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Chapter 958: finally got it

  Chapter 958 finally arrived

   How can a country’s most important weapon like an aircraft carrier be sold casually?

  The person in charge of the shipyard, Makarov, was an engineer and was quite reasonable, so he was very disgusted with Liu Qingshan's style of local tyrant.

  Wawrinka saw the person in charge of the shipyard, his face turned pale with anger, and he quickly motioned to others to pull this guy away.

  When the country is spending money, how can such a big customer be offended?

   Then Wawrinka faced Liu Qingshan with a full face of smiles: "Mr. Mountain, this is a nuclear-powered submarine, and it hasn't been built yet, so it can't be sold yet. Please forgive me."

   "Actually, the battleships I saw just now are more suitable for you."

  Wawrinka also added some information overnight last night, and learned more about Liu Qingshan's situation.

   Liu Qingshan seemed to be annoyed by the person in charge of the shipyard just now, and the local tyrant lost his temper:

   "No, I think my territory will be safer with such a big guy as a deterrent. If I can't bring this big guy back, then there is no need to purchase other warships."

   Wawrinka only wanted to scold his mother, but his mind was still clever, so he immediately explained to Liu Qingshan:

   "Mr. Mountain, the cost of an aircraft carrier is too high, at least several billion dollars, and the price/performance ratio is too low."

  Liu Qingshan didn't pay for it: "Are you suspecting that I can't afford the money?"

   Seeing that the two sides were frozen there, Sergey knew it was time to play by himself, so he leaned over to Wawrinka:

   "General, let's report this matter and let the higher-ups decide."

  Wawrinka thought about it, and thought it made sense. If the higher-ups were out of their minds and really agreed to sell the aircraft carrier, the credit would be his.

  So he greeted Liu Qingshan and went back to make a phone call.

  Sergey winked at Liu Qingshan covertly: Everything is going according to plan.

  Wawrinka went there for a long time, and when he came back, the expression on his face was wonderful, with a bit of excitement and a bit of disbelief.

  Liu Qingshan knowingly asked: "General, is there any result?"

  Wawrinka nodded slightly: "Of course a big guy like an aircraft carrier will not be sold easily, but I told the actual situation on Mr. Mountain's side, and the higher-ups finally let go."

   This guy obviously wanted to buy it from Liu Qingshan. Liu Qingshan knew it well, but he still thanked him with a smile.

  Wawrinka continued: "However, there are some requirements above. The weapons and equipment on the ship must be removed, and the power system of this aircraft carrier must also be removed."

  This aircraft carrier is driven by nuclear power, and of course it will not flow out.

  These conditions were actually discussed by Liu Qingshan and Sergey at the beginning.

  But Liu Qingshan still seemed very dissatisfied: "There is no power system, how can I drive back, can you replace it with a normal power system?"

  Wawrinka blinked: "Sir, whether it is disassembly or installation, financial support is needed."

   "Money is not a problem." Liu Qingshan waved his hand impatiently, "Can you just say a price?"

  Wawrinka knew that it was his turn to slaughter the fat sheep, so he smiled and said:

   "Since Mr. Mountain is sincere, we will definitely give you the most favorable price. Add all the expenses together, and you only need to pay one billion US dollars."

   This is the lion's mouth. When Liu Qingshan and Sergey discussed it, it was not the price.

  If the facilities on the aircraft carrier are complete, there are weapon systems and nuclear power drive systems, then let alone one billion, it is worth several times.

   Obviously, this is Wawrinka asking for a lot of money.

  It's a pity that he made a wrong calculation. Liu Qingshan already knew the bottom line, so naturally he would not be taken advantage of.

  But on the surface, Liu Qingshan still put on a look of indifference: "Isn't it just a billion dollars, an oil well, I..."

  Seeing that he was about to pat his chest and agree, Wawrinka beamed with joy: This time he has made a great contribution, and it is estimated that rewards will definitely be indispensable!

   "Sir, I think the price is open to discussion." Chen Dongfang said suddenly, interrupting Liu Qingshan's words.

  He also knew the base price, so naturally he had to cooperate with Liu Qingshan in acting in time.

   "It's really troublesome." Liu Qingshan glared at Chen Dongfang: "Then I'll leave it to you. I'll go to the aircraft carrier for a walk first."

  He acted like a child who got a new toy, looking eager.

   "Mr. Mountain, I will accompany you." Sergey did not want to participate in the bargaining process, because he also knew that the price had already been set.

  Although the aircraft carrier was not allowed to visit just now, the situation is different now, so Wawrinka didn't stop him anymore, and asked several engineers to accompany him to explain.

  Wearing the stairs of the dock, Liu Qingshan finally stepped onto the deck of the aircraft carrier, feeling the metallic texture brought by the special steel plate under his feet, Liu Qingshan's heart suddenly became excited.

  This is the first time he has the opportunity to board an aircraft carrier. The feeling of standing on it and looking at the stars and the sea is simply intoxicating.

  Majestic and heroic, with feather fans and scarves, masts and sculls are wiped out in ashes!

  Only when you board the flight deck of an aircraft carrier can you feel its majesty and size even more.

   There is also a towering command tower, which has also been built. The main part of this aircraft carrier has basically been completed.

   Only the hangars on the lower floors and the ammunition warehouses for carrier-based aircraft, as well as the accommodation warehouses for soldiers, food factories and offices for office staff, etc., have not yet been completed.

  But these are actually auxiliary facilities.

  Liu Qingshan just took a quick tour and spent more than two hours. There are still many places that he hasn't visited yet.

  The interior of the aircraft carrier alone is divided into ten layers, which is certainly enough to see.

  When he returned to the shore contentedly, the bargaining between Chen Dongfang and Wawrinka was coming to an end.

  Chen Dongfang had a calm expression on his face, while Wawrinka's expression was obviously not very good.

  The price given by the other party just happened to be stuck on the bottom line given above, which meant that Wawrinka had no room to display it at all.

  He wondered: You didn't tap into my phone just now, did you?

   "I'm really satisfied with this aircraft carrier. Why, haven't you guys finished talking yet?" After Liu Qingshan came back, he re-led the negotiation.

  Chen Dongfang suppressed a smile in his heart: "It's almost there. The final price I gave was 180 million. General Wawrinka insisted on insisting on 200 million."

  The price negotiated with Sergey was 200 million yuan. Obviously, Chen Dongfang wanted to take the opportunity to lower the price to see if he could make some money.

  Of course Liu Qingshan understood Chen Dongfang's intention, so he waved his hand impatiently:

   "Is it necessary to waste time with 10 to 20 million? I made a bet with the young people from the oil family in the United States. I won 500 million casually, and spent 200 million to buy a big guy. There is still a lot left."

  The tone is indeed quite loud, but others can only listen to it, because it is a fact, and it has been published in the newspapers, and it is definitely not Liu Qingshan's random talk.

  Chen Dongfang also went down the donkey: "General Wawrinka, then let's add another 10 million, this is our bottom line."

  Wawrinka is also suffering from a headache. The lowest price given above is 200 million, and now it is 19 million. He can't pay the errand.

   "Sir, I need to communicate again." Wawrinka couldn't decide by himself, so he had to run to make a phone call again.

   This time, he also paid special attention to the fact that no one else was eavesdropping in the office where he made the call.

   After getting the reply from the higher-ups, Wawrinka came back with a resentful face, and the higher-ups actually backed down again and agreed to the price.

  This can also be seen to what extent the country is short of money now.

  Liu Qingshan didn't expect that Chen Dongfang actually said another 10 million yuan. It seems that he was lucky. With this 10 million yuan, it is estimated that it is almost enough to transport the aircraft carrier back.

   After all, after the power system is removed, the aircraft carrier can only be brought back by the tugboat in front.

   The costs and expenses along the way are also a huge expense.

  In a good mood, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, it is better to sign the agreement quickly.

  The two parties returned to an office in the shipyard and began to draw up an agreement.

  This process is also time-consuming. I had a simple lunch at the shipyard at noon, and continued to negotiate in the afternoon. It was not until the evening that all the details were implemented.

   All that is left is for both parties to sign, and then pay the deposit, and wait until the disassembly and assembly of the aircraft carrier is completed, and then pay the money.

  At this moment, Liu Qingshan was also extremely excited: the aircraft carrier finally arrived.

  It is a full ten years earlier than before, and being able to develop ten years earlier is a big step forward.

  Although he was extremely restless, he still had an indifferent smile on his face. He took the pen from the other party and prepared to sign the agreement.

   "Wait a minute!"

  The door of the meeting room was pushed open suddenly, and a group of people rushed in, led by Makarov, the leader of the shipyard just now.

  Behind him, there were several people in suits, who should be officials from Nikolayev City.

  Wawrinka stood up, and asked with a serious face: "Comrade Makarov, this is a decision made by the superiors. If you have any opinions, you can report them to the superiors. Please don't disturb our transaction!"

   "We will not let you succeed. This aircraft carrier is the hard work of everyone in our shipyard. You are not allowed to sell it cheap!"

   Makarov's attitude was also very tough, and his finger almost poked Wawrinka's big nose.

  He's technical, with the stubbornness of an intellectual.

  Wawrinka felt his authority being challenged, and slapped the gun on his waist: "Comrade Constantine, I order you now, get out of here immediately!"

   "Wawrinka, what a majesty!"

  Another steady voice sounded outside the door, and then, a soldier in military uniform walked in with his head held high. Behind him, there were several officers, judging from the epaulettes, they were all senior generals.

  The officer headed by him was probably in his fifties, and his sideburns exposed under his military cap were already a little gray.

  His face is sharp and angular, and his eyes are as sharp as a saber. His gaze fell on Wawrinka, causing the latter to subconsciously close his legs and salute:

   "General Vasily!"

   "Comrade Wawrinka, please rest."

  The general's eyes turned to Liu Qingshan again, and his eyes became sharper, like a loaded machine gun, which might eject deadly bullets at any time.

  If it was someone else, he would have been trembling under this gaze.

   But Liu Qingshan was smiling, and looked at General Vasily quietly.

  His gaze was not aggressive, but as deep as the sea. Even if the opponent's shells hit him, it would still be muddled into the sea.

   The time the two sides looked at each other was actually only a few seconds.

  But the people in the room felt as if several hours had passed. Even as bystanders, they still felt tremendous pressure.

   "Young man, you are the one who wants to buy an aircraft carrier, and those idiots above actually agreed?" Vasili suddenly said to Liu Qingshan.

  Liu Qingshan nodded lightly: "Yes, General, I am from Liland, where I found a large oil field, so I need force to defend my property."

"I know you."

  General Vasily raised his palm, "I don't care what purpose you bought the aircraft carrier for. I will not allow those idiots in Moscow to sell the aircraft carrier to you."

  Liu Qingshan still had a smile on his face, but his heart skipped a beat. What he was most worried about was the current situation.

  This General Vasily obviously belongs to Xiaowu's side.

  Currently, Xiaowu is clamoring to separate the family. Of course, such a valuable object like an aircraft carrier will not be taken away by someone.

  He had just had a brief exchange with Sergey with his eyes, and Sergey also gave him a helpless look.

   Obviously, this General Vasily is a hardliner. From the reaction of that General Wawrinka, it can be inferred that he also cannot provoke General Vasily.

   It fell short!

   Deep disappointment welled up in Liu Qingshan's heart: Do we have to wait until the aircraft carrier rusts in the shipyard, and finally buy an empty shell to go back?

   For this matter, Liu Qingshan tried his best to plan, but he still failed to achieve his wish. It seems that the inertia of history is really terrible, and it is even more difficult to make changes.

   "Comrade Wawrinka, you can go back and report back."

  General Vasily gave an order casually, and the colleague who was only one rank lower than him nodded repeatedly, then packed his things, and led them away in a desperate manner.

  Even Sergey can only follow along.

   Seeing this scene, Liu Qingshan's heart suddenly moved, and he thought of another possibility.

  So when Chen Dongfang motioned for him to leave together, Liu Qingshan didn't take a step, but sat back slowly.

   "Mr. Mountain, you are not welcome here." Makarov was really not polite at all.

  Liu Qingshan ignored him, but turned to Vasily: "General, I think we can continue the negotiation."

   Makarov snorted in his nostrils: "What are you talking about, you should give up, don't even think about transporting our aircraft carrier away!"

  At this time, General Vasily suddenly said: "Makarov, my old friend, you can go down and rest now."

What's the meaning?

   Makarov was a little dazed, and then he was asked to leave the room with two soldiers holding his arms.

   Waiting outside the door, he also seemed to react, and began to curse loudly: "Vassily, you..."

  But the voice soon disappeared, and General Vasily showed a kind smile on his face:

   "Mr. Mountain, now we can continue to discuss the sale of the aircraft carrier."

  (end of this chapter)

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