Qingshan is a layman, he can feel their strength when he visits the warships.

  Walking, Liu Qingshan suddenly pointed to the dock in front and asked: "What is that big guy in the sea?"

   "That is our aircraft carrier under construction." Wawrinka responded casually, and this is not a military secret that needs to be kept secret.

   "Can you go over and visit this big guy?" Liu Qingshan immediately showed great interest.

  Wawrinka and the people in the shipyard whispered a few words, then nodded: "Of course, but this aircraft carrier is still under construction. If you don't go up, you can watch it from the side."

  The closer you get to the aircraft carrier, the more majestic and huge you feel it. The hundreds of meters long hull is like a mobile fortress in the sea.

   "This big guy is good, more powerful than a luxury yacht!" Liu Qingshan praised, and then asked abruptly: "General Wawrinka, are you going to sell this big guy?"

   "Mr. Mountain, you, you want to buy an aircraft carrier?" Wawrinka didn't know the inside story, so he was shocked.

  Liu Qingshan nodded: "Take this big guy to play on the sea, that's cool enough, I can invite friends to have a motorcycle race on it, hahaha."

  Wawrinka is not only messy in the sea breeze: the world of the rich is really incomprehensible.

   It was a person in charge of the shipyard who was very dissatisfied: "Mr. Mountain, this is an aircraft carrier that has been put into battle, not a toy. Please respect it?"

  Liu Qingshan waved his hand indifferently: "In this world, everything is valuable, please make a price, this big guy, I want it!"

  (end of this chapter)

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