Hellsing: I Reincarnated As Seras Victoria
Chapter 15 - 15 - Interlude
After they land at Hellsing, Seras sees the time and immediately asks Walter something.
"Hey, Walter?"
"What is it Seras?"
"Do I get paid or anything? I'm bored sitting in the basement every night and I want to go out. Is this possible?"
"That is a good question. You see according to the records, you're dead. So we can't give you a normal paycheck. We pay you in lodging, food, and protection."
"Oh." Seras says in disappointment.
"Not that there isn't anyway we can't give you money to do something with. You are still only teenager, I can see why you're so bored with doing nothing all night." Walter says in understanding.
"Then!?" She excitingly asks.
"Let me ask sir Integra, she needs to allow it." Walter says as he walks away.
"Ok!" She skips away happily.
After a couple hours, Walter is holding a tray that has teas and snacks on it and knocks Integra's office doors before letting himself in.
He sets the tray down and serves his master the expensive tea he brewed himself.
"Sir Integra, are you sure you don't want to sleep? You have been up since yesterday morning and its already Noon. You should rest yourself." Walter says in a worried tone.
"Don't worry Walter, thanks to your tea, I feel like I can go on for another 2 days."
"My tea may be good, but it's no replacement for sleep! Please goto bed as soon as you can."
"Ok Walter, I'm almost finished anyway. I feel like a vampire myself sometimes, going to bed during the day and staying up all night." She chuckles as she signs another paper.
"Ah. Actually speaking of vampire, Seras asked me if she can get some cash to go out tonight and play."
"Play? As in drink blood from humans?" Integra asks Coldly.
"Of course not sir, she just wants to go shopping and maybe hang out somewhere. She is after all only 19, a teenager." Walter waves his hands in front of him in denial.
"Shopping and hang out? Who is she hanging out with?"
"I don't know sir, it could be Alucard."
After a few seconds they both laugh like its a complete joke.
"I'll allow it, after all, it is our fault for cutting her old life short." Integra answers.
"Ok, I'll tell her tomorrow, sir. Is there anything else you'd like me to do before you go to sleep?"
"No, you are dismissed Walter."
"Good night, ma'am." Walter bows before leaving.
That night at around 7 PM Seras gets up as Walter is shaking her awake.
"Seras? Get up, sir Integra has allowed you to leave and she gave you some money to have fun with."
"Really!? Thank you Walter!" She hugs him.
"Owowowowww! That hurts Seras."
"I'm sorry, I am just so happy! I'm going to change!"
As Seras leaves, Walter turns to Alucard and begins to speak.
"Hehe, she looks happy. I wonder who she is bringing with her?"
"Who else Walter?" Alucard answers.
"Wait....so it really is you?"
"Of course, who else would it be? The soldiers who hate her? Her boss who is too busy to even leave? The butler who is always next to her boss? Who else is left but me, the vampire with too much time on his hands?"
"Really? What are you even going to be doing?"
"I don't know, the Police girl said it would be fun though."
"Isn't your definition of fun, bloody massacres?"
"Indeed, which is why I'm so intrigued on how tonight is going to go."
"I think she just wants to spend the night as a human, Alucard."
"We shall see, Walter."
After a few minutes Seras comes back wearing civilian clothes. It is a red tank top, with a loose black shirt on top. She is also wearing black jeans and red converse to match her tank top. There are no accessories on her, not even makeup. Not that she needs any, she is a beautiful female with an hourglass body.
"*Whistle* looking sharp Police girl!" Alucard says.
"You think so? What are you going to wear master?" Seras replies with a blush.
"The usual."
"What?" Seras' jaw drops.
"Hahaha, I'm only joking Police girl. I'm wearing this." He say she as he starts transforming.
His clothes start morphing into a semi solid shape and it starts moving around his body slowly. As it starts becoming clearer again, he ends up in the same attire as he did on the Brazil trip.his hair is the only difference as it is a lot shorter.
"What should I call you? Mr. Brennon?" Seras jokes with him.
"You'll see in a few weeks." Seras mysteriously replies.
After they leave the grounds, a taxi is waiting for them. As they get in, Seras tells the driver to goto the movie theatre.
"We're going to see a movie, Police girl?" He says with a disappointed tone.
"As a start, yes! You'll see when we get there, I'm sure you'll like it!"
After a half hour, they arrive and Alucard is shocked to see one of the posters at the theatre.
<The rise of Dracula! In theatres now!> the poster has a very ugly looking vampire man with wings and the typical old style suit.
"Pfft! Hahahahahaha! Funny! right? Would you like to see it, I hear it is very good."she laughs hysterically while looking at his expression.
"What!? Who dares to make such drivel!? I'll slaughter them!" Alucard yells at the top of his voice which shakes the surroundings.
"Calm down! It's just a movie, nobody believes any of it anyway. I just wanted to see your face before we goto the real place. Kukukuku." She says and then chuckles again.
"Damn it! It still pisses me off, just show me where the real thing is, Police girl!"
"Ok, ok! Don't get your pȧntɨės in a twist, master! The real place is across the street, I just wanted to have some fun." She says as se points to a bar that looks to be bȧrėly filled with people.
"What's in there?"
"That's a pub master. It is a place humans goto to drink alcohol and watch tv."
"Can't they just do that at home?"
"They can, but they have more fun doing it with others than by themselves. After all, drinking alone begets loneliness." She sighs as her master stares at her with anger.
"Is this not true master? You always seemed lonely by yourself." She asks innocently.
"Whatever! Why are we here?"
"We are here to wait for some people to show up and while we're waiting, I figured we could drink something together." She says with a blush.
After a couple hours later, both Seras and Alucard have had an impossible number of drinks and are everyone is looking at them with a weird look.
"Damn it Police girl, I'm tired of waiting! Just tell me why we're here." He says while glaring at the surrounding humans.
After everybody turns away and start conversing amongst themselves, Seras says the reason why they're there.
"You remember how I told you that Hellsing is going to get attacked on the 3rd of September, the night of the Round-Table Conference?"
"Well I was asking around a couple nights ago and those brothers who attack us are here right now ȧssembling their force."
"Really? They're doing this weeks ahead of time?"
"Yeah, they have to get their army of ghouls trained and ready to use a couple weeks from now."
"How slow. So why are we here?"
"I figured you would want to see them before they come and try to kill us. Well I mean you, they don't know about me yet." Seras says with a smile.
"Why would I want to see them? They'll die anyway."
"I don't know, it beats doing nothing all night, broading on your throne." She pauses and sets her head down on the table. "Plus I figured something fun might happen while waiting, but it seems that nothing will."
Just as she thinks that a person walks into the pub. He is wearing a dark blue suit with a bandana that has a gold eye looking upward. The man himself looks foreign as he has dark skin and piercings all over his face.
{Master, that is Jan Valentine, the younger brother of the Valentine Brothers.}
{He looks incredibly weak.}
{That is because he is. Even I can defeat him easily, his brother though is a different matter.}
{Oh? That sounds like a decent opponent, where is he at?}
{I'm guessing he isn't going to show up, the big brother is the one who plans things. Jan is more of a henchman who just enjoys death and torture.}
{He's leaving with a human, are we going to follow him?}
{nope! We have more important things to do, let's go.}
"Where are we going, Police girl?"
"Master? Have you ever heard about golf?" Seras turns around and smiles.
After about 4 hours, around 3 AM Alucard and Seras arrive back at the gates of the estate where a couple soldiers are guarding the compound.
"Hahahaha, did you have fun tonight master?"
"I don't know, but it did spark some interest in me to go out again sometime in the future."
"I'm just going to take that as a yes, if you didn't you wouldn't want to do it again, right?"
"True, by the way. That mini golf thing is difficult."
"Yeah, it was pretty funny seeing the faces of the people when you used your powers to cheat." Seras chuckles.
"Don't remind me of that, Police girl. You play that game way too well." Alucard grimaces at the major defeat.
"Hahaha, there is finally one thing I'm better than you at. I had a lot fun tonight master! Thank for coming with me!" She smiles in happiness as she remembers the night in her head.
While they're approaching the gate, one of the soldiers comes up and stops them.
"Hey you two, stop right there. This is private property and I'm going to have to ask you to leave before you get hurt." He says while holding his gun ready to shoot.
Both Seras and Alucard stop dead in their tracks and look at the soldier like he is a humongous idiot. As they're not moving away, the other soldier comes up and speaks.
"Listen to my coworker, these are real guns with real bullets, we don't want to hurt you. So bugger off!" He condescendingly says while leering at Seras.
After that, both of the vampires look at each other and grin creepily.
""Hahahahahahaha!"" They laugh in almost the same exact way at different pitches.
"What a great ending to the night, I'll take the right one. Police girl you can have the left one." Alucard says while smiling.
"Don't hurt him too much master! Sir Integra will get mad you know!" She says while walking to the guy who leered at her.
"What the hell? Fire some warning shots Mike, they'll leave with their tails between their legs." The soldier Seras is walking torward says as he pulls the trigger.
As the shots are coming closer, Seras waves her right arm and catches the bullets that the man fired. She then clenches her fist and drops the combined mass of bullets in her hand.
"What the fuċk!?" The man yells as he loses sight of Seras and feels a pain in his legs as he passes out.
"Seriously, passes out from me breaking his leg? What a weakling." She complains as she looks at her master who ripped the man's arm off and tossed it to the ground.
"I said don't hurt him too much! Sir Integra is going to yell at us now!" Seras berates him.
True to he words, by the time dawn arrives, Integra has already been yelling at them for 4 straight hours while they kneel on their legs.
"Hey, Walter?"
"What is it Seras?"
"Do I get paid or anything? I'm bored sitting in the basement every night and I want to go out. Is this possible?"
"That is a good question. You see according to the records, you're dead. So we can't give you a normal paycheck. We pay you in lodging, food, and protection."
"Oh." Seras says in disappointment.
"Not that there isn't anyway we can't give you money to do something with. You are still only teenager, I can see why you're so bored with doing nothing all night." Walter says in understanding.
"Then!?" She excitingly asks.
"Let me ask sir Integra, she needs to allow it." Walter says as he walks away.
"Ok!" She skips away happily.
After a couple hours, Walter is holding a tray that has teas and snacks on it and knocks Integra's office doors before letting himself in.
He sets the tray down and serves his master the expensive tea he brewed himself.
"Sir Integra, are you sure you don't want to sleep? You have been up since yesterday morning and its already Noon. You should rest yourself." Walter says in a worried tone.
"Don't worry Walter, thanks to your tea, I feel like I can go on for another 2 days."
"My tea may be good, but it's no replacement for sleep! Please goto bed as soon as you can."
"Ok Walter, I'm almost finished anyway. I feel like a vampire myself sometimes, going to bed during the day and staying up all night." She chuckles as she signs another paper.
"Ah. Actually speaking of vampire, Seras asked me if she can get some cash to go out tonight and play."
"Play? As in drink blood from humans?" Integra asks Coldly.
"Of course not sir, she just wants to go shopping and maybe hang out somewhere. She is after all only 19, a teenager." Walter waves his hands in front of him in denial.
"Shopping and hang out? Who is she hanging out with?"
"I don't know sir, it could be Alucard."
After a few seconds they both laugh like its a complete joke.
"I'll allow it, after all, it is our fault for cutting her old life short." Integra answers.
"Ok, I'll tell her tomorrow, sir. Is there anything else you'd like me to do before you go to sleep?"
"No, you are dismissed Walter."
"Good night, ma'am." Walter bows before leaving.
That night at around 7 PM Seras gets up as Walter is shaking her awake.
"Seras? Get up, sir Integra has allowed you to leave and she gave you some money to have fun with."
"Really!? Thank you Walter!" She hugs him.
"Owowowowww! That hurts Seras."
"I'm sorry, I am just so happy! I'm going to change!"
As Seras leaves, Walter turns to Alucard and begins to speak.
"Hehe, she looks happy. I wonder who she is bringing with her?"
"Who else Walter?" Alucard answers.
"Wait....so it really is you?"
"Of course, who else would it be? The soldiers who hate her? Her boss who is too busy to even leave? The butler who is always next to her boss? Who else is left but me, the vampire with too much time on his hands?"
"Really? What are you even going to be doing?"
"I don't know, the Police girl said it would be fun though."
"Isn't your definition of fun, bloody massacres?"
"Indeed, which is why I'm so intrigued on how tonight is going to go."
"I think she just wants to spend the night as a human, Alucard."
"We shall see, Walter."
After a few minutes Seras comes back wearing civilian clothes. It is a red tank top, with a loose black shirt on top. She is also wearing black jeans and red converse to match her tank top. There are no accessories on her, not even makeup. Not that she needs any, she is a beautiful female with an hourglass body.
"*Whistle* looking sharp Police girl!" Alucard says.
"You think so? What are you going to wear master?" Seras replies with a blush.
"The usual."
"What?" Seras' jaw drops.
"Hahaha, I'm only joking Police girl. I'm wearing this." He say she as he starts transforming.
His clothes start morphing into a semi solid shape and it starts moving around his body slowly. As it starts becoming clearer again, he ends up in the same attire as he did on the Brazil trip.his hair is the only difference as it is a lot shorter.
"What should I call you? Mr. Brennon?" Seras jokes with him.
"You'll see in a few weeks." Seras mysteriously replies.
After they leave the grounds, a taxi is waiting for them. As they get in, Seras tells the driver to goto the movie theatre.
"We're going to see a movie, Police girl?" He says with a disappointed tone.
"As a start, yes! You'll see when we get there, I'm sure you'll like it!"
After a half hour, they arrive and Alucard is shocked to see one of the posters at the theatre.
<The rise of Dracula! In theatres now!> the poster has a very ugly looking vampire man with wings and the typical old style suit.
"Pfft! Hahahahahaha! Funny! right? Would you like to see it, I hear it is very good."she laughs hysterically while looking at his expression.
"What!? Who dares to make such drivel!? I'll slaughter them!" Alucard yells at the top of his voice which shakes the surroundings.
"Calm down! It's just a movie, nobody believes any of it anyway. I just wanted to see your face before we goto the real place. Kukukuku." She says and then chuckles again.
"Damn it! It still pisses me off, just show me where the real thing is, Police girl!"
"Ok, ok! Don't get your pȧntɨės in a twist, master! The real place is across the street, I just wanted to have some fun." She says as se points to a bar that looks to be bȧrėly filled with people.
"What's in there?"
"That's a pub master. It is a place humans goto to drink alcohol and watch tv."
"Can't they just do that at home?"
"They can, but they have more fun doing it with others than by themselves. After all, drinking alone begets loneliness." She sighs as her master stares at her with anger.
"Is this not true master? You always seemed lonely by yourself." She asks innocently.
"Whatever! Why are we here?"
"We are here to wait for some people to show up and while we're waiting, I figured we could drink something together." She says with a blush.
After a couple hours later, both Seras and Alucard have had an impossible number of drinks and are everyone is looking at them with a weird look.
"Damn it Police girl, I'm tired of waiting! Just tell me why we're here." He says while glaring at the surrounding humans.
After everybody turns away and start conversing amongst themselves, Seras says the reason why they're there.
"You remember how I told you that Hellsing is going to get attacked on the 3rd of September, the night of the Round-Table Conference?"
"Well I was asking around a couple nights ago and those brothers who attack us are here right now ȧssembling their force."
"Really? They're doing this weeks ahead of time?"
"Yeah, they have to get their army of ghouls trained and ready to use a couple weeks from now."
"How slow. So why are we here?"
"I figured you would want to see them before they come and try to kill us. Well I mean you, they don't know about me yet." Seras says with a smile.
"Why would I want to see them? They'll die anyway."
"I don't know, it beats doing nothing all night, broading on your throne." She pauses and sets her head down on the table. "Plus I figured something fun might happen while waiting, but it seems that nothing will."
Just as she thinks that a person walks into the pub. He is wearing a dark blue suit with a bandana that has a gold eye looking upward. The man himself looks foreign as he has dark skin and piercings all over his face.
{Master, that is Jan Valentine, the younger brother of the Valentine Brothers.}
{He looks incredibly weak.}
{That is because he is. Even I can defeat him easily, his brother though is a different matter.}
{Oh? That sounds like a decent opponent, where is he at?}
{I'm guessing he isn't going to show up, the big brother is the one who plans things. Jan is more of a henchman who just enjoys death and torture.}
{He's leaving with a human, are we going to follow him?}
{nope! We have more important things to do, let's go.}
"Where are we going, Police girl?"
"Master? Have you ever heard about golf?" Seras turns around and smiles.
After about 4 hours, around 3 AM Alucard and Seras arrive back at the gates of the estate where a couple soldiers are guarding the compound.
"Hahahaha, did you have fun tonight master?"
"I don't know, but it did spark some interest in me to go out again sometime in the future."
"I'm just going to take that as a yes, if you didn't you wouldn't want to do it again, right?"
"True, by the way. That mini golf thing is difficult."
"Yeah, it was pretty funny seeing the faces of the people when you used your powers to cheat." Seras chuckles.
"Don't remind me of that, Police girl. You play that game way too well." Alucard grimaces at the major defeat.
"Hahaha, there is finally one thing I'm better than you at. I had a lot fun tonight master! Thank for coming with me!" She smiles in happiness as she remembers the night in her head.
While they're approaching the gate, one of the soldiers comes up and stops them.
"Hey you two, stop right there. This is private property and I'm going to have to ask you to leave before you get hurt." He says while holding his gun ready to shoot.
Both Seras and Alucard stop dead in their tracks and look at the soldier like he is a humongous idiot. As they're not moving away, the other soldier comes up and speaks.
"Listen to my coworker, these are real guns with real bullets, we don't want to hurt you. So bugger off!" He condescendingly says while leering at Seras.
After that, both of the vampires look at each other and grin creepily.
""Hahahahahahaha!"" They laugh in almost the same exact way at different pitches.
"What a great ending to the night, I'll take the right one. Police girl you can have the left one." Alucard says while smiling.
"Don't hurt him too much master! Sir Integra will get mad you know!" She says while walking to the guy who leered at her.
"What the hell? Fire some warning shots Mike, they'll leave with their tails between their legs." The soldier Seras is walking torward says as he pulls the trigger.
As the shots are coming closer, Seras waves her right arm and catches the bullets that the man fired. She then clenches her fist and drops the combined mass of bullets in her hand.
"What the fuċk!?" The man yells as he loses sight of Seras and feels a pain in his legs as he passes out.
"Seriously, passes out from me breaking his leg? What a weakling." She complains as she looks at her master who ripped the man's arm off and tossed it to the ground.
"I said don't hurt him too much! Sir Integra is going to yell at us now!" Seras berates him.
True to he words, by the time dawn arrives, Integra has already been yelling at them for 4 straight hours while they kneel on their legs.
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