Right after the priest leaves, Alucard walks up to Integra.

"So that's Father Anderson? It's been a while since I had my head cut off." Alucard chuckles evilly.

"A border skirmish violating the terms of our agreement. Attacking key members, and finally murdering said members." Integra's pauses as she exhales a bunch of smoke.

"Looks like the Vatican owes us one." She smirks right after.

"Haah...ha....Um, sir Integra?" Seras pants and then asks.

"What?" She frowns and asks not looking at her.

"Do you know if there is a shower in this place?" She asks awkwardly.

"Why on earth would you need a shower?" She asks angrily as she turns to Seras for the first time since coming here.

'What the hell?'

"Oh my god! Seras! Are you hurt, you look awful!" Integra asks worriedly while walking over to her.

"Am I hurt...Oh!" She asks as she looks down at her body caked in blood and gore.

"Hahaha, no I'm fine. Most of this isn't even my blood." She laughs and smiles before she answers Integra.

"Oh? Fine then. Yes, There is a bathroom with a shower. Go outside and find Walter. He can prepare a change of clothes and a towel for your shower." Integra says with relief in her voice.

"Yes sir!" She salutes before skipping outside childishly.

Haah!" Integra sighs again with tiredness in her tone.

"You look tired, master. Has anything happened?"

"Yes, I have an insane vampire who is bound to me. I have a girl who every time she goes on a mission, gets covered in blood. I have section XIII of the Vatican crawling up my ȧss. And finally there has been a round table conference convened at my mansion on the 3rd of September. Wouldn't you be tired as well?"

"Oh! I see. A round table conference? How fun!"

"What's so 'fun' about it!? A bunch of dried up old misogynists who constantly blame me for things I can't control! Old bastards!" Integra yells at the ceiling.


"Anyway, how did Seras do? She seemed.....well bloody." Integra asks.

"She performed magnificently! Almost perfectly." Alucard says happily.

"Really, then why did she look so injured and covered in blood? Did she not get hurt by the Ghouls?"

"No, about 95% of that blood came from the ghouls, the rest is from when Father Anderson pierced her with his blessed bayonets."

"She got stabbed by those things!? She ought to be in great pain, Alucard!"

"Yes she is master. She is in great pain but decided not to show it in front of you, she doesn't want you to think she is weak." Alucard says with mirth in his tone.

"That stupid girl!" Integra clenches her first and yells.

"Yes, but I like that kind of stupid. It means she's not weak and can handle herself."

"Fine, then I guess she can go on solo missions now?" Integra asks.

"She could before, but I guess you just wanted to be sure."

"Yeah, she didn't seem like she could. But I guess I was proven wrong."

As Integra and Alucard were talking, Seras just got outside to see that practically all of the Hellsing soldiers have arrived and are in a tense mood. She scowls and then starts walking torward where Walter is.

As she is walking all of the soldiers back away and some are wailing like little school girls.

'What the hell? These bunch of crybabies!' Seras thinks as she arrives right next to Walter.

"Walter, do you have a towel and a change of clothes? These ones are kind of dirty and I want to take a shower."

"Seras? My god! What happened!? are you injured?!" Walter yells in worry.

"Pfft! Hahahahahaha! That's funny, oh! Thank you for worrying Walter. I'm fine. Sir Integra said the same exact thing when she saw me." Seras laughs before continuing out of breath.

"She did? Well, that is pretty funny. Anyway, yes I do, would you like me to carry them as we walk to the shower? They might get too dirty if you carry them yourself." Walter asks and then says as he looks down at her hands.

"Oh? I guess so. I didn't think about that. Thank you Walter. You're such a good guy." Seras looks at her arms and then smiles to Walter.

Walter gets shocked and then a shadow hangs over his face before smiling like nothing happens and gets her the things she needs. Afterwards they start walking back to the manor as Integra and Alucard finish their conversation.

As Walter and Seras get inside, Integra and Alucard are walking pass them in the hallway. Integra has a scowl and Alucard has his usual grin. Integra ignores her and just keeps walking.

'She looks preoccupied with something. I wonder if the Round-Table Conference has been scheduled?' Seras thinks to herself as she keeps walking.

{Good instincts, police girl! Yes it has been scheduled for the 3rd of September. All your predictions are coming true.}

{I ȧssume this means that during it, the Hellsing forces will be decimated?}

{*Sigh* yes, they will. All of them except 8, who were sent out before the massacre began.}

{kukukuku, how fun.}

{yeah yeah. I'm sorry, I'm not in the mood when I'm covered in this filth. See you soon, Master}

As Seras is done communicating with her master, she and Walter arrive at the door of the bathroom. Walter walks in and places the clothes on the counter before walking out.



"What do you think makes somebody a bad person?"

"You're asking this now? How odd."

"Please answer."

"I think it's when they make a decision to do something heinous before they actually do it. If it's on accident, then they're not a bad person." Walter replies after a few seconds."


"Well, what do you think?"

"Hmmm....I think it's when the bad outweighs the good. If somebody does 10 good things and 5 bad things. They're still a good person."

"Even if that bad thing is so heinous, people don't speak of it?"

"I'm only talking if the good and the bad weigh equally. If somebody murders someone, they have to save 2 people from being murdered in order to be good again. Even if someone does the most heinous of things, if they have done more good than that one bad, I still think that they're a good person."

"Really? That's a very optimistic view of the world and people, Seras."

"Is it? I think of it as more of an equivalent exchange. In order to save someone, you need more resolve then when killing them. If somebody can do that, then they're a good person in my mind."

"Is that what you think of Alucard? He did save you from death." Walter chuckles for a second.

"Yes! My master is the nicest monster in the world!" Seras smiles beamingly.

"Kukuku, I think you're the only one that thinks so, Seras."

"As long as someone does, he'll never be a true monster." Seras says as she closes the door.

'Really, what a silly girl. Even after everything she has been through, she still sees the good in others.' Walter slightly shakes his headmaster before walking away.

'Poor Walter. I have to think of a way to save him from himself.' Seras thinks as she starts to take off her clothes.

'What universe has something that can help Walter? He wants to fight Alucard on equal footing before dying. Maybe I can get the horse and dog talismans from the Jackie Chan Adventures? Could those restore him to his prime?'

'Age could be considered damage to the body but could the talismans reverse that? I know the dog allowed Jackie's grandpa to move like when he was young.'

'Add to the fact that I now believe I'm not just in Hellsing ultimate but abridged and the anime as well.' She steps into the shower while sighing.

'Wl Walter still turn traitor? Damn it, does that mean Incognito will attack before the invasion of London? Great, more shit to happen in 3 months.'

"This is going to be one of the most intense 3 months in the history of all universes. Just my stupidity that I didn't clarify which Hellsing." She says as she turns on the shower.

'At least it will be very interesting, I get to meet Helena and it will be pretty funny seeing Integra goto jail.'

"OH MY GOD! I hope master does that song when invading London, that was the best thing I have ever seen." She exclaims remembering her favorite scene in all of Hellsing.

After about 10 minutes, Seras walks out clean, in her new uniform. As she walks outside, she notices that Alucard, Integra, and Walter are waiting for her by the helicopter.

"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry, I didn't think you would be waiting for me." Seras skips over and bows her head in apology.

"You thought I would leave my vampire hating soldiers to fly you home?"

"Well, yes. After all you're very busy, sir Integra." Seras says awkwardly.

"I'm never too busy to take you home, Seras." Integra says gently.

"How motherly, master."

"Shut up, you stupid vampire!" Integra yells before walking into the helicopter.

As she does this the other 3 start laughing a little as they get on the helicopter as well. Walter is seated next to Integra and the vampires sit next to each other.

"How was it master? Did you have loads of fun?"

"Yes. Yes I did Police girl. Thank you for letting me have such a great time."

"You're welcome!" She says very happily.

After that the helicopter takes off and the Hellsing soldiers are left to clean up and go home. John who is slightly trembling asks the man next to him who is vibrating intensely.

"Do you see what I mean, Stephen?" John asks slowly.

"When she came out of that building, she was covered in so much blood and organs! How on earth can she be smiling while she is like that!?" Stephen yells.

"That's cause she is insane, a mad monster who delights in killing and massacres." He replies.

"It's even scarier cause she is actually just a little girl!"

"Hm? What do you mean? Isn't she the same age as that man?" John asks confused.

"No! She only got turned into a vampire a month ago. So she is younger than us by quite a few years! She's insane!"

As the 2 soldiers are pissing themselves Integra is asking the 2 vampires what happened.

"What happened Alucard? How could you let Seras get injured during the job?"

"I get my head chopped off and you ask how the Police girl got injured? That hurts me deeply master!" Alucard says with a sad tone.

"Shut up! You get shot, sliced, and ripped apart on every mission, this is the first time she has been so injured! Explain yourself!" Integra yells.

"That's not totally true, right Police girl?" Alucard says mysteriously as he looks at Seras.

"What? What does he mean, Seras?" Integra asks Seras loudly.

"Well.....um....when Master turned me into a vampire, he actually shot me through the lungs first so he could shoot the vampire holding me hostage in Cheddar." Seras says with a whisper after much stalling.

"He shot you in the lungs!? With his normal gun?"


"Alucard!!" Integra yells really loudly, to the point that the pilot is disturbed and the helicopter jostles.

"It's fine, sir Integra! He asked me first and I let him! It wasn't his fault!" Seras defends her master.

"See? She's fine. Not the first time she has a hole through her body." Alucard slyly grins.

"Seras? Are you truly ok with what happened"

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine with it. After all I agreed after seeing him shoot ghouls, plus it healed a couple minutes after that!" She answers with her gentle smile.

"Fine. Anyway, how did the mission go? Did you kill the vampire before Anderson showed up?"

"Actually master, Anderson claims to have killed the vampire before we even arrived."

"What, then how come Seras was all bloodied up?"

"That's because there were ghouls even after the vampire was slain." Alucard smiles as he answers.

"That's impossible! Ghouls disappear after the vampire is slain. That is what it has always been for centuries!" Integra yells again.

"What if there is someone making fake vampires?" Seras asks interrupting them both.

"That's impossible!" Integra yells.

"It should be. But wouldn't it make perfect sense? There are way more vampire attacks happening then ever, plus almost all of them are not anything like true vampires. They can't regenerate, they aren't even that strong. They seem like fakes someone is pushing out of a factory." Seras says immediately after.

".....that's true." She gets surprised before agreeing with the blond vampire.

"I'm going to order an autopsy on one of our more complete vampire kills. If this turns out to be true, I won't have to get berated by those old rogues in the round table." Integra agrees after a few seconds of thought.

"Hahaha." Seras laughs awkwardly.

"Thank you Seras, you may have figured out the reason for these constant atrocities on our country. Most importantly though, you have given me a lifeline in getting back at those decrepit beings." Integra says graciously.

"Sir? Uh....if you say anymore about age like that, I think Walter is going to start crying." Seras says awkwardly as she turns to Walter who is shaking.

"Ah! Walter you know I don't mean you. They're just a bunch of people who try to blame me for everything that goes wrong. I'm sorry Walter." Integra hastily says as she see Walter almost tearing up.

"It's fine Integra, I am an English gentleman. Wisdom comes with age."

"Yeah, I have 6 centuries of wisdom with the body of a 28 year old." Alucard says jokingly.

Walter just crumbles down and looks out the door with a thinking look.

"Walter, don't do it. I know you feel bad, but trust me if you give me some time I can help." Seras States with complete seriousness as she grabs him.

'Please don't jump Walter.' She thinks to herself.

{do not be ridiculous police girl. Walter is not that weak.}

{sure, if this was ten years ago. Age makes people put their lives in perspective.}

{does this have to do with your past life? What happens to Walter Police Girl?}

{I'm not saying. Even if you hate me for it.}

Alucard looks at her for a few seconds before sighing Silently in defeat.

{I won't hate you Police Girl. It's just Walter is the only human I respect and I would hate for something to happen to him.}

{I know master. That's why I am not going to tell you.}

{I see.}

Their is silence for the rest of the trip both physically and telepathically.

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