Xi Prince Gu looked at her in a funny way. How could she be so cute.

Last night, he stayed away from him like a plague. He was so stiff that he got up in the morning and his limbs were all wrapped around him.

Ling Weifeng looked at the smile of Xi Prince Gu Xie Mei, and suddenly hit a spirit.


A carp jumped up from the bed, Ling Weifeng made a very hateful action, she directly kicked the xihuangzi Gu in the past.


even if the room is covered with thick carpets, more than 100 kilograms of people do not land on the floor. The sound is still loud.

The poor young master of Xihuang was hit with nosebleed before going to bed and was kicked out of bed when he woke up. He deeply felt that living with Ling Weifeng was self abuse!

Gu, the prince of Xi, stood up fiercely. The temperature around him suddenly dropped to freezing point. It was as chilly as the twelfth month, and the cold wind was piercing to the bone.

"Ling Weifeng!" Word by word, almost out of the teeth.

"He took a breath of cold air, and then he took a breath.

Smiling with flattery, he hugged the hand of emperor Gu of Xi and shook it. If she had a tail, she would have been able to shake it to heaven.

"I am wrong, I am guilty, I repent, I make atonement, young master, you have a lot of adults, don't dispute with villains."

Ling Weifeng side of the ground to flatter, good words do not like money to send, at the same time aimed at the direction of escape, if the situation is not right, quickly slip!

Xi's Prince Gu had a face frozen for thousands of miles, but the air-conditioning was slowly melted by the people who were lingering on him.

Habits are really terrible, when you habitually spoil a person, even if she is so unruly and willful, even if she pokes a hole in the sky, you can't really be angry with her.

It's just that I forgive her like this. It's really disgusting.

He is the eldest young master of the royal family. He is the most invincible young man in China. Who dares to be disrespectful to him if his status is placed there.

Who can see that he is not fawning and flattering, his cold eye is enough to make the whole capital wind howl.

Being kicked out of bed is absolutely the first time in the world!

What's more, this is his bed!!!

He had a cold face and squinted at her. "Is that all you know?"

In addition to dogleg flattery, selling cute dress pitiful, she will what, unfortunately urge is he eat her this move.

Xi Prince Gu spitted on himself in his heart. He wanted to bluff her, but he couldn't get angry when he saw her innocent and innocent appearance.

Ling Weifeng smiles like a husky, wagging his tail and begging for mercy. He doesn't speak. He just blinks at him with a pair of peach blossom eyes.

Just wake up, sleepy eyes, blurred eyes as if covered with a layer of water mist, looks particularly lovable.

Try to express your apologies through your eyes. Calm down and calm down.

Of course, she's good at treating the disease in front of her.

Seeing that the emperor Gu of Xi didn't seem to let her off, Ling Weifeng murmured and shook his hand in a coquettish way. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I'm used to sleeping and holding a bear. But this morning, I found that the bear has become a human being. Of course, I'm afraid of it

I kicked you out of bed. I'm a little stronger. Young master Xihuang is really sorry.

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