Ling Weifeng eyes Youyuan, Du with a small mouth can not be happy, "sleep, jet lag."

Xi Prince Gu Fong touched her head with indulgence, "do you need to chat with me?"

"No, go to sleep."

She was jet lagged and couldn't sleep, but he couldn't. She wasn't so selfish. If she couldn't sleep, she had to take a person to be buried with her.

Xi's Prince Gu leaned against the head of the bed and looked at the man who was sulking with the pestle. His mood was inexplicably good.

It should be said that he has been in a good mood ever since he knew she was going back home.

The Xihuang family is the first power in China. It has a deep-rooted influence in China and controls more than half of China's economic lifeline, especially in the capital city of China.

He was the only successor of Xihuang family, with noble status. People around him had too much thought about him, so he had few friends.

Especially when he was a child, Ling Weifeng was his only friend, and they had a good relationship.

When she was a child, she was lovely and delicate. She was carved with powder and jade. She was a cute crystal bun, which made people ache to the bone.

Wish to hold the whole world, only for her a smile like flowers.

He loves her very much. He really hurts. He can connive at her any unreasonable behavior.

Even he did not know, at this time his eyes, has completely lost the past in the cold and crazy.

He is much taller than her, even if sitting, height advantage is also obvious, from his angle, just can see her perfect side face.

Her facial lines are very soft, unlike his clear outline, but there is a kind of classical beauty.

Suddenly, the corner of his mouth sank, because he saw that her scallop ear had a hole in it.

Looking down, you can see her thin shoulders, straight waist, very thin.

The silk pajamas are soft and close to her shoulders, where you can see the obvious butterfly bones on her shoulders.

Line of sight forward, delicate clavicle in the open pajamas, looming, damn, more sexy than women.

Feeling the burning sight behind him, Ling Weifeng looks back and bumps into the eyes that Xi Prince Gu can't take back in time.

The heart slightly trembles, some flustered.

She frowned. "What are you looking at?"

"How do you pierce your ears?"

"Look good." Ling Weifeng touched his earlobe, "do you think it's cool?"

“……” Xi Prince Gu, "who told you that it would be cool for a man to have a hole in his ear."

"Non mainstream, don't you think it's cool."

Gu Shi, the son of Xi, could not agree with her, "go to sleep, and go to college tomorrow."

"Can't sleep."

"Count the sheep."

Ling Weifeng

Although there is no drowsiness, but she still obediently drill into the quilt, she is very tired, mental state is not very good, when closed eyes.

She thought she would lose sleep all night, but finally she fell asleep, and it was the kind of sleep.

So that the next day when he woke up, the whole person was pickpocketed to Xi Prince Gu.

When she opened her eyes, she saw an enlarged version of her pretty face close at hand. Her head had not yet come to her senses, and she blinked her peach blossom eyes vaguely.

I blink, I blink, I blink.

She was not in a state of stupefied, eyes slowly down, and saw her hands and feet were pulled to the man's body, like a koala full of bear embrace.

Stupefied for several seconds, consciousness slowly returned. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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